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Term Premia and Interest Rate Forecasts in Affine Models Gregory R. Duffee Haas School of ... PDF

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Preview Term Premia and Interest Rate Forecasts in Affine Models Gregory R. Duffee Haas School of ...

Term Premia and Interest Rate Forecasts in A(cid:14)ne Models Gregory R. Du(cid:11)ee Haas School of Business University of California|Berkeley Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco First version November 1998 This version November 2000 Previously circulated under the title Forecasting Future Interest Rates: Are A(cid:14)ne Models Failures? Abstract I (cid:12)nd that the standard class of a(cid:14)ne models produces poor forecasts of future changes in Treasury yields. Better forecasts are generated by assuming that yields follow random walks. The failure of these models is driven by one of their key features: The compensation that investors receive for facing risk is a multiple of the variance of the risk. This means that risk compensation cannot vary independently of interest rate volatility. I also describe and empirically estimate a class of models that is broader than the standard a(cid:14)ne class. These ‘essentially a(cid:14)ne’ models retain the tractability of the usual models, but allow the compensation for interest rate risk to vary independently of interest rate volatility. This additional flexibility proves useful in forming accurate forecasts of future yields. The most recent version of this paper is at http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/(cid:24)du(cid:11)ee. Ad- dress correspondence to the University of California, Haas School of Business, 545 Student Services Building #1900, Berkeley, CA 94720. Phone: 510-642-1435. Email address: duf- [email protected]. I thank Mark Fisher for many helpful conversations and Jonathan Berk, RobBliss, Qiang Dai, DarrellDu(cid:14)e, ananonymousreferee, andseminar participants at Berkeley, Yale, Stanford, and anNBERAsset Pricing meeting for useful comments. The views expressed in this paper are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Federal Reserve System. Can we use (cid:12)nance theory to tell us something about the empirical behavior of Trea- sury yields that we don’t already know? In particular, can we sharpen our ability to predict future levels of yields? A long-established fact about Treasury yields is that the current term structure contains information about future term structures. For example, long-maturity bond yields tend to fall over time when the slope of the yield curve is steeper than usual. These predictive relations are based exclusively on the time-series behavior of yields. We know from (cid:12)nance theory that the cross-sectional and time-series behavior of the term structure must be linked in an internally consistent way in order to avoid arbitrage opportunities. In principle, imposing this restriction should allow us to exploit more of the information in the current term structure, and thus improve forecasts. But in practice, existing no-arbitrage models impose other restrictions for the sake of tractability, thus their value as forecasting tools is a priori unclear. I examine the forecasting ability of the a(cid:14)ne class of term structure models. By ‘a(cid:14)ne’, I refer to models where zero-coupon bond yields, their physical (i.e., true) dynam- ics, and their equivalent martingale (i.e., risk-adjusted) dynamics are all a(cid:14)ne functions of an underlying state vector. A variety of non-a(cid:14)ne models have been developed, but the tractability and apparent richness of the a(cid:14)ne class has led the (cid:12)nance profession to focus most of its attention on such models. Although forecasting future yieldsis important in itsown right, a model that is consis- tent with (cid:12)nance theory and produces accurate forecasts can make a deeper contribution to (cid:12)nance. It should allow us to address a key issue: explaining the well-documented time-variation in expected returns to assets. In the context of the term structure, explain- ing time-variation in expected returns means explaining the failure of the expectations hypothesis of interest rates. Put di(cid:11)erently, we would like to have an intuitive explanation for the positive correlation between the slope of the yield curve and expected excess re- turns returns to long bonds. If a model produces poor forecasts of future yields (and thus poor forecasts of future bond prices), it is unlikely that the model can shed light on the economics underlying the failure of the expectations hypothesis. The (cid:12)rst main conclusion reached in this paper is that the class of a(cid:14)ne models studied most extensively to date fails at forecasting. I refer to this class, which includes multifactor generalizations of both Vasicek (1977) and Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985), and is extensively analyzed in Dai and Singleton (2000), as \completely a(cid:14)ne." I (cid:12)t gen- eral three-factor completely a(cid:14)ne models to the Treasury term structure (with maturities ranging from three months to ten years) over the period 1952 through 1994. Yield fore- casts produced with these estimated models are typically worse than forecasts produced by simply assuming yields follow random walks. This conclusion holds for both in-sample 1 forecasts and out-of-sample (1995 through 1998) forecasts. Even more damning is the way in which the estimated models fail. They produce yield forecast errors that are strongly negatively correlated with the slope of the yield curve. In other words, the models fail to replicate the key empirical relation between expected returns and the slope of the yield curve; their underestimation of expected excess returns to long bonds tends to be largest when the slope of the term structure is steep. This failure is a consequence of two features of the Treasury term structure, combined with a restriction built into completely a(cid:14)ne models. The (cid:12)rst feature is that Treasury yields vary widely over time around both sides of their (sample) means. Another way to say this is that we observe a wide variety of term structure shapes in the data. The second feature is that across the entire maturity spectrum, the unconditional mean excess return to bonds is small relative to the variation in conditional mean excess returns. While the average return to Treasury bonds is not much greater than zero, the slope of the term structure predicts a relatively large amount of variation in excess returns to bonds. One implication of this second feature is that, as noted by Fama and French (1993), the sign of predicted excess returns to Treasury bonds changes over time. Completely a(cid:14)ne models do not simultaneously reproduce these two features of term structure behavior. The key restriction in these models is that compensation for risk is a (cid:12)xed multiple of the variance of the risk. This structure ensures that the models satisfy a requirement of no-arbitrage: Risk compensation goes to zero if risk goes to zero. But because variances are nonnegative, this structure also places an important limitation on the time-series behavior of the compensation that investors expect to receive for facing a given risk. The compensation is bounded by zero, therefore it cannot switch sign over time. As will be made clear in the paper, the only way this framework can produce expected excess returns with low means and high volatilities is for some underlying factors driving the term structure to be highly positively skewed. But this strong positive skewness limits the flexibility of the model to (cid:12)t a wide variety of term structure shapes. Thus completely a(cid:14)nemodelscan(cid:12)teitherofthesefeaturesofTreasuryyields, butnotbothsimultaneously. All is not lost, however. The second main conclusion of this paper is that the com- pletely a(cid:14)ne class can be extended to break the link between risk compensation and interest rate volatility. This extension from the completely a(cid:14)ne class to the \essentially a(cid:14)ne" class described here is costless, in the sense that the a(cid:14)ne time-series and cross- sectional properties of bond prices are preserved in essentially a(cid:14)ne models. The existence of extensions to the completely a(cid:14)ne class is not new (Chacko, 1997, constructs a general equilibrium example), but this paper is the (cid:12)rst to describe and empirically investigate a 2 general, very tractable extension to completely a(cid:14)ne term structure models. I (cid:12)nd that essentially a(cid:14)ne models can produce more accurate yield forecasts than completely a(cid:14)ne models, both in-sample and out-of-sample. However, there is a tradeo(cid:11) between flexibility in forecasting future yields and flexibility in (cid:12)tting interest rate volatility. The paper is organized as follows. The structure of a(cid:14)ne models is discussed in detail in Section 1. Section 2 explains intuitively why completely a(cid:14)ne models work poorly. Section 3 describes the estimation technique. Section 4 presents empirical results and Section 5 concludes. 1. A(cid:14)ne Models of the Term Structure 1.1. A(cid:14)ne bond pricing The core of a(cid:14)ne term structure models is the framework of Du(cid:14)e and Kan (1996). Their model, which is summarized here, describes the evolution of bond prices under the equivalent martingale measure. Uncertainty is generated by n Brownian motions, W~t (cid:17) (W~t;1;:::;W~t;n)0. There are n state variables, denoted Xt (cid:17) (Xt;1;:::;Xt;n)0. The instantaneous nominal interest rate, denoted rt, is a(cid:14)ne in these state variables: rt = (cid:14)0 +(cid:14)Xt; where (cid:14)0 is a scalar and (cid:14) is an n-vector. The evolution of the state variables under the equivalent martingale measure is dXt = [(K(cid:18))Q −KQXt]dt+(cid:6)StdW~t (1) where KQ and (cid:6) are n(cid:2)n matrices and (K(cid:18))Q is an n-vector. The Q superscript is used to distinguish parameters under the equivalent martingale measure from corresponding parameters under the physical measure. The matrix St is diagonal with elements p St(ii) (cid:17) (cid:11)i +(cid:12)i0Xt (2) where (cid:12)i is an n-vector and (cid:11)i is scalar. It is convenient to stack the (cid:12)i vectors into the 0 matrix (cid:12), where (cid:12)i is row i of (cid:12). The scalars (cid:11)i are stacked in the n-vector (cid:11). The following discussion assumes that the dynamics of (1) are well-de(cid:12)ned, which requires that 0 (cid:11)i +(cid:12)iXt is nonnegative for all i and all possible Xt. Parameter restrictions that ensure these requirements are in Dai and Singleton (2000). Denote the time-t price of a zero-coupon bond maturing at time t + (cid:28) as P(Xt;(cid:28)). Du(cid:14)e and Kan show 3 P(Xt;(cid:28)) = exp[A((cid:28))−B((cid:28))Xt] (3) where A((cid:28)) is a scalar function and B((cid:28)) is an n-valued function. Thus the bond’s yield is a(cid:14)ne in the state vector: Y(Xt;(cid:28)) = (1=(cid:28))[−A((cid:28))+B((cid:28))0Xt]: (4) The functions A((cid:28)) and B((cid:28)) can be calculated numerically by solving a series of ordinary di(cid:11)erential equations (ODEs). 1.2. The price of risk and expected returns to bonds The term structure model is completed by specifying the dynamics of Xt under the physicalmeasure, whichisequivalenttospecifyingthedynamicsofthepriceofrisk. Denote the state price deflator by (cid:25)t. The relative dynamics of (cid:25)t are d(cid:25)t = −rtdt−(cid:3)0tdWt (5) (cid:25)t where the vector Wt follows a Brownian motion under the physical measure. Element i of the n-vector (cid:3)t represents the price of risk associated with the Brownian motion Wt;i. The dynamics of Xt under the physical measure can be written in terms of (cid:3)t and the parameters of (1): dXt = ((K(cid:18))Q −KQXt)dt+(cid:6)St(cid:3)tdt+(cid:6)StdWt: (6) Instantaneous bond-price dynamics can be written as dP(Xt;(cid:28)) = (rt +e(cid:28);t)dt+v(cid:28);tdWt P(Xt;(cid:28)) where e(cid:28);t denotes the instantaneous expected excess return to holding the bond; the expected return, over rt, of holding a (cid:28)-maturity bond for an instant. An application of Ito’s lemma combined with the structure of the ODEs in Du(cid:14)e and Kan reveals that e(cid:28);t = −B((cid:28))0(cid:6)St(cid:3)t; (7) v(cid:28);t = −B((cid:28))0(cid:6)St: (8) Equation (7) says that variations over time in expected excess returns are driven by variations in both the volatility matrix St and the price of risk vector (cid:3)t. A fully 4 parametric model for bond-yield dynamics requires specifying a functional form for (cid:3)t. This form should be su(cid:14)ciently flexible to capture the empirically-observed behavior of expected excess returns. Thus to motivate the choice of functional form for (cid:3)t, we briefly review evidence on the behavior of bond returns. A large literature documents that expected excess returns to Treasury bonds (over returns to short-term Treasury bills) are, on average, near zero, and vary systematically 1 with the term structure. When the slope of the term structure is steeper than usual, expected excess returns to bonds are high, while expected excess returns are low{often negative{when the slope is less steep. Thus across the maturity spectrum, the ratio of mean expected excess bond returns to the standard deviation of expected excess bond returns is low. Earlier work has also shown that the shape of the term structure is related to the 2 volatility of yields. However, the slope{expected return relation is not simply proxying for a volatility{expected return relation. Supporting evidence is in Table I, which reports results from regressions of excess monthly bond returns on the lagged slope of the term structure and lagged yield volatility. Monthly returns to portfolios of Treasury bonds are from the Center for Research in Security Prices. Excess returns to these portfolios are produced by subtracting the contemporaneous return to a three-month Treasury bill. The slope of the term structure is measured by the di(cid:11)erence between month-end (cid:12)ve- year and three-month zero-coupon yields. The zero-coupon yields are interpolated from coupon bonds using the technique of McCCulloch and Kwon (1991), as implemented by 3 Bliss (1997). Yield volatility is the standard deviation of the (cid:12)ve-year zero-coupon bond’s yield, measured by the the square root of the sum of squared daily changes in the yield during the month. The sample period is July 1961 through December 1998. The results in Table I reveal that month t’s volatility has no statistically signi(cid:12)cant predictive power for excess bond returns in month t+1. By contrast, all of the estimated slope parameters are signi(cid:12)cant at the ten percent level and half are signi(cid:12)cant at the (cid:12)ve percent level. In addition, the variation in predicted excess returns is large relative to mean excess returns. Consider, for 1 The literature is too large to cite in full here. Early research includes Fama and Bliss (1987). Two standard references are Fama and French (1989, 1993). 2 This literature is also too large to cite in full. In an important paper, Chan, Karolyi, Longsta(cid:11), andSanders (1992)examinethesensitivityof volatilityto thelevel ofshort-term interest rates. Andersen and Lund (1997) re(cid:12)ne their work by decomposing the variation in interest-rate volatility into a component related to the level of short-term interest rates and a stochastic volatility component. 3 I thank Rob Bliss for providing me with the yield data. 5 example, bonds with maturities between three and four years. The mean excess return is seven basis points per month, while the standard deviation of predictable excess returns is roughly 25 basis points. In results not detailed here, I (cid:12)nd that the conclusions are robust to including volatilities of other bond yields as explanatory variables in the regression. Armed with this information about the empirical behavior of bond returns, we now discuss three alternative parameterizations of (cid:3)t. 1.3. Completely a(cid:14)ne models Fisher and Gilles (1996) and Dai and Singleton (2000) adopt the following parame- terization of (cid:3)t. Let (cid:21)1 be an n-vector. Then the price of risk vector (cid:3)t is given by (cid:3)t = St(cid:21)1: (9) This class nests multifactor versions of Vasicek (1977) and Cox et al. (1985; hereafter CIR). The main reason for the popularity of this form is that the vector St(cid:3)t is a(cid:14)ne in Xt. This implies a(cid:14)ne dynamics for Xt under both the equivalent martingale and physical measures. A(cid:14)ne dynamics of Xt under the physical measure allow for closed- form calculation of various properties of conditional densities of discretely-sampled yields. These properties are discussed in detail in Du(cid:14)e, Pan, and Singleton (1999) and Singleton 0 (1999). Of less importance is the fact that (cid:3)t(cid:3)t, which is the instantaneous variance of the log state price deflator, is also a(cid:14)ne in Xt. This latter property motivates the term \completely a(cid:14)ne," as discussed in the next subsection. This structure imposes two related limitations on (cid:3)t. First, variation in the price of riskvectoriscompletelydeterminedbythevariationinSt. Thereforevariationsinexpected excess returns to bonds are driven exclusively by the volatility of yields, an implication that appears inconsistent with the evidence in Table I. Second, the sign of element i of (cid:3)t is the same as that of element i of (cid:21)1, because the diagonal elements of St are restricted to be nonnegative. The importance of this limitation will be clear in Section 2. 1.4. Essentially a(cid:14)ne models The essentially a(cid:14)ne class nests the completely a(cid:14)ne class. We (cid:12)rst de(cid:12)ne the ele- − ments of a diagonal matrix S as t (cid:26) 0 −1=2 0 S− = ((cid:11)i +(cid:12)iXt) ; if inf((cid:11)i +(cid:12)iXt) > 0; t(ii) 0; otherwise. 6 Thus, if diagonal element i of St is bounded away from zero, its reciprocal is diagonal − element i of St . For any diagonal element of St with a lower bound of zero (whether or − not it is accessible given the dynamics of Xt), the associated element of St is set to zero. − Therefore the elements of St do not explode as the corresponding elements of St approach zero. The form of (cid:3)t used in the essentially a(cid:14)ne model is − (cid:3)t = St(cid:21)1 +St (cid:21)2Xt (10) where (cid:21)2 is an n(cid:2)n matrix. This form shares with (9) two important properties. First, if St(ii) approaches zero, (cid:3)t does not go to in(cid:12)nity. Second, St(cid:3)t is a(cid:14)ne in Xt. Therefore the physical dynamics of Xt are a(cid:14)ne, which is convenient for empirical estimation. There are three important di(cid:11)erences between (9) and (10). First, with (cid:21)2 6= 0, (cid:3)0t(cid:3)t is not a(cid:14)ne in Xt. Therefore this model is not completely a(cid:14)ne, but the variance of the state price deflator does not a(cid:11)ect bond prices. This is the motivation for the term \essentiallya(cid:14)ne." Second, thetightlinkbetween theprice ofriskvectorand thevolatility matrix is broken. The essentially a(cid:14)ne setup allows for independent variation in prices of risk, which is the kind of flexibility needed to (cid:12)t the empirical behavior of expected excess returns to bonds. Third, the sign restriction on the individual elements of (cid:3)t is removed. For future reference we need to explicitly determine the physical dynamics of Xt. Substitute (10) into (6) and de(cid:12)ne I− as the n (cid:2) n diagonal matrix with I− = 1 if ii S− 6= 0, I− = 0 if S− = 0. Then the physical dynamics in the essentially a(cid:14)ne model t(ii) ii t(ii) can be written as (cid:20) (cid:21) dXt = ((K(cid:18))Q −KQXt)dt+(cid:6) St2(cid:21)1 +I−(cid:21)2Xt dt+(cid:6)StdWt: (11) Combining terms and denoting element i of (cid:21)1 by (cid:21)1i, (11) can be written as dXt = [K(cid:18)−KXt]dt+(cid:6)StdWt; (12a) where 0 1 0 (cid:21)11(cid:12)1 B : C K = KQ −(cid:6)@ A+(cid:6)I−(cid:21)2; (12b) : 0 (cid:21)1n(cid:12)n and 7 0 1 (cid:11)1(cid:21)11 B : C K(cid:18) = (K(cid:18))Q +(cid:6)@ A: (12c) : (cid:11)n(cid:21)1n 1.5. An essentially a(cid:14)ne example The following two-factor model illustrates a number of features of the essentially a(cid:14)ne model. The instantaneous interest rate rt follows a Gaussian process and there is some other factor ft that follows a square-root process. It is convenient to begin by modeling their dynamics under the physical measure. Under this measure, the processes are independent, as in (13): (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18)p (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) d ft = kf 0 f − ft dt+ (cid:27)f 0 ft 0 d Wt;1 : (13) rt 0 kr r rt 0 (cid:27)r 0 1 Wt;2 The model is closed with a description of the dynamics of the market price of risk. If we adopt the completely a(cid:14)ne version in (9), the result is the classic Vasicek (1977) model for rt. In such a setup, the variable ft is irrelevant for bond pricing, and we are left with a standard one-factor Gaussian model. If, however, we use the essentially a(cid:14)ne speci(cid:12)cation for the market price of risk, the factor ft can a(cid:11)ect bond prices, even though it cannot a(cid:11)ect the path of rt. The reason is that the compensation that investors require to face the risk of Wt;2 can vary with ft. The essentially a(cid:14)ne model speci(cid:12)es the price of risk (cid:3)t as (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21)11 ft 0 0 (cid:21)2(11) (cid:21)2(12) ft (cid:3)t = + (cid:21)12 0 1 (cid:21)2(21) (cid:21)2(22) rt (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21)11 ft 0 0 ft = + : (cid:21)12 (cid:21)2(21) (cid:21)2(22) rt The dynamics of the state price deflator are therefore (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 d(cid:25)t = −rtdt− (cid:21)11 ft d Wt;1 : (cid:25)t (cid:21)12 +(cid:21)2(21)ft +(cid:21)2(22)rt Wt;2 The dynamics of rt and ft under the equivalent martingale measure are, from (12a) and (12b), 8 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) Q d ft = kf +(cid:27)f(cid:21)11 0 f − ft dt + rt (cid:27)r(cid:21)2(21) kr +(cid:27)r(cid:21)2(22) rQ rt (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18)p (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (14) (cid:27)f 0 ft 0 W~t;1 d 0 (cid:27)r 0 1 W~t;2 Q Q where f and r are the means of ft and rt, respectively, under the equivalent martingale measure. There are three important di(cid:11)erences between this description of bond-price dynamics and the standard Vasicek model. First, the current level of the instantaneous interest rate rt a(cid:11)ects the price of interest rate risk, through the parameter (cid:21)2(22). In Vasicek, the price of interest rate risk is constant. Second, there is a source of uncertainty in bond prices that is independent of the physical dynamics of rt. The factor ft a(cid:11)ects bond prices through the parameter (cid:21) . Chacko (1997) builds an a(cid:14)ne term structure model 2(21) expressly designed to exhibit this second feature, and my example was inspired by his (substantially more complicated) model. We will see in Section 4 that this kind of feature is critical to understanding the actual dynamics of Treasury bond yields. Third, the price of risk associated with innovations in Wt;2 can change sign, depending on the level of the factor ft. Because this model takes as a primitive the dynamics of the state-price deflator, it is incapable of providing us a utility-based explanation for sign changes in investors’ willingness to face this risk. However, we know from the results of stochastic di(cid:11)erential utility that given arbitrary state-price deflator dynamics, there exists some utility gradient and optimal consumption process that are consistent with the deflator dynamics. For a textbook discussion, see Du(cid:14)e (1996). The essentially a(cid:14)ne structure of(cid:3)t, althoughmoreflexible thanthe completely a(cid:14)ne structure, nonetheless imposes limits on the the possible dynamics of bond prices. Note that one element of K, which is the (cid:12)rst matrix on the right-hand-side of (13), is the Q same as the corresponding element of K , which is the (cid:12)rst matrix on the right-hand-side of (14). Element (1,2) must be zero under both the physical and equivalent martingale measures. Otherwise, the drift of ft at ft = 0 could be negative (because it would depend p on rt), which cannot be allowed because ft enters into St. To free up this element, and thus allow for a more flexible speci(cid:12)cation of the price of risk, we could model ft as a Gaussian process. An example of such a model is Fisher (1998). By contrast, if both ft and rt were modeled as square-root di(cid:11)usion processes, the essentially a(cid:14)ne structure of (cid:3) would be identical to the completely a(cid:14)ne structure. This illustrates a more general point noted by Du(cid:14)e and Kan (1996) and Dai and Singleton 9

Haas School of Business of the term structure must be linked in an internally consistent way in order to poor forecasts of future bond prices), it is unlikely that the model can shed light the equivalent martingale measure. matrix Wt as the mean of the outer product of the single-period derivat
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