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Preview Terry L. Wright, ACP, Receives A 2017 NALA Affiliate Award! LAPA Is Honored For Receiving ...

reporter www.lapa.org AUGUST 2017 VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 08 IN REVIEW... LAPA MEMBER NEWS Terry L. Wright, ACP, 1 LAPA Member News: Terry L. Wright, ACP, Receives A 2017 NALA Affiliate Award Receives A 2017 NALA 1 President’s Message: LAPA Is Honored For Receiving NALA’s Making A Difference Award Affiliate Award! 2 Book Review: Personal Finance For Professionals By Susan A. Berson Terry Wright, ACP, the Los Angeles Paralegal 3 Peanut Gallery I: Association’s current Vice President of How To Change Specialties: Membership & Policy and LAPA’s NALA Getting It Right The Second Time 4 Tips Of The Trade: Liaison, received a 2017 NALA Affiliate Award The Value Of Networking on Wednesday, July 19th at NALA’s Orlando, 4 LAPA MCLE Seminar Preview: Florida Conference & Expo due to her significant What Is Franchising? 6 NALA Network: contributions to the paralegal profession and LAPA. First, for the 3rd year in NALA’s 2017 Conference And Expo a row, Terry will again spearhead LAPA’s Annual October Conference, one of Recap LAPA’s largest annual events that has an average of 250 to 320 attendees. At 7 Job Search Advice: Steps To Success: A Starting this annual event, hundreds of attendees partake in LAPA’s October Conference Paralegal’s Take On Entering The that offers over 12 legal seminars, prominent keynote speakers, exhibitors, Field 8 LAPA October Conf. Preview: networking, and much, much more. Spearheading such an endeavor is not Exploring The Possibilities an easy task, and Terry always goes above and beyond of what is required to 9 Peanut Gallery II: effectively fulfill this annual tradition that is now in its 41st year. The Power Of A Data Map – A Tool For The Paralegal continued on page 3 11 Travel Log: A Mellow Birthday PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 12 LAPA’s Litigation Section Seminar Review: LAPA Is Honored For No Complaints Here! 14 LAPA Employment Law Section Seminar Review: Receiving NALA’s Making A What A Trial Lawyer Needs, Presented By Linda Miller Savitt Difference Award Also In This Issue: by Bobby T. Rimas – LAPA President Calendar of Events 3 LAPA Career Center Info. 18/26 On Wednesday, July 19, 2017, LAPA was honored for Working Advantage LAPA Member Benefit 27 receiving NALA’s Making a Difference Award at the National Association LAPA Member Benefit Health Insurance 27 LAPA Student Scholarship Ad 28 of Legal Assistants (“NALA”) Conference & Expo at the Wyndham Orlando LAPA Members Only Benefit Ad 29 Resort in Orlando, Florida. Both Terry Wright, ACP, LAPA’s Vice President Bet Tzedek Volunteers Flyers 30/31 LAPA South Bay Section Seminar 32 of Membership Policy, and I were at the NALA conference when LAPA was LAPA Immigration Law Section Seminar 33 LAPA San Fernando Valley Section Seminar 34 recognized for this award during the NALA Annual Membership Meeting. LAPA Technology Seminar 35 We were extremely excited that LAPA was recognized for its contributions New & Renewing Members 36 Board of Directors Listings 37 to the paralegal profession and community as LAPA continues to be making Sections, Committees & Other LAPA Info. 37 LAPA Member Benefit Dental Insurance 37 continued on page 16 BOOK REVIEW by Christine Langteau and figuring out where to tighten the purse strings. Personal Reviewing Susan Berson’s book Personal Finance for Professionals should be helpful in controlling and Finance For managing one’s money. “Effective money management is the tool that is going Professionals to help you find the means to achieve your dreams.” The first chapter focuses on financial goals which By Susan A. should track priorities and reality. One way to begin Berson financial planning is to create a net worth balance sheet and to determine assets and liabilities. Three rules to follow are: 1.) achieve and maintain a debt Many in America have free existence; 2.) establish an emergency fund and trouble managing their 3.) max out annual retirement contributions. Making money, especially saving for the years after their work distinctions between want and need are essential to life has ended. A couple of recent CNBC reports state achieve financial goals at any stage. that most older Americans have not saved nearly enough for retirement. They also regret that they have In chapter 2, The “B” Word: Everyone needs a not saved for emergencies and have accumulated too Budget. “The budget is the cornerstone of effective much credit card and student loan debt. Most people financial planning.” To create a workable budget, want to save but it’s often a matter of discipline begin with an analysis of current assets and liabilities. Next, identify wants and needs, and finally develop a LAPA’S OFFICE HOURS month-to month plan to live by. Without determining where your money goes each month it is not possible Direct your inquiries to LAPA’s Administrative Manager, Tracey to set up strategic financial goals. Berson advises Booth, at 866.626.LAPA: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. creating the budget based on all income received and then all weekly, monthly, and quarterly payments and expenses, including expenses as varied as health JOIN LAPA ON... & WWW.LAPA.ORG care provider co-payments, haircuts, taxes, daily Starbucks, occasional birthday gifts, utilities, theater LAPA REPORTER tickets, and charitable contributions. A wise move is The Reporter is published monthly by the Los Angeles Paralegal As- to assess financial goals, expenditures and savings at sociation. The news and views presented express the authors’ views and not necessarily those of LAPA. Publication of any article or adver- least once a year. tisement does not imply endorsement of the opinions, products or services offered. LAPA assumes no responsibility for verifying facts of- Student loan debt is discussed in chapter 3. Students fered by contributing authors or in reprinted articles. Readers should should aim to achieve the lowest interest rate with consider information contained in these articles as guidelines to be independently confirmed as to timeliness. the shortest time to pay off their loan debt. There ©2017 Los Angeles Paralegal Association. All rights reserved. are several options for dealing with student loan debt THE ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL DEADLINE IS THE 5TH OF such as consolidation for multiple loans, deferment THE MONTH PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. for circumstances such as military service, economic Articles and news items should be directed to LAPA at [email protected]. hardship and disability. Loan forbearance is another Inquiries about making a submission should be directed to LAPA at [email protected], or call Tracey Booth at (866) 626-LAPA. option to reduce or temporarily stop loan payments Inquiries about advertising placement, applications, membership but is granted at the discretion of the lender. materials and address changes should be directed to Tracey Booth, Alternative repayment plans might be offered by the LAPA Administrative Manager, at (866) 626-LAPA. lender such as income sensitive repayment or an Articles will be published as space permits. The Newsletter Committee reserves approval and edit rights on any article submitted. extended repayment. The Los Angeles Paralegal Association is a non-profit, mutual benefit “Credit card use can overthrow, if not collapse, a corporation and is tax exempt within the meaning of section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership dues and donations to healthy financial structure,” Berson writes in chapter LAPA are not tax deductible as charitable gifts, but may be deductible as related business expenses. LAPA suggests that you consult your continued on page 19 tax advisor in this regard. VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 2 CALENDAR OF EVENTS PEANUT GALLERY I AUGUST A monthly column where sponsors and/or vendors share helpful hints 10 - LAPA South Bay Section MCLE Seminar – National University, How To Change Specialties: near LAX; Topic: Workers’ Compensation Basics and Their Abuses; Contact LAPA at [email protected]; See ad on page 32. Getting It Right The Second 17 - LAPA Immigration Law Section MCLE Seminar – Abraham Lincoln University, Korea Town / Mid Wilshire; Topic: Time Ethical Practice of Immigration Law; Contact Bobby Rimas at [email protected]; See ad on page 33. 19 - LAPA Board Retreat – Law Office of Lewitt Hackman, Encino; By Chere B. Estrin – CEO of Estrin Legal Staffing Contact Bobby Rimas at [email protected]. Many paralegals who want to switch practice 29 - LAPA Executive Committee Meeting – Contact Bobby specialties write their resume with exactly what it is Rimas at [email protected]. they are doing now, send out a cover letter stating SEPTEMBER they have lots of experience in their current practice 4 - Labor Day – Holiday area and are “detail oriented, a team player and a 6 - LAPA Board Meeting – TBD; Contact Bobby Rimas at quick learner.” In other words, “here I am, take me [email protected]. as I am and, oh, please train me.” 14 - LAPA San Fernando Valley Section MCLE Seminar – Law Offices And expect that will get them a new job in a new of Lewitt Hackman, Encino; Topic: Franchise & Distribution Law; Contact LAPA at [email protected]; See ad on page 34. specialty with a new firm. 20 - LAPA Technology Mixer – Los Angeles Athletic Club, DTLA; You have to be kidding. Contact Bobby Rimas at [email protected]; Changing practice specialties is harder than getting See ad on page 35. 21 - Rosh Hashana – Holiday your first job - much harder. Your experience in one arena probably does not translate into another and 27 - LAPA Executive Committee Meeting – Contact Bobby Rimas at [email protected]. budgets being what they are today, few firms want 30 - Yom Kippur – Holiday to train and pay you anything other than entry-level salary. OCTOBER 4 - LAPA Board Meeting – TBD; Contact Bobby Rimas at Given that people spend most of their lifetime at [email protected]. work, enjoying what you do is especially important. 7 - LAPA’s 41st Annual October Conference– Hilton, Los However, how you landed in your specialty is often Angeles North / Glendale; Exploring the Possibilities; by accident. It’s not surprising then, that many Contact LAPA at [email protected]; See ad on page 8. paralegals call me frequently seeking to switch 9 - Columbus Day – Holiday practice areas. 18 - LAPA Executive Committee Meeting – Contact Bobby Your ability to switch specialties depends upon your Rimas at [email protected]. academic background, length of time in the field, 31 - Halloween the law firms you have been with, market demand, practice areas you want to leave and enter, skill LAPA MEMBER NEWS- continued from page 1 set, geographic location, recent continuing legal Furthermore, Terry has assisted with organizing several education, contacts and just plain ole good luck. paralegal educational seminars, such as NALA’s CP Switching practice areas is not a decision taken Review Courses that are offered each Fall and Spring lightly. The type of work you should be practicing at National University’s West Los Angeles campus. should be a function of your strongest skill sets Furthermore, Terry takes great pride with being part of and interests more than anything else. You have a selective pool of instructors who volunteer their time to love it, otherwise, why do it? Simply switching to teach the CP Review Courses. Additionally, she also firms to learn a new practice area may not always be puts on stellar legal specialty educational seminars, appropriate either. For example, you may be able to such as the Family Law Seminar that took place in the switch practice areas within your own firm. San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles. continued on page 20 continued on page 5 VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 3 TIPS OF THE TRADE Advice from experienced paralegals on the best legal practices and tools to A personalities, and surround ourselves with certainty, grow in the industry. there may come a time for a change in our work The Value Of Networking responsibilities. During the NALA Conference, I had the opportunity to converse with a paralegal who is interested in transitioning to a different practice area. by Terry L. Wright, ACP – LAPA V.P. Membership & Policy We exchanged information so as to stay connected Networking…I can’t stress enough how important it is in hope of a possible future recommendation. in the legal industry. I recently attended the National Remember to always stay connected and continue to Association of Legal Assistants (“NALA”) Conference add colleagues to your professional address book via & Expo. I saw some familiar faces, met some new networking opportunities, as you never know when a colleagues, and had the opportunity to converse with connection might help you work through a difficult multiple fellow paralegals during the Conference. change or transition in your career or be beneficial While many of us working in the legal field exhibit Type with respect to a future endeavor. G LAPA MCLE SEMINAR PREVIEW What Is Franchising? disclose information on many parts of its business and must deliver the FDD to a prospective Franchisee within certain timelines. by Marianne Toghia The FDD is comprised of 23 sections, such as history When you think of franchising, you think of McDonald’s, of the Franchisor, names and employment histories Burger King or Taco Bell, right? Or maybe you think of the Franchisor’s officers, how much the franchise of the Dodgers or Lakers as franchises. You’re also costs, what fees are be paid to the Franchisor or right! continued on page 21 Merriam Webster defines a franchise as “(1) the right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company’s goods or services in a particular territory; also: a business granted such a right or license - just opened a new fast-food franchise down the street (2) the territory involved in such a right.” Sport franchising is a little different. Merriam Webster defines the sports franchise as “a: the right of membership in a professional sports league; b: a team and its operating organization having such membership He’s the best player in the history of the franchise.” Let’s explore franchising outside of sports. When you buy a franchise, you receive a license to use the franchise’s brand name, its logos, its trademarks and its system for operating the business. The company that offers and sells the franchise is the Franchisor and the person who buys their franchise is the Franchisee. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the process of selling franchises by requiring a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) be prepared by the Franchisor and given to prospective franchisees. It means exactly what it is called – the Franchisor must VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 4 LAPA MEMBER NEWS- continued from page 3 Last but definitely not least, Terry has been a stalwart Her primary practice area involves providing Dignity supporter of LAPA’s community service activities. Health’s hospitals with effective physician, non- For several years, Terry has actively participated in physician, and system-wide related contracts in efforts and contributed to the LAPA Team that annually to meet the daily operational needs of Dignity Health participates in a 5K race to raise funds for Public hospitals and its affiliate entities. She achieved her Counsel’s “Run for Justice” at Dodger Stadium. Public Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management, Counsel is one of the nation’s largest pro bono law with honors, from The University of Phoenix, Inc. Ms. firms that serves the most needy in our communities. Wright earned her paralegal certificate from California State University, Bakersfield. Thereafter, she attained Ms. Wright has worked in the legal industry for her NALA Certification and subsequently earned over 30 years and is currently employed by Dignity an Advanced Paralegal Certification in Contracts Health (formerly named Catholic Healthcare West), a Administration / Contracts Management from the nonprofit health care corporation, and has provided National Association of Legal Assistants (“NALA”). service to in-house counsel in support of the Dignity Health owned and operated hospitals for 19 years. Congratulations, Terry Wright, ACP! G July 17, 2017 Mr. Bobby T. Rimas, President Los Angeles Paralegal Association P.O. 71708 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Dear Mr. Rimas, As Chair of NALA’s Making a Difference Committee, I am honored to announce the selection of Los Angeles Paralegal Association as the recipient of a Making a Difference Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements of current NALA Members or NALA Affiliated Associations who made a difference in the paralegal profession or their community. Recognition of your Association’s award will be published in an upcoming issue of Facts & Findings or Facts & Findings Digital. Your Affiliated Association will also be honored at the 2017 NALA Conference in Orlando, Florida during the annual membership meeting. We hope that recognition of your Affiliated Association inspires and motivates other paralegals. On behalf of the NALA Making a Difference Committee, let me be the first to congratulate Los Angeles Paralegal Association on being the recipient of a 2017 Making a Difference Award. Sincerely, Debra L. Overstreet, ACP NALA Treasurer Chair 2017 NALA Making a Difference Committee cc: Cassandra Oliver, ACP, NALA President Greta Zeimetz, CAE, NALA Executive Director VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 5 NALA NETWORK NALA’s 2017 Conference And Expo Recap by Terry L. Wright, ACP – LAPA’s NALA Liaison Orlando was quite an experience, and what an interesting visit it was. The week was quite eventful, and although we were told they were close, luckily there were no alligator sightings! For those from southern California, we experienced a climate unknown to some of us with rain, lightning, Affiliate Reception. It was an extremely exciting thunder, and humidity. Despite the stormy arrival, event with a variety of appetizers, allowing all to have the Wyndham Resort in Orlando, Florida welcomed the opportunity to chat and collaborate with fellow approximately 400 guests, attendees, and paralegals paralegals. Thank you to all who stopped by the LAPA from across the country at the National Association table; it was a pleasure to meet and talk with each of Legal Assistants (“NALA”) annual Conference & and every one of you, whether a familiar or new face! Expo July 19 – July 21, 2017. NALA provided us with The agenda provided for a choice of informative multiple informative MCLE seminars, the opportunity breakout sessions such as Advanced Contracts and to connect with many exhibitors and vendors, and Commercial Leases, A Step by Step Look at the Civil the opportunity to network with fellow paralegals Litigation Process, IRS Collections and Dealing with throughout the week. Some took in the scenery after Liens, Levies, and Seizures, the Basics of Trusts, the hours with visits to Universal Orlando, the Orlando Secrete to Understanding Objections, and trap Doors Eye, Madame Tussauds, and the Sea Life Aquarium. with Respect to Real Estate Transactions. An interactive The Conference was quite monumental for Los ethics workshop was provided so that mandatory Angeles this year! LAPA was recognized and honored ethics credit could be received. The speakers came with the Making a Difference achievement award for from varying states, including, Bobby Rimas, LAPA’s its support of the paralegal profession and community President, who provided an informative H-1B Visas collaboration. NALA clearly recognizes LAPA as an presentation and two captivating Employment inspiration to the paralegal field. Congratulations, Law Update seminars. Mr. Rimas received nice LAPA, for a job well done! Additionally, yours truly, and favorable comments about his presentations was honored by receiving the NALA’s Affiliate Award throughout the remainder of the Conference. for my contributions in efforts to enhance paralegals Some exhibitors present at the Conference included and their respective career paths. Fairchild Record Search, Phips Reporting, Accer Affiliate organizations shared their swag, ideas, and Legal Resources, National Association of Professional association information Wednesday night at the continued on page 22 VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 6 JO B SEARCH ADVICE Steps To Success: openings available. Since we all start somewhere, it’s a good idea to “trim the fat” and use search filters to A Starting narrow down your results for jobs that require a year or less in work experience. I always made sure to apply Paralegal’s Take On for the jobs I felt I was qualified for, and I adapted my resume to suit the desired parameters for each specific Entering The Field job. You have to remember that no one will apply for you, so treat job hunting like a job itself. However, don’t by Herbert Ortiz – LAPA Member forget to reward yourself like you would for a regular I want to start by saying that I didn’t think I would land a job, either. For example, if you had a really productive paralegal job straight out of college. I didn’t quite know day and you sent out thoughtfully-crafted resumes what to do with myself once I graduated, waiting for my and cover letters from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., give paralegal certificate to arrive in the mail a month later. yourself a nice 30-minute to an hour lunch break in However, because I was still fired up, I came up with a between, or go out and take a walk at the end of the plan. I say it’s a plan, but really, it’s just somethings I “work day.” Listen to your favorite artists while you’re did to search for employment and hope that something job hunting. Share your findings with your family and would “stick.” I want to share with you some ideas as friends. Talk about what you did. Most of all, be proud you begin your journey into the paralegal profession; of your dedication to the hunt *insert primitive growl basically, these are the things I did to obtain my current for humorous effect*. Be on the prowl for the job you job as an immigration paralegal: want, and may your pursuit be relentless…ooga ooga. • BE PROACTIVE. I made sure that from the day I • your cover letter Should read like a graduated, I would begin to work on, well, obtaining LOVE LETTER, but instead of courting for romance, work. That actually entails less than you might think then woo for an interview. Don’t misconstrue things. (and they make up most of my “plan,” which I will Cover letters should still be very professional and proceed with in a moment), but the most important well-written, so don’t put any hearts or “xoxos” in factor that contributed to my early employment was your letter. What I mean is you should make sure that I never stopped working at it. I just kept going, and that your cover letter addresses each job with the it somehow didn’t feel like a chore. It was invigorating. specificity and care that a love letter would. That is • Start with your reSume. Paralegal Studies continued on page 21 programs tend to include a course that helps you land your first job. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you check out Andrea Wagner’s How to Land Your First Paralegal Job. It’s a painlessly short book with handy tips on how to fine-tune your resume, among other things. It’s a great resource to have if you don’t know where to start. But don’t stop there. Don’t hesitate to ask your family, friends, former classmates, professors and recruiters to proofread your resume. In fact, handing out my resume to one of the recruiters may have been the smartest move I made, as she helped to tailor my resume to suit the desired qualifications many prospective employers look for. Don’t be afraid to expose yourself and learn how to integrate feedback into your resume. It’s a living organism—it’s as if it never stops evolving. Just like you. • apply daily. Check out hot websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, Monster, and Craigslist for job offers, or ask your buddies or your favorite professor if there are any VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 7 LAPA OCTOBER CONFERENCE PREVIEW Exploring The Possibilities Law, Contract Law, e-discovery, Intellectual Property, Estate Planning, e-Filing, and Workers’ Compensation. by Terry L. Wright, ACP – LAPA V.P. Membership & Policy, There will be multiple exhibitors joining us for the day, October Conference Chair so don’t forget to stock up and bring your business Ready or not, here we come, it’s LAPA October cards for the raffles. Stay with us on the path to Conference time once again! The October Conference exploring, as we have a lot more exciting plans for this team is very excited to present to you “Exploring the year’s Conference. Possibilities.” Please see the LAPA website at https://www.lapa. As a sneak peak, this year LAPA will be offering MCLE org/ with additional details to follow and registration breakout sessions in the following practice areas: to open very soon. Come explore YOUR possibilities Corporate Compliance Investigations, Employment with LAPA on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at the Los Law, Litigation, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Criminal Angeles Hilton North/Glendale. G Exploring the Possibilities Save the date Registration to open soon! In the interim, please contact: Terry Wright at [email protected] or Tracey Booth at [email protected]. Be sure to visit www.LAPA.org for more details. VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 8 PEANUT GALLERY II A monthly column where sponsors and/or vendors interest of all stakeholders that this knowledge be share helpful hints recorded as soon as possible. The Power Of UPDATE REGULARLY: Technology changes at lightning speed. Throughout the course of the year A Data Map – A servers get upgraded, software becomes obsolete, storage is consolidated; a Data Map can quickly Tool For The become outdated. Because a Data Map will lose Paralegal its value over time, it may at some point become the functional equivalent of having no Data Map at all. Therefore, Data Maps should be updated by Joy Murao – CEO of Practice Aligned Resources regularly, at least once a year or whenever major Being highly organized is a critical skill for paralegals. infrastructure changes occur. It is also prudent The best way to achieve a high level of organization to have policies in place to trigger notices if and is to have numerous tools and techniques to deploy when there are any significant changes to the IT when and where they are needed. One such tool in infrastructure to ensure this information can flow the modern world of technology is the Data Map, to the paralegal responsible for keeping the Data and it is important for paralegals to understand the Map current. concept and core components. ASK OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: In order to What is a Data Map? These words may conjure up obtain a comprehensive Data Map, it is imperative a picture of highly technical drawings full of fancy to ask the data custodians or SMEs open-ended Visio stencils, lines and arrows; however, while a questions. They may forget about older legacy visual component can be helpful, it is not always data locations or simply overlook certain locations. required. At its most basic construct, a Data Map is Getting them to discuss the “why” and “how” of simply a way to memorize the location, source and their day-to-day job functions will help provide a identification of existing litigation data. In essence, better understanding of the location of their data, it’s about setting to paper a comprehensive record and help trigger any forgotten data points that of the “where” and “what” of potential evidence. have not been captured. After all, you can’t collect, process, review and GET MANAGEMENT BUY-IN: A common produce what you don’t know exists. And, in that complaint when creating a Data Map is that context, it becomes apparent that a Data Map can custodians tend to be slow to respond or may be a questionnaire, a spreadsheet, or even a Word be territorial about their data. Some personnel document outline. may not understand the need for the questions It is important to remember that the visual graphic required to construct a Data Map and may view representation of a Data Map is not as important this outreach as an interruption, as opposed to a as its substance. When striving to create a truly valuable information exchange and memorization. depth-filled and useful map, there are a few key In such instances, it is advisable to already components to keep in mind: have management buy-in so you can properly DO NOT PROCRASTINATE: Litigation holds can disseminate the goals to all relevant stakeholders. provide some protection against spoliation, but Once data custodians understand the legal and data custodians can leave the company, or their regulatory requirements, there tends to be a more data may be migrated to a different location by collaborative effort - and creating a useful Data the time it needs to be collected. It is important to Map becomes that much easier. ensure that when the data custodians or subject It is important to remember that the function and matter experts (SMEs) leave, retire, or transfer, purpose of a Data Map is not to visually dazzle. their knowledge of the relevant data locations It is about clarity and comprehensiveness. It is a does not leave with them. Therefore, it’s in the continued on page 17 VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 9 VOLUME 45 / ISSUE 07 / JULY 2017 LAPA 10

No Complaints Here! LAPA Employment Law. Section Seminar Review: What A Trial Lawyer Needs,. Presented By Linda Miller Savitt. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7 . opened a new fast-food franchise down the street (2) Angeles Paralegal Association on being the recipient of a 2017 Making a Difference Award.
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