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Temporal Wilson loop in the Hamiltonian approach in Coulomb gauge 3 1 0 2 n a J MarkusQuandt ∗ 7 UniversitätTübingen 1 E-mail:[email protected] ] h H. Reinhardt t UniversitätTübingen - p E-mail:[email protected] e h G. Burgio [ UniversitätTübingen 1 E-mail:[email protected] v 8 5 We investigatethe temporalWilson loopusingthe Hamiltonianapproachto Yang-Millstheory. 1 4 In simple cases such as the Abelian theory or the non-Abelian theory in (1+1) dimensions, the . 1 known results can be derived using unitary transformations to take care of time evolution. Al- 0 ternatively,theexactsolutioncanalsobefoundinCoulombgaugeusingtheexactgroundstate 3 1 wavefunctionalwhichisknownexplicitlyinthesesimplecases. TheCoulombgaugetechnique : v can also be appliedto the morerealistic case of Yang-Millstheoryin (3+1)dimensions, where i X one has to rely on the approximatevacuum wave functionalobtained e.g. in recent variational r approaches. WeusethisformulationtocomputethetemporalWilsonloopin(3+1)dimensional a Yang-Millstheory,andfindthattheWilsonandCoulombstringtensionagreewithinthisapprox- imationscheme.Possibleimprovementsofthesefindingsarebrieflydiscussed. XthQuarkConfinementandtheHadronSpectrum 8-12October2012 TUMCampusGarching,Munich,Germany Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt 1. Introduction Recent efforts to study Yang-Mills (YM) theory are largely based on Coulomb gauge, be- cause theGribov-Zwanziger picture ofconfinement [1,2]becomes particularly transparent inthis framework: theonlyconstraintonthephysicalstatesinaHamiltonianapproachbasedonCoulomb gaugeisGauß’law,whichinturncanberesolvedexactlysothatanynormalizablewavefunctional canbeusedasaphysicalstate. Such a formulation naturally lends itself to variational methods, which are usually based on (modified)GaussianAnsätzeforthevacuumwavefunctional,seee.g.[3,4]andreferencestherein. The solutions agree with the Gribov-Zwanziger scenario and, when combined with the horizon condition, leadtoacoherentpictureofstronglycoupledYMtheory,whichismainlydominatedby adiverginggluonenergyintheinfrared,alinearlyrisingCoulombpotentialbetweenstaticquarks, and a strongly enhanced Faddeev-Popov ghost propagator in the infrared. The latter condition implies that the YM vacuum behaves as a perfect colour dia-electric medium [5], i.e. a dual su- perconductor. Allthesefindingsagreequalitatively withtheresultsfromrecentlatticesimulations [6],althoughtherearestillsomediscrepanciesinthequantitativedetails,inparticularfortheghost sector[7]. However, this simple picture is subject to the caveat that the Coulomb potential is only an upper bound for the true potential between heavy quarks [8]. For a complete description, one has to address the physical potential from large Wilson loops directly. In the continuum, this is complicated by path ordering and large self-energy contributions which obscure the extraction of thetruepotential fromlargeWilsonloops[9]. In this talk, I report on a recent approach [10] to compute the Wilson potential in the Hamil- tonian approach in Coulomb gauge. A careful analysis of Gauß’ law and the physical degrees of freedom allows for an elegant way to isolate and remove the self-energy contributions to the Wilson loop, while unitary transformations are applied to take care of time evolution. Asspecific examples, westudy quantum electrodynamics (or rather Maxwell’s theory) in D=(3+1) space- time dimensions, and YM theory in both D=(1+1) and D=(3+1). In the latter case, only an approximate solutioncanbefoundandIbrieflydiscusspossible waystoimproveourfindings. 2. The Wilsonloopinthe Hamiltonianapproach We study SU(N) YM theory in euclidean space using the Hamiltonian approach in Weyl gauge, A = 0. The physical energy states of this formulation are stationary wave functionals 0 Y n[A(x)] e−iEnt whichobeytheSchrödingerequation basedontheHamiltonian · g2 1 H = dxP 2(x)+ dxB2. (2.1) 2 2g2 Z Z Here, Aa(x)isthegaugeconnection, P a(x)= id /d Aa(x)itsconjugate momentum, gthe(bare) − coupling constant andBa=(cid:209) Aa 1fabcAb Ac thenon-Abelian magneticfield. × −2 × To proceed, we must fix the residual time-independent gauge symmetry left after imposing Weylgauge,forwhichwechoosetheCoulombcondition, (cid:209) A=0. Thisaddsgauge-fixingterms · totheHamiltonian(whichwediscussbelow)andimposesGauß’lawasaconstraintonthephysical 2 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt states: Inthesectorwithnstaticchargeslocatedatpositionsx ...,x ,wehavenadditionalcolour 1 n indices onthewavefunctionals andGauß’lawreads(withgenerators intherightrepresentation) n Gˆa(z)Y (A;x ,...,x )= (cid:229) (cid:229) Ta d (z x )(cid:213) d Y (A;x ,...x ). (2.2) i1,...in 1 n − iℓkℓ − ℓ imkm · k1,...,kn 1 n (ℓ=0 k m=ℓ ) { ℓ} 6 ThecompletephysicalHilbertspacethusdecomposesintoorthogonalchargesectorscharacterised bythedatafromtheexternal charges. Nextweconsiderarectangular temporalWilson loopofextension (T R). SinceA =0,we 0 × haveW =tr U[A](R,0;T)† U[A](0,0;0) ,whereU[A](y,x;t)istheparalleltransporter x yat · → fixed time t, in the background of the gauge potential A. Using euclidean time evolution and the (cid:8) (cid:9) abbreviationU(x) U[A](x,0;0), wefind ≡ W =tr 0 U(R)†e (H E0)TU(R) 0 =tr R e T(H E0) R . (2.3) − − − − h i h | | i h | | i Thesalientpointisnowthatthevacuumisgauge-invariant, whiletheWilsonstate R =U(R) 0 | i | i is in the qq¯-sector according to eq. (2.2). Inserting a complete set of energy eigenstates from all sectors, onlytheqq¯-sectorwillthuscontribute andwehave W =tr(cid:229) 0 U†(R) n e (H E0)T n U(R) 0 =(cid:229) e T(En(qq¯) E0) R n 2, (2.4) qq¯ − − qq¯ − − qq¯ h i h | | i · · h | | i kh | i k n n where W 2 tr(W †W ). In the limit of large Euclidean time extensions, we project out the Wil- k k ≡ son potential as the difference between the ground state energies with and without static quarks, E0qq¯(R)−E0=−limT→¥ T−1lnhWi. ThenextstepistoremovetheWilsonlinefromthestate R bymeansofaunitarytransforma- | i tionbasedontheparalleltransporterU(R). Undersuchatransformation,theconjugatemomentum (andthustheHamiltonianeq.(2.1))acquiresanadditional term,P a(x) P a(x)=P a(x)+e a(x), i → i i i where e R e a(x) dyd (x y)U(y)†iTaU(y). (2.5) ≡ 0 − Z Asaconsequence, theWilsonloopisnowcomputableasazero-charge vacuumexpectation value, W =tr 0 e T(H E0) 0 (2.6) − − h i h | | i e whereH differsfromeq.(2.1)bythemomentumshift1 e (x). To illustrate the problems in extracting the true potential, let us consider the contribution to theWilesonloopeq.(2.6)whichisquadratic intheinduced electricfielde (x), g2 g2 V (R)= tr dx[e a(x)]2 = C d (2)(0) R , (2.7) ind 2 2 2 ·| | Z ⊥ whereC is the quadratic Casimir operator for the colour group, and the (quadratically) divergent 2 prefactor d (0) is due to the infinitely thin Wilson lines. Although V is formally confining, it ind ⊥ 1ThisshiftcomplicatesthetreatmentofHconsiderably,since[P a(x),e b(x)]=0. 6 e 3 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt must be spurious because it exists even for G=U(1). On the other hand, it is also not correct to simplydropV ,because thetruepotential ishiddenunderneath thedivergence: ForG=U(1), ind g2 g2 V (R)= tr dx[e (x)]2+ tr dx e (x) 2, (2.8) ind 2 ⊥ 2 k Z Z (cid:2) (cid:3) wherethefirstfactorrenormalizestheWilsonloop,andthesecondfactorgivesthetrue(Coulomb) potential, cf.section3.1. Theunitarytransformation leadingtoeq.(2.6)onlyassumesWeylgaugeandthusworkswith orwithoutCoulombgaugefixing. Incaseswheretheexactgauge-invariantgroundstateisknown,it isnotnecessarytofixtheresidualgaugefreedomsincetheWilsonloopisgaugeinvariant. Inmore realistic cases, however, the gauge invariant ground state willnot be known and wehave to resort to approximations based on Coulomb gauge. The required gauge-fixing is virtually impossible to effect directly in eq. (2.6), except for the Abelian model. A much better strategy is to go back to eq. (2.3), perform the standard gauge fixing and resolve Gauß’ law exactly, which induces in H H thewell-knownCoulombterm,2 fix → g2 HC= 2 d3(x,y)J−1[r a(x)+r dayn(x)]J Fab(x,y)[r b(y)+r dbyn(y)], (2.9) Z whereJ istheFaddeev-PopovdeterminantandFabthetheso-calledCoulombkernel. TheWilson loopnowreads W =tr R e T(Hfix E0) R (2.10) − − h i h ⊥| | ⊥i wherethenewWilson-likestate R =U[A ](R)0 isnolongerfromtheqq¯sector,butratherhas | ⊥i ⊥ | i overlapwiththezero-charge vacuum. Anydivergences associatedwiththepoint-likecrosssection of of the Wilson lines in R must therefore be unrelated to external charges: as we will see, the extra divergences renor|m⊥aliize the composite operator W W Z (L ) W, but they do not R W → ≡ · affect the physical potential. Whether or not the state R in eq. (2.10) is subsequently removed | ⊥i from theWilson loop by aunitary transformation U (R)asdescribed earlier becomes amatterof ⊥ computational convenience. 3. Applications 3.1 QuantumElectrodynamics In the Abelian case G =U(1), the exact ground state is known and we can first attempt a gauge-invariant treatmentbasedoneq.(2.6). Theinduced electricfield R e (x)= dyd (3)(x y). (3.1) − Z 0 isnowfield-independent, sothattheinduced potential (2.7)could bepulled outoftheexpectation value W . Inviewofthediscussion above,itismoreconvenient tofirstsplite =e +e andpull ⊥ k h i 2Asaconsequenceoftheparalleltransport,thenon-Abelianchargesr a(x)=d (x R)iTa d (x)U(R)iTaU(R)† − − arefield-dependent. 4 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt outthelongitudinal pieceonly,hWi=e−TVk(R)·h0|e−T(HQ′ED−E0)|0iwhere e 1 1 H = d3x g2 P (x)+e (x) 2+ (cid:209) A (x) 2 . (3.2) Q′ED 2 ⊥ ⊥ g2 × ⊥ Z (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) Itisnowconvenienettoreversetheunitarytransformationthatledtoeq.(2.7),butthistimewiththe transversal gauge connection A only. As a result, the shift in the electric field is removed from ⊥ the Hamiltonian (3.2) and reshuffled into the state R =U[A ](R) 0 U (R) 0 . Although ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ | i | i≡ | i this new state resembles the initial Wilson state, it is gauge-invariant as it depends on A only. ⊥ Inserting a complete set of eigenstates of the standard QED Hamiltonian eq. (3.2) (without e ) ⊥ yields hWi=e−TVk(R)·(cid:229) |h0|U⊥(R)|ni|2e−T(En−E0)T−→→¥ |h0|U⊥(R)|0i|2·e−TVk(R), (3.3) n provided that R has non-vanishing overlap with the true vacuum. For Maxwell’s theory the ⊥ | i ground state isGaussian and the relevant matrix element can be computed exactly. Using aO(3)- invariantUVcutoffL forthemomentumintegration,wefindthatZ formallyvanishesinthelimit W L ¥ because R haspooroverlapwiththetruegroundstate[9]. Ontheotherhand,Z isalso ⊥ W → | i independent of the temporal extension T of the loop and hence cannot contribute to the physical potential. The correct interpretation is given by the operator product expansion (OPE): Since the loop operatorW contains productsoffieldoperatorsatarbitrarily closepoints, weexpectshortdistance (L ¥ ) divergences associated with W, on top of the counter terms necessary to render Green → functions finite. In fact, it has been known fora long time [11, 12]that one overall multiplication W W Z 1 W is sufficient to render W =e TV finite. From eq. (3.1), the true physical → R ≡ W− · h Ri − ⊥ potential becomes g2 g2 g2 V(R)=V (R)= dx[e (x)]2= . (3.4) k 2 k 4p R−4p 0 Z | | ThisisjusttheusualCoulombpotential including theself-energy ofthecharges. TheentirederivationcouldalsoberepeatedinaCoulombgaugefixedformulation. Ifwestart from eq. (2.6), the gauge fixing gives H H =H +V , cf. eq. (3.2), and the computation → fix Q′ED k becomes identical to the gauge-invariant treatment above. Alternatively, we could also start from eq.(2.3)andresolveGauß’lawforthesetate eR explicitly, whichinduces theCoulombterm H | i → H =H [A ]+H in theHamiltonian. Thistime, the Coulomb potential comes directly from fix QED C ⊥ H ,whilethefirstterminH onlyrenormalizes theWilsonloop. C fix 3.2 Yang-MillsTheoryinD=1+1 This model is (almost) topological and requires anon-contractible spactime manifold to give nontrivial results. Since time must be unrestricted in the Hamiltonian formalism, we compactify space toaninterval [0,L]withperiodic boundary conditions andtake spacetime tobethe cylinder M= S1. Forthismodel,theinducedpotential eq.(2.7)givesthecorrectstringtension R× s = g2C SU=(2) 3g2. (3.5) 1+1 2 2 8 5 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt In view of the above discussion, it is, however, unclear why this should be the correct answer, in particular since V =s R is not periodic or invariant under R L R as expected from the ind 1+1 → − compactification. To address this issue, we go back to eq. (2.3) and fix the minimal Coulomb gauge ¶ Aa =0 1 1 and Aa =diag. Taking the colour group G=SU(2) for simplicity, we are thus left with only one 1 scalardegreeoffreedom 1 J A3L [0,p ]. (3.6) ≡ 2 1 ∈ The restriction to the compact interval (the fundamental modular region in this case) eliminates all residual gauge symmetries. In order to fix eq. (2.3), we have to determine the gauge fixed Hamiltonian intheqq¯-sectortowhichtheWilsonstate R belongs. Thishastwopieces | i g2 H =H0 +H =H + d(x,y)r a(x)Fab(x,y)r b(y), (3.7) fix fix C fix 2 Z wherethenon-AbelianchargeinteractioncomesfromtheresolutionofGauß’law. Thezero-charge Hamiltonian H0 and its spectrum have been studied thoroughly in ref. [13]. As for the Coulomb fix term, we have to take into account that the external charges r a are field-dependent due to the paralleltransport. Expandingallcolourvectorsinaapolarbasis(e =e ,e =(e e )/√2),we 0 3 1 2 ± ± find HC= g2 (cid:229) 1 ts ts† 2Fs (0;J ) e−2is (R/L)J Fs (R;J )+cc , (3.8) 8 − s = 1 − n h io where ts are the polar Pauli matrices. The Coulomb kernel Fs (R;J ) in the polar basis has also been determined in ref. [13] by a Fourier expansion which is strictly periodic in R. In the first period R <L,theseriescanactually beresummedtogivethesimpleresult | | g2 R2 H = 3R V (R) ; (3.9) C C 8 | |− L 1≡ 1 (cid:20) (cid:21) for R >L it must be continued periodically. Quite surprisingly, this turns out to be independent | | of the gauge field J and can thus be pulled out of the gauge-fixed expectation value eq. (2.3). Inserting againthecompletesetofeigenstates J n =Y (J )ofH0 ,wearriveat h | i n fix W =tr R e−T(Hfix+HC−E0) R T→¥ tr 0U(R)0 2 e−TVC(R). (3.10) h i h | | i −→ |h | | i| · The prefactor Z = tr 0U(R)0 2 can be computed explicitly and turns out to T-independent W |h | | i| (and finite). Again, Z isthe OPErenormalization constant forthecomposite operatorW and we W obtain the renormalized Wilson loop WR =e−TVC(R). SinceVC(R) is periodically continued for h i R >L,wehavetogotothelimitL Rtoavoidfinitesizeeffects,andtheeffectivestringtension | | ≫ becomes dV (R) 3 s = C = g2. (3.11) 1+1 dR 8 (cid:12)R=0 (cid:12) Thisagreeswitheq.(3.5)andisalsotheknownexp(cid:12)ressionfromtheliterature. Itremainstoexplain (cid:12) why the physical potentialV (R) is periodic in R, but not invariant under R L R as it should C → − 6 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt be on a compactified [0,L] S1. A careful analysis [10] along the lines in sec. 2 reveals that the ≃ physical potential between static quarks is not given by any single Wilson loop once the space direction iscompactified. Instead, alltheequivalent loopswithR R+mL(m )compete and → ∈Z the one giving the minimal potential dominates in the limit T ¥ . Taking this prescription into → account, thelevelcrossing between R and R L atR=L/2yieldsapotentialV(R)thatisboth | i | − i invariant andsymmetricabout R=L/2. 3.3 Yang-MilsTheoryinD=3+1 ForthephysicallymostinterstingcaseofYMtheoryinD=3+1,westartagainfromeq.(2.3) andintroducetheusualCoulombgaugefixingintheHamiltonian,combinedwiththeresolutionof Gauß’lawintheqq¯sectortowhichtheWilsonstate R belongs, | i W =tr R e−T(HYfixM+HC[rdyn+r ]−E0) R (3.12) h i h ⊥| | ⊥i Inviewoftheapproximationsbelow,itisexpedienttoperformtheunitarytransformationfromsec- tion 2andreshuffle the parallel transporter U[A ](R)from the Wilson state into theHamiltonian. ⊥ Asaresult, wehave hWi=trh0|e−T(HYfixM P →P +e+HC[rdyn+rind+r ]−E0)|0i≡trh0|e−T(Hfix−E0)|0i, (3.13) (cid:12) where the momentum P in the g(cid:12)auge-fixed vacuum Hamiltonian is shifteed by the induced elec- tric field eq. (2.5), and the Coulomb term eq. (2.9) will now contain an induced charge r = ind [ A ,e ], in addition to the dynamic charge r = [ A ,P ] of the gluon and the external ⊥ ⊥ dyn ⊥ ⊥ − − charge r of the static quarks. To proceed, we decompose the complete Hamiltonian H from fix eq.(3.13)intothreepieces,H =H0 +V +D H,whereH0 istheusualCoulombHamiltonianin fix fix C fix the absence of external charges, V is the non-Abelian Coulomb interaction between theeexternal C charges, andD H containingetheremaininge(indirect) chargeinteractions. In order to evaluate eq. (3.13e) with this decomposition, we have resort to a sequence of ap- proximations, whicharenotallundergoodcontrol: 1. Jensen’s inequality: W trexp T 0Hfix E 0 =trexp T 0 V +D H 0 0 C h i≥ − h | − | i − h | | i h i h i 2. Abelization: [U (R),Ta] 0 ⊥ e e ≈ 3. Factorization: 0QaFabQb 0 0QaQb 0 0Fab 0 0QaQa 0 F¯ ′ ′ ′ h | | i≈h | | ih | | i≡h | | i Approximation (1.) allowstodrop H0 ,while(2.) removestermsinvolving theconjugate momen- fix tum P and e , and (3.) simplifies the remaining pieces in D H and, in particular, the Coulomb ⊥ interaction, V . After a lengthy calculation [10], the Wilson loop is thus reduced to a form C which requires, as only input from the ground state, the gluon propagator 0Aa(x)Ab(y)0 = h | i j | i d abt D(x ey)andthevev.oftheCoulombkernel, 0Fab(x y)0 =d abF¯(x y): ij − h | − | i − g2 W exp T N d3(x,y)e (x) N 1d (x y)+F(x y)D(x y) e (y) h i≈ − 2 C ⊥a C− − − − ⊥a × ( Z ) h i exp TC g2 F(R) F(0) . (3.14) 2 × − − ( ) h i 7 TemporalWilsonloopintheHamiltonianapproachinCoulombgauge MarkusQuandt The first term in the exponent is again the self-energy of the Wilson lines which gives rise to a renormalization Z of the loop operator. The large distance behaviour of the second term W is dominated by the small momentum form of the correlators, for which we use the relations D(k) [k2+M4/k2]−12 and F¯(k) k−4 suggested by both variational calculations [4] and recent ∼ ∼ lattice simulations [7]. It can then be shown that the second piece in the exponent of eq. (3.14) is subdominant ( R 1) at large distances. The dominant contribution to the Wilson potential is − ∼ given, in our approximation, by the explicit Coulomb interaction, and the Wilson string tension equalstheCoulombstringtension, s s . W C ≈ 4. Conclusions In this talk, I have presented a recent calculation of the Wilson potential in the Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theory. A careful analysis of Gauß’ law and the physical degrees of free- dom combined withunitary transformations totake careoftimeevolution revealthat thespurious divergencesintheWilsonpotentialcanbeabsorbedinOPErenormalizationsofthecompositeloop operator. Usingthisformalism,thecorrectresultcouldbe derivedincaseswheretheexactground state isknown. Forthephysically mostinteresting case ofYang-Mills theory in D=(3+1), only anapproximate solution could beobtained inwhich theWilson and Coulombstring tension equal (while s /s 0.3...0.5 in lattice simulations). The main reason for this discrepancy is most W C ≃ likely theapproximate factorization usedinthecalculation, whichneglectsthescreening ofexter- nal charges by gluons. One-loop calculations of this contribution indeed indicate a reduction of s ,andfurtherinvestigations ofthisissueareinpreparation. W References [1] V.Gribov. Nucl.Phys.B139,1(1978). [2] D.Zwanziger. Nucl.Phys.B485,185(1997). [3] A.P.SzczepaniakandE.S.Swanson. Phys.Rev.D65,025012(2002). [4] D.Epple,H.Reinhardt,andW.Schleifenbaum. Phys.Rev.D75,045011(2007). [5] H.Reinhardt. Phys.Rev.Lett.101,061602(2008). [6] G.Burgio,M.Quandt,andH.Reinhardt. Phys.Rev.Lett.102,032002(2009). [7] G.Burgio,M.Quandt,andH.Reinhardt. 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