Caldasia 22 (1): 108-126 TEMPORAL AND VERTICAL VARIATIONS IN PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND ITS RELATION TO SOME MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF FOUR COLOMBIAN RESERVOIRS J. J. RAMíREZ-R. Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Apartado 1226, Medellín, Colombia. [email protected] c. E. M. DE BICUDO Instituto de Botánica, Caixa Postal 4005, CEP 01061-970, Sáo Paulo, S.P.- Brasil. G. ROLDÁN-P. Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Apartado 1226, Medellín, Colombia. groldan lo C. GARCíA-L. Fundación Neotrópicos, Apartado 12587, Medellín, Colombia. Abstraet Phytoplankton samples were taken at three depths within the photie zoneof eaeh of four reservoirs, Punehiná, LasPlayas,ElPeñolandSanLorenzoloeated inAntio- quiadepartment, Colombia. Atotal of 77 taxa were identified inthefour reservoirs. Diatoms were not included. Inallreservoirs, Chlorophyta was the dominant group. Botryococcus braunii was the dominant species at Punchiná, LasPlayasandElPe- ñol reservoirs; Cosmarium sp. was the dominant at San Lorenzo. Temporal varia- tion in phytoplankton showed two peaks of abundance, apparently related to precipitation. Taxonomic composition among samples from the same reservoir showed little variation. Community structure at different depths showed signifi- cant differences only at San Lorenzo reservoir. Theinverse of¡3-diversityshowed small values indicating high similarity among the reservoirs. Diversitv showed no significant assoeiation with any morphometric factor evaluated (area, retention time, altitude and age). Key Words: ¡3-diversity, phytoplankton, reservoir limnology, tropical limnology Resumen Seefectuaron muestreos defitoplaneton entres profundidades delazonafótica de losembalses Punchiná, LasPlayas, ElPeñoly SanLorenzo, localizados eneldepar- tamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Se identificaron un total de 77 taxones en los cuatro embalses. Lasdiatomeas nofueron incluídas. Entodos los casos lasCholo- rophyta fueron el grupo dominante. Botryococcus braunii fue el taxón de mayor densidad en los embalses Punchiná, LasPlayasy ElPeñol; y Cosmarium sp. en el embalse SanLorenzo. Lacomunidad fitoplanctónica mostró dospicosdeabundan- 109 Ramlrez el aí.:Phyloplankton intour Colombian reservoirs cia aparentemente relacionados con laprecipitación. Encada embalse, lacomposi- ción detaxones entre muestreos varió poco. Laestructura de lacomunidad adife- rentes profundidades mostró diferencias significativas únicamente en el embalse San Lorenzo. Elinverso de la 13-diversidad presentó valores bajos que muestran la alta similaridad entre embalses. Ladiversidad no mostró asociación significativa con ninguno de los parámetros morfométricos evaluados (área, tiempo de reten- ción, altitud y edad). Palabrasclave: 13-diversidad,fitoplancton, limnología deembalses, limnología tropical. Introduction plankton community and the degree of similarity among the reservoirs and the relationships be- The phytoplankton community is represented in tween diversity and reservo ir area, age, altitude every ecosystem by a group of specific forms and retention time. whose variety, abundance and distribution are di- rectly dependent on adaptation to changes inboth Materials and Methods biotic and abiotic characteristics of that ecosys- tem. Such a cornmunity develops into acomplex Sruov AREAS. The four reservoirs are part of the eastem Antioquian hydroelectric system that in- assemblage of organic and inorganic partieles and eludes the Nare, Guatapé, Concepción, Bizcocho, colloidal material which derives partIy from ter- San Carlos, Calderas and Tafetanes river basins, restrial origins and partly from secretion, excre- with a total area of 2239 km2 The reservoirs are tion and death of organisms inthe water. used for hydropower generation and are arranged Mechanisms that cause replacements in time in an interconnected line (Fig. 1). Table 1shows and space are of interest because phytoplankton their morphometric characteristics. resemble other organisms with respect to their In the river basins, soil erosion and leaching are requirements for growth and survival: only their fast, the soil pH is low and limited by phosphorus need toremain insuspension isunique. As inany (Espinal 1992). The climate ofthe area isthe Cwb other community, species-specific differences type in Koppen's international system, i.e. with in the balance of reproduction and mortality wet and cooler winters and hot summers. During cause changes in species composition (Sommer sampling time ateach site inthefour studied reser- 1989) voirs, gradual decreases of water temperature Diversity ofthis biocoenosis intropicallacustrine were found inside the photic zone and they were ecosystems seems tobe smaller than intemperate considered sharpest inLas Playas reservoir. These zone (Lewis 1978b). In relation to spatial hetero- conelusions are based on temperature profiles geneity the phytoplankton distribution results made only at 100% lo, 50% lo, 1% lo, half and from the movement of the water mass, from the bottom of the water colurnn atthe sampling point variability ofthefactors affecting growth and loss in each reservo ir (Ramírez 1989). processes and, atalower scale, from the degree of InEl Peñol reservoir amany studies have been car- fluctuation or movement of the organisms that riedout(Uribe&Roldán 1975,Bjork &Gelin 1980, compose this cornmunity (Lewis 1978a). Orozco 1981, Roldán et al. 1984, Ramírez 1986a, The aims ofthis study areto describe the temporal 1986b, Sierra 1987, Vegaet al.1990, 1992, Aguirre and vertical variation patterns of the phytoplank- 1994,Mera 1994).Twopapers have beenpublished ton cornmunity within the photic zone of the on the Punchiná reservoir (Horta 1985, Ramírez Punchiná, Las Playas, San Lorenzo and El Peñol 1995).Routine unpublished studies have been car- reservoirs, toexamine the ~-diversity ofthephyto- ried out for the San Lorenzo and Las Playas reser- 110 CaldasiaVol.22,No.1,2000 Table 1.Principal characteristics of four studied reservoirs inAntioquia, Colombia. Character'ístíc Punchiná Las Playas San Lorenzo El Peñol Coordinates 6° 13' N, 6° 29' N, 6° 25' N, 6° 10' N, 74° 52' W 74°58' W 74° 3' W 74° 10' W Age (years in 1988) 9 8 7 22 Altitude (m) 775 980 1250 1887 Area (km') 3.6 7.5 10.6 62.5 Volume (Mm') 50 85 180 1169 - 46.0 26.9 ._.~ Guatapé r I 0.5 +~?~. GuatapéRiver Nare River I tI 40.9 - 39.4 112.3~ Jaguas I 1.5 I t LasPlayas Nare River SanCarlas River ~145.0 32.7 Punchinó SanCarlos Narth SamanóRiver - Usefuldischarge(m'.s-I);._-+Surfaeedischarge ; ._. ~Watershed discharge; O Hidroelectric powerplant;~ Reservair Figure 1.Partofthe Nare-Guatapé hydroelectric system inColombia, including thetour reservoirs studied. Ramlrez el al.: F'hytoplankton intour Colombian reservoirs 111 •... \ -I!!. o 'O <3 ., •... "6 'C>., -a. •• ~ o ... 5,-"' ..o.., (f) <! >- ei :2 <! ~.•.~.~ ~ a-.J. eEl 'o:":J -e .,;> ., ~ 'UO ~..8..,'I~ ''J0e0l-:1::.5Q'-0».(:r.J0 -'.C>Q•,.... -.J ..>~o< ~ll IO.Z...J ''E3ce¿r' o ~ ~ ,../..."'/_~_0-e: '.<,..,:"<:O1.!l "-~Oo !o> l..L..JJ .r•SJ.l.. -z :o:J-o ~8' Z '0e <.!la. <> •.... r<•J..ll.. E E .>o< ~ ~8 I--z :\..~; ~.;: O <~2 .Eo! ~ N '+e-< =1g i ,g QO \ lZLJ ..<g:: (\J 1(\{J) ->< ".>3 O.. I9r .<S.l O i:i~:i ..J ~., <Z! ''¡eª:: ->ª< ·-0E0 (f) 1ii .o Z..9 <! 1 o.OS:/). 0,,- ¡oef: \. ZI -., ~rJl ~.~~oUj ............... -2>8.;<, ~ UZzr ')..8e..:~, -e'C""B¡,,¡h:;: ¡¡¡ ..:Q!! '.C".2' 1 \ '+e-< •..,.. u6 t .¡e~:: -'.CQ>,~. .' -"''-'' .".,-" l Veo:l ~ ',.oN>.eeg::, .M.ue...¡ R ... ..o3 -z 'C "- C=II '- e: Jl O/) li: 112 Caldasia Vol. 22, No. 1,2000 voirs, by the Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. (ISA) niques (Crisci & Lopes 1983). We checked de- and Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM-ESP). pendence and association of diversity with equitability and richness against Pearson's corre- SAMPLINGANDDATAANALYSIWS.etook samples on lation index and simple linear regression. Toasso- sixoccasions (April, May, June, August, Septem- ciate diversity with age, altitude, area and ber and November 1988) at a single station 10- retention time, we used also Pearson's correlation cated near the impoundment inPunchiná and Las index, considering the case of several dates ofde- Playas reservoirs, in a "tail" of the San Lorenzo pendent variables (6) for each independent one reservoir and approximately at the center of El (reservoirs inthis case). Statistical significance of Peñol reservoir (Fig. 2). In every case, we took thevariation between depths and samplings forthe the samples with a Van Dom bottle from the biotic factors was obtained through a random photic zone at depths corresponding to 100% lo, blocks designoThree-way analysis ofvariance was 50% lo and 1% lo. Attenuation depths of 50% lo used to test for significance among the fOUTreser- and 1% lo correspond to 0.41 Zsd and 2.71 Zsd, voirs. Significance of 95% of averages was com- respectively (Ramírez 1989). puted byTukey's test. Allstatistical analyses were performed through Statgraphics version 5.0. We carried out counting following the Utermohl method. A sample of 1 liter was taken and de- Results canted inafunnel ofthe same volume for aperiod offive days. The sediment was collected in30mI Thephytoplankton ofthefour reservoirs includes 77 flasks and completed to avolume of 100mI.This laxa (Jable 2). Wefound 51laxainLasPlayas, 48in volume was homogenized by shaking; a 10 ml Punchiná, 46inSan Lorenzo and 39inElPeño/. aliquot equivalent to the volume of the sedimen- The temporal variation of the total phytoplankton tation chamber was taken and phytoplankton abundance and its relationship to precipitation were counted in 30 random fields at 400 x. Ac- showed the ocurrence of two abundance peaks cording to McAlice (1971) 30 random fields de- (Fig. 3).This pattem issimilarto those ofdimictic tect 90-95% of the species present in a chamber lakes. Wefound areduction inrelative abundance bottom. The volume of the Utermohl chamber, ofdominant species towards the lower limit ofthe the magnification and the number of random photic zone. The relative abundance oftaxa atdif- fields were fixed in order to facilitate compari- ferent depths showed littlevariation atthefOUTres- sons between reservoirs. We considered cells, ervoirs, despite differences in light attenuation cenobia, filaments and colonies as "individuals". (Figs. 4-7). We counted all organisms found except diatoms. We recorded the final results as individuals/l ac- Wefound nosignificant differences inequitability cording to Ros (1979). averages between depths inPunchiná (F=0.693, P We estimated diversity, equitability and domi- =0.5256) andLasPlayas (F=1.03,P=0.3902), as nance according to Shannon & Weaver (1949), well asindiversity (Punchiná: F=2.99, P=0.096; Pielou (1975) and Berger &Parker (1970), respec- Las Playas: F =2.33, P=0.1477) and dominance tively. We estimated numerical species richness (Punchiná: F =3.35, P=0.0770; Las Playas: F = according tothe number oftaxa. Toevaluate simi- 2.92, P = 0.1003). For El Peñol reservoir, we larity among the fOUTreservoirs, we used the in- found significant differences between depths indi- verse of Whittaker's (1972) ~-diversity index versity (F = 4.36, P = 0.0434), equitability (F = (Umaña 1988). We measured the percentage of 5.82, P = 0.0211) and dominance (F = 5.5, P = similarity between reservoirs through Morisita's 0.0244) (Fig. 8A). For SanLorenzo reservoir, dif- (1959) formula, based onabundance data. Wecon- ferences in diversity (F =34.27, P=0.0000), eq- structed the dendrogram by using UPGMA tech- uitability (F =32.56, P=0.0000) and dominance Ramlrez el al.: Phytoplankton intour Colombian reservoirs 113 ~o N8 OOº OO(1) OO10 OO., OON OsO 5OO? 8.O, OOO "l > > ~ O Z a.. a.. ~ ~ C) g-;;; => <X <X~ e Z=.>, ~:-i ., O ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ ~ ..J ~i= OsC O aa.:. IZ lf ~ Z <X <X cu ct ..J eU (/) UJ o '1:) ,8... gO 8 8., O 8 8 O O2 ª O .e8 10 ~ N ~ O :P (WW) NOll'Vlld 1~3~d ¡2 3:JN'VONn8'V31nlOS8'V 81.0, ~OO OO1rq0 810 O8 8~ ~O 1OO0 gO OO 8~ ----==== ~ z ~ 2 a.. a.. ~ / ~ s o g~ / <X <l 6 .>J> =Z...>, z=...>,~- ---- cu - ~ .5 -ct o< ~ ~ ~ ~ Z :UI: aa<X.:. (c/t) aa.:. Z ~ <X ~ e, ti! g O O., O O O O .O, O,., O 8 O ~ O O O O O O O N 10 10 N (WW) NOI.L\11.Idl:J3~d 114 Caldasia Vol. 22, No. 1,2000 C,..I..I, ~ !:: O N,...., •.. i.i.i on on N,.., ,.., ~ .. on N o,.n., O 11) ~ on iii o,.n, ~ 1,..1..), •... t 10 ~ N(J) ~ ~•.... ~ O V O ~.. Ó " 1•1.). I""U ,.., " ~ I"U .. I"U •.. N ~ ~ N•.. J2 re ~ o•n.. o 1"- •.. .Q NVe.')Qon( ~C,.1.1D..), Ve"n NtC..DD.. ~re<"n> N,i!.1.1..,) ~ ! N •.. CD C,.D., I1"D- 121 I1D"- ~11) ~\D, N 1O-:"> sº!!! 1Ó-:"> •N~.. 1O-":> :caod !!! o 1, s e ~ "<E, ,.., <"-eU 'Uc,e..; o e o u e ~ <eX> <Xe> 'O•"..).. N ~ N .. (J) .-cta:c: N ,.., N !: " • II" ,.., II11 ett::J:,:l II ¡ NN• .•... o ~ * Ot::) o ~ N... N o 10 oCDn .''.¡o<:;: le !2 O- ~ ~ oOS) ~ •~.. .5 •.. 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