125588 Tents and Towers Arabia of "The strongest motive throughout had. been a personal one, not mentioned here, but present to me, I think, every hour o these two years. Active pains and joys might fling up, like towers among my days: but, refluent as air, this hidden urge re-formed, to be the persisting ele- ment o life, till near the end/* T- E LAWRENCE Tents and Towers Arabia of BY ROBERT SHAFFER Illustrated with Photographs MEAD & COMPANY NEW YORK DODD, No Copyright, 1952, by Robert Shaffer. All rights reserved. part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America by the Vail-Ballou Press, Inc., Binghamton, N. Y. Designed by Stefan Salter.