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Ten Steps for Clear Eyesight Without Glasses - NATURAL PDF

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2 Copyright © Sept. 24, 2011 by Clark Night, (Mary Iva Oliver), Clearsight Publishing Co. - South San Francisco, CA, Worcester & South Boston, MA, USA. Also Published, distributed by Amazon.com Createspace. Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight Without Glasses - A Quick Course http://www.cleareyesight.info . (Central-Fixation Publishing Co. - William H. Bates Books, Better Eyesight Magazine is owned by Dr. Bates.) Copyright by Clark Night is also for assembly and preservation of Ophthalmologist William H. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, Books, Medical Articles and other author’s old copyright free books included with this Book and in the PDF E-Book. All Rights Reserved The Author allows this Paperback and the E-Book copies to be distributed free to the public; The blind, Braille, Guide Dog Schools, People that need vision improvement, all Libraries, Schools, Colleges, Nursing Homes, Hotels, Military Bases, Veterans, Indian Reservations... (CD, Paper copies only. No download, electronic transmission on Internet from websites, businesses selling their products, books...) The Author/publisher does not allow the information in this book to be sold. Upon my death; the public can sell books by Clark Night and continue to distribute them free including download from websites, transmission on Internet. This excludes Paperback books left in my will to David Kiesling, www.iblindness.org . (See my will in the books. David has full right to the Paperback books and my website.) If he does not want to sell or distribute the books free, then; all books, website… are free to the public. My PDF version of this books final upgrade within 1 year from Sept. 2011 and my other books in PDF form are free for the public to distribute free through internet, on CD, printed copies after my death. Entire website is included in the main PDF E-book. DISCLAIMER & DIRECTIONS Contact lenses cannot be worn before, during, after practicing Natural Eyesight Improvement. Contacts will not fit the eye, cornea as it changes to normal, healthy shape and function with practice of The Bates Method. Contact lenses can scrape, injure, infect the eyes cornea, eyes, impairing the vision, eyes health. The eye can change shape often with or without practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Contact lenses are never a perfect fit to the eye. Avoid wearing contact lenses. Natural Eyesight Improvement normalizes the eyes pressure, improves eye health. If the reader has any eye condition, Glaucoma... check with your Eye Doctor first before practicing The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement. Eye drops, drugs, medicine, un-natural treatments for eye pressure may need to be changed, reduced, discontinued. Natural Eyesight Improvement changes the shape of the eye, cornea back to normal, healthy condition. If eye, retina, cornea, cataract... surgery has been done on the eyes; check with a Eye Doctor first to be sure the surgery and Natural Eyesight Improvement do not conflict, interfere with eachother; with the eye shape, condition the doctor has fit the surgery to. Natural Eyesight Improvement may help the surgery, eye to heal or it may work against the surgery because; Natural Eyesight Improvement brings the eye, cornea to normal shape-but, the surgery may have been done to place, keep the eye in a abnormal shape, the shape it was in before the surgery or a new abnormal shape. Example; Retina surgery done on a eye that is abnormally lengthened due to advanced Nearsight, many years wearing eyeglasses or a injury may act differently if the patient practices Natural Eyesight Improvement and returns the eye to normal, round shape, normal eye pressure, normal fluid, circulation flow... Same warning for eye cornea laser and other surgeries. Possibly cataract lens surgery. Read complete directions in the free PDF E-book and the Laser Cornea Eye Surgery Article at the end of this book. People have regained clear vision after unsuccessful eye muscle, cataract and other surgery but always check with a eye doctor, preferably a Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Ophthalmologist, Teacher. 3 INDEX – CHAPTERS Copyright, Introduction, Human Eye Pictures 2 Eyeglasses Cause Eye Muscle Tension, Vision Impairment 8 Dangers of Laser and Other Cornea Eye Surgeries 10 Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight Without Glasses - Eight Correct, Natural Vision Habits 1 - RELAXATION, Palming 22 2 - SHIFTING-Natural Eye Movement - The Nosefeather 30 3 - CENTRAL- FIXATION – Seeing Clearest with the Center of the Visual Field 47 4 - BLINKING - Allow The Eyes To Blink, Relax 57 5 - BREATHING - Deep Breathing Improves The Clarity Of Vision________________________ 58 6 - MOVEMENT & Oppositional Movement________________________________ 61 7 - MEMORY, IMAGINATION & Clear Vision_____________________ 69 8 - SWITCHING, SHIFTING CLOSE, MIDDLE & FAR - Switch, Shift on the Three Pens__ 76 9 - SUNLIGHT, SUNNING, Full Spectrum Sunlight_________________________________ 93 10 - FINE PRINT-Reading, Clear Close Vision ________________________________________ 105 Nutrition 130 Better Eyesight Magazine; Articles, Training by Dr. Bates, Dr. Bates Describes Steps # 1-10 EYECHARTS Ophthalmologist Bates Emily Lierman, Bates - Dr. Bates Assistant, Wife, Bates Method Teacher The Original Natural Eyesight Improvement Teachers. Writers of Better Eyesight Magazine. 4 Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight Without Glasses - A Quick Course Natural Vision Improvement History Improve the clarity of vision to 20/20 and clearer at all distances, close and far with; The Bates Method of Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement discovered by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates M. D. + Dr. Bates discovered Natural Vision Improvement, the true principles, function of the eyes, visual system. The Bates Method. + Dr. Helmholtz discovered many functions of the eyes and invented instruments (Ophthalmoscope) to see inside the eye, detect focus of light rays, health of the eyes, body. This book is written by a Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Graduate Student and Self-Trained Bates Teacher that has kept her vision 20/20 and clearer for 35 years to present age of 54 using The Bates Method, Original and Modern Natural Vision Improvement. Ophthalmologist Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, Books, Medical Articles are included in the paperback and printable E-Book. Learn directly from the original eye doctor that discovered, taught Natural Vision Improvement. The author teaches friends, family, the public how to obtain clear vision. Free and low cost training. This book contains Natural Vision Improvement lessons with color pictures, videos, audios for easy, quick learning, application of the activities and fast clear vision. Students with low vision, busy schedule often cannot see or have the time to read lengthy directions. This book provides the option for entire study of the Bates Method and/or the short basic training. See the free PDF E-Book for extended training, audios, video links at; www.cleareyesight.info . There are hundreds of schools, websites, advertising Natural Vision Improvement for about $40.00 to $500.00+ and up to $7000.00 to be trained as a Natural Vision Improvement Teacher. Very few provide free, complete, genuine training. Honest teachers will charge a decent price, give full training. Choose a teacher carefully. I understand that teachers must charge a fee to exist as a teacher, pay their bills for housing… but some teachers are becoming as greedy as the Optical, Medical and Drug Industry. There are teachers that have organized together and are trying to raise the price to be trained as a Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Teacher to $10,000.00 and up and may be trying to pass laws preventing students, the public from being teachers unless they pay this price. If that law passes, the price will be raised again. This is exactly like the corruption that exists in the Medical Profession, Drug Industry. Colleges are corrupt, charge thousands of dollars to be a Doctor, Optician, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, Lawyer… An honest person with low income often cannot afford the money and time to go to college. There are honest, good hearted teachers out there. It is legal for a mother to teach a child to walk, read, learn. Teaching the Bates Method is a human right. A person that has clear vision, successful Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement experience can teach other people to obtain clear vision. Dr. Bates describes in his books, Better Eyesight Magazine how many patients, (including children) cured of unclear vision teach others to see clear. Many people that have never been taught the Bates Method begin to use it naturally, an automatic eye, brain function (especially when eyeglasses are avoided or lost, broken, cannot be worn) and their vision improves because; ‘It is the normal, natural function of the eyes.’ Sailors have used it to navigate on the ocean for hundreds of years. People with clear vision use it all the time. Clear Eyesight is the Birthright of All People. Clear Eyesight Improves the Quality of Life. It is a cruel, heartless crime for Eye Doctors, Opticians to purposely sell stronger and stronger eyeglass lenses, laser cornea eye surgery knowing that it leads to increased vision impairment, more eye surgeries and can result in near or complete blindness. Author, Clark Night was cured of unclear close vision (presbyopia) at age 40 and distant vision improved to clearer than 20/20 in San Francisco, California by Thomas Quackenbush, one of the most 5 skilled Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Teachers, author of the book ‘Relearning to see- Improve Your Eyesight Naturally’ and the teacher that preserved and brought Dr. Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' to the modern public. Before this time the magazines were destroyed and hidden from the public. This book is derived, condensed from our main large book ‘Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement Original and Modern Bates Method with Better Eyesight Magazine’. (free in the E-Book.) The books describe the Ten Steps; Correct, Natural Vision Habits, the Basics of The Bates Method, Natural Vision Improvement. These are the main Bates Method activities that produce clear vision. These are not eye exercises. The activities imitate and activate normal, correct function of the eyes, brain, body (visual system) to produce clear vision. Practice them in a relaxed, easy manner. No effort. Correct, relaxed vision habits are the normal function of the eyes. Practicing Correct Vision Habits is the act of ‘imitating normal eye, brain function’ that occurs when vision is clear. This ‘practice’ will gently coax the eyes, visual system back to correct, normal function. After practice of Correct Vision Habits; the brain, eyes will activate Correct Vision Habits, (relaxation, shifting, central-fixation…) automatically, subconsciously, easy, without effort (without the person thinking about it, without practicing) resulting in clear vision. People often obtain fast vision improvement by practicing just a few main activities; relaxation, shifting, central-fixation, memory and imagination, switching close and far, abdominal breathing. Natural Vision Improvement, Correct Vision Habits and other activities in this book are derived from Ophthalmologist Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine', books and Original, Modern Bates Method Teachers Training, Classes. Text in the books is in a variety of colors. Color activates and integrates the left and right brain hemispheres, improves mood, activates different positive emotions, energy levels, relaxation and improves the clarity of vision at all distances. (See the Palming and Color Treatment chapters.) White, blue, green... print relaxes the mind, eyes, is better for reading than black print. Read the Training Articles by Ophthalmologist Bates in his 'Better Eyesight Magazines' at the end of this book for Natural Eyesight Improvement Steps #1-10. Learn directly from the Eye Doctor that discovered, taught The Bates Method. The words Eyesight and Vision in this book; +Eyesight; the eyes, the sight. +Vision; holistic, the entire visual system; eyesight, eyes, eye muscles, nerves, brain, body, thoughts, emotions, spirit. The word Eyesight is placed in the books title because it simplifies the meaning; What do you want? To learn about the eyes and how to improve the sight; Clear Eyesight. All E-Books are free to Native Americans. See Red Crows Videos at; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI6RLXQyGIw Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIrKuQEJ6y4 6 HUMAN EYE - Focus of Light Rays in the Eye, Eye Muscles 7 8 MENTAL STRAIN, EYE MUSCLE TENSION, ABNORMAL EYE SHAPE CAUSES UNCLEAR EYESIGHT - Dangers of, Vision Impairment Caused by; Laser Cornea Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses & Contact Lenses Strain, tension in the mind, visual system, incorrect posture, shoulder, neck muscle tension, Incorrect Vision Habits cause eye muscle tension. Tension in the outer eye muscles places pressure on/in the eye causing abnormal eye shape, incorrect focus of light rays in the eye and unclear vision. Muscles inside the eye also become tense-function of the lens iris, retina are impaired. +Picture # 1 shows the normal round eye shape. Eye muscles are relaxed. Light rays focus correct on the retina. + The central light ray focuses on the center of the fovea centralis in the macula in the center of the retina. This produces the center of the visual field. + Peripheral light rays focus on the peripheral areas of the retina (all areas around, near and away from the macula and fovea) which produces the peripheral field of vision. Distant vision is clear. Bates Teachers state; ‘The oblique muscles around the outside of the eye contract to slightly lengthen the eye to accommodate, focus divergent light rays on the retina for clear close vision. (Like a camera.) They un-contract, return the eye to a round shape for clear distant vision’. +Picture # 2 shows a abnormal lengthened eye shape. The eye is lengthened too much and is kept in this state due to tension in the oblique outer eye muscles. Light rays do not focus on the retina. Light rays focus incorrect before the retina causing unclear distant vision. Close vision may be clear if the eye is not lengthened too much, but it is never perfectly clear when the distant vision is unclear. Increased eye muscle tension causes increased lengthening of the eye resulting in unclear distant and close vision. +Picture # 3 shows a abnormal shortened eye shape due to tension in the recti outer eye muscles pulling back on the front of the eye. Light rays focus incorrect beyond the retina. In early stages of eye muscle tension the eye may stay in a round shape unable to lengthen slightly when looking at close distances resulting in unclear close vision. Distant vision may be clear, but is never perfectly clear when the close vision is unclear. As muscle tension increases, the eye is pulled into a shortened shape causing unclear close and distant vision. +Picture # 4 shows a irregular, uneven eye shape caused by tension in one or more outer eye muscles, oblique and/or recti. The shape of the cornea is also uneven. Astigmatism, unclear vision. This condition can occur with a abnormal lengthened or shortened eye shape. 9 Light rays focus incorrect; all or some light rays focus incorrect before and/or beyond the retina. The central ray might focus incorrect onto the peripheral area of the retina. Peripheral rays might focus incorrect onto the fovea centralis in the center of the retina. This impairs both central and peripheral vision and causes astigmatism and unclear vision at close and/or far distances. Eye movement: shifting and convergence, divergence may be affected in pictures 1, 2, 3, 4. Incorrect focus of central and peripheral light rays onto the peripheral and central areas of the retina can also occur when the eye is abnormally lengthened, shortened without a uneven shape. WHAT GLASSES DO TO US By W. H. BATES, M. D. On a tomb in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Florence was found the following inscription: "Here lies Salvino degli Armati, Inventor of Spectacles. May God pardon him his sins." The Florentines were doubtless mistaken in supposing that their fellow citizen was the inventor of the lenses now so commonly worn to correct errors of refraction. There has been much discussion as to the origin of these devices, but they are generally believed to have been known at a period much earlier than that of Salvino degli Armati. The Romans at least must have known something of the art of supplementing the powers of the eye, for Pliny tells us that Nero used to watch the games in the Coliseum through a concave gem set in a ring for that purpose. If, however, his contemporaries believed that Salvino of the Armati was the first to produce these aids to vision, they might well pray for the pardon of his sins; for while it is true that eyeglasses have brought to some people improved vision and relief from pain and discomfort, they have been to others simply an added torture, they always do more or less harm, and at their best they never improve the vision to normal. That glasses cannot improve the sight to normal can be very simply demonstrated by looking at any color through a strong convex or concave glass. It will be noted that the color is always less intense than when seen with the naked eye; and since the perception of form depends upon the perception of color, it follows that both color and form must be less distinctly seen with glasses than without them. Even plane glass lowers the vision both for color and form, as everyone knows who has ever looked out of a window. That glasses must injure the eye is evident from the fact that one cannot see through them unless one produces the degree of refractive error which they are designed to correct. But refractive errors, in the eye which is left to itself, are never constant. If one secures good vision by the aid of concave, or convex, or astigmatic lenses, therefore, it means that one is maintaining constantly a degree of refractive error which otherwise would not be maintained constantly. It is only to be expected that this should make the conditions worse, and it is a matter of common experience that it does. After people once begin to wear glasses their strength, in most cases, has to be steadily increased in order to maintain the degree of visual acuity secured by the aid of the first pair. That the human eye resents glasses is a fact which no one would attempt to deny. Every oculist knows that patients have to "get used" to them, and that sometimes they never succeed in doing so. Patients with high degrees of myopia and hypermetropia have great difficulty in accustoming themselves to the full correction, and often are never able to do so. The strong concave glasses required by myopes of high degree make all objects seem much smaller than they really are while convex glasses enlarge them. These are unpleasantnesses that cannot be overcome. Patients with high degrees of astigmatism suffer some very disagreeable sensations when they first put on glasses, for which reason they are warned by one of the Conservation of Vision leaflets published by the Council on Health and Public Instruction of the American Medical Association to "get used to them at home before venturing where a misstep might cause a serious accident." All glasses contract the field of vision to a greater or less degree. Even with very weak glasses patients are unable to see distinctly unless they look through the center of the lenses, with the frames at right angles to the line of vision; and not only is their vision lowered if they fail to do this, but annoying nervous symptoms, such as dizziness and headache, are sometimes produced. Therefore they are unable to turn their eyes freely in different directions. It is true that glasses are now ground in such a way that it is theoretically possible to look through them at any angle, but practically they seldom accomplish the desired result. This Article from Ophthalmologist Bates ‘Better Eyesight Magazine’ July 1920. Eyeglasses, contact lenses change the focus of light rays entering the abnormally shaped eye to bring the focus of light rays onto the retina resulting in clearer but not perfect vision through the eyeglass lenses. Eyeglasses, contacts do not improve the shape, function and health of the eye. Eyeglasses, contact lenses cause and increase eye muscle tension, dysfunction, impairment of the shape, function, health of the eyes and clarity of vision. 10

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