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Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science Terrestrial algae of the genus Klebsormidium (Streptophyta) in the light of the hypothesis „Everything is everywhere, but the environment selects“ Mgr. David Ryšánek Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor: Doc. Mgr. Pavel Škaloud, Ph.D. Prague, 2016 Declaration I hereby declare that I have written this thesis independently, using the listed references; or in cooperation with other paper co-authors. I have submitted neither this thesis, nor any of its parts, to acquire any other academic degree. Prague, 31st May 2016 .......................................... David Ryšánek Acknowledgements I would like to thank Pavel Škaloud, who has been my supervisor since my bachelor study. During this time, he had a lot of work with me and every time I needed, he gladly helped me. Thanks to him I enjoyed this work very much. I would like to thank all co-authors, mainly Andreas Holzinger and Fabio Rindi, for their big help during the research and preparing manuscripts. Thank you my colleagues from the phycology research group in Prague for friendly and inspiring atmosphere. Special thanks go to all of you who read the previous versions of the thesis or its summary. Your comments and ideas were really helpful. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, because without their support it would be very difficult to study Ph.D. and finish it. And also I would like to thank those who are close to me for their friendship and support. The Charles University Science Foundation provided funding of this work, project GAUK 1544214. The research stays was supported by the Czech-Austrian project AKTION 65p5. Moreover the study was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Project P 24242-B16 and FWF project I 1951-B16 to AH. Finally, I would like to thank Nadace "Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových" for their money support at the conference in London and Moscow. This thesis is based on the following five papers: 1. Škaloud P., Lukešová A., Malavasi V., Ryšánek D., Hrčková K. and Rindi F. (2014) Molecular evidence for the polyphyletic origin of low pH adaptation in the genus Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta). Plant Ecology and Evolution 147: 333-345. 2. Ryšánek D., Hrčková K. and Škaloud P. (2015) Global ubiquity and local endemism of free-living terrestrial protists: phylogeographic assessment of the streptophyte alga Klebsormidium. Environmental Microbiology 17: 689-698. 3. Ryšánek D., Elster J., Kováčik L. and Škaloud P. (2016) Diversity and dispersal capacities of a terrestrial algal genus Klebsormidium (Streptophyta) in polar regions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92.4: fnw039. 4. Ryšánek D., Holzinger A. and Škaloud P. (2016) Influence of substrate and pH on the diversity of aeroterrestrial alga Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiales, Streptohyta): A potentially important factor for sympatric speciation. Phycologia 55: 347-358. 5. Rindi F., Ryšánek D. and Škaloud P. (2016) Problems of epitypification in morphologically simple green microalgae: a case study of two widespread species of Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta). Fottea (submitted) Authors‟ contributions: Paper 1. Fabio Rindi with Pavel Škaloud designed the study. Fabio Rindi, Alena Lukešová Kristýna Hrčková and Veronica Malavasi collected and cultivated all strains. David Ryšánek made all molecular works. Pavel Škaloud and Fabio Rindi jointly wrote the manuscript. Paper 2. Pavel Škaloud and David Ryšánek jointly planned the study. Pavel Škaloud collected the samples in the Czech Republic, Japan and Washington and sequenced the strains from the Czech Republic. David Ryšánek collected samples in Wales, isolated strains from samples from Wales, Japan, and Washington and sequenced the strains. He also performed phylogenetic analyses together with Pavel Škaloud. Kristýna Hrčková collected and sequenced strains from Ohio and Connecticut. David Ryšánek wrote the manuscript and Pavel Škaloud contributed to improving the text of the manuscript. Paper 3. David Ryšánek, Pavel Škaloud, and Josef Elster jointly planned the study. Josef Elster and Lubomir Kovačik collected and isolated almost all strains from polar regions. David Ryšánek collected and isolated some additional strains from Svalbard (during the 2014 expedition) and from temperate zone. He also made all molecular works and together with Pavel Škaloud executed phylogenetic analysis. David Ryšánek wrote the manuscript and Pavel Škaloud contributed to improving the text of the manuscript. Paper 4. David Ryšánek, Pavel Škaloud, and Andreas Holzinger jointly planned the study. David Ryšánek collected the strains, made molecular works and all ecophysiological measurements. Pavel Škaloud made the statistical analysis. David Ryšánek wrote the manuscript and Pavel Škaloud with Andreas Holzinger contributed to improving the text of the manuscript. Paper 5. Fabio Rindi with Pavel Škaloud designed the study. Fabio Rindi collected the samples in Padova, Italy. Pavel Škaloud collescted samples in Strasburg, France. David Ryšánek cultivated samples, isolated strains, made all molecular works. Pavel Škaloud and Fabio Rindi jointly wrote the manuscript. On behalf of all the co-authors, I declare the keynote participation (as first author) of David Ryšánek in completing the research and writing the papers, as described above. .......................................... Pavel Škaloud

Terrestrial algae of the genus Klebsormidium And also I would like to thank those who are close to me for their friendship and support. Ryšánek D., Hrčková K. and Škaloud P. (2015) Global ubiquity and local endemism.
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