e Nonprofitorg lie U S Postagepaid M SanFrancisco.CA nnfflSnlWlfSI 12-13 TIN n?CVTfiTNGOtrang u-16 permitno 14094 Published in English, Cambodian & Vietnamese January/February. 1993. Vol. 17. No. 1 A Voice ofthe Central City since 1977—15,000 readers strong A publication of Hospitality House A by Julie Scheff with Reuben Fading Black Race Andersonand Michael (tuyton ? Many Tenderloin African Ameri- cansseecrackcocainemuchlike themeasles-infectedblanketsand alcohol that white colonists and settlers introducedtoNativeAmericans,which led totheirneargenocide as a people. "Adissappearingrace" ishowmostof the African Americans interviewed on the streetsandinthestorefrontsoftheTender- loin characterized themselves. Crack co- caine is the main culprit, but so too is a shifting job market where the first sacri- ficedare African Americans withnow-ob- soleteskills. Thirty-eight-year-old James Jackson knows firsthand what this can mean. He worked for the Ford Motor Company in Detroitasayoungmanforfiveyearsbefore hewaslaidoff. Hethen servedhiscountry inVietnam,onlytocomehomeaddictedto V heroin and unable toget a job. Vernon Robinson. 45. a former mer- chant seaman, believes he knows why Jackson"s experience is a typical one. He i said."Ibelievetheyhaveaprograminhow they deal with blacks. Ifthey couldelimi- MaleinAmerica:AnEndangeredSpecies." National Association forthe Advancement way. natetheblacks,theywould."Robinsonsaid, statesthat"theperceptionofgenocidearises ofColoredPeople joinedalmost lOOothers A Fatal (feneration (iap noting that African Americans have not fromsystematicdiscriminationagainstthe to storm San Francisco Mayor Frank Robinsonsaidheseessomeoftheroots only been the backbone of the American blackcommunity." Jordan's office. They demanded that repa- of the problem in the lack ol positive role models torthe next veneration American wars. Now that American jobs abunchofevil white people"planningthe neighborhoodsintheFillmoreandWestern who"doNeoswn'twecarheavaeboautlodstyignegn.erTahteioyn,doonn'et have been exported overseas while the demiseofblacks,saidPatterson."Butwe've Additioninthe 195()s.Atpresstime.Jordan care aboutgoingtojail."said Robinson. economy has become more high-tech, the been written off." she said, noting how had made no response to theirdemands. Recentstatisticsshowthatoneinevery African-American laborforce has become many blacks live in poverty without real San Francisco's Redevelopment four young black men is in the criminal dispensable,saidRobinson."Themanpower hopes foradvancement. Agency helped fund the ra/ing of low- justicesystemandthetopcauseofdeathfor justisn't neededanymore." JobsortheStreets income housing and the creation of high- young black men is homicide. Observers Thefeelingthatgenocide isoccurring "A man does what he has to do to cost condominiums, which tore apart the notethatthesefiguresarestrongl) relatedto is pervasive and deep-seated. Those inter- survive.** said Jackson, the former Ford blackcommunity living there inthe 1950s, poverty. viewed said they see crack and the police Motoremployee."There'snotajobmarket according tothe Redevelopment Agency's "Wcdon'tgivethemhope,becausewe ruagenaseipmnospntsleothyetmoebnlitat.cktahsecotAmhmIeuDnSarittieylplieidrneymaipcow,ianratneoddf ttforoarsiebnlllaaincnkgAsfdtrroiugcgsea,tnasAtjmeoeablr,iintcgha,enrr,eofbhoberiehniagfs"yotwouhirdecoshno'ritts othwendMeromeparonerdtrsew.cheontsley,raesceonttherrelneeaisgehpbroormhpotoedds d"toeAnmn'pytttsitmhtioenkdaotlhaeenardyeetrh,iisnragengyfa.orr"dlAesfsarisidcoafRnorbaAicmnees,roaint-.- exterTmhienasttiroonn.gfeelingthatthereisageno- jwuosrtk.what Jackson did when he was out of AfeferlictahneAemfefercitcsanofsasruechbe"iunrgbpaunshreedneowuatl"o.f caannds,Matrhteiynge'tLuktihlleerd.K"inhge]sawiedr.e"aWlhiveen, tJhFeKy ccmHiiaatdiynetbisolacaicctdokurAtrhkmiaeentegrApicmcoealrosirecseashciousrwnreosnwtomebveleonoctfks.aidOninnneegr efrrailenAWdshaseinsdntaJ1na5cc-ekmsoconhntechco-ku,ollhddenb'ttausbruynpepodonrtthoihssiesGlgleiirnnl-g- cthhaoenoidrAsmheloirmkieecstahnaenpTdoepniudnletarotlionoienng.lsehWcrhtuienldkenbteyhiegnheAbaforrrli-y- awbeorveesaollmeotfhtihnigs."we huCnogntoinntuoedtoonppulalgeu9s ninepercent maMdoedraeendw,bhliAalcmkees,roiuchtae. Tenderloin's Black Community Feels Under Sei°ze cmimtyhw«i,dasel INSIDE: 10years,ac- seems to wel- cording to comewithopenarmsothergroups,suchas crackonthestreetsoftheTenderloin. Now census figures, it has grown by nearly 30 the boat of Chinese youth that recently herattlesoffthenamesofthepenitentiaries percent in theTenderloin. flaotedintoSanFranciscoBay.They were wherehehasservedtime,thewaysomeone DavidRobinson,whositsontheNorth evenput upatthe Hilton,henoted. else might list the names of Ivy League of Market Planning Coalition's board of Many others said that white people schoolsthey have attended: "San Quentin. directors,anonprofitwhichfightsforbetter hcaovmeeicnotmrmoudnuicetdiecsr,acakndcolcaawineenftoorlcoewm-einnt- FolsoBmu.t Shuesasnpveialklsedifferently of his alma dheorulsoiinn,geacnhdoeldivoitnhgercsonwdhietinonhsesianidthtehaTtetnh-e targets the small-time black drug dealers maters than would a college graduate. Tenderloin has become aconvenient place datftAriloirhneibnsruepkasutgeyrtlidslseceyreTym,ssazu.hedaetgfbnoAokduortstvcefobe.iocbemotnoayulfhlcrwtpaeeyhchdtetiediol3iht1oirre8ne2Nnnudg.sagigpUp.sttneeiSokrghroictAacnntheevaogennelpTttI1ions9Ionosdon8sfifsamt9tuttwyeitahhtherooub.nrotssaeeebeessawlitorwasasnercfphirikaonmDegpmosurseutretrurseeaeng,e-ds "p"cHhhtfIeelTheeotlneehlt'w,aepsThnIreJyocoeawnafotrp'odcauhaesrwek'escsrlsark1nllosbr1otonreoccim,aigzonovonobuw,nagmnnaeqhgcteeruceuoo.hassoenonsersmfutJtdopteeeha.tfoseec"hakshekabltsieeislihasrddovaaieretncad1tx.udko2t"iJgd-ehfhacinaimsycccosssaotkoomiipnisuudvmanootnernunoghJslts.naowye.picila"natktoIrbobsiroyteoof.lteeuneh"tiltn.I.ento otfastitfRtorthooln.ooaerlbunttw"orTiatihhciwenoeenosnnsmoarsrdoiftrbaeaenenatearm,.tulhsleh"1dtaoeCeevbJoirfAilnoneHafiooln'cincrcrysealikkstotsctoetotahadS,nhrnsanteeeet.aater.HnhtlwAmosedifnom,otnoTeueserrgpeilrlmeengd,iiioodhnnscpbeksb'asllctroetuneaolorcsnccobhmah.crkieromeaneo.ocbTa'tdakenoswhAsllhapelpo,elaylorsrov,lasoacwsiiatieceocielitierdelndndy VSiginneaittpne,damfeCisrreeaccNrakeclwkeeYr,esartP,ooacpPle:holonetgbYoroLJaauetrnnenkgiilTneeprtSe.tCorhpteelheeeetk "I don't know a black chemist or a fucked up. Butthey'vegot nothingforme would be stopped immediately, said on January 18. See page 16for story. black man who owns a plane orship who where I can better myself. If only they Robinson. • Black Vets Revisit Vietnam War would be allowed to bring in crack co- would open more schools instead ofpris- Presidentofthe Board ofSupervisors See page 8 caine,"saidDavidRobinson,thedirectorof ons. I want ajob so badly. I'm not doing Angela Alioto, while running forelection • Black History Calendar theNWorhtyhotfhaMtafrekeeltinSgeenxiiosrtsSoabmroinetgyaCegnrtoewr-. anythingbDuetsktirlolyinigngmyCoomwmnupneiotpilee.s" tlahsetsNaomveemtbheirng,.tSolhdeanToetneddertlhaotinthaeudpioelniccee • SCietey pSaiggena9ls Shift in Homeless eAincmgeornnioucmmai'bcserchliasostfsoerAsyfrosifecearanmcsiAsmtmeo.rJbieecwaetnlrslaecoeTfdaaytl-ol oarrcyheM1s2ta,rnaRyteevds.ebeyAtgmhoiovsseprenBrmrceeoniwtvneidtsoegflfe.tnhOoecniTJdhaeinrua-ds Tdteoelnndsdaehtreilrootnih"nattwhtiahttehryienspuralatcsstiiixcn-ecbraliopmcoekliaacnrydeaopfoov"fecrottnhy-e •CSSaPeemoeebloippcdaayiggaee's414 Democratic Gamble lor-Gibbs. author of "Young. Black and BaptistChurchandLuanna McGriffofthe because 'it waseasiertocontrol them that SPECIAL BLACK HISTORY EDITION — , VOICES City Heartache bj Pal Swendsen yourterrible need? Ask the People Walking up Polk Street is another lora dollar. What would you do with ten Don't give tothe street people. You world. The people stationed by every orahundred? Would you buy yourway areiTl doing them a favor. They have to restaurant, bus stopand intersection are out forthe night? Forever? change forthemselves. by Michael Ciuyton waiting. Holding papercups. They And you walk ahead,determined not Oh. yes. streetpeople. Change for Photos h\ Eli Bishop mumble forchange, count pennies. Ifthey to look. But you know they are there. You yourselves! Walk intothe Fairmont and havea sax toplay, there's a dollarbill in hearthem. Slaveschained in the hold ofa get aroom on the weekend special (the What African-American leader had thecupto set the tone. Otherwise, it's ship. Youdare not see them. Penninsulacrowdcoming up forthe the greatest influence on your life? onlychange. How many peoplepassby Youcan look intotheeyesofthe theatre). Have anice soak in the tub with before there isenough in thecup fora man in front ofBurger King because you Yardley's. Put on yourfinest Egyptian (. Scott burger, a slice of pi/za. a bottleofwine? put in adollar. And fora second you are cotton. Clean yourteeth with tartar Everyone is wrapped in layersofold two loverson theedgeofa planet that is control Colgate. Now all better? See, Malcolm X. He si nvesand blankets tokeep warm. empty and bare. You share the intimacy you'veclone foryourself. You are ready was real. Martin Rveryoneexcept the young men with ofacup with adollarbill in it—youronly toenterthecorporate workforce. You will LutherKingwasnon- theirbulging pants, hovering in window offspring. Whoare you? Where were you be paid salary and commissionsand (if violent, but Malcolm wellsorcornerdoorways, waiting toran yesterday? Did you everhave a yester- you cut yourhair)apaid vacation. X said do it by any invitat—ion tosell anotherpieceofthem- day? Is therea tomorrow? Have a good Problem here is thatpay daycomesat the means necessary. selves theirbody, then mind, their day. end ofthe month. Can you holdon till Withthesituationgo- spirit. Andhope that along with the hot "God bless you." then? Can you get adoorway on Polk ingontoday,that'sthe meal comessome—excitement. And then Why did you say "God bless you" to Street that doesn't smell ofurine?Can philosophyweneedto another HIV test and the agonizing wait me? WillGod bless me and not you? you get through anothernight on your goby. until discovery. Shouldn't I ask God's blessing foryou? own? Thecalls along the street areachorus Oram I tooembarrassed toexpecta See yaatnine tomorrow forcoffee Abu Bakr of"loosechange?"and then a follow-up traditional phrase to fill in thegapsof anddanish. Wallace D. Mahamad. He taught Letters Today, we are all scattered in different Editors' Notes whatMuslimswerere- continents, accomplished and happy. aalbloyuatllabbloauctk. IitswaGsond'.t Reminiscence tHhoiwnekveofr,thitesies vweormyedniffioctulhterforthmaneatso In the Tenderloin, the memories of God isGod. lisabout Editors: exceptional heroine mothers of yester- Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and theCreator. Hetaught To my mother in Vietnam: dayandtomorrow, gifted byapowerful other courageous African Americans taAhbnaoytuotintebwceaaisnnngb'etablMajucusks-.t uVnideetIrntaahmiehnskuegbeawcMokemxatinoc,alnashthiadtsi.nugammmhoeenrrgftohaecare tqihnuisestsitnlicotonngfoijrsosuhurornvweiyvcaola.unldAdlbsIoeh,caovmemyecuotlhmteiemaaoctn-e ttliiivenesueoondf.dcirBsaucctrki,imniutnnhaeetmiTpoenlnodmyearmkleeonittn,h,eatwhnoedrrdcesoalnoi-f- lim. gfarremenprpoedpupcetrssoanntdheapoppleesn,mtarrykinegttdooswene ccoonmtprlibiusthieodn.person I am without her thhaevseencoivtilyertigbhtesengiannetasrloynlayttiadienaelds. that RodolfoSkeets atthe FarmersMarketintheCivicCen- Thanks, mom. WhenAfricanAmericansintheTen- ter. -Lan Khanh derloin were asked to talk about their MarvinGaye. His I used to walkthrough the Tender- Nob Hillresident ownhistoryandwheretheirpeoplestand music hit a chord in loin neighborhood on my way to U.C. today, many, as the cover story indi- me. He sang against Extension, where I attended some cates, feltthatblack history in America thewar.I'madisabled evening classes. I strolled along Not a Child Enough hasbeenoneofexploitationanddeadly Vietnam Veteran and Leavenworth Street to Market Street, Editors: neglect. The Times hopestoreflectthe they sent us to war, among the vibrant children playing on Imagineyouselfattheageofseven wordsofTenderloin AfricanAmericans but when we came thesidewalks, sharing their space with crammed inan 18'x 20'roomwith your andtoawakenCityHallsacrossAmerica back we becamenon- theprostitutesanddrugdealersplaying grandparents, mother, aunt, and two to the level of pain and promise that persons. Hespokeout their own rules of the game. othersiblings It is very uncomfortable. exists within this and similar commu- with soul and pain. Oneday. I stoppedbythewoman's Imagine yourself in the middle of nities stand and bought from herfor one dol- the night awakened by sounds of gun- Many of those interviewed men- Irma Foe lar. 12 huge green peppers as a pack- shots, a police car chase, or smashing tioned the lack of black-owned busi- age deal. After a brief conversation. I liquor bottles You get nervous. nessesintheTenderloinasoneindica- MyfatherGeorge learned that she had just moved out of Imagineyourselfachingtodosome- tion of where black America is today. Poe.AsanadultInow theTenderloinandboughtherfirsthouse thing onweekendsbutthere's noplace According to the Tenderloin Youth Ad- understand how hard in the Sunset District, where she could togoorplay.Youcan'tevenwalkaround vocates report, there are onlysix outof itwasforhim tosup- raise her children in a safer, healthier without being harassed by drug users, a total of 948 businesses. (See story port a family of five environment.Shebarelyspoke English drug dealers, alcoholics, orprostitutes page 3). children while work- because she felt so exhausted every You're scared to go out. Thisissuealsodevotesitspagesto ingfourorfivejobsin timeshegotbackhome from workand Imagineallsevenmembersofyour rememberingthehugecontributionthat order to do so. Also could not attend the English classes familytrying toenjoywhatyou haveon African American young men made for him to live until offered to Southeast Asian refugees special holdiays and make the most of during the Vietnam War. (Seepage 8). the age of65 was re- She also mentioned that she devoted what's available You learn to hope. ManyVietnamWarvetsnowlivein markable as an Afri- her struggling days and energy to her These are only a handful of un- the Tenderloin and inner cities across can-American male. children who attended university and imaginablethingsforachildoftheTen- America and are a living history to the her life in America was for nothing but derloin. devastation ofthat war, particularly for Rodney Brannon theirfutures and accomplishments. Every child in the Tenderloin de- African Americans, who payed in dis- Today,mythoughtgoestomyolder sires and deserves a better environ- proportionate numbers with their lives Martin Luther mother, living in Vietnam, who sacri- mentwhilegrowing up in this politically and their futures. KthiengS.ouJrt.hIagnrdewexpueprii-n fdiucreidnghetrheyowuatrh adnadysbetaoutrya,isestrhuegrglfiinvge incorHraecvtedaisthreiactrtofthSiasnVaFlreanntciinsecoDay ReaderTshewilClahlasnogsienegsoTmiemecshanges enced the racism that childrenbydailyselling 100-poundcon- share what you have, give what you in the paper this issue. The paper is he talked about. He tainers of pesticides to the peasants can, and cherish a smile in return. carryingmoreEnglishontheSoutheast taught that people of near Thu-Duc town Herdream was to TothebusinessownersintheTen- AsianpagestogiveEnglishspeakersa all races should walk see agriculture production increased, derloin, please supoprt all non-profit windowintotheirworldsand toprovide hand in hand towards enhancing the self-sufficiency in the agenicesintheneighborhoodthattruly materials for people learning English freedom. country during thewar, while providing look after the—best intersts of our area. In response to changing demo- her children a good level of education. Tess Manalo-Ventresca graphics and budget cuts, the Times has had to stop publishing in Lao. The Subscribe TheTenderloinTimes jLuasot acocmomuupnlietyhunhdasrednofwamdilwiiensdliendthteo Volume 17,Number 1,January/February 1993 Tenderloin,whilethenumberofLatinos today! isskyrocketing.Whenitiseconomically Editor ju|,eSchcff feasible, the Timeshopes to publish in ContributingEditor j0sh Brandon Spanish to better reflect the changing AssociateEditors face of the neighborhood. GeteveryeditionofTheTenderloin Cambodian SophathPak Times. Foraone-yearSubscription, Vietnamese BacHoaiTran The Tenderloin Times welcomes let- completethisformand send it with Poetry Editor EricRobertson tersfromourreaders.TellUSyouropinions. yourcheckormoneyorderto: Photographers Eli Bishop.JenniferCheek concernsandideas. ST.hFe. CTeAnd9e4r1l0o2inTimes,290TurkSt., AOfdfviecretiMsainngagReerpresentatives CarMlotkoinBEietl2l The Tenderloin Times is $ 5 senior C,on,netrrni-butors ReubenAnderson.Barbara Ferry. MichaelGuyRtaotnt.anGyorHdoonn soliciting neighborhood $15 regular Keefer.OzzieSantiago. BrianShott.PatSwendsen,SamolTan.Steve Void.AletheaYip participation. The Times holds $20nonprofit organizations Proofreading NinaMarkov.Jim McLaren.SteveVoid writers' workshops the first, $30 institutions ComputerGurus CarltonBell.Jean PierreSalzman second, and third Wednesdays O DistributionCoordinators RichGoelz 0scarRice $40overseas for people interested in NAdadmree:ss:. CentSIrsTaaahnplUeuFnC2b(riTil94ateti01neyns5cddThHi)eueosW7rrdsc7alpko6moiy,-Stio2tCananr1lAgtei0Teeht2i9ntylc4myy1eH.0*ob2uyse, HT.»hasirhe|tte>TyinrBse.feto,nosi|dar|noer(u\rnddnlosHopoofouinlbunoiDlstciiTeircinteaemectcMdetielososmrnsacrs.ainaronTunihfshnllcHesoyortosrrieeppapfviitsletn*esracitulotoimrntttesyohaorreaHsetxuosewptupohrsooroeefnkrs.st.isshbe©e.idiln-d WleewarriantriienngCagajllsofloourr7snt7eah6ele-kii0nsn7emg0w0ssc.kpaiarlptlseooran.nsd, opinion pieces and story ideas, e 2 <io4yJLUX4AfJFeb4l&Ai} )ffe Lo Group Forms to Create i Chops Tenderloin Nerve Center News Briefs Anewcommunity-basedgroupcalledtheTenderloinActionProject.Inc.(TAP-IN)has formedtohelpTenderloin residents, hotel managers, small businessownersandnonprofit organizationsachieve a unified voice in pursuitofcommunity improvement. Theplancallsfor48streetcaptainstoactasliaisonsbetweenresidentsandbusinesses Tenderloin Vacancy Rates up, on their block. The street captains, to be trained in CPR. disaster relief, and community Porno Shops Down, Says New Report action, will usea"telephonetree"systemeventuallycomprisedofover7(K)contactsasan organizingtool. TAP-INpresidentJohnRootsaidtheblockcaptainideawas—triedinthepast,butfailed The Tenderloin is home to a huge diversity ofsmall businesses but plagued by an to involve people with a vested interest in the community business owners, hotel increasingnumberofvacantstorefronts,accordingtoanannualsurveyjustreleasedbythe managers,and long term residents. Tenderloin Youth Advocates(TYA),anon-profitorganization serving inner-city youth. Root'sexamplesofwhat the streetcaptain/phone treenetworkcould doranged from "WewantedtogiveabetterpictureofwhattheTenderloinislike."saidSherineTa. who respondingtothespecificneedsofresidents,suchascontactingbuildingownersforgraffiti helped survey the Tenderloin's 948 businesses. Ta hopes that business people and removal, to larger organizational projects, like crime prevention programs ororganizing politicianswillreadthereportandpushformorepolicepat—rolsandeconomicdevelopment. smallbusinesses toapply forbuilding improvement loans. ThesurveyshowsoneobviousfactoftheTenderloin it'seasytogetabitetoeat. Of Often policeandemergency services recieve non-emergencycalls forinformationor the948streetlevelbusinessessurveyed, 179arerestaurants,cafes,ordelis. Grocerystores, servicesavailablewithinthecommunity."A lotoftimestheonly numberpeople know to parkinglots,officesandlaundromatsarecommon. Butcustomerscanalsovisit 15massage callis911,"Rootsaid."Theycancallusinstead,andwecanlinkthemwiththeappropriate parlors, 11 theaters,eightbookstores,fiveartgalleries, and two psychic readers. And 32 person"through the phonetree. non-profitsservethecommunity fromoffices intheTenderloin. Richard Allman, president of the Board of North of Market Planning Coalition Culturalandethnicbusinessownershipisalsodiverse. ChineseandSoutheastAsians (NOMPC),hopestopairupwithTAP-IN. NOMPCitselfisintheprocessofhiringafull- arestronglyrepresented,owning207Tenderloinbusinesses. European-Americansarenext time community organizer to pursue scofflaw property owners and has hired a half-time with85.andbusinesspeoplefromtheMiddleEastrun38. Japanese.Korean,andHispanic Laotiancommunityorganizerto focuson housingconditions. merchants head a total of 27. 22. and 24 businesses, respectively. Greeks own nine TAP-INexpectstoreceivenon-profitstatusbythefirstoftheyear,accordingtoRoot. storefronts,andIndiansowneight. African-AmericansownonlysixTenderloinbusinesses, TAP-IN's board includes membersoftheCadillac Hotel, the Cambridge Project, and the accordingtothesurvey. Center for Southeast Asian Refugee Resettlement (CSEARR). The board members are "It's a great neighborhood," Ta says of the Tenderloin. "We have really good KathyLooper.HaroldPrice,JohnRoot.JacquieHansen.B.C. Mah.JohnO'Brian.Thelma restaurantsandcafes. Wehavemoretheatersthananyotherpartofthecity,andeverything Cavenaugh.andCharles Maxwell. iscloser." — TAP-IN istemporarily locatedat 245 Eddy Street. — ButtheTenderloinisaprecariousplace—todobusiness: 162vacancies representing Brian Shott 17%oftotalstreet frontcommercialspace were recordedthisyear. Vacantstorefronts Police Respond to Tenderloin Prostitution becomeadumpinggroundforgarbage,invitecrime,andimpactotherbusinesses,according totheVur-epDourtc. VVuaocnagn,ciDeisrhecatvoerroifsenth7e6C%enstienrcefo1r98S8o,utahcecaosrtdiAnsgitaonthReefsuugrveeey.Resettlement ArecentpolicecrackdownonprostitutionintheTenderloinwillnowfocuson"johns." (CSEARR).citesdrugsandcrimeasimpedingeconomicdevelopmentintheTenderloin. He or customers of prostitutes, as well as the prostitutes themselves, according to Captain alsocriticizesthecity fornotsupporting the businesses here. Vuong thinksthat the City DennisMartel.CommandingOfficeroftheCentral PoliceStation. "Operation Hook-Up" won'ttakenoticeuntilbusinessesintheTenderloinorganizetomaketheirdemandsheard. tookplaceJan. 11 to 16andcenteredalongGearyand PostStreetsfrom Masonto Larkin, "TheCityputalotofmoneyintoChinatownandtheMission."Vuongsaid. "Wetried whereprostitution iscommon. togetthathereandcouldn't. Thatkindoforganization needs tohappen here." "It'sugly,andit'sblatant,andthereisarelatedcrimefactorinvolved.''Martelsaidof CSEARRrecentlyobtainedacontractformtheSmallBusinessAdministrationtomake theprostitution. Martelsaidthatthesteppedupeffortswouldcontinueintermittently"until tlhoeanFseodferuanldGerov$e1r5n.0m(eHn)tt.o"anVyuosmnagllsabiudsionfetshseescoinntrSaacnt.Fr"aWnceisnceoeadntdhaOtakklinadndo.fs"uTphpaotr'tsffrroomm the sPiotluaitcieonmaimdpero1v6e2s.a"rrests— 108 forprostitution and42 forbeing acustomer. Others theCityas well." — arrested included clerks at two hotels on Sutter and Geary streets, for suspicion of BrianShall maintainingaplacewhereprostitutionispracticed.Sixteenofficersparticipatedintheweek- longoperation. Police continue to call on local news organizations to publish the names of the prostitutesand41 menarrestedorcitedforsolicitingsex. Martelsaidthat KGORadioread the namesoverthe airwaves,"but forsome reason theChronicleand theLxanunci chose not to." — Brian Shall Amenex Open 10 am-6 pm. Mon.-Fri. Noon-3 pm. Saturdays Insurance Agency Call San Francisco (415) 391-4491 Auto • Life • Home • Rusiness TlievnidnegrilnoitnheyToeuntdheralgoeidn7totoT1h9e:TSeunbdmeirtloyionuTriwmreistifnograabwoaurtds • CAMoAtuotrocyAcslseig•neHdeaRristkhPlan and possible publication in the pages of the newspaper. • •MoAlsltTyCpoemsmeorfcBioanlds& Shoppingfor your convenience Parking at 4th/Mission Write your answers to one of the following questions: Professional Liability ir Financing Available 1. What is the best thing about the Tenderloin? 2. What people intrest you in the Tenderloin? GRAND OPENING 3. What do you do for fun in the Tenderloin? 4. What are your feelings about the Tenderloin? Send submissions to The Tenderloin Times, 290 Turk St by ELLIS CLEANERS & LAUNDROMAT March 15th, 1993, include your name, age, phone number and address. 372 ELLIS ST. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102 BETWEEN TAYLOR &JONES St. St. Threewinners will be chosen from work by children aged 7-12 and (415) 771-0888 threewill bechosen from youth 13-19. Winners will beannounced OPEN 7AM TO 9PM inthe April 1993edition of The Tenderloin Times. W Nhtingthanh thieu nientuoi tii7den 19cua khuTenderloinchii y: *New laundromat with top brand name machines 'Haygviibai vanmieutacupcsongtrongkhuTenderloinchobaoTender *Brand new washers and dryers loinTimesdetranh giaivadUocdangtrenbao. *Free tranportation for any one who has 50 lbs or more CacemhayvietbangtiengViethoactiengAnhva tra ldi mottrong (call for more information) nhtingcauhoisauday: 21.. NDhitetunggiclaondineguUtdoitndaeopdnuhpatemcaacceamcechmucyodtheenntorionvgekkhhuuTTeennddeerrllooiinn?? $ .80 per load 141bs Maytag 3.CacemvuichoigiaitrinhuthenaotrongkhuTenderloin? $1.25 per load 181bs Wascomat 4.Cacemconhufngcam nghigivekhuTenderloin? $2.20 per load 351bs Wascomat CacemhayguibaidenbaoTHETENDERLOINTIMESso290dtfdng $3.70 per load 501bs Wascomat Turktrenhatla ngay 15thang3nam 1993. Nhoghirohoten,tuoitac,so $ .25 For 10 min. Dryer Huebsch dienthoai vadiachi. Baem thinggiaisedu'acchonra tifnhtingtacphamcuacacem thieu nhi thupc ltia tuoi7-12vabaemkhacsedirpcchpnra tticacthanhthieu WASH & FOLD $.50 PER LB nienthuocltiatuoi 13-19. Nhiifngem thanggiaisedtfoccdngbotrenky baophathanhvaothang4nam 1993cuatpTenderloinTimes. SPACIOUS AND CLEANEST IN TOWN: COME DOWN Thisadalsoappearson theCambodianpages. AND SEE SPONSORSOFTHETENDERLOINTIMES YOUTH WRITING COMPETION *DRYCLEAN AND LAUNDRY WILL OPEN FEBUARY 1993* July5.5helton.XaWrence'bensky.TimothyLe.'EleanorMe'brile.'betty THANKS CWels$er-heartofhteCity'FarmersMarket THE MANAGEMENT 'Neils'Erich.Corey.CartafarybQalanis The T*hJLe>JU>^+, Ta^k^4 3 City Signals Big Changes in Homeless Programs by Josh Krnndon operated from December 24 to January 3. than competitive effectiveness, according risk ofdying in the cold and wet weather. Likethatprogram,thenewsatelliteshelters to sources within the Mayor's staff who The city expected Salvation Army to San Francisco'sdecade-old approach would be largely staffed by homeless and asked that their names not be used. play a majorrole in the emergency shelter to homelessness may substantially formerly homeless people from commu- To bettermonitortheeffectivenessof program after Mayor Jordan committed changedue toachainofevents that nity-basedgrassrootsnonprofits. Currently, homeless service providers, the city wants $50,000 to bail out Salvation Army's 56- beganwiththeCityopeningawinteremer- most homeless programs,especially those to set up a new Advisory Committee on bed men's shelter in the Tenderloin. But gencyshelterprograminresponsetowide- withlargecitycontracts,areusuallystaffed Contract Compliance. immediately after the conference, the Sal- spread media coverage of the City's 138 bypeoplewithlittledirectpersonalexperi- The contracts themselves are written, vation Army told the Mayor that it would homelessdeathsduring 1992. enceofhomelessnessotherthansocialwork staffers have also learned, so that some not play amajorrole in the helters. The City is considering making dra- training. nonprofits are limiting their services to Caught by surprise, the Mayor's staff maticchanges in how itawardsand moni- The sites for the proposed shelters homelesspeoplewhilecontractdollarsare scrambledtoadjusttheirplans.They man- tors $13.6 million worth of homeless ser- wouldbescatteredinneighborhoodswhere spent on expanding theiragency adminis- agedtogettheSalvationArmytosupplyhot vice contracts. These contracts, adminis- homelesspeople areconcentrated,as were trative budgets andotheroverheadcosts. water, soup, coffee, and condiments but, tered through its Departments of Social The Mayor's Office is also finding accordingtotheJanuary 12Interim Report Services and Public Health, account for on the Emergency Drop-In Centers, "the about 70 percent of the $19.3 million of Salvation Army did not live uptoit's [sic] General Fund monies the city spendseach A Constant commitment"andconsequent"complaints yearon homelessness. Reminder: to the Salvation Army were met with si- Carl Hedlesion. San Francisco s in- A continuous lence." terim Co-HomelessCoordinator,said that 138-hourvigil MayorFrankJordanhasbeenanactive thesechangeswillbegin"acomprehensive, forthe 138 memberof theSalvation Army'sSanFran- hardnosed. business-like approach to homelesspeople ciscoCentral Advisory Boardforanumber homelessnessthat hasbeen lacking in past whodied ofyears, although he has not attended anv administrations." In the past, he notes, homeless in 1992 meetingssincehehasbeenmayor,andhas contracts to nonprofit shelter and service ended withan been past chairman ol their Harbor Light providers have not been checked for their ecumenical Advisory Council, according to Judv effectiveness in getting people stabilized candlelight Vaughn. DirectorofCommunity Relations offthestreetsandintoappropriatehousing. serviceon Dec. forthe Salvation Army. ' That isgoing tochangeunderMayorJor- 21 outsideCity Asked for comment on whether the dan." says Hedleston. Hall. Salvation Army would still receive the Inaddition,theMayor'sOfficeiscon- Photo JenniferCheek $50.(KK)despiteitslimitedEmergencyShel- sideringcreatinganewsatellitesheltersys- terroleand thenegative Interim Reporton tem with the capacity to move as many as theirperformance. MayorJordan'sDeputy 1.000homelesspeopleintosmallneighbor- the emergency shelter sites. Unlike the thatthereisnowaytodeterminethesuccess Press Secretary Staci Walters said. "Until hood shelters set up to quickly transition three large multiservice centers, the satel- ofhomelessprogramsingettingpeopleoff thecheck forSalvationArmyhasbeencut. them into housing. Seed money for this lite shelters would be limited to 50or 100 the streets and into housing because con- there will be nocomment." program would come from the Mayor's people beingserved atanyone time. tractsarewrittenwithoutrequiringthatfig- TheSalvationArmyhasconfirmedthat HomelessFundthatwouldbestrengthened WhatsurprisedtheMayor'sOfficewas ure. they have not received the $50,000. pend- withablue-chipfundraisingcommitteethat how the shelter staffwas able to stabilize Hedleston confirmed that these con- ing a lettershowing where they wouldob- wouldhaveafundrasinggoalof$1 million otherhomelesspeoplewhohadbeendenied tractsareunderreview,statingthat"weare tain matching funds, according to Judy withinsixmonths,accordingtoHedleston. service atothershelters forrule violations lookingatallnonprofithomelesscontracts, Vaughn. Still left unresolved ishow tofind the or "were otherwise unable to access the especially those whoenjoy the largesseof ButsourceswithintheMayor'sOffice housingandsupportiveservicesneededby conventional shelterservices,"the Interim the city, to make sure they are serving the state that their experience with the Salva- homelesspeoplewhoenterthesatelliteshel- Report stated. public needand not theirprivateagenda." tion Army hasangeredboth MayorJordan terssothattheycouldliveindependentand What the Mayor's Office discovered Thedramaticdiscussionsonhomeless and his staff handling homeless issues. stabilized lives. through their experience with the emer- policybeganafterCityHallhadunexpected Italsocausedthemtoreassesshowthe Thisnewprogram,andthecity'sinter- gency shelter program is that some con- problems with some shelter and service —present homeless system works. est in better monitoring its existing pro- tractshave beengiven tosome largeagen- providers after the Mayor announced at a Josh Brandon was a shift supervisorat grams,arebasedonthesuccessofthePilot cies through a process flawed by political December 17pressconferencehiseffortsto one of the shelters in the Mayor's Pilot Emergency Winter Shelter Program that influence and bureaucratic inertia rather providelife-savingshelterforthoseatmost Emergency WinterShelterProgram. YMCA! Rediscover Your •Hotel •Fitness Programs Daily & Weekly Rates Aerobics Aquatics Cardiac Therapy •Seniors Program Gef*ra/ y Weight Equipment & Fitness Classes Nautilus Life Circuit o Strength Training Volleyball Language Lessons Basketball Monthly Dances Badminton Trips ® Strength Training ServingourCommunityforover80years •Literacy School •Theater YMCA For Native Chinese and Central 220 Golden Gate Spanish speakers (@ Leavenworth) •Youth Programs learning English San Francisco, CA 94102 After School (ages 6-12) (415) 885-0460 Tenderloin Improvement •Cafe Central Project (middle school Serving Breakfast and Lunch employment training) Gift It Gyrlz (drill team) All this and more at your Community Center! — — Food Page meal tichet Brother Juniper's Restau- rrinaecnoltpu-ed1ne0es6d5tfrSoaurdtitlteuirnocnShat,lrebaetrn.edakNsfopaesw-t Miu s net in fsutlilckosfignrheaennds,awnedlcauyctuhmebienrgsr.ediWeintthsocnhotph-e osfuc—ihmpaesrtihaelirraopllpsettiozetrheBom.orTeomunMiuqcueNuiotneim>s ccsiayakrleutysp,osmeearlnvetedtdesmw,iabtnlhyuerbeesarplreycmiapapallnte-y the I itc lien! Tggrrhieedendnlsewiuenntcilrluaditdiheendgmetaawtoplcakotioenkdefsudloltfoompfierncftoe,lcotbriefoaunnl. VveigetWgarbeillelsee.dnjboeyeefd, sthherimgrpi,llaedndbeseqfuidrolwlitihn items. Lunch features large byTenderloin Timesstaff a6romBatainchleaf:HNooi. ssrFaaarnlnidag.wde,is:7cahmea$-s2n2,-dp$hm6.,odsmeaesOts-.pemr,eat7ndsa.em-sm1Poo2run:ip.3cs-0,e sSttroereeOtfrnoaenstciVtoiucelotdmnpaaemltemesossetrweipstathsasuarabwnyhtootlhneeLbaslrmokacilkln NtwhaeesmmlNiekuneouantgwh—huimocbnh- pm. 771-8929 crammed with popular Vietnamese eater- size meatloaf ies.Butinside,theclean,sparselydecorated wrapped in a restaurant that teamed with a mostly Viet- grape leaf. At namese clientele, invited us into Pagolac $4.75 it was JDasjsamdPff1uopavorato1nrisenaity:rrodtccice3stesaemiels0.,is.waaf,e7blSS7brar'atasSelaectasrmemenrso.eonmg-rhfefTaietf-lffyr.o:-neerpt2rured2oDomp$eimp.pap1daSsoi.mniunmBz8rh29sc.ndz8dle5c:.aa5esuAao3ks-r-llseun,0e2,fluond7s$arnuCptd86,moicpa.a7abnmh.s.mfry-ceytOeseelsoabLpac1sungrkrue-f1dueufanarna5iraatncom2ntkscidmh2.-g,th7s dRwcoStbtbhNeahpeeroeaeebeltseovvvxliitfueietesgosagrnAWnushnuethgwsrttseorwvtiFeuvaeahoutlddecnpnsaahuadyhltr.trvoweeoeastaofadhdgssitlnrtoewerezhaowtfnzo6oovBntiNhltons5uhfteeoiered5peuPhn.sdeernapgiorLsf3gnatoafeafe—ohacsfartussblak"thikllaaleBPbiexBiecmfednaonaosoeekg-grefofNrmnoSrt7.oswetoasultoe.nsinyloaMowetAxeeencodnadonsrunswogfasdegrf"etraaDpe1r.isntnoailm7wephtldpu—eeeeeeruecdtartaiosoto-tawTputaetillodbtervohntailraebuiogystenene..nr-f,e smaatdtwbuasftheulivnhenonevtiieWiindnoPeigrqcteawechsaiupktgatpgryeoetiliefwaletpnycofalaeneertlrsssceaahicovsascah$fose,uwnwoim3rhttwro.c.dorieairk5bitircnette0iushetehdhndh.theds they couldn't Fancy Island compete with the higherpriced No. Due Ky Resrurant Cafeteria-Style 6 or the Seven 492EllisStreet.AtopVote-getter Resturant Flavor beet. in the 1989 Tenderloin Times Which at $9.95 a resrurant contest. Items include person was more catfish hot & sour soup, seafood costly but every friicree.poPtr,icaenrdabngaer:be$c3-ue$d4.p7o5r.kOopveenr Pagolac Owner DieuTran Photo:JenniferCheek bit worth it for its 7days,9am-9pm.928-5188. sprouts and lime to add crunch and exotic flairand festiveness. picy food flavortotheminiature"burrito"wecreated The Pagolac Vietnamese restaurant is intheprovidedtransluscent.riteflourpan- certainly WOIth a special visit. Most times Fancy Island - 434 Larkin St. Open 7 Days A week cakes. its lunch crowds testify to its popularity, Cafeteria-Style restaurant 434 Larkin St (415) 771-2739 Theotheritemsonthe menu wechose although our party of six was seated right serv ingAmericanbreakfastsand weorderedalmostbyrandomlypassingour away and treated to friendly and attentive CNhiinneebsreeaklfuanscthsepesciaanlsdcodminenweirst.h yfionugrercoovmemronthpeldaicveersVeiemtennaumetsheatapfpeeattiurzeedr dsearyvsicae.wHeoeukr.sare10:30a.m.-10p.m..seven freecoffeeortea.Andsteamtable Chinese lunches come with free sdiosuhpeasndinjcellluo.deThCehmionsetsepoSppuilcayr Oilc Ky Restaurant Mongolian Beef, Kung Pao Chicken. No MSG. Price range: $.90-$3.75. Open 7daysa week. HoursMon-Fri.,6a.m.-6p.m.;Sat., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; Sun., 8 a.m.-2 ft* p.m.771-2739. Churches of Christ, We serve all kinds of Chinese and Scientists Vietnamese foods such as: GRAFFICK NATWICKS in San Francisco • Seafood ricenoodlesouporseafoodeggnoodlesoup • Eggmixed, shredded & BBQporkoverrice 0 All are welcome to • Imperial Roll & BBQpork with ricenoodle + 1 & 2 Color Printing attend a neighborhood • Sauteed prawn with pepperand salt Customized Continuous Forms + Letterhead, Envelopes Christian Science • Combination chow funorchow mein & Stock Computet Paper Church any 0 • Sauteedcatfishcooked inclay pot Business Cards Sunday + Newsletters • Catfish hot& soursoup • Shrimp& jellyfishsalad ++ CIonpviiteastions C6a5l5ifoDronlioaraesndStF.ra(nEknlgilnisSht)s 10:1310AAMM • Seafood firepot # CW<*en5313(1 Clark Natwick. Owner/Operator 655 Dolores St. (Spanish) 9:00AM Nha hang chung toi co nhieu w~-AFLCIO Member 40 Years=m 1302050FuHnasitgohtnSAtve. (at clement) 11H01AAAMMM mon an Hoa va Viet nhu: 240 Golden Gate Avenue 415750ju0'nFiaprererlolSSetrra Blvd...HAM & 8 PM • Hu tiluhay miseafood • l^au seafood San Francisco, 441-0878 3030Judah St. at 36th Ave....10:30AM • Hu tieu haymi xao thapcam • Comxudnbi cha (Basanmi of S.E.LU. Buildi.g) We Teach the Ever-Avallablllty • Canhchuacabdnglao i Bunchagio thitniidng ofSpiritual Healing • Ca kho to • G&i sda t6m • Tom rang mufti • Goi ga xephay ^ ^ w " stwll to where gentle people serve aJull breakfast, heavy on vnattBamsiuiiyvSa ifjajpv^aasin: heoUhy grains and especially tasty wufflns..." Hours mum Junipetftf Mon. - Fri. 7ajn.-2pjn. •svtnn (cuss stiAnditinxix *urnfun ts'taunant Breakfast and Lunch tnJUSSiaifilS Sti (VVSUSUS8 Sat. 7am. - 12:30 p.m. Breakfast Only 491 ELLIS STREET' OpenDaily:9:00a.m.-9:00p.m. 10S6F5.CSuAtler94S1t0r9eet Inquire about Senior Resident Discount TcL (415) 771-8929 San Francisco,CA94102 (415)928-5188 •Proceeds help support Raphael House Family Shelter. Ike IcyJivJLoif*. TitKet S . FOCUS ON HIV/AIDS Special Events Calendar Thefollowing events were compiledby ResourceCenter. At the Pleasuredome, Budget Axe May Fall on Ozzie Santiago, a Community Health [email protected] OuireachWorkerattheTenderloinAIDS sale for $5. For more information, call Tenderloin's Health Outreach Team RyoeusrouervceentCsenltisetre.dIifnyyoouurwocuallednldiakre,tocosne-c Ozzieat431-7476. tact Ozzie at 431-7476 at least three Feb. 27 , <)um-lpm by Barbara Ferry to outreach in the Tenderloin." Calvanese weeks he/ore the monthoftheevent "Outreach workers training for volun- said. Theydon't sit in theirofficeswaiting teers" Sponsored by B.A.H.S.E.S. and torpeople tocome tothem. HIV-AIDS Calendar E.A.C.H. At 631 OTarrell St.. 2nd fir. ThetodCiistcyo'nstiAnIuDeSitsofcfoincterahcatswdietchidtehde couldThbeejheeoaplatrhdciazreedoifftthheeTheotaeml'issrfeosricdeednttso Feb. 3rd , 2pm-4pm 6F7o1r4m.oreinformation,callDakotaat749- social sIelrevailctehsOuatgreenaccyhTwehaimc,hasheeravletshatnhde d"Iits'csoenatsiynuiefyiotus'rseeravibcuerse.auCcarlavtatnoessaey.s'aitdh.e "ATdrdarnessgseensdertHheIVissesruveicsesocfoalsiteirovni"ng Feb. 28 , 10pm-??? Tenderloin and south ofMarket areas, ac- clientscangettheserviceselsewhere.' But transgenderpeople inourcommunity. "The RubberClub, starringTita Ida" cording to the team s director. Geoffre\ (the Team) has followed people for years. 187GoldenGateAve.Formoreinforma- LiveShow,contest,safesexdemonstra- Froener. It s not easy toestablish that kind of trust tion,call Dominiqueat 431-7476. tions. Presented by the Asian AIDS drop-Thinecltionuircapter2s5oTnaytleoarm,Strweheit,chrecreuinsveda withTthhee pTeeoapmleawppeeadelaeldwtihtehA."IDSoffice's Feb. 14 , 8pm-lam $P2r.ojAelcltaptrothceeeIdnsTobeuncehfiBtatrh.e1A5s4i8anPoAlIkDStS. $122,000 from the city last yeartoservea decisiontotheHIVPlanningCouncil,which "In the name oflove" Project. For more information, call target population ofIV drug users at high hasreopenedthecase,accordingtoFroener. A Fundraiser for the Tenderloin AIDS Dominic at 227-0946. riskofAIDSandtubercuIosis. Thecontract The Team collected letters from the Ten- isduetoexpire in May. Froenersaid. derloin residents in supportofitsappeal. Tom Calvanese. manager ofthe Am- "I'mCarlSimmonsandIamsickwith curedand immune. treatment. bassador Hotel, a SRO at 55 Mason St.. AIDS. Idon'tgetaroundverywell... Don't It means that our city public health ButIwouldsuggestthatCityHalllook swAeIhrDevSre-edr7em5laaontfeytdhreedsi1is5de0eansrteesss,ifdoseranitydesahrtash.evetAeIamDShaosr hhuerltpmTIhegeeatnCdfitroyot'mhsetrAhsiIslDitkSeeamomyf.fs"ieclseafiwwdahosoneun.neaevdaitlh-e ogpfaefttiiicecinaatllsls.yhTkaheveeeypbihenaegvnesbepytsettreesrmuaattdrieaccdaklmlooysfatnotduoresntTeircB-k caaitntdtiehNseehswuacvYceeosrcsokfnubvleefrpotirleeodjtafipelridoneggrratalhmelsys-iiconkw.nDeTedhnovvseaer- "Theyhavethemosteffectiveapproach able forcomment. totheirprescribed treatment until they are cantbuildingsintoshelters,wherefoodand A TB Now curedand can no longerinfectothers. treatmentforhomelesspeopleareprovided Once Killer, 100 Even though our infection rate may forsixmonths. Theshelters,inpoorneigh- now be high, the promise forthe future is borhoods with high rates ofTB. have also that in theTenderloin andotherpocketsof become community information and test- Percent Curable the city TB may be becoming a reduced ingcenters forthose whoare housed. public health risk. Morefederaldollarsforsuch facililies b> Gordon Keefer roomand boardatSt. Anthony's. "There are over 100 counties in the United States where TB has Ihadaroommateat Seton Hall whose become an increasingpublic health risk. San Francisco, especially the Don'tbefooledorscaredbythestatis- positiveskintest indicatedaTB infection, Tenderloin anddowntown areas, is one ofthem." ticsand stories surroundingthediseas—etu- thefirststageofwhichhasfewconclusive berculosis. I can tell you right now the symptoms. Hewaslaterconfirmedbychest However,some healthofficials in San wouldprovidemorehomelesssheltersand goodnews,thebottomlineheartofthestory x-ray tohaveenteredTB's second andac- Francisco express concern over reports of relieve the unhealthy, overcrowded ones abouttuberculosisinSanFrancisco,isthat tivestage,butmyskintestsremainednega- multiple-drug-resistantstrainsofTBfound we havetoday. it is 100percentcurable. tive. A year later, however, prudent re- in New Yorkandothercities,as well as in The successful treatment of my TB That isnot to say that the waragainst testing led to my own diagnosis ofactive the home countries ofsome of our recent showsthatthisdiseasecanbeeasilystopped, this disease is over and that the enemy is TB. immigrants. one case at a time. I hope Tenderloin conquered. Ihavebeenpronouncedclearandfree Some hospitals in such large cities as residents and leaders start to talk withcity There are over 100 counties in the ofthisdiseasebecause,asanoutpatientfor Boston. New York and Los Angeles have public health officials to persuade them to United States where TB has become an the past six months, I undertook as treat- dusted off old turn-of-the-century laws, follow the examples of Denver and New increasing public health risk. San Fran- mentarelativelyeasyregimenofdailypill whenTBwasrampantanddeadly,toforc- Yorktohelphundreds ofpatientswhoneed cisco,especially theTenderloinanddown- taking. Free! Nocharge! Gratis! ibly detain contagious people who refuse helpnow and will beatrisk inthe future. townarea.*, isoneofthem. Not only do I no longerhave thedis- TheTenderloinshareswiththesecoun- ease.Iamnowvirtuallyimmunizedagainst ties a number of common problems that catching iteveragain. allowTBtopersistdespiteitsneareradica- How are wedoing in San Francisco? tioninthe'50s: limitedheathcare,poverty, For the last year or so, San Francisco has substandard housing, homelessness. sub- successfullytreated90percentofits"new" stance abuse,and HIV infection. casesofTB. Butmyexperiencealsoshowsthatitis But what makes a treatment success- easilycuredhere,eventhoughtheTender- fur.' Aftera patient completes asix-month loinhashadoneofthehighestratesofTB regimen of daily pill taking, he or she is infection inthecountry. virtually cured. Yet ten percent of new I became another San Francisco TB cases simply split or grow overconfident statistic when I was diagnosed this past and quit their pill-taking regimens prema- May. Minewasa"newcase"becauseIhad turely,andsoarenotconsideredmedically neverhadthisdiseasebefore,andsoIfilled out formscollecting data for race.age. in- come, and address,amongotherfactors. Howwasmycasediscovered? Itbegan for me five years ago when city public health officials cooperated with my em- ployer,theSaintAnthonyFoundation,after a case of active TB was found in their women'sshelterat45Jones. St.Anthony's Medical Clinic then conducted systematic- skintestingforTBofallthosemenwhorun thediningroom,usedduringthenightasa women'sshelter,andallthosewhoreceive To All Gay and Bisexual Quart Jin Not HeatingArtsCenter We Men Who Have Taken the otter A Nonprofit Clinic Offering African & Acupuncture Herbs for American HIV Antibody Test • Menopause and . . •Smoking Cessation • HIV Multi-Ethnic • PMS • Chronic Hepatitis Groups Think About it. MediCal • Insurance• SlidingScale Call(415)861-4964 forappointment 625OTARRELL T 1748 MarketStreetin S.F. STREET TMT.CW&TJiJO'JiCHfT&S'L<M?L'DlCi?& SANFRANCISCO Iofryporuevteenstt pHoIsVi-trievlea,teydouilhlnaevsesems;edTiecasltschtooicmeesa.sTurreeahtomwenytosurthiamtmmuanyesslyosw- TENDERLOIN AIDS RESOURCE CENTER tFeramnicFsirwseocero,kiDanengpo;anrEytxpmmeeornuitsmeonfotraPlucbodlnrifcuigdHeetnratiliatlahsl.. tYeosutianlgsoisrepcreoivviedferdeebyedutchaetiSoann, EDUCATING, EMPOWERING AND SUPPORTING counseling and referrals. To make an appointment /In Spanish or English/ fortesting,call621-4858. COUNSELINGPSEEROVPICLEES,INCAOSUERMACNOAMGMEUMENNITTYAND ON-GOING FrancFiosrcomoArIeDSiFnofournmdaattiioonn/HIontlSipnaenaitsh1,-E8n0gl0i-sh3,67or-F2i4li3pi7no/, call the San SUPPORT GROUPS ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING ISSUES; HIV SUBSTANCE ABUSE / TRANSGENDER CONCERNS Furaj.noprovidedbytheSanFrancocoDepartmento'Pub*:Healtnandfoundationcorporateandindividualdonation* 187 GOLDEN GATE AVE. SF. CA 94102 (415) 673-5442 6 Jfr*AUMlfJhbA>U&U} Get Tested and Get Early Treatment HIV for 800 367-2437 Call M c,tZ™™TlFZTZ^Zona' F'anC,SC°OCOa^'me','°'PU6"CHM"h' *,0Un<,a"°n C0,P°'a,,0n to"*™ Ea" P* Black Soldiers Battled on Two Fronts inVietnam l>\ Michael Guyton with Julie Scheff ofcoloronto the staffofthe VA. powerless."said May."Well,blackpeople started using drugs to medicate their pain I he Human I<»u oi Cultural havefeltpowerlessalloftheirlives,sowhat from the intensity of their experience in ThewViheeftinrnshtaemtchiainnmg1e9F6br7aacwnkkasfNrbeoumwrsnthohemisweaprhdoii-dn tShterescFsoormDim1s0ooMrnydieeasprru,rsnotdbthehlereeVsmttAhaoenffradaiipPlenoeusdgttstiocTrretaceuormgmantifizocer wtthhaeeakltephMcao1avn3yet7rhtohaolosodmufeoslteheidsesiosrrveleivinrevftetoeshr.rec"aepnIaststithtseoliaronyueaartbpyipolefriaftoryastchttheoo cVrmeeairskeapettornensas.smeo.,ldtOihteerhmseirlwsihtaoorrygthabenuyiilztfeeadllprrweiebsreolenltitoornoisun.cbalreI-n tosthatshowedhimwithhisplatoon,many shellshockwhichplaguedveteransofcolor street, off crack, heroin, and alcohol, and Morethan50percentofthoseincarcer- Of whom were killed in suicide missions atalarmingrates.Forthisreasonandothers, into housing and jobs. ated in the Long Vinh jail were minority. they were sent on by their commanding manyVeteransofcolorweremisdiagnosed Thai sense of powerlessness and the Afterariotburnedthejailtotheground,the Officers. He also threw away his National and became alienated from the VA. blatant racismofthewarresulted in blacks militarystartedtodoleoutahugenumberof Defense Medal, his combat fatigues and "Alotofveteranswillcomeoutandtell and Latinos having the highest rates of discharges, which would release a soldier annaymt.hNienwgseolmsee.thlaitkermeamninydoetdhehribmlaocfkVViieett-- ysIao'imudstMchhaatyiZ.OIpg"hoBrtuettnhitichsaedrniedaatghrneeorsesitosomrteehaIti'nmscaieidrdean/tcyhea,st" TPnrTaiSmaDnvg.elteAeIrnassnttsuitdauyntedbryPelTtehSaesDendfaotiinuonn1d9al9th0aRtoensLeaVatiriecnth-o fvaerstopemercaitnah,letcmheioildrietdaoirsnyc,htbahuretgme.unpabpeekrnsowwonsutldtohatvhee namveterans, wastryingtoforgetnotonly whereblackveteranshavebeenabletogoto veterans had the highest incidence of the "Anyemployerreadingthatcodewould the routine killing ot women and children minority counselorswhohavebeenableto syndrome(23 percent),and black veterans understand that this person was a misfit, andotherciviliansthateveryotherVietnam help them work through some of that and were second (20percent). that he had been classified as such." said veteranshad to face, but alsothe Catch-22 helpthem seethatthereal pathology wasa PTSD: One Indicationofthe May.Blackveteransrecei—vedabout37per- ot being black and lighting that war. result oftheir Vietnam experience." Racismofthe War centof thebaddischarges 300.000outof "Black soldiers felt that they were in Torecruit more black therapists. May The disproportionate numberof Afri- a total of 800.000. which was three times the war fighting for freedom and democ- advises the VA to set can-American theirrepresentation in the war. racyfortheVietnamesepeoplewhenitwas up a recruitment pro- and Latino sol- There were also three times as man) beingdeniedtoblacksathome.*-saidMaceo gram similar toone al- diers with PTSD fighting and dying on the frontlmes. The\ May.whoflew bombingmissionsoverViet- ready instituted for reflects the par- comprised 30to35 percent ot thefrontline namand now. through his work at the vet- nursesandnot to msisi ticulardifficulties combat soldiers. erans' rightsorganizationSwordstoPlow- that practitioners have they faced both Coming back to the U.S.. African- shares, helps Vietnam veterans cope with a doctorate. "Because during the war American veterans experienced an unem- theirown Vietnam Warexperiences. of the lack of educa- and upon return- ploymentrateaboutdoublethatofthepopu- AtSwordstoPlowshares.Mayseesthe tional opportunities, ing home to the lationasawhole.Evenwhenveteranswere veterans the war chewed up and spit out. youarenotgoingtosee U.S. able to find employment or go back to many of whom once lived on inner city a lot of black Ph.D.s "A lot oftimes school, the trauma they faced during the streetsjustblocksawayfromtheresidential outthere.WhentheVA your enemy was warfollowedthemhome.Theywereplagued treatment program May runsout ofa hotel consistently requires your so-called by nightmares and flashbacks oftheir war on McAllisterStreet. that you be a Ph.D. to comrade in experience. Many veterans experienced Swords to Plowshares, a veteran-run provide therapy, then arms." remem- hallucinations. advocacy organization, was established in you are not going to bers 46-year-old It was those flashbacksandhallucina- 1974 to help returning soldiers cope with seea lotofblackclini- Frank Newsome. tions that got Newsome into some trouble the transition to civilian life. They have cians." who served one after coming home to South Central Los long challenged t—he Department of Veter- Newsome credits an year in the South Angeles. ans Affairs (VA formerly the Veterans African-Americanpsy- Vietnamese vil- Newsome remembers. "Prior to me Administration)todevelopamorecompre- chiatrist at the VA for lageofTavNinh. goingintotheserviceIneverhadanassault hensive treatment program. In 1988. as a helping him finally to "You hada lotof case brought against me before, but by result of a 10-year battle with the VA. get a handle on the people involved 1969. a yearafter I had been released from SwordstoPlowsharesputtogetheratransi- war'simpactonhislife withtheKKKand the service. I had at least three assault and tional residency program tor veterans that that for 10 years kept the Aryan Broth- batterychargesagainstme.Ibegantohallu- combined job training, housing, and drug him drug addicted and erhood, and a lot cinate. 1begantohibernateandmymemory treatment. living on and off the of these people wasshot. It scaredthe livingdaylightsout Because the war and its aftermath streets. were in leader- ofme. Theonly thing I knew at thetime is treatedblackveteransinparticularlyunjust "Iamverypleased ship positions." that ithad somethingtodowith Vietnam." ways, black veterans now are dispropor- with the substance said Newsome. Newsometriedmanytimestogethelp tionately represented on inner city streets abuse PTSD program "Theyopenlydis- forhisconditionfromtheVA.butitwasn't across America. Fortunately. Swords to run by a very brilliant Photo JenniferCheek played racist in- until 1980 that it officially recognized his Plowshareshasbeenabletomakeasignifi- African American." Frank Newsome in fromoftheCivic Center signia which in- wartrauma as Post Traumatic Stress Syn- cantstepinsuccessfullytreatingvetsthrough said Newsome. Dr. Residence, wherehe lives. cluded the rebel drome. May's90-dayresidentialtreatmentprogram. Wesley Clark of the flagandtheswas- Between 1967 and 1980, Frank Buttherearen'tenoughoftheseprograms. Fort Miley VA Hospi- tika." Newsome bounced from job to job and InSanFrancisco,therearenow20slotsfor tal was one ofthe first people who recog- Newsome'sexperienceparallelsMay's school toschool. Each timehetriedtoput torfea3t.m5e0n0t.foWriathhomtheelehseslvpetoefraanpVoApulgartainotn. nwiiztehditthsatsyPomspttTormasumoaftihcalSlturceisnsatDiiosnosrdaenrd, awnadsathlaottooffrmaacinsymoitnhVeirebtlnaacmkwvheitsc.h"wTahseraen hwiosullidferetoocgceutrh,erantdheevseyrmyptthionmgswoofuldPTspSiDn Swords to Plowshares will also soon be flashbacks, work together with the sub- incredibly confusing situation, when you out ofcontrol. openinghousingforanadditional 16home- stance abuse that plagued him and many thinkaboutyourbuttbeingoutthereinthe "In 1976. 1 went to the VA hospital lselsostsveatreeraonpse.nStfoarteawidpeo,puloantliyonaboofutso1m0e0 otthahtereivtehteerraynosu. "hFaovre sPoTlSoDng,orthyeouVAhavseaida minigddyloeuroflitfhee,raincdepwahtetynotnhethfeirleifnieg,htsaicsriofviecr- apsgyacihniaatnridstt.his1 tthiimnekIatwtahseatlilmoewheedgtaovseeemea 6ti0o.n0o0Tn0ohhaoodvmwiestleoeshtheselvpneeetnewrdaCtnlhsie.nwtoanrAfdormiAnfirsitcraan-- dirntuegrMcpaornyonbewlceetlmed.c.o"Dmres.asiCdtlhNaeerwkwosr"otkmreoeaf.tsClatrhke,manads afsranoidndttMhsaioynmg.seoqnuieetwdhoownis,jyusotu'avsedgaontgetroocuosn,-" ostinoomntehderVuasgltsrieuwemths.i,cBIheswmiaadsdesebetmihyengdprgruiogvbseln1ewmpasrsewsoucrsrsiienp.g- AMmaecreiocaMnayanfdlewotthoeLritVtlieeRtoncakm, vAertkearnasnas.s preupsrheessentthaetiVonAoftopecoopnlteinoufecotlooirnacrmeoansegiittss tempe"rEsvfelrayrebdodayndhpaedopalgeugnotovaenrgrtyhearreoaunndd sIhuispedinthSeaGnIMbialtletootcaokuentuyp.anThaipsprwenatsicaen- tthhiesVpaAstdJeavnoutaerym.orMearyesroeucrcoemsmteondceodmmtuha-t tthheerraappiystsp.raHcetiecmepdhansoiwzebsythtahtemVucAhiosfntohet roancdisalfrisosmueasn.oTthheernfiygohtutwoetrheedjeuasttht.wOoftseenc-- atotgteetmhpetr.tIosttrayyeodnwciethagtahaitnunttoilpu1t98m0,ybultifeI nthietyw-HaberaswaeldosuopnradodsgvrooacfammtsaedtnhytahtavtectoteuhrleadnVsh.Aellpauhnecalh rveelteevr"aanWntsheotfnoctyohloeour.lairveesinaandsteaxnpdearridentcheesrapoyf etaianmcyeh,foutirthtehweraros.f"fawimathttaenrMo-f1s6o.ldbiuetristdsitdannd'tignog jcsutosanttceesbnltNereawwtest.hoemIecwo.arskn'atgaianb.leItwoasrne'mtemabbleer,t"o arecruitmentdrivetobringmoretherapists session, you have to admit that you are Many African-American soldiers continuedonnextpage **Geoffrey Houston will read his historical poems on Feb. 1-7:15 p.m. at The Luggage Store, 1007 Market St.** An Ode toToussaint L Ouverture ' An Ode toToussaint L'Ouverture 'But Thermador's reaction, The Haitian slave revolt, 'Partisanguerrillas, Whofought the 'European, AndBrumaire's coup d'etat, Against9{apoleon the first, AndregularBattalions, Andthefreedom that he didsecure, (Deposed1(pBBespierre sfaction, Was like a thunderBolt, Attacked$renchforts andvUlas, Which shook^the CarriBean. AnddispatchedanArmada. forthfrom whichflames didBurst. While chargingon theirstallions OfL'Ouverture's wise Brilliance, ThirtyThousandtroops, Across the Haitian island 9{apoleon 'sforce dufrappe, Andofothers, like 0(igaud, Comprisedthe expedition, Was 9{apoleon Blown apart. (Hadat last Been Bested, OftheirdaringandresUience, ButToussaints armygroups, In the valley andthe highland, Like rats caught in a trap. Is the reasonfor this ode. 'Destroyedthem through attrition. Toussaint trouncedBonaparte. fromHaiti theydivested. 'Ruggedandhard-Bitten With rifles on theirshoulders, (Muskets BarkedandBlazed, Diplomacy's abuse, triumphant everywhere, Toussaint's troops kept marching The (French army was mauled. Is howToussaint was caught. He batteredSpain and'Britain, Like an avalanche ofBoulders TheirBarracks Burnedandrazed, Codedto(France tosign a truce, When hefoughtfor0(pBBespierre. Under tropicsunlight parching. TheirBodiesstrewn andsprawled! Toprison he was Brought. QeoffreyHouston 1 BLACK HISTORY CALENDAR February 5 Portrero Neighborhood Theatre presents "Street Sounds" and "The Burial of Preju- dice" directed by Ed Bullinsand JonalWoodwardsin honorof Black HistoryMonth at 8 p.m.. 953 DeHaro St. (Runs Feb. 6 & 7) Call (415) 822-7898 for more info February 10 "Lift Every Voice Series" presented by the Lorraine Hansburry Theatre celebrating African American History. The production has expanded to feature New Voices— a showcaseofthreenewplays(TheShoebox, Heaven'sHoldandIndigoLady) Lorraine HansberryTheatre,620SutterSt.(Feb 10th-28th)Call(415)474-8800formoreinfo r February 13 African American doll making at Glide Church, 330 Ellis St.. 11 a m -4 p.m. If interested, call Joyce Hayes by Feb 10 at 771-3724. February 18 FilmprograminhonorofBlackHistoryMonthforages6&older. "ArethaFranklin,Soul tos she Singer" and "Malcom X: Struggle for Freedom" in the Children's Department of the didofthesetwomen intheWesternAddition.Jonessaidthathersequence Main Library 3 30pm Call (415) 557-4554 for more info. wasabouttheshameblack peoplehavebeentaughttofeelabout theirhair that leads some black men to wear hats. After making her acquaintance, February 21 the two men took their hats off. YolandaRhodeswillsharehertalentsasastoryteller, dancerandsingerthatreflecther African-American culture at the Morrisson Auditorium of the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park Freewith museum admission. Call (415) 750-7145 for more info Howtofrnd Commemorate the Assassination of Malcom X with an original one-woman perfor- mance tackling the issues of racism, rape & revolution with homeless activist Salima Rashida at the "Y" Theatre, Central YMCA, 220 Golden Gate Ave A documentary videoof Malcom X, will also bescreened, followed bya discussion and refreshments. 6 30 p.m. $5 donation. Call (415) 885-0460 for more info an affordable Youth debate and discussion about the life and times of Malcolm X Youth who participatewill receivea free ticket to see the movie Malcolm X. GlideChurch, Room 209 at 11 30 a m home loan February 27 CelebrateBlackHistoryMonthwiththeWajumbeChildren'sCultural Ensemblein the Children's Department ofthe Main Library 2pm Call (415) 557-4554 for more info. can open that February 28 "TheBlack GirlinSearchofGod: InEastOakland" work done underdevelopment by Oakland teenagers in a modern adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's witty 1932 LnoyvoenllSat, "CaTlhle(A4d1v5e)n5t6u3re-s73o3f7thfeorBlmaockreGirilnfinoSearchofGod" attheExplontorium, 360 a lot of doors. Art and Music Festival atGlide Church's Freedom Hall, 330 Ellis St, 10 a m -3 p m A presentation of art done by African.American children five to 16 years old. Submit artwork by February 21 toJoyce Hayes. Glide Church. At Citibank, we knowthathomeownership Feeling Under Seige is a vitalpartoftheAmerican dream. We also knowthatfinding the righthome loan isas continuedfrompage I with the rest of America that will soon be importantas finding the righthouse. very publicand very painful. "Butweknowtheywipedthemoffthe "America Knows," said David mapTlhikAeerQeituweisasstainkoointnhdoifnogFf.i"rqeuioert Hraogpeeamong Rirteo,abbliuitnzsetohnweh.yak"tnT'shoewgyoitji'unssggtodoionnn.g'townew.'alWnlthhetanovleboloarkcakcaest wTihatth'msowrheyowpetioofnfse,rtmhoarnemkoisntdsotohfemrorletngdaegress., mthaentyypoefotfhaonsegeirnftueerlveidewbeyd.frIutsstreaetmisontoovbeer riotsliketheU.S.hasneverseen.Itwilltake We specialize in opening the door to afford- aarel,acaknoafngpeorwtehrattkoncohwasngoene'thsefawtaeyistsheienmg-s sthoemeMStahoinmnegfirtnootmseprHavoripkeewi,et.dALsriekkeaesnRosoamsde,nperPyro.em"siisdeenitn able home financing, based on your ingly predetermined. individual financialsituation. "We are angry, but what can we do Clinton.Althoughhehasalreadyappointed several African Americans to high-profile aaubtoouwtorkite,r". sVaiiedtnJaamckssoolndi,er,theandfocrrmaecrk positionsinhisadministration,thathopeis The way we look atit, one ofourprimary dealer. He added that there was little he temp"eCrleidntboynahwaasitta-laknedd-saebeouatttirtaucdiea.l heal- responsibilities—toyou endthe communities coulddobecause"I'mnotgoingtogoback tonobody'spenitentiary." ing," said civil rights attorney Patterson. I we serve—is to create an opportunity, where hope he can rememberthatelementofhis AmerBiuctanotchoemrmsunbeiltiyevsehatrheastanthoepeAnfrsieccarne-t —caRmaptatiagnny."Honcontributedtothisreport. perhaps there was none before. Black Vietnam Vets So call a Citibank Mortgage Office soon continuedfrompage8 wwiatshpaunsgheerdiannmdyramgienda.bIowutoualudthboeriftlyu.sheIdt to letusknowhow we can help. Remember, wouldbeaflashbackfrom Vietnam. we'd like you to think of Citibank as Finally in 1981, a judge sentenced "I had a physical confrontation with NewsometooneyearintheVAhospitalfor oneoftheworkersatSwordsandwassub- opportunity knocking. aVsAsaurletcionggnaizpeoldiNceewofsfoicmeer.'sEvweanrtthroauugmhathaes sseoqmueenftrliyenbdasrraetdSfwroormdsthaenpdlatchee.yBwuetrIemcaodne- legitimate, they hadn't as yet developed a cernedaboutme." program todeal withthe specific needsof Eventuallyin 1991,Newsomeentered veteranssufferingfrom PTSD. thetransitionalhousingprogram wherehe NewsomemovedtoSanFranciscoin kickedhisdrugandalcoholhabit.Healsoat CITIBANKS 1987tolivewithhisunclewhohappenedto this time began to attend therapy session liverightacrossthestreetfromtheSwords with Dr.Clark,theAfricanAmericanpsy- toPlowshares' office. Newsomebeganto chiatristatFt. MileyVA Hospital. dburtopheinlaatteSrwhaodrdasrealnadpsme.adNeewssoommeeprroegmreesms-, peopl"eWhseufnfeIriwnaglkfrdoomwtnhethleoststrAemete.riIcsaene bSewrosr,d"sI.hIatdwaonseborfoumgyhtfolnasbhybamckyshwohsitlielitayt dIrseeeamm.y"seslaifdbeNceawussoemuent.il"sWehveernalIyseeaersthaegmo., NorthernCalifornia:OaklManOdR(T51G0A)G27E1-O8F5F5I8C•ESSacramento(916)484-6911 dpaiuetrohepoclrteietdyw.htooAwIalrotdthsooufgppheetooppwlleeereiinntmrayyuitnhugonrititotwytearokeer dIstrrwienaetks.inTtghheetrheefirawslticttohhhiontlgheaynmodudsmouuirsnvtgivditohnegisodanrrurgteshs,et OrSaonugtehe(r71nS4o)Can6l3Firf4oa-rn0nc9ii3as1:coC•o(Pr4a1os5n)aad9(e27n21a4)1(183917081)•-77S92o60n6J8•o7sL0eo0s(•A4n0Tg8oe)rlr4ae5ns3c(e-31(133051)00)3132715-5060055 killed or wounded based upon people in alcohol and drug addiction. Until you can commandmakingdecisionsbasedupontheir putthatincheck,it'simpossibletoaddress ownpersonal motives insteadofconsider- anyoftheotherissuesbecausethealcohol LENOER ©1992Citibank.FederalSavingsBank-FOICInsured•CertainrevrMlonsmayapply ingthesafetyofthemen. Anytimeatrigger anddrugscloud upeverything." 1 hc|ppeNiN3/ What's Up and When O vi/ioN voice/ Young Audiences O presents Dimensions for parent/ kid/ February 4 Dance Theatre at "Concert with Conversation" the Oakland February 21 join the Community Music Musuem Sunday. Yolanda Rhodes shares her Center with an hour long Februaruy 21, at 2 p.m. Through music talents as a storyteller, dancer, performance featuring Max and dance, Dimen- and singer. Rhodes' selections Roach acclaimed percussionist sions traces the reflect her African-American and composer. This concert % roots of African culture in a variety of musical will be informal with a ques- Aprmeesreinctainngcutlrtaduir-e, styles, including spirituals, tion and answer period fol- tional African blues, jazz, and rock & roll at lowed by a reception. 544 dances aswell as tSchieenCcaelisf,orMnoirariAscoandAeumdyitoof- fCoarpmpoSrte. Cianlflo.(4(F1ir5s)t6c4o7m-e60fi1r5st cchoonrteeomgproarpahry to rium at 1 p.m. Free with served!) FREE musuem admission. February 10 February 26 Hospitality House Gallery Reception for /ocidLiziN All Star Basketball Game 7-9 the Art Department on the first floor of p.m. at Kezar Pavilion. $1 .50 the Crocker Galleria, 50 Post St. 5- /eNior/ for students with a student 7pm. February 5 body card and $2 general admission. For more info., call February 11 Bingo for Seniors at the Golden From Kampuchea to Eddy Street—A reception for the Gate Park Senior Center, 6101 292-2008. eight Cambodian American artists involved with the Fulton St. Call (415) 666-7015 Cambodian Contemporary Art Project from 4 p.m.-7 for more info February 16 "Self-Esteem: Remem- p.m. at the Luggage Store, 1007 Market St. Call 255- February 23 bering to Love Yourself" t5o97M1arfcohr m6.ore info. Exhibit will run from February 1 "Special Services For Grandpar- join other single parents ents Raising Children" come give in a support group at February 13 and receive the support of other Everett Middle School, Sixth Annual San Francisco Tribal and Folk Art Grandparents at Everett Middle room 115. Refreshments Show at the Herbst Pavilion, Fort Mason Cen- School, room 1 1 5. 6:30 p.m. Call and childcare are pro- ter. Show features pre-1940 museum quality (41 5) 469-4795 for more info. vided. 6:30pm Call (415) art and artifacts from around the world 469-4795 for more info 1 1am-8pm. (Also open Feb. 14) Call (41 5) 775-0991 for more info. $6 general admission —Calendar compiled byMoki Eitz c hoices " "I can't believe I did it I made my own funeral arrangements andpaidfor it in full. chose cremation with I a funeral scattering at sea. My Neptune Society Membership Card ensures my services and my peace of mind. never worry, I " What will happen to me when I die? " That decision and choice are made. Neptune Society & Va5K cremation memorial services 2740 Hyde Street, #100 San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 771-0717 It's the radio station n YES! I want information about membership. your mother always Name: warned you about. Address: City: State: Zip: (And ifthat's not a good enough reason to listen, nothing is.) LPhone: TEN193 C I 10 \)c*4^4AA^F<eb4A«VUf 1f)l>