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TEORI EKONOMI MIKRO DOSEN: DR. ARDITO BHINADI, SE., M.SI JURUSAN ILMU EKONOMI, FAKULTAS EKONOMI, UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA 2013 RANCANGAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER ( RPS) Program Studi /Jurusan : EKONOMI PEMBANGUNAN/ILMU EKONOMI Matakuliah / Kode : TEORI EKONOMI MIKRO / SKS / Semester : 3 (tiga x 50 menit)/ II (dua) Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : Ekonomi Mikro Pengantar Dosen : Dr. H. Ardito Bhinadi, M.Si I.Deskripsi Mata Kuliah: Matakuliah ini membahas sejumlah teori ekonomi mikro dari teori konsumen, teori produsen, berbagai bentuk pasar dan eksternalitas. II.Kompetensi Umum : Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan model-model ekonomi, pilihan dan permintaan, produksi dan penawaran, pasar kompetitif, kekuatan pasar, penetapan harga di pasar input, dan kegagalan pasar. III. Analisis Instruksional Terlampir IV. Strategi Pembelajaran : Pembelajaran menggunakan metoda ceramah dan diskusi dengan harapan muncul sensitifitas mahasiswa terhadap masalah mikro ekonomi. Materi perkuliahan didasarkan pada beberapa buku dan studi kasus yang harus difahami oleh mahasiswa. Dosen menyampaikan materi dalam bentuk dalam power point. Media yang digunakan adalah papan tulis, LCD, dan Laptop. V. Rencana Pembelajaran Mingguan Pertemuan Kompetensi Pokok/Sub-pokok Metoda Media Metoda Referensi Ke Bahasan Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Evaluasi Mahasiswa Model-Model Ceramah dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch1 1 mampu Ekonomi diskusi LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Satu) memahami balik berbagai model ekonomi. Mahasiswa Preferensi dan Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 3 2 mampu Utilitas Presentasi, LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Dua) memahami Ceramah dan balik preferensi dan diskusi utilitas konsumen. Mahasiswa Efek Substitusi dan Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 5 3 mampu efek Pendapatan Presentasi, LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Tiga) substitusi dan Ceramah dan balik pendapatan. diskusi Mahasiswa Hubungan Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 6 4 mampu Permintaan Antar Presentasi, LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Empat) memahami Barang Ceramah dan balik hubungan diskusi permintaan antar barang. 1 Mahasiswa Fungsi-Fungsi Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 9 5 mampu Produksi Presentasi, LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Lima) memahami Ceramah dan balik fungsi-fungsi diskusi produksi Mahasiswa Fungsi-Fungsi Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 10 6 mampu Biaya. Presentasi, LCD, Laptop, kuis/umpan (Enam) memahami Ceramah dan balik fungsi-fungsi diskusi biaya. Mahasiwa Maksimisasi Laba Mahasiswa Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 11 7 mampu Presentasi, LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Tujuh) menghitung Ceramah dan maksimisasi Diskusi laba. Ujian Tengah Semester Pertemuan Kompetensi Pokok/Sub-pokok Metoda Media Metoda Referensi Ke Bahasan Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Evaluasi Mahasiwa Model Persaingan Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 12 8 mampu Keseimbangan Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Delapan) memahami Parsial model persaingan keseimbangan parsial. Mahasiwa Keseimbangan Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 13 9 mampu Umum dan Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Sembilan) memahami Kesejahteraan keseimbangan umum dan kesejahteraan. Mahasiwa Monopoli Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 14 10 mampu Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Sepuluh) memahami monopoli. Mahasiwa Persaingan Tidak Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 15 11 mampu Sempurna Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Sebelas) memahami persaingan tidak sempurna. Mahasiwa Pasar Tenaga Kerja Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 16 12 mampu Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Dua Belas) memahami pasar tenaga kerja Mahasiwa Asimetris Informasi Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 18 13 mampu Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Tiga Belas) memahami informasi asimetris. 2 Mahasiwa Eksternalitas dan Diskusi dan Papan tulis, Pertanyaan Ch 19 14 mampu Barang Publik Kuis LCD, Laptop umpan balik (Empat memahami Belas) eksternalitas dan barang publik. Ujian Akhir Semester 1. Sumber Referensi Nicholson, Walter and Christopher Snyder, 2008. Microeconomic Theory, Basic Principles and Extensions, Tenth Edition, Thomson South-Western, United Stated of America. 2. Komponen Penilaian 1.Ujian Tengah Semester = 30% 2.Ujian Akhir Semester = 30% 3.Partisipasi Kelas = 20% 4.Tugas-Tugas = 20% 3 Microeconomic Theory Chapter 1 Basic Principles and Extensions, 9e ECONOMIC MODELS By WALTER NICHOLSON Slides prepared by Linda Ghent Eastern Illinois University Copyright ©2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved. 1 2 Theoretical Models Verification of Economic Models • Economists use models to describe • There are two general methods used to economic activities verify economic models: –direct approach • While most economic models are • establishes the validity of the model’s abstractions from reality, they provide assumptions –indirect approach aid in understanding economic behavior • shows that the model correctly predicts real- world events 3 4 1 Verification of Economic Models Features of Economic Models • We can use the profit-maximization model • Ceteris Paribus assumption to examine these approaches –is the basic assumption valid? do firms really • Optimization assumption seek to maximize profits? • Distinction between positive and –can the model predict the behavior of real-world normative analysis firms? 5 6 Ceteris Paribus Assumption Optimization Assumptions • Ceteris Paribus means “other things the • Many economic models begin with the same” assumption that economic actors are • Economic models attempt to explain rationally pursuing some goal simple relationships –consumers seek to maximize their utility –focus on the effects of only a few forces at a –firms seek to maximize profits (or minimize time costs) –other variables are assumed to be unchanged –government regulators seek to maximize during the period of study public welfare 7 8 2 Optimization Assumptions Positive-Normative Distinction • Optimization assumptions generate • Positive economic theories seek to precise, solvable models explain the economic phenomena that is observed • Optimization models appear to be • Normative economic theories focus on perform fairly well in explaining reality what “should” be done 9 10 The Economic Theory of Value The Economic Theory of Value • Early Economic Thought • The Founding of Modern Economics –“value” was considered to be synonymous –the publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of with “importance” Nations is considered the beginning of modern economics –since prices were determined by humans, it was possible for the price of an item to –distinguishing between “value” and “price” differ from its value continued (illustrated by the diamond-water paradox) –prices > value were judged to be “unjust” • the value of an item meant its “value in use” • the price of an item meant its “value in exchange” 11 12 3 The Economic Theory of Value The Economic Theory of Value • Labor Theory of Exchange Value • The Marginalist Revolution –the exchange values of goods are determined by –the exchange value of an item is not determined what it costs to produce them by the total usefulness of the item, but rather • these costs of production were primarily affected by the usefulness of the last unit consumed labor costs • because water is plentiful, consuming an additional • therefore, the exchange values of goods were unit has a relatively low value to individuals determined by the quantities of labor used to produce them –producing diamonds requires more labor than producing water 13 14 The Economic Theory of Value Supply-Demand Equilibrium • Marshallian Supply-Demand Synthesis Price –Alfred Marshall showed that supply and demand Equilibrium S Q = Q The supply curve has a positive simultaneously operate to determine price D s slope because marginal cost rises as quantity increases –prices reflect both the marginal evaluation that consumers place on goods and the marginal P* costs of producing the goods The demand curve has a negative slope because • water has a low marginal value and a low marginal the marginal value falls as D cost of production  Low price quantity increases • diamonds have a high marginal value and a high Quantity per period marginal cost of production  High price Q* 15 16 4 Supply-Demand Equilibrium Supply-Demand Equilibrium q = 1000 - 100p • A more general model is D qS = -125 + 125p qD = a + bp Equilibrium  q = q q = c + dp D S S 1000 - 100p = -125 + 125p Equilibrium  q = q D S 225p = 1125 a + bp = c + dp p* = 5 ac q* = 500 p* db 17 18 Supply-Demand Equilibrium Supply-Demand Equilibrium A shift in demand will lead to a new equilibrium: Price An increase in demand... S …leads to a rise in the Q’ = 1450 - 100P D equilibrium price and Q’ = 1450 - 100P = Q = -125 + 125P 7 quantity. D S 5 225P = 1575 P* = 7 D’ Q* = 750 D 500 750 Quantity per period 19 20 5 The Economic Theory of Value The Economic Theory of Value • General Equilibrium Models • The production possibilities frontier can –the Marshallian model is a partial be used as a basic building block for equilibrium model general equilibrium models • focuses only on one market at a time • A production possibilities frontier shows –to answer more general questions, we the combinations of two outputs that need a model of the entire economy can be produced with an economy’s • need to include the interrelationships between resources markets and economic agents 21 22 A Production Possibility Frontier A Production Possibility Frontier Quantity of food Opportunity cost of • The production possibility frontier (weekly) clothing = 1/2 pound of food reminds us that resources are scarce 10 • Scarcity means that we must make 9.5 choices Opportunity cost of 4 clothing = 2 pounds of food –each choice has opportunity costs 2 –the opportunity costs depend on how much of each good is produced 3 4 12 13 Quantity of clothing (weekly) 23 24 6

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