Temporally heterogeneous dynamics in granular flows ∗ Leonardo E. Silbert James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095 (Dated: February 2, 2008) Granular simulations are used to probe the particle scale dynamics at short, intermediate, and 5 longtimescalesforgravitydriven,densegranularflowsdownaninclinedplane. Onapproachtothe 0 angle of repose, where motion ceases, the dynamics become intermittent over intermediate times, 0 with strong temporal correlations between particle motions – temporally heterogeneous dynamics. 2 Thisintermittencyischaracterisedthroughlargescalestructuraleventswherebythecontactnetwork periodically spansthe system. A characteristic time scale associated with these processes increases n as the stopped state is approached. These features are discussed in the context of the dynamics of a J supercooled liquids near theglass transition. 6 PACSnumbers: 81.05.Rm,45.70.Mg,64.70.Pf,61.20Lc 2 ] t Granular materials persist at the forefront of contem- Granularsimulationsofchuteflowshavecapturedfea- f o porary research due to the extreme richness in their dy- tures of the rheology with remarkable accuracy [10, 11]. s namics,eitherundershear[1],flowingoutofahopper[2], Threeprincipalflowregimesareobservedforchuteswith . t or driven by gravity [3]. Because thermodynamic tem- roughbases(seeFig.1). Ifθistheinclinationangleofthe a m perature plays little role in determining these features, chute: i) no flow occurs below the angle of repose θr, ii) granularmaterialsarewidelyrecognizedasamacroscopic steadystateflowexistsintheregionθ <θ <θ ,andiii) - r u d analogue of athermal systems far from equilibrium [4]. unstable flow occurs for θ >θu. For all θ <θu, the den- n The notion of jamming [5] provides a unifying frame- sity is constant throughout the bulk, away from the free o work to describe the behaviour of a wide range of sys- top surface and lower boundary, with smoothly varying c tems, from the molecular level (supercooled liquids and depth profiles of the flow velocity and the principle and [ glasses), microscale (colloidal glasses), through to the shearstresses[10]. Thelocationofθ alsodependsonthe r 1 macroscale(granularmatter),neartheirjammingtransi- heightofthe flowingpile h [7, 11]. Pouliquenintroduced v tion. The motivation for this work comes from the view thequantityh (θ)thatencodesallthe(undetermined) 7 stop 1 that granular flows can be used as a macroscopically ac- informationabout the roughness and effective friction of 6 cessible analogue through which we can gain a better the base to relate the dependency of θr on h. In the 1 understandingofthecriticalslowingdownofthedynam- language of glasses and colloids, h (θ) represents the stop 0 ics in systems near their point of jamming. One of the glass transition or yield stress line, respectively. 5 features associated with the approach of the glass tran- 0 sitionisthe conceptofspatiallyheterogeneousdynamics / t a [6]. This workpresents features ofa drivengranularma- m terialflowingdownaninclinedplane–chuteflows–that - exhibitlargescale,cooperativeeventsonapproachtothe d angle of repose where flow stops – its jamming point. n FIG. 1: Phase behaviour of granular chute flow (schematic). o Gravitydrivenflowscontinuetobestudiedextensively θr istheangleofreposeatwhichflowceases. θm isthemaxi- c mumangleofstabilityatwhichflowisinitiatedfromrest. θu duetotheirubiquitythroughoutnature–avalanches,de- : is themaximum angle for which stable flow is observed. The v i bris flows, and sand dunes – and also because of their angle θi at which intermittentdynamicsemerges, theshaded X importance in materials handling throughout industry. region, coincides with θi ≈θm. For the simulations reported r More recently, there has been a focus of attention to- here, θr =19.30◦±0.01◦, θm =20.3◦±0.2◦, and θu ≈26◦. a wards understanding the properties of chute flows be- cause of the ability of obtaining well-defined and repro- ducible steady state flow regimes. Despite the fact that Thisworkcharacterisesthelarge-scalefluctuationsand recentexperimentshavebeenabletodetermine,indetail, emerging spatial and temporally heterogeneous dynam- macroscopicinformationofgranularflows [7, 8], probing ics for a flowing state in the vicinity of θ . This is in r the internal dynamics remains problematic due to the contrast to discrete avalanches in heap flows [14]. θ is i opaqueness of the particles. Still, such flows offer a rela- the angle, for θ <θ ≤θ , such that, over time scales in- r i tivelycleansysteminwhichtodeveloptheoreticalmodels termediatebetweenballisticpropagation,atshorttimes, forconstitutiverelationsaswellasdescribingthe flowat and diffusive motion, at long times, the particle dynam- the level of the grain size [9]. This is where the role of icsbecomestronglyintermittent. Thisintermittencyisa simulation has proved extremely useful. consequenceoflargespatialandtemporalcorrelationsin 2 particlemotions,throughtherelaxationandreformation sured normal to the inclined plane in the z direction: ofmechanicallystableclustersthatperiodicallyspanthe ∆z2 ≡< (z(t) − z(0))2 >. During continuous flow, system. A characteristic time scale τ , associated with thereisaclearcrossoverbetweentheballisticregime,for c these correlations is found to increase as (θ−θ )→0. t/τ <10−1,anddiffusiveregime,t/τ >10. Closertothe r Thesimulationswereperformedusingthe discreteele- jammingpoint, the MSDoscillatesovertimes intermedi- ment technique with interactions appropriate for granu- ate between them. The appearanceof noveldynamics in lar materials [10]. Monodisperse (soft) spheres of diame- ter d and mass m flow downa roughened, inclined plane 101 24o due to gravity g. Initially, θ is set to θu to remove any 100 20o preparation history, then incrementally reduced in steps 10−1 19.5o of 0.01◦ ≤ ∆θ ≤ 0.5◦. Particles interact only on con- 10−2 19.35o tact (cohesionless), along directions normal and tangen- 10−3 19.32o tial(viastaticfriction)tothevectorjoiningtheircentres. 2z −4 ∆ 10 Contacts are defined as two overlapping neighbours. All −5 10 runs were performed with a particle friction coefficient −6 10 µ = 0.5 and coefficient of restitution ǫ = 0.88. Most of −7 (a) the results presented are for N = 8000 particles flowing 10 −8 down a chute that is L =20d long, L =10d wide (the 10 x y −2 −1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 xy-plane employs periodic boundary conditions), and an averageflowheighth≈40d(withafreetopsurface). See t/τ Fig. 5. Massively, large-scale, parallel simulations were used for N = 160000, with (L ,L ,h) = (100,40,40)d, x y to demonstrate that the observed features are not a sys- FIG.3: Themeansquareddisplacementinthedirectionnor- tem size artifact. Length scales are non-dimensionalised maltotheplane∆z2,withdecreasinganglefrom toptobot- tom. Allcurves havebeen shifted for clarity. bytheparticlediameterdandtimeinunitsofτ =pd/g. The intermittent regime was first identified through measurements of the kinetic energy as shown in Fig. 1. the vicinity of θ is a consequence of strong correlations r In the continuous-flow, steady state regime the energy emergingintime-time quantitiessuchasthevelocityau- is approximately constant with small fluctuations about tocorrelation function, C(t) ≡< v (t)v (0) >, where v z z z themeanvalue. Astheinclinationangleisincrementally is the velocity component in the direction normal to the decreased towards θr, changes in the time profile of the plane. See Fig. 4(b). These fluctuating quantities are a energy first become apparent for θi ≈20.2◦. signature of temporally heterogeneous dynamics. To in- vestigate this further, the average coordination number 0.04 o z, Fig. 4(a), is shown over the intermediate time win- ) 19.5 u. 20o dow, demonstrating that the structural processes asso- a. ciated with these correlations involve large-scalecooper- ( ative events. During the flowing phase of the intermit- y 0.03 g tentregime,zremainslowerthanthemechanicallystable r limitforfrictionalspheresz =4[15]. Inthestaticphase, e c n the systems attains a value z ≈ z , thus almost coming c E to rest. (There is always a residual creeping motion as 0.02 c flow does not completely stop until θ .) i r t e To facilitate such processes, the contact force network n i 24o undergoes temporal transitions between static and flow- K ing phases. This evolution is captured in the (distinct) 0.01 0 2 4 6 8 10 particle-particlecontactforce-forcetimecorrelationfunc- t/τ tion F(t), as shown in Fig.4(c). The physical picture of the intermittent regime is thus: over some characteris- tic time scale the system oscillates between almost total mechanical stability and fluid-like flow. This involves FIG.2: Averagekineticenergyperparticleoveranintermedi- atetimewindowforN =8000anddifferentinclinationangles time-dependent, system-spanning, structural relaxation as indicated. The symbols are for N =160000 at θ=19.5◦. events through the break-up and reformation of particle contacts. This process is best depicted in the simulation snapshots of Fig. 5. Becauseoftheconvectivenatureoftheflow,themean- Theintermittentregimecanthereforebeconsideredas squared displacement (MSD), shown in Fig. 3, is mea- temporally biphasic. During one phase, z ≈ z , so the c 3 4 depending on the time window of observation. z 3 100 2 1 (a) 10−1 ) 1 10−2 0 0.5 ( C ) −3 0 f 10 / ( ) P t −0.5 ( C −1 (b) 10−4 1 10−5 ) (t −6 F 0.5 10 (c) 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 f 0 2 4 6 8 10 τ t/ FIG.6: Probability distribution function P(f) of thenormal contact forces (normalised so f¯=1) for θ =20◦; total (solid FIG.4: Intermediatetimewindowassociatedwiththeoscilla- line), the high-z phase (dashed), and the low-z phase (dot- tionsintheMSD,for19.35◦ (dashedline),19.5◦ (thick),and ted). In the high-z phase, the contact forces are binned into 24◦ (dotted): (a) coordination number z, (b) velocity auto- a histogram if z > 3.5 for that configuration, and similarly correlation functionC(t),and(c)force-force timecorrelation if z < 2.0 in the low-z curve. The full P(f) for θ = 22◦ function F(t). (symbols) is shown for comparison. Theintermittentregimeispeculiarduetothecomplex interplay between several different characteristic length and time scales. Identifying the structural entities of characteristic size ℓ, remains a matter of debate [9, 16]. However, the general picture is as follows: one expects ℓ to increase with decreasing θ, or correspondingly, the shearrateγ˙. Then,θ istheanglewhereℓ≈h,resulting r in the transition from a dynamic state to a static one. The development of an intermittent regime suggests an- other competing time scale, whereby ℓ ≈ h can occur, but other mechanisms drive the system away from sta- FIG. 5: The contact force network at θ = 20◦ for three suc- bilitybeforethesystempermanentlyjams. Thisseemsto cessive times. (a) Snapshot corresponds to a peak in the co- coincidewiththeregimewherethescalingoftheflowve- ordination number,(b)atrough,and(c)thenextpeak. The locitydiffersfromthatofthecontinuousflowregime[11]. shade and thickness of the lines represent the magnitudes of Presently, it is not clear how to approach this problem the normal forces between two particles in contact. The in- clination has been removed in the figures and the frame is a without a more sophisticated particle scale analysis. guide to theeye. The simulation axes are indicated. Progress can still be made by identifying the charac- teristictimescalesoftheintermittentregime. Oneisthe periodicity in the kinetic energy, correlation functions, andz. Thistimescaleisratherinsensitivetoθ inthein- system is close to mechanical stability, while the flowing termittentphase. However,C(t)hasanenvelopeofdecay phasehasaconsiderablylowercoordination. Asignature that corresponds to the extent of the intermittency. A of this is seen in the probability distribution function of time scale τ , that characterisesthe initial decay in C(t) c the normal contact forces P(f). The partial distribu- is shown in Fig 7. Interestingly, a power-law divergence: tions shown in Fig. 6 are for the high-z phase (defined τ ∼ (φ−φ )−γ, with γ ≈ 0.65, captures the behaviour c r as configurations with z > 3.5) which resembles that of quite well. As a comparison, a modified Vogel-Fulcher a static packing–exponentialdecayathighforces– and formisalsoshowninFig.7,whichissatisfactorycloseto separately the low-z phase (z < 2), with a high-f tail thejammingpoint,butdeviatesfurtheraway. Theavail- that decays more slowly. This suggests that it may be able range for analysis is somewhat restricted through possible to distinguish between different types of flows this particulardefinition ofτ , soit remains unclear how c 4 thistimescalemightcorrespondtothemorefamiliardef- time scales associated with the onset of dynamical het- initions of relaxation times in supercooled fluids [17]. A erogeneity and cooperativity are experimentally accessi- more appropriate definition of τ is being investigated. ble, granular flows offer a convenient system to address c questions often associated with glasses at the molecular 2 10 and colloidal level. This emerging picture thus begs the question, can existing theories that are currently being appliedtotraditionalglassesandcolloidsbe extendedto granular systems? I thank Bulbul Chakraborty for insightful conversa- τ 1 tions and Gary S. Grest for critiquing the manuscript. 10 c GrantsupportfromGrantNos.NSF-DMR-0087349,DE- FG02-03ER46087, NSF-DMR-0089081, and DE-FG02- 03ER46088is gratefully acknowledged. 0 10 −2 −1 0 10 10 10 ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] θ − θ [1] J.-C. Tsai, G. A. Voth, and J. P. Gollub, Phys. Rev. r Lett. 91, 064301 (2003); M. Toiya, J. Stambaugh, and W. Losert, Phys. Rev.Lett. 93, 088001 (2004). FIG. 7: Characteristic time scale τc, with error bars, asso- [2] E89.,L0o4n5g5h0i1, N(2.0E02a)s;wJar.,Cahnodi,NA..MKeundorno,llPi,hRy.s.RR.eRvo.sLaeletst,. ciated with the intermittent structural events at intermedi- and M. Z. Bazant, Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, 174301 (2004). ate times as a function of distance from the jamming point (θ−θr). The solid line is a power law fit: τ ∼ (θ−θr)−γ, [3] N. Taberlet, P. Richard, A. Valance, W. Losert, J. M. with γ ≈ 0.65; whereas the dashed line is of the modified Pasini, J.T. 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