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fn fri. (ooscmamy “ Tietoan ” As “Sense of ness — why 2 ie e “pace, all We ee poop ee Uae Some s er, dial At was ancy wuthout cov lice WWL ana ils iorased pt €: meer nips an © futwoduactieon acid tax - © Potices idiaear ii — ——paad tt Wa Reoucttmmente and healll © forwcefutly » prepare Gale sncrwubted tof light on battlesiele SS i amas pepe © Cropp fate 4o 1118-919 20-2Le1d te Fomimes +— aoctutse shorgtroartgegee 4 wie tala trauigAnu icod,d pedop le °tamine was fornel folespscad eG Cae a powest on ol = empharizect On Non tnolence (APimsa) Oke eee i cel eS Gh is are ee Vie mass ORG: [Qi Fe Gomdhi tuquolled #0 Champastan to Ma peoel tie peadanid Co ° Oe oe ie eaaas to Aupport ik haa of Khedla . 1918; Ahmedabacl y Sy alae AO ULM & AV ONE F cotton mcbl workers. RowlaActt -t '2 '9 CG‘G gpounuvse de:n oscteomrotsi oh pouoefr c Polt.o pCxa ercdLasn otnioejon Seta otur u ptpoo liticaal rAcetiraiti.es s C+ impsetonment g 4m N14, he decided to Launch a nationwide Souty og 0d a. against Rowlatt Act proposal. womried non-violent Gu disobedience 5 starred tw wuth a froastoaL on 6 bea Rolkirs 9 AIMLKECL 9 Pe, Au tie scamed the British admin. —” amd tney exexctsecl ours th @ ' AO th Apri4 l 1914 —— Arnisei ticase> pol9 er f°r ed on practi Pereat sO N Mmomuprotsiitoito nL ooFw d:i rect ; il user Hoxeulled tn a aa ronan Gui function. + suspended Cori lor. atlacks he P &g 3. Jeu rcionntgr ouln isa,l l MonI S 1By MAapratiilasl heL owo penweads toOum pos“Oen d a 5p eGaecneefxula l yenre r4o 0k okw mJmolalniodn .w ala rib which UKitled Trurndeweads ano later cleclaseeal thak iu to ‘pxodluce o moral epfect:' ogeins: a a The Jalvianwalla Bagh Massacre created tusumow in NORTH INDIA. Storkes » (QUEGIERS on a overnment bulldings « GOVERNMENTSO in seasponse ,o ppodéas.edt the SATYAGRAHIS FORCED :— HOW 2 etoonr cdieteo d stuab r outnndet r nose <” | — : createdo . let Of, VIOLENCE whi>c h wads ae tne potaneei ples andi st 3 who started the movement § © Calute atl the o pe © Areas were bombedL sled to actual ‘cal a aes Wr0u2nrent « AFTER ROWLATT SATYAGRAHA Ganon ** wished to traue a Pan- India movement because Rowlat Catia raha was Umited. o 4 wanted to thaw Hind t Mua linn, vung to Haug & Success ful vuovemment aa unct Brittsh. | | For thiss he sede Of; pe, taxing up Khilakat (Sse ancl writing for mass ackion . Gandhi (' ConvuncecL other Rom ieeemeyn to stark @ non- cooperation movement cupporting Cy —_ 2% im We books Hud Swaraj (14049) coLd 5 Botitish rule tn India was a possible becauze ndiions cooperated with them. Hences non - cooperation win Ss sue would wake tb four witriin a year and we will be able to establish GWARAT — Self. rule 6 ra, ice sunt said that it should trapper wy) stages: 4 6 . ie govt awarolecl tle a me © gBoouaylcoo ttuinnd ahnSaetleeism rfea.r tKe ionldlse ger 4 SHoots “Yor Sle edlt his movement + gatherin Support § 1920: Mahatwi gandhi and Sh b AL Vtrau2llecL widely tn Indio. Non- cooperation euen created some nor ecarnelllai Gallas But at the end ews nererersny. Cunthecic | wat clrazon and ent 7 adoptla. emp the Non - Cooperation - Khila Movew cy, Ci» e Started: Janvary '921 . Particpants ° Various soual roupSe TOWNS « The non- cooperation movement The middle class started the movement. Ly Students lett ovt Schoo&l csol leges. : Government em plo ees HeSiqned “Council electious boycottecl ch euec peter Unfoldiin of the movement ou the ewonomtc jaa e Foreign goods> boycotted ° joe oe = cone ° ligu r cops > blockeol , : : “AS a result of this s people stor ted wean Indiam will choth only 5 {ndion handloom went up: WX» ex. Khadi A man cotton cloth: Gradually this movement gtowed Gown tn citi. “> Reasone — Next page. Reasons were :— * Khadi? mone ex fur than wu psvodurtecl Cloth. * Booting Bottish imetitrtious aay cubditute Uctitations (INDIAN) 7 Lig which obvéous ae vlog es would take Se. Movement wm the Coun tole, racy . peasounts ond 4nrbale founed ne movement for theur strug leg | AWADH :— Peasantc Led ley Baba Ramthandro agamst talukolars (demon ng of high rents) oa -6< aoreced 10v awdo rkv o wsietchuor’u t osafg ese vwrSe EE —> daebomloitnidoen colf bsexgeavre,n eutce. HLCULCKLOU 4 Bub this developed mto 0 violent ¢ gale as houses Of Talukdars were ottackeol » their hoards of form pooouce Wak Stolo,e nt e All this was com ettniing that Congress war Aisappointed uxth| ee foo Mahotma> Everuy other section of people intddpouted the mov enent digterently WARAT IN THE PLANTATIONS Fost Plantation woskerg, wm Assom :- Eoxpectom meant— rtaht to move os 4 ee 4 werecunvecd ae ama UNdese NON- COOPERATION qoue them hope but they did wot seach their wins Netolned and boutally beaten up- a was a pea UL porotest, ee Ae eden aan = oe * oungouy mob murolerecl axound 22 police officers in the Village ey Vy 1422 A)uet o this, Gandhi Te colled off ¢ NU t becouse tt ‘diverted’ hem its won- violence prindple. ] ra TNTERNAL HEAT OF CONGRESS ° tew leaders were fed up of Codya raho. via no- viuolen ce _ ° Wanted to Partin ate in the council electrons in order toctand o pocite to the Brittsh polos °CRDas and Motilal Nehrv formed the Swaray Par wtthin Congress in Support of Counc elections * Young leaders such Q& Jawaharlal Nehru ad Sabnaa WW» FACTION Chandra Bose were much Lined with radicalism ae Eadremely Hof or ed ° Worldwide economic depression. [Atter math Ol ww!1] * Simon Commission | \_. Stotutosyy vomuirston constituted by Britain under Str Tonn Sumon. ‘In ntepbise of, Indiow Nodtionalist- movement , Veiner epeeo, N ioe eert MNei arAsS UEgS hAeae PSoloioltyi.nt y.g %°¥ S uaSgAgeEs t changaess f for the came ; Indians chanted Slogan , ‘Go back Simou ’. There were widlespsoacl pootests eee the comwMlssion . The ten Viceroy o,' Indlia, sLORD TRwM ofPereok ee a dominion Stotus. [d,e1 9t24 ] — Buk tus made the Radicals of NGRESS, wore arsertie and dug to trun radicalum, the liberals, and woderatn Lost trary Untuenice within the party. eo Decembest 1924, Unde oer: Lal Nehsur, Lahore Benes = jormoliged the demand of, > Tull dupendance Yor Andia.. spa d Tae ae endence Lo» Pi were to take a peace to sluuga le for complete indepenolence » The Salt Mostch ond Civil Sisobedience movement Accosudltng to Gandhi = Colry. could act as oO poue ee eynco that could unite me nation . Janvosy's1 41930, the wnote tothe Viceroy Juin stating @levenidennands> co— ebaeat eywomyone Wi the ee Beconse, he wanted to unite Most impontant of these || clernande was - dlemanol ir RBS It Track ar on a the pope Because section o, population consumes SALT & ih is one of the most mpostont component of foods FURTHER? the letter Said not % fre dumands wexe not eh by ll March y ’ Congours woe Set to Launch a Cwil diurobectence COMNIPOA RY Truiin did not accept we demands and hence, Mahatma Gomdht started the SALT MARCH Aiuth Misobecttence moment Non- cooperatiery + CoopWeroabys ean te © Colonial Laws une Borkish was Hapused | Bee 2 Forelgn cloth wad ees * Uiguox hops Using picketed ° tostee were not patal oo This Led to cetention o| many Sy aa leaders This led to many attacks; a demovistration against the sule ee L9S1L Gandhi - qu [SMarch 1131 ——————“ ‘i - Under this pact, Gandhi consented to participate in Round Table conference tn London Yg ousxnm powmised to xetease tne poli Boner. (But tis did not thappen) © Tn tock, Congouss wae clecLaxed al. ae dots,S andi sulaunched the CbM, which eventur Logt is momentum by (934 why aile unt 3a es a paritctp ated 7 PRiecah presas omt ceownmwumnyutnkt es.: keegs, — f: rasAeL L vy tHadAen e deepseus sion oulnowd ;t op suPcreessass, Reluctant- bo &. movement aapnet high revenue, Leviecl Soyt he Fab Poow pea: or Moumment fo wombs f6 en Dees ae Hont to th lanollorol Bueno Claxs ° Wouement J colenrtal polickes— suctmictrad busin. ee Oe impo of ED. a business ao (nustn eds a a gumeol— o Th awe financial afcl bo the movement o frat Wenking ats did not pomopete in the vuovement except for the Mer ees ae WOMEN 3 Pasctectpotedt On tage number Limits Ff; Cfutl Afcobecience Mevement Cl) Ne V oh Us pewres Tedobles a(iSda ltwsot. realy “APP omt tht abstract concepPt Gwar i ex- the un eCongxess, Kor quite awhile tgnomed Nalits for ieee Of, Sanatan arma. © But Gandhi wanted untouchablilty to be eluutnated. dil o-lot Por this: dy cleaned toilets to normalise and peuuaded the Sanatanis to have a solt @ open heart forH alits ; mecerauny to Gandhiifi §$H axtjons ; ; But Polit leaders wanted bo have political mupausentaltor tM osdler to frau coctal equality. Dr B.R. Ambedkar, who organised the dalits into the Depressed Classes Association in 1930, clashed with Mahatma Gandhi at the second Round Table Conference by demanding Tres Sher : mei anA , — An. Arbedtar osepied SO Fv ond 8! ——Ee que. meserud ceate in (proutnefol and central , FEA ip eater Dalits r se oes . (ily Muzluug also felt alvenated the Conagsers at a xesult dacline of, tre Non - Conperation - Kw and as Q +ack thot comgatsed zouvek to ‘We wnosxgs tdelined with Hindus. Muno ChOobur of MuULLOMs made yaa a eee tOLsk “the Sense of collective belonas — with, itn —-N ationalaw Ls» futing Of togethers came came fromm Cane sa ee Sonne dactost brelpeol< ats CE pstints ana Spe ele. Loenté mation ~ Useol tm Reger e [ime es— Lin fld porooisect Saal d Joaoge 9 trate ol Bonkimn Chomasra NEEM Ib87i0ns— UaFrec lwouotcel ta*n daV a indne JM atarrqwwwi’ d ating el,o gy col a Abavim tr Tagore Ao patnt Hr tamous sles of, dbhaxak Mata L CL4 coum, dinine ana puutudcl . Folec natlonallim also olerelo peat thco (ee movement to MUirre Fnoran folklore. Folefarce LUA aise act eas votth emne's Natllborak Aincthes meame of,B oots 0°[ nang of Nationalum wa iM ert a setnarpoutation of 4ltkto Jnoltams sepan Looking. into the past to cliseover. fmdlia's grat achiw, ee pea nee serie ahh OTA eee ee: Wwas a ttt psoblematic because % the dduunoits / fous 40 (ids uniy Snot chet rans Ea aad tee non i 9 40 eCnAeNce e es Quit India Movement The failure of the Cripps Mission and the effects of World War II created widespread discontentment in India. This led Gandhiji to launch a movement calling for complete withdrawal of the British from India. The Congress Working Committee, in its meeting in Wardha on 14 July 1942, passed the historic ‘Quit India’ resolution demanding the immediate transfer of power to Indians and quit India. On 8 August 1942 in Bombay, the All India Congress Committee endorsed the resolution which called for a non-violent mass struggle on the widest possible scale throughout the country. It was on this occasion that Gandhiji delivered the famous ‘Do or Die’ speech. The call for ‘Quit India’ almost brought the state machinery to a standstill in large parts of the country as people voluntarily threw themselves into the thick of the movement. People observed hartals, and demonstrations and procewesre sacicomopanniesd by natsiongos annda slolgan s. The movement was truly a mass movement which brought into its ambit thousands of ordinary people, namely students, workande preassant s. It also saw the active participoaft lieaodenrs , namely, Jayprakash Narayan, Aruna Asaf Ali and Ram Manohar Lohia and many women such as Matangini Hazra in Bengal, Kanaklata Barua in Assam and Rama Devi in Odisha. The British responded with much force, yet it took more than a year to suppthre emovsemsent .

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