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Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Updated Edition with a New Preface) (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society) PDF

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Preview Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Updated Edition with a New Preface) (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society)

e. c n e ol Vi s u o gi eli R of e s Ri al b o Gl 1 Mind of God : The s, 2000. p (1). =10064725&ppg= hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d Comparative Studies in Religion and Society Mark Juergensmeyer. editor I. Redemptive Encounters: Three Modem Slyles in (he Hindu Tradition, by Lawrence A. Babb 2. Saints and Vit1ues. edited by John Stratton Hawley 3. Utopias in Conflict: Religion and Nationalism in Modern India, by Ainslee T. Embree 4. Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn, by Karen McCarthy Brown 5. The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular Slale, by Mark Juergensmeyer 6. Pious Passion: The Emergence of Modern Fundamentalism in the United States and Iran, by Martin Riesbrodt, translated by Don Reneau 7. Dev;: Goddesses of India. edited by John Stratton Hawley and Donna Marie Wulff 8. Absent Lord: Ascetics and Kings in a Jain Riwal Culrure, by Lawrence A. Babb 9. The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political/s/mll <Iud the New World Disorder, by Bassam Tibi 10. Leveling Crowds: Ethnonarionalist Conflicts and Collective Violence in South Asia, by Stanley J. Tambiah e. 11. The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnitl. by c en Michael A. Sells ol s Vi 12. China's Catholics: Tragedy and Hope in an Emerging Civil u gio Society, by Richard Madsen eli of R 13. Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious se Violence, by Mark Ju ergensmeyer Ri al b o Gl 4 Mind of God : The s, 2000. p (4). =10064725&ppg= hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d Terror int he Mind of God THE GLOBAL RISE OF R E LI GI OU S VIOL ENe E e. c n e ol Vi s u o gi eli Mark Juergensmeyer R of e s Ri al b o Gl 5 The ppg= Mind of God : s, 2000. p i. =10064725& hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id UBeNrIkVeEleRy SIIT Y LOosF ACnAgLeIleFsO RIN IALo PnRdoEnS S Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of Culifornia Press, Ltd. London, England 02000 by The Regents of the University of California luergensmeyer, Mark. Terror in the mind of God: the global ri� of religious violence I Murk lucrgcn�meyer. p. cHl.-{Comparative studies in religion and society: 13) Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0-520-90032-4 (alk. paper) I. Violellct>-Rcligious a�pt!ct�. I Title. II Series. BL65.V551842000 291.I'78331-dc21 99-30466 CiP Printed in the United States of Americu 9876543 2 1 e. The paper used in this publication meeL� the mini­ c en mum 1"C(luircmcnts of American Niltional Standard Viol for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for us Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. o gi eli R of e s Ri al b o Gl 6 The ppg= Mind of God : s, 2000. p ii. =10064725& hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d to terror's victims e. c n e ol Vi s u o gi eli R of e s Ri al b o Gl 7 The ppg= Mind of God : s, 2000. p iii. =10064725& hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d I will send my terror before you, �Uld will throw into confusion all the people . . . Exodus 23:27 e. c n e ol Vi s u o gi eli R of e s Ri al b o Gl 9 The ppg= d : v. 5& Mind of Go s, 2000. p =1006472 hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d Contents Preface and Acknowledgments I XJ Introduction 1 TelTor and God I 3 The Meaning of Religious Terrorism / 4 Seeing Inside CuJwres of Violence / 10 Cultures of Violence 2 Soldiers for Christ I 19 Mike Bmy and Aborlion Clinic Bombings / 20 e. c en Tlw% giclIJ Juslificarions / 24 ol Vi Eric RobcI1 Rudolpl1 and Timothy McVeigll I 30 s u o C<uhoJics lind Protestants in Belfast / 36 gi eli R of 3 Zion Betrayed I 44 e s al Ri Yocl LC/"Ilcr and Ihe Assassination of Yitzhak R;'lbin I 45 Glob 11 Bameh Goldstein s A Clack at the Tomb of the P.IfTiarchs / 49 The ppg= Mei,. K,J/wnc find Jewish Justifications for Violence / 52 d : vii. 5& Mind of Go s, 2000. p =1006472 4 MIsltalhmmosu d« NAbeogulehcatleimd aD auntdy "rh e IW o6r0ld Trade Ccnfer Bombing / 61 hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id AMbodduelm A zIiszla Rmainc llisuis .rimfidc a1-lliaomnsa fso Sru Vicioidleen Mcei ss/io n7s8 / 69 Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d I. x CONTENTS 5 The Sword of Sikhism I 84 Simmnjil Singh Mann and India s Assassinal.ions / 86 Sikh and Hindu Justifications for Violence / 92 6 Armageddon in a Tokyo Subway I 102 Takcshi Nakamura and rhe Aum Shinrikyo Assault / 105 Can Buddhist Violence Be Justified? / 11 2 The Logic of Religious Violence 7 Theater of Terror I 1 19 Pcrfonmmce Violence / 122 Setting the Stage / 126 A Time fO Kill / 133 Rem:l1ing the Audience / 139 8 Cosmic War I 145 Grand Scenarios / 148 Symbolic War / 155 When Symbols Become Deadly / 160 9 Martyrs and Demons I 164 S:'lcrificial Victims / 165 The Invention of Enemies / 171 America tiS Enemy I 178 Satanizarion and the Stages of Empowenllenr / 182 e. c en 10 Warriors' Power I 187 ol Vi us Empowering Marginal Men / 188 o eligi Why Guys Throw Bombs I 195 of R Fig/Hing for the Rule ofG od / 207 e s al Ri 11 The Mind of God I 216 b Glo 12 Empowering Religion / 218 Mind of God : The s, 2000. p viii. =10064725&ppg= NFbCuosrritmensgo dVeIi lo1lle 2Tn4ec5rer o/r 2I 2292 4 hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id lBInnibdtelerixov gierwIa ps h2ay9n 9d IC o2r7re9s pondence I 275 Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d Preface to the Pap e r b ac kEd iti 0 n Perhaps the first question that came to mind when televisions around the world displayed the extraordinary aerial assaults on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September I I. 200 I, was why any­ one would do such a thing. When it became clear that the perpetrators' motivations were couched in religious terms, the shock turned to anger. How could religion be related to such vicious acts? It is a question that has arisen wilh alarming frequency in the post-Cold War world. Religion seems to be connected with violence virtually everywhere. Since this book was first puhlished, religious vio­ lence has erupted among right-wing Christians in the United States. angry Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, quarrelling Hindus and Muslims in South Asia, and indigenous religious communities in Africa and Indonesia. Like the activists associated with Osama bin Laden. the individuals involved in these cases have also relied on religion to pro­ e. c vide political identities and give license to vcngeful ideologies. n e Viol In this book I explore this dark alliance between religion and vio­ us lence. In examining recent acts of religious terrorism I try to under­ o gi eli stand the cultures of violence from which such acts emerge. Through R of my interviews with perpetrators and supporters I have come to see e s Ri these acts as forms of public performance rather than aspects of pOliti­ al b cal strategy. These arc symbolic statements aimed at providing a sense Glo 13 The ppg= of empowerment to desperate communities. The collapse of the twin Mind of God : s, 2000. p ix. =10064725& ptoowwReeerrlsi gtooiof tnthh oeiss Wec rwourhclodia Tlc orfaondrs pet iChreeedsne tt eoar c bmtrsi,un ssgti n thchaeev meit cdgroievwaetnse .d m ao hraeal djuy sitlilfiucsaiotino nosf hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id betfcoharanl itnek vorieeltl.l i intgihgniao tasn on tcmhdae eupy sr ceoareasvs ievd siw,eo slabe eginmi cnjeuag,gs tensispfio ieror difdt uobcaoeylss mosictti hecmnc rwae ramainore satt. hhnTaastt.h irBasel ulldoitgoe wiito suad scno tocvivsti o ismmlteseen aatconne Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d .1 ,/I PREFACE TO THE PAPERBACK EDITION that religion often provides the mOreS and symbols that make possible bloodshed-even catastrophic acts of terrorism. Violent ideas and images are not the monopoly of any single religion. Virtually every major religious tradition-Christian. Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist-has served as a resource for violent actors. Perhaps it is not fair to label Osama bin Laden a Muslim terrorist or to characterize Timothy McVeigh a Christian onc-as if Lhey were violent because of their Islamic and quasi-Christian beliefs. But the facl that religion is in their backgrounds, and behind so many different perpe­ trators of public violence. indicates that aJl religions are inherently rev­ olutionary. They are capable of providing the ideological resources for an alternative view of public order. If this has always been so, why are such violent assaults on public order occurring now? I have looked for the answer to this question in our contemporary global milieu. The perception of an international political conspiracy and an oppressive economic «new world order" has been explicitly mentioned by Osama bin Laden, the AUin Shinrikyo, and Christian militia groups. Activists such as bin Laden might be regarded as guerilla antiglobal­ ists. Even local ethnonationalist struggles. such as in Kashmir, have arisen in part because of an erosion of confidence in Western-style poli­ tics and politicians. The era of globalization and postmodernity creates a context in which authority is undercut and local forces have been un­ leashed. In saying this, I do not mean to imply that only glObalization causes religious violence. But it may be one rea'i on why so many in­ e. stances of religious violence in such diverse places around the world are c n ole occurring at the present time. Vi s A new edition of the book provides me with this opportunity to clar­ u o gi ify what the book is about and make some small corrections at various eli of R places in the text. I have not attempted to modify the case studies to se incorporate recent events, but readers will find in my description and Ri al interviews related to the 1993 assault on the World Trade Center much b The Glo ppg=14 thaAt lwthiollu begh uI shefauvle iant tuenmdpertestda ntod ienxgp othsee tehvee nwtsa yo ft hSaetp OteSm3mbear b1in1, 2La0d0e In. d : x. 5& Mind of Go s, 2000. p =1006472 iwatn oidsr ltdah,no u saletp ilmpikraeetc ehilaiymt ito hhnisa vobefo atohpkep irspo onpwortie arat e jtduh daregt leitmghieoe nnrte ilnaigg tiahoienuissrt dirmealraikgg iivoninaet.w ioR noa ft hsttehirlel, hor). Terror in the y of California Pres ominicanuc/Doc?id hfourl Lvlsio illel npcueb ilnks tleifat.!d. oamf Ia tcialt.!u sne:.t: ugllitui ll thal lIIaSlelYp twemillb feiru t.!1 8il,l 2it00 a It: Uft.! Juergensmeyer, Mark (Aut Ewing, NJ, USA: Universit http://site.ebrary.com/lib/d

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