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Tenth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference, held at Lisbon, Portugal, 8–12 April 1991 PDF

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Preview Tenth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference, held at Lisbon, Portugal, 8–12 April 1991

TenthE.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Commision of the European Communities *** *e* * * * * *** Tenth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Proceedings of the International Conference, held at Lisbon, Portugal, 8-12 April 1991 Edited by A. LUQUE Universidad Politecnica, Madrid, Spain G.SALA Universidad Politecnica, Madrid, Spain W.PALZ Commission o/the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium G. DOS SANTOS Secretaria de Estado da Energia, Lisbon, Portugal and P.HELM WIP, Munich, F.R. Germany KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT I BOSTON I LONDON ISBN ~7923-1389-5 Publication arrangements by Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation, Scientific and Technical Communications Service, Luxembourg EUR 13807 © 1991 ECSC, EEC, EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg LEGAL NOTICE Neither the Commission of the European Communities nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. INTRODUCTION I have great pleasure in presenting the Proceedings of the 10th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference held in Lisbon from 8 to 12 April 1991. These Proceedings contain all the scientific papers delivered at the Conference. The following is a short summary of the Conference activities. The Conference was opened by the Minister of Industry and Energy of Portugal, Eng. Luis Mira do Amaral. At the opening ceremony the Becquerel Prize, created by the Commission of the European Communities, was awarded to Professor Werner Bloss of the University of Stuttgart, and presented by Professor Philippe Bourdeau, Director at the Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development. The Becquerellecture delivered by Professor Bloss constituted the scientific opening to the conference. About 760 delegates from 53 countries presented around 350 contributions, 50 of them as plenary lectures; the contributions were selected among the many papers submitted, this time more strictly than ever before. Also a selected group of scientists were invited to deliver 15 review lectures, to provide an adequate context to the contributions to the Conference. A Symposium on Photovoltaics in Developing Countries, which was very well attended, took place as a parallel event. The Symposium provided an opportunity to hear not only experts of the industrialized countries, but also speakers from the countries where photovoltaics provides services of paramount value. The now-traditional Panel Discussion, chaired by Professor Gerry Wrixon, dealt this time with the topic "Are we prepared for mass production of PV electricity?". A lively discussion took place beween those who considered that the growth of PV electricity must be left solely to market forces, and those who asked for a "Manhattan project" (some delegates found the comparison objectionable owing to the warlike connotations of this name). The Exhibition of the Photovoltaic Industry brought together 43 companies, whose activities varied from photovoltaic manufacturing equipment and the preparation of basic semiconductor material, through cell fabrication, to companies involved in power systems and in measuring equipment. As usual the work in the Conference Hall lobbies, where informal meetings take place, was as interesting as that in the auditoria; to make it even more animated, a daily newspaper - The Conference News - containing topical articles and interviews, was issued under the leadership of Alain Liebard. At the Summaries session, the most important conclusions on every subject were presented by the session organizers, and those concerning the Exhibition by Mr. Fred Treble. From this session and that on National Programmes, it appeared clearly that we are witnessing today a stronger commitment of big corporations, in particular European ones, to the development of photovoltaics as well as the industrialization of concepts developed in recent years in the academic sector. At the closing session the Mouchot Prize was awarded to Dr. Wolfgang Palz, head of the Renewable Energy Programme of the Commission of the European Communities, the inspirer of this series of conferences, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the promotion of photovoltaics. The prize was presented by the President of Eurosolar, Dr. Hermann Scheer, Member of the German Parliament. The laudatio of the awardee was delivered by Mr. A. Liebard, Chairman of the "Comite d'Action pour Ie Solaire". The session was closed by the Secretary of State for Energy of Portugal, Dr. Nuno Ribeiro da Silva. The next European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, the 11th in this series, will take place at Montreux, Switzerland, on the 12 to 16 October 1992 under the chairmanship of Professor Leopoldo Guimariies. Madrid, 15 May 1991 Antonio Luque, General Chairman v Sponsored by: Commission of the European Communities Ministerio da Industria e Energia Secretaria de Estado da Energia Co-sponsored by: UNESCO Academia das Ciencias Direc~iio Geral de Energia Petroleos de Portugal, Petrogal SA Daimler-Benz AG Neste Polimeros, SA Caixa Geral de Depositos Camara Municipal de Lisboa Eurosolar EPIA Collaborating Entities: Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial Sociedade Portuguesa Acumuladores Tudor Portsol Universidade Nova de Lisboa Direc~iio Geral da Comunica~iio Social Instituto de Promo~iio Turistica Sociedade Portuguesa de Energia Solar Instituto Superior Tecnico Conference Organiser: WIP-Munich vi CONFERENCE COMMmeE General Chairman Prof. A. Luque, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Technical Programme Chairmen Prof. l. GuimarAes, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal Prof. G. Wrixon, NMRC, Cork, Ireland Conference Director Dr. W. Palz, CEC, Brussels, Belgium Conference Secretariat Prof. G. Sala, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Mrs. A. Baubin, CEC, Brussels, Belgium International Organisation, Administration I exhibition Dipl. Ing. H. Ehmann, WIP, Munich, F. R. Germany Mrs. H. Riegel, WIP, Munich, F. R. Germany Local Organisation Prof. R. Martins, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal Eng. E. Fortunato, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal Posters Dr. H. W. Schock, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Prof. R. Martins, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal STEERING COMMmeE Prof. W. H. Bloss, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Prof.l.J.M. Guimaraes, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal Dipl. Ing. P. Helm, WIP, Munich, F. R. Germany Prof. R. Hill, Newcastle Polytechnic, UK Prof. A. Luque, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Dr. W. Palz, CEC, Brussels, Belgium Dr. M. Reis, CEC, Brussels, Belgium Prof. G. Sala, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Eng. G. dos Santos, Secretaria de Estado da Energia, Lisbon, Portugal Dr. H. Scheer, Eurosolar, Bonn, F. R. Germany Prof. R. Van Overstraeten, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Prof. G. T. Wrixon, NMRC, Cork, Ireland COMMmeE SYMPOSIUM PV IN DEVELDPING COUNTRIES Chairman: Prof. R. Hill, Newcastle Polytechnic, UK Prof. W. Bloss, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Prof. l. GuimarAes, Univ. Nova, Lisbon, Portugal Dipl. Ing. P. Helm, WIP, Munich, F. R. Germany Prof. E. Lorenzo, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Dr. B. McNelis, IT Power, Eversley, UK SESSION ORGANISERS Subj. 1: Prof. G.l. Araujo, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Subj. 2: Prof. R. Mertens, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Subj. 3: Prof. I. Solomon, Ecole Polytech., Palaiseau, France Subj. 4: Prof. W. Bloss, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Subj. 5: Dr. J. Schmid, Fraunhofer Inst., Freiburg, F. R. Germany Subj. 6: Dr. S. McCarthy, Hyperion Energy Syst., Cork, Ireland Subj. 7: Prof. R. Hill, Newcastle Polytechnic, UK vii NATIONAL COMMITTEE Eng. Gonyalves dos Santos, Adviser to the Secretary of State for Energy Chairman of the National Committee Prof. Rodrigo Martins, Universidade Nova, Usbon Prof. Collares Pereira, Portuguese Center for Energy Saving, Usbon Prof. AntOnio Valera, Faculty of Sciences, Usbon Prof. JoAo Bessa, University of Oporto Dr. Pedro Paes, LNETI, Usbon Eng. Elvira Fortunato, Universidade Nova, Usbon Eng. Penaforte e Costa, DirecyAo Geral de Energia, Usbon Prof. Traya de Almeida, University of Coimbra HONORARY COMMITTEE Prof. A. Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister of Portugal, President of the Honorary Committee On. Filippo Maria Pandolfi, Vice President of the CEC, E. C. Commissioner for Science and Technology Eng. A. Cardoso e Cunha, E. C. Commissioner for Energy Eng. Luis Mira Amaral, Minister for Industry and Energy Eng. Valente de Oliveira, Minister for Planning and Regional Administration Eng. Roberto Carneiro, Minister for Education Prof. Paolo Fasella, General Director for Science, Research and Development, DGXII,CEC Dr. Nuno Ribeiro da Silva, Secretary of State for Energy Prof. Sucena Paiva, Secretary of State for Science and Technology Eng. Alves Monteiro, Secretary of State for Industry Prof. Veiga SimAo, President of National Laboratory of Engineering and Industrial Technology, LNETI Eng. CustOdio Miguens, General Director for Energy, DGE Prof. Carlos Salema, President of National Institute for Research, Science and Technology, JNICT Prof. Azeredo PerdigAo, President of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Prof. Leopoldo GuimarAes, President of Uninova Prof. Jacinto Nunes, President of Portuguese Science Academy Dr. Helena Vaz da Silva, Portuguese Commissioner for UNESCO viii SCIENTlFlC COMMITTEE Prof. V. M. Andreev,lOFFE Physical Tech. Inst., Leningrad, USSR Prof. G. L. AraOjo. Univ. Politecnica, Madrid. Spain Dr. C. E. Backus, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ., USA Mr. C. Baraona, NASA Lewis Res. Center, Cleveland, OH, USA Dr. A. M. Barnett, AstroPower, Newark, DE, USA Dr. G. Beer, Con phoebus, Catania, Italy Dr. B. Berkovski. Div. of Technological Res. and Higher Education, UNESCO, Paris, France Dr. B. Bini Smaghi, CEC, Brussels. Belgium Prof. W. H. Bloss, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Dr. E. C. Boes, Sandia Nat. Lab .• Albuquerque. N.M., USA Dr. K. P. Bogus, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Mr. R. Buhs, Telefunken Systemtechnik, Wedel, F. R. Germany Dr. J. Cap ilion, EDF, Chatou, France Dr. D. E. Carlson, Solarex, Newton, PA, USA Dr. A. M. de Andrade. Escola Politec .• Univ. Slio Paulo, Brazil Prof. B. Equer, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Dr. W. Freiesleben, Eurosolar, Brussels, Belgium Prof. J. Furlan, Fac. Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Dr. R. Gislon. ENEA, Rome, Italy Prof. A. Goetzberger, Fraunhofer Inst., Freiburg, F. R. Germany Dr. J. G. Grabmaier, Siemens, Munich, F. R. Germany Prof. M.A. Green, Univ. New South Wales, Australia Prof. L.J.M. Guimarl1es, Univ. Nova, Usbon, Portugal Prof. Y. Hamakawa, Univ. Osaka, Japan Dr. D. Helmreich, Heliotronic, Burghausen, F. R. Germany Prof. R. Hill, Newcastle Polytechnic, UK Mr. M. S. Imamura, WIP, Munich, F. R. Germany Mr. W. Kaut. CEC, Brussels. Belgium Dr. L. L. Kazmerski. SERI. Golden, CO. USA Dr. H. Kiess, Paul Scherrer Inst., Lab. RCA, Zurich. Switzerland Prof. W. Kleinkauf, ISET, Kassel, F. R. Germany Dr. K. Krebs, CEC, JRC, Ispra, Italy Dr. Y. Kuwano, Sanyo ElectriC, Osaka, Japan Prof. D. Lalas, CRES, Athens, Greece Prof. E. Lorenzo, Univ. Politecnica, Madrid, Spain Prof. R. Martins, Univ. Nova, Usbon, Portugal Prof. H. Matsunami, Univ. Kyoto, Japan Dr. S. McCarthy, Hyperion Energy Systems, Cork. Ireland Mr. B. McNelis, IT Power. Eversley, UK Prof. R. Mertens, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Dr. C. Messana, ENEA, Rome, Italy Mr. G. Oelert, GTZ, Eschborn, F. R. Germany Mr. A. Previ, ENEL, Milan, Italy Dr. M. B. Prince, US Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC, USA Prof. D. Rapakoulias, Univ. Patras, Greece Prof. T. Saitoh, Univ. of Agric., Tokyo, Japan Mr. F. Sanchez. CIEMAT-IER, Madrid, Spain Mr. A. Sauze, CEN/CEA, Cadarache, France Dr. H. Scheer, Eurosolar, Bonn, F. R. Germany Dr. J. Schmid. Fraunhofer Inst. ISE, F. R. Germany Dr. H. W. Schock, Univ. Stuttgart, F. R. Germany Prof. A. V. Shah, Univ. Neuchatel, Switzerland Prof. Y. Shapira, Univ. Tel-Aviv, Israel Dr. P. Siffert, CRN-PHASE, Strasbourg, France Prof. I. Solomon, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Prof. D. S. Strebkov, VIESH, USSR Mr. F. C. Treble, Farnborough, UK Dr. M. Umeno, Dept. of Elec. and Computer Eng., Japan Prof. W. F. van der Weg, Univ. Utrecht, The Netherlands Prof. R. van Overstraeten, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Dr. C. VElrie, CNRS, Valbonne, France Dr. G. Willeke, Univ. Konstanz, F. R. Germany ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Alphabetical List of Authors at the end of the book Introduction v Conference Sponsors vi Conference Committee vii Opening Session Opening Address 3 Dr. Nuno Ribeiro da Silva Secretary of State for Energy, Lisbon, Portugal Speech on the Occasion of the Mouchot Prize Award Dr. W.Palz 5 Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium SESSION 01: Fundamentals, High Efficiency Cells and Novel Devices 01.02 Efficiency of a Combined Solar Concentrator Cell and Thennal Power Engine System 11 Goetzberger A., Bronner W., Wettling W. Fraunhofer Inst. ISE, Freiburg, F.R Germany 01.03 Holographic Optical Elements for the Constrnction of Tandem Cells 15 Herz K., Corlatan D., Anders G., Schafer M. ZSW, Stuttgart, F.R Germany 01.04 Light Trapping with Submicron Gratings in thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells 19 Kiess H., Epler J.E., Gale M.T., Krausbauer L., MorfR, Rehwald W. Paul Scherrer Inst., Zurich, Switzerland 01.05 A Technology-Based Comparison Between Two-Sided and Back-Contact Silicon Solar Cells 23 Cuevas A. Inst. Energia Solar, UPM, Madrid, Spain Sinton RA. Sun Power Corp., Mountain View, CA, USA KingRR Georgia Inst. Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 01.06 DeVelopment of a Polysilicon Emitter Solar Cell 27 Papadopoulos G., Tarr N.G. Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Ont., Canada BoivinL.P. Nat. Res. Council, Ottawa, Ont., Canada xi POSTER SESSION IA: Fundamentals, High Efficiency Cells and Novel Devices IAOI Emitter-base Coupling in Highly Illuminated Solar Cells and Applications in OCVD Technique 33 Pelanchon F. CEDUST, Damascus, Syria BoeglinE. ISSAT, Damascus, Syria Mialhe P. Univ. Perpignan, France IA02 Lifetime and Surface Recombination Detennination 36 Mialhe P. Univ. Perpignan, France Salagnon J.M., Pelanchon F. ISSAT, Damascus, Syria Sissoko G., Kane M. Univ. Dakar, Senegal IA03 Reduction ofR eflection Losses by Structured Surfaces 39 Scheydecker A, Goetzberger A, Wittwer V. Fraunhofer Inst. ISE, Freiburg, F.R. Germany IA04 The I-V Silicon Solar Cell Characteristic Parameters Temperature Dependence -An Experimental Study Using the Standard Deviation Method 43 Veissid N. Inst. Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil De Andrade AM. Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil IA05 Sizing of Light Confining Cavities for GaAs and Si Solar Cells 48 Tobias I., Luque A, Miftano J.C., Alonso J. Inst. Energia Solar, UPM, Madrid, Spain IA06 AIGaAs-GaAs Solar Cells with Increased Radiation Stability 52 Andreev V.M., Kalinovskii V.S., Sulima O.V. AF.Ioffe Physico-Technical Inst., Leningrad, USSR IA07 New Techniques in Solar Cell Theory 55 Markvart T. Univ. Southampton, UK IA08 Organic Solar Cells - A Survey 58 Bonnet D., Volkheimer J. Battelle Inst., FrankfurtlMain, F.R. Germany IA09 Optimization ofA ntireflection Film Structures for Surface-Passivated Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 62 Saitoh T., Kamataki 0., lida S. Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan IAll The Influence of Surface Recombination on the Limiting Efficiency and Optimum Thickness of Silicon Solar Cells 66 Demesmaeker E., Symons J., Nijs J., Mertens R. IMEC, Leuven, Belgium xii

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