Website : EPBAX - 011-22509256-57 Fax : 011-22515826 केंद्रीय माध्यममक मिक्षा बोर् ड मानव संसाधन ववकास मंत्रालय ,भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्वायत्त संगठन शिक्षा केंद्र ,2 ,सामुदाययक केंद्र ,प्रीत ववहार ,ददल्ली –110 301 Central Board of Secondary Education (An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development(Govt. of India) “SHIKSHA KENDRA” 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAR, DELHI – 110 301 Tender No./CBSE/Admn-II/R.C/2016 Date: 29.03.2016 LIMITED TENDER NOTICE The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is the premier national public Examinations Board of Govt. of India for the conduct of Class X & XII examination. The Board, a registered society and an autonomous organization under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has mandate for conduct of public examination at Secondary and Senior Secondary level for its affiliated schools in India and abroad. The main objectives are to serve the educational institutions more effectively and to be responsive to the educational needs of the students. The Board has also been assigned responsibilities to conducts professional, competitive Examinations like AIPMT, JEE (main), UGC-NET and CTET by the Government. There are more than 17,000 schools including 200 schools in twenty one countries outside India affiliated to the Board. These include Kendriya Vidyalayas, Government Schools, Jawarhar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Central Tibetean Schools and Private Independent Schools. Sealed Tenders are invited on behalf of Secretary, CBSE from reputed dealers and suppliers for the work of refilling/reconditioning/ refurbishing of different types of toner cartridges at CBSE offices situated in Delhi/NCR. The Bids be kept in one envelopes duly sealed and in bold superscribed “Tender for refilling/reconditioning/refurbishing of cartridges” and addressed to the Secretary, CBSE, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301. The tender document can also be downloaded from CBSE website or CPP Portal The Terms and Conditions duly signed by the Tenderers and the form complete in all respects along with EMD in the form of Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee in favour of the Secretary, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi from any of the scheduled Commercial Banks may be dropped in the Tender Box kept on the ground floor of the CBSE Building upto 2.30 pm on or before 12-04-2016. Tenders received after expiry of date, time and those without EMD shall be summarily rejected. Bids will be opened on the same date at 3.00 pm in the presence of the Tenderers or their authorised representatives, who may like to be present. The Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited and may lead to summary rejection of the tender. (JAIPRAKASH CHATURVEDI) Assistant Secretary (Admn-II) To, All concerned. (As per list enclosed) LIMITED TENDER FOR REFILLING /RECONDITIONING/ REFURBISHING OF TONER CARTRIDGES FOR CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION This tender invited for refilling / reconditioning/ refurbishing of toner cartridges used in the Central Board of Secondary Education, Preet Vihar. The scope of said Annual Contract includes, reconditioning, refilling and replacement of all parts in the used toner cartridges. Empty/ used toner cartridges for refilling / reconditioning/ refurbishing will be provided by the Department. Mandatory steps/measures to be taken in refilling /reconditioning/ refurbishing of toner cartridges:- 1. Toner powder must be either same as used in the original toner i.e. H.P, Canon, Brother etc. if available or standard ink used in market like touchshine/ J.K/ultra/Jet etc and quantity must be equal to that in the original toner refilled/reconditioned. 2. The output/ yield and printing quality of refurbished toner cartridges should be equal to the toner of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The number of pages to be printed should not be less than 80% of the value of original cartridge printing capacity. 3. The refilling / reconditioning/ refurbishing of toner cartridges shall be done at CBSE Preet Vihar or any other CBSE establishments in NCR of Delhi. In case the toner has to be taken to the premises of the service provider it should marked as supplied by CBSE. 4. Toner drum, blade, PCR and Gear etc if replaced shall be of the make of original equipment manufacturer (OEM). CONTENT Annexure Description of Section I Instructions to bidders II Terms & Conditions of the tender III Technical form technical bid IV Tender form financial bid V Declaration VI Performa Of ITR/Balance Sheet Of Annual Turn Over VII Performa of 03 (THREE) Work Orders (similar type) executed by agency/bidder in last three calendar years. ANNEXURE-I INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS 1. The Bids be kept in envelope and duly sealed and in bold superscribing “Tender for refilling/reconditioning/refurbishing of cartridges” and addressed to the Secretary, CBSE, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301. The tender document can also be downloaded from CBSE website or CPP Portal The Terms and Conditions duly signed by the Tenderers and the form complete in all respects along with EMD in the form of Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee in favour of the Secretary, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi from any of the scheduled Commercial Banks may be dropped in the Tender Box kept on the ground floor of the CBSE Building upto 2.30 pm on or before 12-04-2016. 2. The Tender can also be sent by post addressed to The Assistant Secretary (Admn-II), Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301 or may be dropped in the tender box kept on the ground floor, CBSE Preet Vihar, Delhi upto 2.30 pm on or before 12-04-2016. 3. The terms and conditions duly signed by the Tenderers should accompany the specific Tender Form. 4. Canvassing for the tender in any form is strictly prohibited and may lead to summary reject of the tender. 5. Minimum Eligibility Criteria:- Bidders should have.- (i) Their own set up for refill / reconditioning/ refurbishing of toner cartridges (Site visit may be undertaken). (ii) Minimum 3 years of experience of supplying of refill /reconditioned/refurbished toner cartridge in bulk to Departments/Ministries of the Govt. of India/Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/MNCs. (iii) Minimum turnover of Rs. 10 Lakhs per annum during each of the last three financial years i.e. 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 (Attach copy of ITR or balance Sheet) (iv) Should have at least executed three work orders of similar type each in three calendar year (attach copies) (v) Should not have been blacklisted by the any Departments/Ministries of the Govt. of India/Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/Autonomous bodies. Declaration has to be given in the prescribed format-(Annexure-V) (Self Certification) 6. Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 6.1 EMD of Rs. 15,000/-in the form of demand draft valid upto 90 days from the date of the opening of the tender issued from any of the scheduled banks drawn in favour of "SECRETARY, CBSE payable at Delhi" shall be submitted along with the bid. 6.2 A bid received without Bid security (EMD) shall be rejected as non responsive at the bid opening stage and returned to the bidder unopened. 6.3 The Bid security amount (EMD) of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned to them after finalization and award of the contract without any interest. 6.4 The bid security may be forfeited:- (a) If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified in the bid document; (b) In the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to:- (i) Sign the contract (ii) Furnish the Performance Security within the time specified in the document. 7. Estimated cost of work 3,00,000/ -(Approx) for the period of one year. 8. Those registered with the Central Purchase Organization, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Deptt. are exempted for submission of the earnest money. The tender should invariably accompany the proof to this effect. 9. Tenders received after expiry of date, time and those without EMD shall be rejected summarily. Bids will be opened on the same date at 3.00 pm in the presence of the Tenderers or their authorized representatives, who may like to be present. 10. Performance Security Deposit (PSD) 10.1 PSD Rs. 30,000/ - will have to be made within 7 days on receipt of notification of award of the contract. 10.2 PSD shall be in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee in favour of SECRETARY, CBSE, Payable at Delhi and valid for 60 days beyond the contractual period. 10.3 EMD will be refunded to the successful bidder on receipt of performance security. 10.4 PSD will be released after all contractual obligations by the supplier are over the same can be withheld or forfeited in full or in part in case the supply order is not executed satisfactorily within the stipulated period. 11. Documents/Certificates The Tendering firms/ agencies are required to submit the photocopies of following documents, failing which their bids will be summarily/out-rightly rejected and will not be considered any further :- (a) Registration certificate as per existing norms (indicating the legal status of the bidder/ partnership firm/ proprietorship concern, etc.); (b) Copy of CST/VAT/TIN Registration Certificates; (c) Copy of PAN Card; (d) Proof of Minimum turnover of Rs. 10 Lakh per annum during the last three financial years i.e. 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 from the issue of tender documents as per Annexure-VI (e) Proof of Minimum 03 years of experience of supplying of reconditioned/refurbished toner cartridge in bulk to Departments/Ministries of the Govt. of India/Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/MNCs. (f) Declaration regarding blacklisting or otherwise. (Annexure-V) (g) Copy of minimum 03 work orders (similar type) each in last 03 calendar years i.e. 2013, 2014 and 2015. 12. Signing of the bids 12.1 The bid shall be typed or printed. All pages of the bid document shall be numbered consecutively and shall be signed and stamped by the bidder as proof of having read the contents therein and in acceptance thereof. 12.2 All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly. If the space for furnishing information is not sufficient, separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. 12.3 The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct which should be duly singed by the bidder. 13. Period of validity of bids The bid shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non - responsive. 14. Rejection of incomplete and conditional tenders The incomplete and conditional bids will be rejected. Quoting unrealistic rates will be treated as disqualification. 15. No withdrawal after submission of bids No bidders will be allowed to withdraw after submission of bids/ opening of the tender; otherwise the EMD submitted by the firm is liable to be forfeited. 16. Tenders received after the closing date and time prescribed in the tender enquiry shall NOT be accepted under any circumstances and will be summarily rejected. 17. The Chairman CBSE, Delhi may in his discretion extend the last date for Submission of the Tender and such extension shall be binding on all the Bidders. ANNEXURE-II TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Sealed bids are invited for the work of refilling/reconditioning/ refurbishing of different types of toner cartridges, complete in all respect placed in Envelope should be sent by post addressed to Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra,2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi- or dropped in the Tender Box kept at Ground Floor (Reception Counter), CBSE office, Preet Vihar, Delhi latest by 12 April 2016 upto 2:30 p.m. Incomplete/conditional/late tenders or those without earnest money will be rejected. There should not be over writing or amendment in the rates quoted, the terms and conditions of the contract. All the forms should be duly signed with seal of the firm 2. The rates should be quoted in figures as well as words, inclusive of all charges i.e. Excise duty, sale tax, VAT and transportation etc. 3. Rates should be valid for one year from the date of issue of work order. No claim for compensation or loss due to fluctuations or any other reason/ causes will be entertained during the period of contract. However, the contract can be extended further up to another 02 years with the mutual consent of both the parties on the same rates, terms & conditions provided the service provider give a certificate that he is not doing similar work on lower rates to any other person or organization and that there is no downward trend in the rates in market. 4. The work shall be done at CBSE Premises, in case the toner has to taken to the workshop the delivery of the refilled/reconditioning/ refurbishing cartridges shall be made within three working days from the date of collection, inclusive of collection day. In case, the materials are not delivered within the specified period then penalty shall be levied at 1 % per day subject to maximum 20% reckoned on the value of undelivered supplies. 5. In case of discrepancy between the amounts in figures and words, the amount in words will only be considered for the purpose. 6. Rates should be quoted for free delivery at the store of CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi or any other CBSE establishment in NCR of Delhi. 7. It will be the responsibility of the Bidder to supply the item in accordance with supply order. 8. In case of unsatisfactory service or refilling of cartridge below the standard the bidder shall remove the deficiency immediately failing which a penalty up to 20 percent will be imposed on subsequent bill or as decided by the Competent Authority of CBSE. Unsatisfactory service shall amount to any deficiency from the minimum stated output in terms of quality and quantity or the work has not been done as per the laid down specification of ink and parts used by the bidder for refilling, reconditioning and refurbishing. 9. If the Bidder/firm fails to carry out the work within the contract period, the CBSE may get the work completed from another firm and the bidder will have to reimburse the expenditure incurred and may also forfeit the performance Security and terminate the contract. 10. All disputes, differences and questions arising out of or in any way touching or concerning this agreement or subject matter thereof or the representative rights, duties or liability of the parties shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Chairman CBSE, Delhi or any person nominated by him in this behalf. The award made in any such arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties. 11. The Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the bids in whole or in part and annul the bidding process without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not bound to accept the lowest tender. 12. Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to award the tender to more than one Bidder. 13. Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to relax/withdraw any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Document so as to overcome any problem encountered during the selection of the bidders and also during the course of the execution of the contract in the interest of CBSE. 14. Chairman, CBSE reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable period in case the bidder fails to honour its bids without sufficient grounds. 15. If a firm after award of the contract violates any of the terms &conditions, it shall be liable to be blacklisted and its EMD/PSD shall be forfeited. 16. The contract shall ordinarily be awarded to the lowest evaluated bidder whose bid has been found to be responsive and who is eligible and qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily as per the terms & conditions. 17. Guarantee of the refilling/reconditioning/Refurbishing cartridges must be at least 6 months from the date of delivery or till the cartridges gets empty. 18. In the event of refilling / reconditioning/ refurbishing defects of cartridge, the firm/bidder has to replace the same free of cost. 19. In case, the services of the bidder are found unsatisfactory due to recurrence of defects in the cartridges, the contract shall be terminated at any point of time without prior intimation to the firm/bidder. The Chairman CBSE may in such case forfeit the PSD submitted by the firm. 20. Payment against Bill/Invoice shall be released only after supply/inspection and observance of satisfactory performance of the item on monthly basis. No advance payment will be made in any case. 21. The successful bidder shall sign the Agreement in accordance with form of Agreement within a week of the receipt of notification of award. 22. The bidders will be bound by the details furnished by him/her to CBSE, while submitting the bid or at subsequent stage. In case, any of such documents furnished by him/her is found to be fictitious at any stage, it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of contract making him/ her liable for blacklisting/legal action besides termination of contract and forfeiting of PSD. 23. All taxes and levies will be paid by the bidder only. No other charges such as Octroi, packing, forwarding, freight insurance, loading and unloading, entry tax, demo, etc. will be allowed. All these are to be borne by the bidder only. 24. The bidder shall provide Free Pick-up and Delivery Service for cartridges without any extra charges. Refilling / reconditioning/ refurbishing of cartridges will be done in CBSE premises only. Any defective refilling / reconditioning/refurbishing coming to our notice during its use on the printer will be replaced/repaired at bidder expense. 25. LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: The contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to the properties of CBSE by him or by his persons or by his labourers and the cost of such damages will be recovered from the pending amount of the contractor with CBSE, Delhi. 26. COURT JURISDICTION: Courts of Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any judicial proceedings. 27. TERMINATION: In case of unsatisfactory performance and undue delay caused by the contractor in fulfilling the contractual obligations, Chairman CBSE, Delhi reserves the right to terminate the contract either in full or in part without any notice to the contractor and get the job done at the risk & cost of the Contractor. ACCEPTANCE OF THE TENDERER The terms and conditions enumerated in this form from clause 01 to 27 have been read and understood by me/us and are acceptable to me/us. (SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER) (SEAL WITH COMPLETE ADDRESS)