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Tensor Trigonometry. – Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2021, 320 p. PDF

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Preview Tensor Trigonometry. – Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2021, 320 p.

Ninu´l A. S. TENSOR TRIGONOMETRY Publisher “FIZMATLIT” ББК 22.143 Н 60 UDC 514.1/512.64/530.12 MSC2020: 15A/51F/53B/83(ofAMSandzbMATH) Ninu´l A. S. TensorTrigonometry. −Moscow: ScientificPublisher“FIZMATLIT”,2021,320p.,8ill. (Englishauthorversionofthe1-stRussianedition: Ninu´lA.S.TensorTrigonometry. TheoryandApplication. −Moscow: “MIR” Publisher,2004,336p. withtheadditionof"Kunstkammer".) Planimetryincludesmetricpartandtrigonometry. IngeometriesofmetricspacesfromtheendofXIXage theirtensorformsarewidelyused. Howeverthetrigonometryisremainedonlyinitsscalarforminaplane. The tensor trigonometry is development of the flat scalar trigonometry from Leonard Euler classic forms into general multi-dimensional tensor forms with vector and scalar orthoprojections and with step by step increasingacomplexityandopportunities. Describedinthebookarefundamentalsofthisnewmathematical subjectwithmanyinitialexamplesofitsapplications. Intheoreticplan,thetensortrigonometrycomplementsnaturallyAnalyticGeometryandLinearAlgebra. In practical plan, it gives the clear instrument for solutions of various geometric and physical problems in homogeneousisotropicspaces,suchasEuclidean,quasi-andpseudo-Euclideanones. Sointhesespaces,the tensortrigonometrygivesverycleargenerallawsofmotionsincompleteformsandwithpolardecompositions into principal and secondary motions, their descriptive trigonometric vector models, which are applicable also to n-dimensional non-Euclidean geometries in subspaces of constant radius embedded into enveloping metricspaces,andinthetheoryofrelativity. InSTR,theapplicationswereconsideredtillatrigonometric pseudo-analog of the classic theory by Frenet–Serret with absolute differentially-geometric, kinematic and dynamiccharacteristicsinthecurrentpointsofaworldline. Newmethodsofthetensortrigonometrycanbealsousefulinotherdomainsofmathematicsandphysics. Thebookisintendedforresearchersinthefieldsofmulti-dimensionalspaces,analyticgeometry,linearalgebra withtheoryofmatrices,non-Euclideangeometries,theoryofrelativityandtoallthosewhoisinterestedin new knowledges and applications, given by exact sciences. It may be useful for educational purposes with thisnewmathsubjectintheuniversitydepartmentsofalgebra,geometryandphysics. ISBN-13 : 978-5-94052-278-2(Izdatel‘stvofiziko-matematicheskojliteratury‘) DOI 10.32986/978-5-94052-278-2-320-01-2021 The first edition of the book (ISBN-10 : 5-03-003717-9 and ISBN-13 : 978-5-03-003717-2) was reviewed by professor of Moscow State University, Dr.Sc. M. M. Postnikov and by professor of Moscow Regional University,Dr.Sc. O.V.Manturov. All rights reserved. Copyright (cid:13)c 2021, 2004 by Anatoly S. Ninul ThefirsteditioninRussianofthebookinSeptember2004wasdevotedbytheauthor tothe175ysanniversaryofthefirstpublicationsonnon-EuclideanGeometry, tothe100ysanniversaryofthefirstpublicationsonTheoryofRelativity andtotheirgreatcreators–Lobachevsky,Bolyai,Lorentz,Poincar´e,Einstein To the readers Seldom, what division of mathematical science is so well-known and understandable yet since school years as the Trigonometry. Originated in antiquity it practically completed own developmentandobtaineditsmodernformattheendofthe18thcenturyintheworksofgreat LeonardEuler. MeanwhileGeometry, fromthehistoricallyinitialEuclideanforms, passedfar aheadforthelasttwocenturies. Furthermore,itsvariousmulti-dimensionalandnon-Euclidean tensor forms were discovered and studied. In the monograph, we undertake constructing general forms of the TensorTrigonometry in multi-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic spaces with quadratic metrics (as Euclidean, quasi-andpseudo-Euclideanones). TheclassicScalarTrigonometryactsoneigenplanesofthe binary trigonometric subspace of a tensor angle. The angle between two lines (or vectors), between two subspaces (or lineors) in multi-dimensional linear spaces has accordingly the natureofbivalenttensors,determinedbythesetreflectortensorofthebinaryspace. However, itskindisdeterminedbytheconcretequadraticmetric. Inthesemetricspaces,atensorangle and its trigonometric functions are respectively either orthogonal, or quasi-orthogonal, or pseudo-orthogonal tensors. (In particular, for Euclidean spaces, the simplest reflector tensor isaunitymatrix,andwecandealonlywiththemiddlereflectoroftheconcretetensorangle.) These tensor angles and all their trigonometric functions can be defined in the two forms: (1) projective one by a pair of eigenprojectors or eigenreflectors; (2) motive one by the given rotational or deformational matrix. Projective and motive angles are one-to-one connected. In order to obtain the tensor construction, it was necessary to consider highly thoroughly anumberofrelatedquestionsintheTheoryofExactMatrices,whatisapartofLinearAlgebra. In addition to this, our efforts were rewarded by attainments of interesting and unexpected results in Algebra, Geometry and Theoretical Physics. TensorTrigonometrypointofviewgivessuchadvantages,thatsomeratherdifficultandnot easily perceivable mathematical or physical theories became quietly transparent and natural forunderstanding. Weexposedthisonmoreelementaryexamplesoftrigonometricmodelling different motions with the use of their polar representations in quasi-, pseudo-Euclidean and non-EuclideangeometriesandintheTheoryofRelativity. So,thehyperbolictensorofmotion with the certain scalar multipliers produces all the kinematic and dynamic scalar, vector and tensorphysicalrelativisticcharacteristicsofamovingmaterialbody,andgivesthegenerallaw ofsummingmotionsandrelativisticvelocities. Thehyperbolictensorofdeformationproduces all the relativistic seeming geometric parameters of a moving object. Maincontentofthebookareatthejointofproblemsstudiedinmulti-dimensionalGeometry and Linear Algebra. Since the exposition of the theory required many of additional notations and terms, the author tried to give them the most convenient and logical forms. So, this relatestothematrixalphabetbasedonwide-spreadingexamples. Theauthorwillbegrateful toreaderswhowillexpressopinion,remarksorproposalsconcerningthebookonmyweb-site. Anatoly S. Ninu´l (Dr. Ph.), December 25 2020 web-site for contacts: http://ninul-eng.narod.ru/ or e-mails [email protected] , [email protected] ORCID (in math): https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2861-383X Contents To the readers ...................................................................3 Introduction .....................................................................7 Notations .......................................................................11 Part I. Theory of Exact Matrices: some of general questions .........16 Chapter 1. Coefficients of characteristic polynomials 1.1. Simultaneous definition of scalar and matrix coefficients ....................17 1.2. The general inequality of means ............................................18 1.3. The serial method for solving an algebraic equation with real roots .........24 1.4. Structures of scalar and matrix characteristic coefficients ....................28 1.5. The minimal annulling polynomial of a matrix in its explicit form ...........34 1.6. Null-prime and null-defective singular matrices .............................37 1.7. The reduced form of characteristic coefficients ..............................40 Chapter 2. Affine (oblique) and orthogonal eigenprojectors 2.1. Affine (oblique) eigenprojectors and quasi-inverse matrix ....................43 2.2. Spectral representation of an n×n-matrix and its basic canonical form .....43 2.3. Transforming a null-prime matrix in the null-cell canonical form ............47 2.4. Null-normal singular matrices ..............................................48 2.5. Spherically orthogonal eigenprojectors and quasi-inverse matrices ...........50 Chapter 3. Main scalar invariants of singular matrices 3.1. The minorant of a matrix and its applications ..............................53 3.2. Sine characteristics of matrices .............................................57 3.3. Cosine characteristics of matrices ...........................................58 3.4. Limit methods for evaluating projectors and quasi-inverse matrices .........59 Chapter 4. Two alternative complexification variants 4.1. Comparing two variants ....................................................61 4.2. Examples of adequate complexification .....................................64 4.3. Examples of Hermitian and symbiotic complexification ......................67 CONTENTS 5 Part II. Tensor trigonometry: fundamental contents ...................68 Chapter 5. Euclidean and quasi-Euclidean tensor trigonometry 5.1. Objects of tensor trigonometry and their space relations ....................69 5.2. Projective tensor sine, cosine, and spherically orthogonal reflectors ..........71 5.3. Projective tensor secant, tangent, and affine (oblique) reflectors .............75 5.4. Comparison of two ways for defining projective tensor angles ................78 5.5. Canonical cell-forms of trigonometric functions and reflectors ...............80 √ 5.6. The trigonometric theory of prime roots I ................................85 5.7. Rotational trigonometric functions and motive-type spherical angles ........87 5.8. The tensor sine, cosine, secant, and tangent of a motive type angle ..........92 5.9. Relations between projective and motive angles and functions ...............94 5.10. Deformational trigonometric functions and cross projecting ................97 5.11. Special transformations of orthogonal and oblique eigenprojectors ........100 5.12. Elementary tensor spherical trigonometric functions with frame axes ......103 Chapter 6. Pseudo-Euclidean tensor and scalar trigonometry as a basis 6.1. Hyperbolic tensor angles, trigonometric functions, and reflectors ...........107 6.2. Covariant concrete (or specific) spherical-hyperbolic analogy ...............109 6.3. The reflector tensor in quasi-Euclidean and pseudo-Euclidean interpretation 111 6.4. Scalar trigonometry in a pseudoplane ......................................116 6.5. Elementary tensor hyperbolic trigonometric functions with frame axes .....120 Chapter 7. Trigonometric interpretation of matrices commutativity and anticommutativity 7.1. Commutativity of prime matrices ..........................................121 7.2. Anticommutativity of prime matrices pairs ................................122 Chapter 8. Trigonometric spectra and trigonometric inequalities 8.1. Trigonometric spectra of a null-prime matrix ..............................127 8.2. The general cosine inequality ..............................................129 8.3. Spectral-cell representations of tensor trigonometric functions ..............132 8.4. The general sine inequality ................................................133 Chapter 9. Geometric norms of matrix objects 9.1. Quadratic norms of matrix objects in Euclidean and quasi-Euclidean spaces 136 9.2. Absolute and relative norms ...............................................139 9.3. Geometric interpretation of particular quadratic norms ....................139 9.4. Lineors of special kinds and simplest figures formed by lineors .............141 6 CONTENTS Chapter 10. Complexification of tensor trigonometry 10.1. Adequate complexification ................................................143 10.2. Hermitian complexification ...............................................144 10.3. Pseudoization in binary complex spaces ..................................146 Chapter 11. Tensor trigonometry of general pseudo-Euclidean spaces 11.1. Realification of complex quasi-Euclidean spaces ...........................148 11.2. The general Lorentzian group of pseudo-Euclidean rotations ..............149 11.3. Polar representation of general pseudo-Euclidean rotations ................154 11.4. Multistep hyperbolic rotations ............................................157 Chapter 12. Tensor trigonometry of Minkowski pseudo-Euclidean space 12.1. Trigonometric models for two concomitant hyperbolic geometries .........160 12.2. Rotations and deformations in elementary tensor forms ...................169 12.3. The special mathematical principle of relativity ...........................172 Appendix. TrigonometricmodelsofmotionsinSTRandnon-EuclideanGeometries. Preface with additional notations ...............................................175 Chapter 1A. Space-time of Lagrange and space-time of Minkowski as mathematical abstractions and physical reality .............................180 Chapter 2A. The tensor trigonometric model of Lorentzian homogeneous principal transformations .....................................................190 Chapter 3A. Einsteinian dilation of time as a consequence of the time-arrow hyperbolic rotation ...........................................................193 Chapter 4A. Lorentzian seeming contraction of moving object extent as a consequence of the moving Euclidean subspace hyperbolic deformation ...197 Chapter 5A. Trigonometric models of two-step, multistep and integral collinear motions in STR and in hyperbolic geometries ........................205 Chapter 6A. Isomorphic mapping of a pseudo-Euclidean space into time-like and space-like quasi-Euclidean ones, Beltrami pseudosphere ...................222 Chapter 7A. Trigonometric models of two-step, multistep and integral non-collinear motions in STR and in hyperbolic geometries ...................228 Chapter 8A. Trigonometric models of two-step and multistep non-collinear motions in quasi-Euclidean space and in spherical geometry ...................260 Chapter 9A. Real and observable space-time in the general relativity ..........272 Chapter 10A. Motions along world lines in (cid:104)P3+1(cid:105) and their geometry ........285 Mathematical–Physical Kunstkammer ..........................................304 Literature ..................................................................... 308 Name Index ...................................................................312 Subject Index ..................................................................315 Abstract .......................................................................319 Exit data ......................................................................320 Introduction InTheoryofMatricessuchusualnotionsasasingularmatrix,itsrank,eigenvalues, eigenvectors or eigensubspaces, annuling polynomial, and so on, have a sense only for exact matrices and at exact computations. We distinguish the exact theory of notions and the approximating theory of notions estimates. Each of them places its own part. Thenotionsconnectedwithexactnumericalcharacteristicsrelatetotheexacttheories. Thesetheoriesareusednotonlyforconstructingandanalysisofabstractions,butthey arealsoimportantforanalyzableobjectsfromappliedproblemsbecausethenumerical characteristics of objects are always exact and only their estimates are approximate. Themaintwopartsofthemonograph,intwelvechapters,containboththeresultsof ourinvestigationsinTheoryofExactMatrices(PartI,chapters1÷4)anddevelopedon thisplatformTensorTrigonometry(PartII,chapters5÷12). Thelatterisaconstituent division of the corresponding to it Geometry with a certain quadratic metric. ThehistoricalrootsofScalarTrigonometry,asaconstituentpartoftwo-dimensional Geometry,refertofar-awaytimes. YetintheEuclidean”Elements” sometrigonometric formulations were be found. Much later, in II age Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria widely used in "Almagest" sine-cosine formulae with his trigonometric equivalent of the Pythagorean Theorem. Some spherical functions were used also in IX–X ages in the works of Arabian mathematicians. It is of interest that the Trigonometry on a spherebecamedevelopedmuchearlierthantheoneonaplane. Itwas,duetothefact, that it was needed in the practical astronomy. So, in 1603, Th. Harriot connected the angularexcessofasphericaltrianglewithareaandradius. Thoughsometrigonometric elementswereintroducedintotheEuropeansciencebyR.Wallingfordinthebeginning of XIY age. Thus, in particular, he used it in solving of a right triangle. HyperbolicfunctionswerediscoveredbyA.Moivre(1722)andobtainedincomplete setbyV.Riccatifromaunityhyperbola(1757). Firstthesefunctionswereusedreally in hyperbolic Scalar Trigonometry and in geometric investigations by J. Lambert and F. Taurinus. So, in 1763, J. Lambert connected the angular defect of a hyperbolic trianglewithareaandradius. In1825,F.Taurinusdiscoveredthefirst(cosine)formula forsummingtwosegmentsinthehyperbolicgeometry. Creatorsofthehyperbolicnon- Euclidean geometry N. Lobachevsky and J. Bolyai used it analogy in the small with the spherical geometry as a main mathematical instrument for inferences of its metric formulae. These geometries have such distinction: their geodesic arcs–segments are hyperbolicandspherical. Inpseudo-Euclideanorsocalledquasi-Euclideangeometries, there are straight segments, but with hyperbolic or spherical angles between them! The modern perfect form of the Scalar Trigonometry was given by L. Euler, who realized also its complexification. On the other hand, Geometry continues to develop and essentially violently according to the appeared idea of a multi-dimensional space. 8 INTRODUCTION Multi-dimensionalspacewasarisenapparentlyatthemiddleofXIXageinclassical workofH.Grassmann”DielinealeAusdehnungslehre” [1]. H.Grassmannand,indepen- dently of him, W. Hamilton laid the foundation of Vector Analysis in the spaces. Before (in 1808) J.-G. Garnier emits Analytical Geometry as the whole division of Geometry. The outstanding contribution in justification of the algebraic approach to the geometry of any objects in multi-dimensional arithmetic spaces was realized by the famous ”Cantor–Dedekind Axiom about Continuum”. About of that time appearance of Linear Algebra and its following development in the works of F. Frobenius, G. Cramer, L. Kronecker, A. Capelli, J. Silvester, L. Hesse, C. Jordan, Ch. Hermite and other mathematicians led, with time, to its larger filling by geometric content. That is why, Linear Algebra found effective applications in the theory of vector Euclidean spaces and also, after the well-known works of H. Poincare and H. Minkowski, in the theory of new pseudo-Euclidean spaces. This process was activatedthankstoalgebraicdefinitionsofnotionsconnectedwithmetricpropertiesof arithmetic spaces and of their geometric objects (the lengths of vectors and the values of scalar angles between them). As well-known for the basic algebraic definitions of measures mathematicians used the Pythagorean Theorem and the algebraic cosine Inequality of Cauchy or sine Inequality of Hadamard. Besides, for the strict algebraic approach to the geometry in arithmetic spaces, it is impossible to realize it completely without Theory of Exact Matrices. For example, E. Moore and later R. Penrose proposed the general methods of quasi-inversion of singular matrices. R. Courant developed the large parameter optimization method with penalty functions, useful in such algebraic applications too. A. Tichonov gave thesmallparametermethodofregularizationwiththelimitmethodfornormalsolving degenerated systems of linear equations. Results of these investigations had also a big geometric importance and, to some degree, served for initiating the present work. Themainaimsofthismonographwere(as1st)todevelopwithfurtherapplications a number of algebraic and geometric notions in Theory of Exact Matrices (Part I, chapters 1÷4), and then (as 2nd) on the platform to work out the basic aspects of Tensor Trigonometry for binary tensor angles formed by two linear subspaces or formed by rotation of a linear subspace in the superspace (Part II, chapters 5÷12). Since Tensor Trigonometry has a lot of applications in other mathematical and some physical domains, the largest examples of which are exposed in the book’s Appendix. First of all, the structure of matrix characteristic coefficients for n×n-matrices in the explicit form is installed by special differential method. They appeared in Theory ofExactMatricesinmiddleofXXageintheworksofJ.-M.SouriauandD.K.Faddeev in addition to scalar characteristic coefficients with the well-known structure. These lastwereusedyetinXIXagebyU.LeVerrierathisfamouspredictionofNeptune. We express all eigenprojectors and quasi-inverse matrices in explicit form, in terms of the scalarandmatrixcoefficients. Andtheminimalannullingpolynomialforn×n-matrix in explicit form is identified with the connections of all matrix singularity parameters. INTRODUCTION 9 In passing, the general inequality for all average values is inferred, and hierarchical invariants for the spectrally positive matrix are installed for the justification of the stated geometric norms. The new global limit method for step by step calculating all roots of a real algebraic equation is proposed, and the more strict necessary condition for all its roots reality and positivity, than the classical Descartes condition, is gotten. The particular (of order t) and general (of order r) quadratic norms (measures) are introduced for the linear geometric objects lineors, determined by n×r-matrices A, where 1 ≤ r < n (at r = 1 they are vectors), and for the tensor angles between them or between their images in the n-dimensional arithmetic spaces. In particular, at t = 1 they are Euclidean and Frobenius norms (measures). The theoretical basis for theseparticularandgeneralnormsisthehierarchicalgeneralinequalityforallaverage positive values. Also the specific multiplications of cosine and sine types are defined forapairoftheselineorswithinferringthegeneralcosineandsineinequalitiesthrough thespecialmatrixtrigonometricspectra. Theirelementaryalgebraicandtrigonometric cases are the cosine Inequality of Cauchy and the sine Inequality of Hadamard. Tensor Trigonometry, as the main new content of this monograph, is exposed then in its three kinds: projective, reflective and motive, which naturally complement each others. Two types of motive trigonometric transformations, as rotational (sine-cosine) and deformational (tangent-secant), are defined. Besides, the general homogeneous transformations,duetotheformerpolarrepresentations,aredividedaseitherprincipal sphericalandorthosphericalrotationsorprincipalhyperbolicandorthosphericalones. Thespecialdualrelationsareestablishedbetweenprimarysphericalandhyperbolic notions on the basis of spherical-hyperbolic analogy in abstract and specific senses. This is widely used in developing Tensor Trigonometry and in its applications. So, similar definitions of quasi-Euclidean and pseudo-Euclidean metric spaces and their Tensor Trigonometries are exposed, in terms of the initially given reflector tensor of a binary space with the kind of quadratic metrics (Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean). In the pairs (spherical, orthospherical), (hyperbolic, orthospherical) all rotations in thesebinaryspaces,withanidenticalreflectortensor,formtwononcommutativegroups. Thefirstoneisthehomogeneousgroupofquasi-Euclideanmotions. Thesecondoneis the homogeneous pseudo-Euclidean group of Lorentz. In the so-called universal bases, the intersection of these two groups is a proper subgroup of secondary orthospherical rotations. This reflector tensor and both quadratic metrics define in the same spaces two sets of reflective transformations. Obviously, reflections do not form groups. Mostimportantly,thequasi-Euclideanspaceandgeometryfilledinthismonograph apreviouslyunnoticedgapthatexistedinthetheoryofhomogeneousisotropicspaces. This can be explained by the fact that the pseudo Euclidean space with the Lorentz group was introduced back in 1905 by H. Poincar´e as the mathematical apparatus of the theory of relativity. This name was given to it later by M. Planck. The geometry of this space was developed by H. Minkowski in 1907. But mathematically, they are pseudoanalogues namely of this original quasi-Euclidean space and its geometry!

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