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Capsules of Time Maryland University of Pharmacy School of Mariae 2001 Terra Digitized by the Internet Archive 2013 in http://archive.org/details/terramariae2001 University CDaryland of School 'Pharmacy of Cerra (Dariae 2001 2001 TeJUia McuuQfc Dean's Messag t "lit Oapsude o(j TWe" is tRe tReme (yo/i tRe Class, ofy 200l. Hv/Ren you bole bade at yowi (jowl yeans at tRe ScRood o(j- PRa/unactj, you wgRt (yeed as tRougR you aite (looking into a imt capsude. (joun class wteud At ScRood ofr PRoMacy fyoun yea/is ago as ok extjieinedy dio-ejise g/ioup in teMS ojj gendeji, national onigin and nace. (jou cawe (j/lo^ add oaeii tRe United States and add oaei tRe wonddJ (jowl expediences and bacJeg/iound weAe urn) d(y(yeient, bat you Rad one. tRing in common: At desi/Le to enteii At p/to(jession o(y pRoMOCy so iRat you Coudd wd&t an (knpact on le. diDes o(j thousands o(j peopde. (joa demonstrated tfcs desine to seiiae in wany ways aking you/i yea/is in ScRood. Jlfew 'M g/Lound was buoleen by tRe cjieation c% "F/udge to Academic Cxceddence," a p/tog/iam wRicR widd Continue to benefit 1?adtkoJie RigR scRood students (yo/i yea/is to dowvt. In spite o\j yowi nigo/ious and demandng academic /lequi/iements, you itodunteeied at At Ponadd McDonadd <Nouse, <tiope Lodge, and wo/deed to liaise ^oney (yon St. Jude's hospital 30% Moite tRan o(j you one entering into residencies to (yO/itReA you/i education and training, (jou nil be wo/deing in a oa/iiety ojj settings and (locations. I Rope tRat you widd leeep us in^oMed about your peiisonad and pjiofressionad ftiumpRs! TRis ao(We o(j tRe Tejaa Ma/tie captures tRe peopde, pdaces and actioities o(y tRe dast (jOUIl yea/is. I Rope tRat in yea/is to Cowe, you widd Oiew tRese pages wctR (yondness and positive Mmo/iies o(y you/i yea/is at tRe ScRood o(j PRaMacy. SacR yea/L I am amazed ot Row sucR a disparate g/ioup g/iows into a cdose-but community o(y (j/iiends. 8acR yean I ifcufe, "Tfcs c£ass is tRe closest I Rao-e eo-ei seen!" and you Ceitaindy one \ao t%H£pio^. It Ras been my pdeasujie and p/iiOidege to wo/ile wrtR add o(y you. Oongnatudations and best wisRes (yo/i tRe mxt (yijyty years o\j QowpassioiAOtt Cont/iibutions to tRe ReadtR and well being o(j tRe patients you wi^ seJiUei Dean 13auid Knapp Hassan <J)r\ ^JJr. ^Erkan ^Hassan received his ^achefor of ^cience in (pharmacy from the (CInivcrsity oJ^/\aryfand in 1979 and his 4)octor ofrpbarmacy, also from the ((Jnivcrsity oftyfaryland, in 1981. ^rom 1981 to 1984 he was a Cfinicaf ^Pharmacist at the 'University cHospitafs of ^fevefancf. cHcjoined our Jacufty in 1984 as an Assistant ^professor and became an Associate ^Professor in 1994. c\Vhi(c on our Jacufty, ^J)r. cHassan estabfished a cfinicaf practice in the ^Xedicaf intensive (_arc ({Jiri\\ and the ghock Q)rauma (CJnit ojthc University oJ^\aryfand ^Hpdicaf gystcm and pfayed a key rofe in providing and cvafuating quafity care to critically ilT patients. cHc afso devefoped outstanding cfinicaf experiences for students in criticaf care and mentorcd students and residents pursuing careers in criticaf care. cHc was a course master for a number of courses incfuding integrated gcicncc and therapeutics and cfcctivc courses in (^riticaf (_arc (pharmacotherapy. cHe afso participated in courses in cHuman ^iofogy and c]\ursing (-Pharmacofogy. ^During his lb years on our Jacufty, ^J)r. cHassan became a nationaffy recognized expert in (Critical Care ^Pharmacotherapy. cHc has pubfished a number ojarticfes and book chapters and made numerous nationaf presentations deafing with important pharmacotherapeutic quafity oj m care, and cost oj care issues critical care. (±)r. ^Hassan's exceffence has been nationaffy recognized. cHc has afso received the ^President's Option Jrom the gocicty oj Criticaf Carc LM£dicmc and his appointment to the Coafition Jor (^riticaf Care ^Exceffence. cHe afso has served as Qo-Qhaxr oj the gcientijic advisory ^JJoard ojthe gocicty oJCriticaf Qare Medicine gection on (^finicaf (Pnarmacofogy and ^Pharmacy. oJhroughout his tenure with us, ^J)r. ^Hassan demonstrated a true commitment to quafity education and practice. cHe cared about students and their fcarning. Vnc beficved in hofding both himsefjand his students accountabfe for the highest fevcf of pcrjormance. <J)r. ^Hassan resigned his Jacufty position to take on an exciting and innovative new rofe in the devefopment oj'virtuaf criticaf care ' with a focaf company caffed ^IgOCJ. (Using innovative "tcfcmcdicinc" tcchnofogy, cDcIgC(U provides 24 hour, 7 day a week, speciafized intensive care to nospitafs that otherwise woufd not m be a position to provide such care by speciafists. <J)r. ^Hassan wiff continue to have an cducationaf refationship with the gchoof oj^pharmacy as an adjunct Jacufty member. (J)r. Robert ^I\crr To Dr, Jeremy Wright Dr. Jeremy Wright served the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in a variety of capacities for thirty-three years. He has been an Assistant Deanfor research, a prodigious researcher and a dedicated teacher. He received his undergraduate degree in Pharmacy from the University of Manchester, England, in 1961 and his PfuD. from Chelsea College, University of London. After a stint as a post-doctoralfellow at the University of California, San Francisco, he joined the faculty of the School of Pharmacy in the fall of 1968. During his tenure at the School of Pharmacy, he has been an advocate for the students, a mentorfor a large number ofgraduate students ancf a respected colleague. In spite of spending half of his life at the University, Dr. Wright has managed to have afull and varied life: afantastic bridge player, an afficianado and grower of tropicalfish, and a master gardener, who has transformed an old house that he renovated to a premier garden. He has also enjoyed a varied outdoor life, camping, skiing, white water rafting and playing a brand of soccer well above that of the younger persons he played with. Beyond his love of limericks, has been his interest in the students and he will be missed. Ralph Blomster, PfuD. 1 A CAPSU£E 07 CICDE CABLE ot concB-ncs Graduating Class of 200 6 1 Graduate Students 42 Class of 2002 44 Class of 2003 52 Class of 2004 62 Organizations 70 Events 96 faculty, Staff, and Administration 104 Alumni Association 120 kDrucj Information Center 12 CDaryland 'Poison Center 122 Index and Ads 135 Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2001 President Daniel Farney Vice President Kevin Carl Karen Brown Treasurer Kristin Carr «Nurudeen Ahmed, Marlene Anarah. Sandy Baker. Brian Berry. Asome Bide, Karen Brown. Tony Buchanan. Jami Butz. Jared Calish, Kevin Carl. Kristin Carr. Chris Castillo. Robert Cha. Anna Chan, Yoo JungChang. Jenny Choi, Jason Chvat. Benjamin Crenshaw. Sheila Debra. Manisha Deo! Bajwa. Stacey Eaton, Daniel Farney, Matthew Fedowitz, Craig Fryer, Margarita Gambetta. Brigitte Gerl, John Gleespen. Duane Gosnell. Pamela Gunder. Elaina Hackworth. Mark Hinkle. Daniel Hsu. Danh Huynh. Patrina Hviid. Windy Johnson, Kenneth Kenyon. Dae Kim, Gigi Kim. Sarah Kim. Yelee Kim, Kan Ku. Mandy Kwong. Cecilia Lai. Arthur Lavallee, Amy Law. June Lee. Beth Lowenthal, Elvira Madueme. Nipali Majethia, Michael Malengo, Leesa Mcllwain. Jennifer Murphy. Johnny Ng, Ann Nguyen. Chidubem Nwankwo, Kathy Oh, Vandankumar Pathak. Omolola Pefok. Anh Phan, Anita Plebaniak, Julia Polyakov. Sarah Quan, William Ranker. Nimisha Rathod, Stewart Reyna, Jodie Rich. Renee Riddix- Hilliard. Nora Roselle. Janine Sadek. Deena Said. Rebecca Saville, Marie Schneider, Pritesh Shah, Kun Shen. Michelle SUverberg, Alison Sinclair. Elizabeth Sokol, Melissa Souder, Cara Specht. Jon Spence, Kathleen Sremcich, David Stimler, Felicia Talbot. JamesTang, TanyiforTohnya. Jake Yu» Vu, \rchana Vyas, CharlesWells, Timothy West. Brendon Williams. Kevin Williams, Hailan Yang, Patti

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