Temple City High School Graduates List, Page 12 www.templecitychamber.com July 2015 Temple City Life 626-286-3101 [email protected] ©2015 • Published by the Temple City Chamber of Commerce • 9050 Las Tunas Drive • Temple City, CA 91780 Mario Lopez, center, celebrates with classmates. PHOTO BY JERRY JAMBAZIAN, WWW.TEMPLECITYPHOTOS.COM Temple City High School Commencement NBC4 reporter and breast cancer survivor Lolita Lopez yearbook supplement, photos. Pages 9-12 will be at the opening ceremonies of the Relay for Life July 11, at Temple City High School. SEE PAGE 3. Youth focus on 5 d 7 f Commerce91780-1834 Standard Mail U.S. Postage Pai San Gabriel, CA 917Permit No. 99 tCfohra TTeherieme rfpu eltfeur uCr eiFt tlyou aoykorieuedrt hb arwighthot o A attended the Youth Career rC e Fair on May 30 at the by, m parking lot of Coldwell t aCi Banker Dynasty in Temple h Ce City. ty mpl OR Working professionals Cie N shared information and T O ple • TR guidance on what it took to me A achieve their careers. v P e Te Dri TAL MiOchreglalen Lizaeud, bthy el oecvaeln rte walatosr hs S ta O sponsored by the Temple City y un P Chamber of Commerce, bT O d s T California American Water heLa ER and Coldwell Banker s0 V Dynasty. Publi 905 DELI WCoeulcrot mmienmg btheres pJouabnlinc aw Heruea (, lK-ra)y Mla iGssa Tne, mCpelleen Cai Ctyh Aenn iatan dV Relaaczhqeule Lz,i no.r Pgahnoitzoe br yM Piectheerl lCe hLoaiu, and Honor SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 13 WW II vet recalls risky duty P H O T Lyle Umenhoffer describes terror of bombing, O B Y sharks after sinking of USS Indianapolis JER R Y By Monique Weiland JAM B If people are familiar with the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, it is usually AZ IA associated with the monologue by Quint (Robert Shaw) in the blockbuster movie N Jaws. Guests at the Blue Star Program’s June 5 semi-annual dinner at First Bap- • W W W tist Church gym, however, heard a first-person account of the event from former .T E Navy Seaman First Class Lyle Umenhoffer, one of the surviving crew members M P L of the USS Indianapolis in World War II. A Portland class heavy cruiser of the EC IT United States Navy, her sinking on July 30, 1945, led to the greatest single loss of YP H life at sea in the history of the U.S. Navy. OT O Mr. Umenhoffer told about his personal experiences in World War II begin- .CS O ning with his graduation from Mark Kemple High School in 1942. M “like” us on facebook Former Navy Seaman First Class Lyle Umenhoffer. CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 2 TEMPLE CITY LIFE • JULY • 2015 www.templecitychamber.com [email protected] Las Tunas meeting draws big crowd Temple City residents and business Michael Forbes reviewed the project’s owners were given an opportunity to history and current incarnation, Mayor share their perspective on the Las Tu- Tom Chavez and the City Council nas design plan at a community meet- heard public comment from 30 indi- ing June 10, in City Council Chambers. viduals who shared their perspective on Updates on the Las Tunas Design the current plan. Plan were also presented, allowing resi- For more information, visit dents and business owners to provide www.templecity.us or phone the city’s feedback on the revised concept. Community Development hotline at After City Manager Bryan Cook and 626-656-7316. Community Development Director First Lutheran School closing doors; games and educational items for sale After 69 years serving the Temple City community, First Lutheran School is closing its doors. A closing out sale is planned for 7 p.m., July 10-11. There are many games and other educa- tional items that parents and children will want to see. All items will be sold for 25 cents each. A celebration event was planned for June 27 in the Residents heard Community Development Director Michael Forbes and City Manager Bryan Parish Hall of First Lutheran Church to which friends and family of former students Cook discuss Las Tunas Drive plans with Council members William Man, Mayor Tom Chavez, and teachers were invited. Cynthia Sternquist and Mayor Pro tem Vincent Yu. Photo by Peter Choi. EASY project offers free energy advice The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) re- cently partnered with CivicSpark, a governor’s initiative to assist lo- cal governments in fighting the ef- fects of climate change. Four recent college graduates are serving an AmeriCorps year of service as CivicSpark members working in the SGVCOG office. The primary project these CivicSpark members will be work- ing on is called EASY (Energy As- sessment Screening for Your home). The EASY project provides free home energy assessments to residents of 16 cities in the San Gabriel Valley. CivicSpark members, trained in building science and community outreach, will be conducting the as- sessments. The main goal of the EASY project is to provide residents with customized, non-partial recom- mendations on ways to reduce their energy consumption, thereby low- ering their utility bills. In addition, CivicSpark mem- bers will provide explanatory infor- mation on utilizing the various re- bates and financing options that are available to aid residents in completing their energy efficiency upgrades. CivicSpark’s EASY program is funded through the San Gabriel Valley Energy Wise Partnership (SGVEWP), a partnership be- tween Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Com- pany, the San Gabriel Valley Coun- cil of Governments (SGVCOG), and 29 other cities in the San Gabriel Valley. “EASY is an excellent program. We are excited to engage the com- munity in energy efficiency while also helping them save money,” said Denis Bertone, chair of SGVCOG’s Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Commit- tee. “The EASY project is beneficial for everyone. Residents save money on their energy bills while the community as a whole be- comes more sustainable,” said Francis Delach, executive director of SGVCOG. To schedule a free energy assess- ment, visit the EASY program Web site at www.sgvenergywise.org. [email protected] www.templecitychamber.com JULY • 2015 • TEMPLE CITY LIFE 3 Relay For Life of Temple City, July 11-12, includes NBC4 reporter, breast cancer survivor Lolita Lopez as part of opening ceremonies Temple City’s annual Relay event. To make a donation or treatment. Shortly after her di- She continues to work with ity care for all patients through For Life benefiting the American form a team to participate in agnosis, she led a team that par- Making Strides, which supports the American Cancer Society. Cancer Society is set for July 11- this year’s event, log onto ticipated in the American Can- breast cancer research, cancer She continues to participate in 12. This year’s 24-hour public www.relayforlife.org/templecityca. For cer Society’s Making Strides education, patient and caregiver charity events in Southern Cali- event will be held at Temple City more information phone Dawn Against Breast Cancer event. services, and advocates for qual- fornia. High School’s track beginning at Tarin at 626-688-8009. 9 a.m. July 11. “Relay For Life is After the opening ceremonies one of our community’s most conclude, the first lap will cel- celebrated events,” said Mayor ebrate cancer survivors. As the Tom Chavez. “I’m so proud that survivors walk, other relay par- our residents come together ticipants will cheer them on to each year to raise money and show their support. Ms. Lopez support those fighting cancer.” will help lead the first lap. The event will open with a Born in Santurce, Puerto speech by NBC4 reporter and Rico, Ms. Lopez moved to the breast cancer survivor Lolita United States with her family Lopez. That evening a luminaria when she was four years old. ceremony will be held to cel- She later graduated from ebrate the lives of cancer survi- Harvard University in 1998, vors remember lost loved ones where she participated on the and support people who cur- volleyball and track teams. Af- rently have cancer. ter working for at WPIX-TV in The overnight fundraiser in- New York for 10 years, she volves teams of people camping joined NBC4 in 2011. out and taking turns walking or A year and a half after join- running around a track. Cancer ing NBC4, Lolita was diagnosed survivors will participate in the with breast cancer. She chose to first lap while other activities make her story public to erase will recognize and celebrate some of the stigma many caregivers. women feel when faced with a The event, one of 5,000 tak- cancer diagnosis. ing place across the U.S. each In a five-part series, she year, also includes food, games shared the story of her treat- and entertainment for all ages. ment, including the loss of her Since 2012 Temple City’s Relay hair, chemotherapy, her double For Life has raised more than mastectomy, and reconstruc- $130, 000 for cancer research tion. and prevention. Inspiring viewers and col- Thus far 24 teams and 152 leagues across Southern Califor- Denny Chiu, D. C. participants have raised more nia, she continued to work as an than $20, 000 for this year’s on-air reporter throughout her Friends and family serving friends and family Temple City Dental Care Jack Von Bulow, DDS 9929 East Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780 Top Dentist 2011-2013 626.285.3161 www.templecitydental.com Complimentary consultation 4 TEMPLE CITY LIFE • JULY • 2015 www.templecitychamber.com [email protected] Chamber News C L P OMMUNITY EADER ROGRAM For Pete’s Sake – Th ese companies have joined with the Chamber to give back to the local community. Here comes summer Th eir support greatly assists our engagement with both the business community By Peter Choi and the many community groups and service organizations in our city. By Peter Choi Closer to home I’d like to highlight the ef- The late, great Janis Joplin sang “Summer- forts of the many Temple City volunteers who TThhaannkk YYoouu time, time, time, Child, the living’s easy,” and have been on the front lines of the fight against for the recently graduated Temple City High cancer which culminates this month with the School seniors this will certainly be a memo- annual Relay for Life. Learn how you can par- rable one as they embark on their next chapter. ticipate and help beat this disease which does Temple City Life Speaking of embarkations, the deadline to not discriminate against race or creed. Welcome register for the Chamber’s “Discover China” trip NBC4 reporter and breast cancer survivor Lolita is August 1, so come join the fun bunch of folks Lopez who will be in town July 11. See Page 3. who have signed up already for this once-in-a- Bringing it back to the one and only Janis A publication of the Temple City Chamber of Commerce. lifetime experience. Joplin, her life and music will be presented in Temple City Life is published at 9050 Las Tunas Drive, As we enjoy the lazy days of summer, it is the Tony Award nominated “A Night With Janis Temple City, CA 91780. 626-286-3101 important to remember those brave Americans Joplin” featuring Mary Bridget Davies who Peter Choi............................................Editor and Publisher whose heroism and sacrifice allow us the lib- rockets through at least a dozen of Joplin’s best- erty and freedom many of us take for granted. known songs. Through our partnership with Phuong Mac Grinstead.....................Assistant to the Editor A big thanks to Chamber member Blue Star the Pasadena Playhouse, you can get a special Philip Pettus................Managing Editor, Graphics, Design Banner program for honoring Lyle Umenhoffer discount on tickets. See ad Page 19. and contributing his true life tale of service and Finally, I’d like to thank our Managing Edi- Sheryl Rubin.......................................................Copy Editor survival as a crew member of the USS India- tor Philip Pettus who really outdid himself on Joselito Lasin .....................................................Distribution napolis. this expanded 20-page issue. Please shop local This July 4 the rockets’ red glare of firecrack- and support our advertisers whose support help Temple City Life is a monthly publication produced by the ers bursting in midair gives proof through the us bring the above stories and information to Temple City Chamber of Commerce and distributed to homes night that the heroism of the Greatest Genera- you each month. and businesses in Temple City and vicinity. Articles submitted tion will not be forgotten. (See a list of current On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, and printed in the Temple City Life do not necessarily reflect U.S. military from Temple City on Page 15.) have a happy and safe Fourth of July. the opinion of the Temple City Chamber of Commerce or its Board Board of Directors. Information is published to inform the public and stimulate discussion. reorganizing At its June 8 Board of Directors meeting, the Temple City Chamber Board Chamber of Commerce thanked outgoing Chair Jane Chavez for her term on the Board. In An organization working the photo Chavez to build the community through (holding flowers) is its businesses and residents flanked left to right by Jim Walden, Gabriel Our Mission Statement Lynn, Judy Huie Mena, Margaret Healy, and The Temple City Chamber of Commerce sets the standard Rita Padilla. for excellence in member services, community collaboration, business growth, networking and achieving a high quality of The Chamber life in Temple City. We exist to be a clear and persuasive voice Welcomes in providing advocacy, promotional and benefit solutions for our members. New Member PrimeLending Officers and Board of Directors Priscilla Chen (Senior Loan Originator) 2015 – 2016 124 N. Glendora Ave., Ste. 101 Glendora, CA 91741 EXECUTIVE BOARD 626-625-2572 Peter Choi................................................................President/CEO 866-778-4536 (fax) [email protected]/pchen ...............................................................Chairman of the Board Ed Chen...................................................................... Vice Chair Member Renewals Athens Services Apex Education Center Margaret Healy......................................Chief Financial Officer Connor Air Quality Bookkeeping Mid Valley News Dan Mikolasko Rose Donuts Gabriel Lynn................................................................ Secretary Temple City Church of Christ Construction, Inc. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Vista Cove Rita Padilla..................................................................Past Chair Dilbeck Real Estate Thanks to member Chamber Calendar BOARD MEMBERS When you need construction or home renovation work done, who Brian Barreto......................................................Board Member you gonna call? You can’t go Monday, July 13, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Chamber Board of Directors wrong with Chamber member Kelly Blake ..........................................................Board Member meeting, Chamber Boardroom. Dan Mikolasko Construction, Inc. Wednesday, July 15, 2 noon to 1:30 p.m., Eat & Meet Lunch Mixer, who did a fantastic job building a Nevin Kamath.....................................................Board Member Clearman’s Galley, 7215 N. Rosemead, Blvd., San Gabriel. new door for our office basement. Expert craftsman Raymond Judy Huie Mena..................................................Board Member Thursday, July 16, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Chamber Seminar, Hererra stands by the finished Foreign National Program, Chamber Boardroom, 9050 Las Tu- Franklin Ruedel..................................................Board Member project (shown unpainted to nas Drive. better display the work). Phone Jim Walden..........................................................Board Member Thursday, July 16, 5-9 p.m., L.A.’s Largest Mixer, Shrine Audito- Dan Mikolasko Construction at 626-338-0244 (office) or 626- rium, Los Angeles. EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBER 716-2273 (cell). You’ll be glad you Councilmember Nanette Fish ............... Liaison for City of TC Monday, July 20, Submission deadline for Temple City Life. did. See the ad, Page 7. [email protected] www.templecitychamber.com JULY • 2015 • TEMPLE CITY LIFE 5 www.templecitychamber.com Zaxwerks demonstrates messaging signage Representing Temple City at the June 9 product demonstration event for California Public Entities & Educational Institutions were (l-r) Chamber President Peter Choi, Joshua Yoon (U.S. Dept. of Commerce/MBDA), TCUSD Superintendent of Schools Kathy Perini, and Zax and Alex Dow of Temple City-based Zaxwerks. The special presentation event paired Mega’s bright digital billboard’s with Zaxwerks’ flashy NFL/NBA style graphics to demonstrate how local schools can upgrade their traditional message boards for better visuals and results. PHOTO BY PETER CHOI Chamber members meet Miss Temple City Anita Velazquez and her Honor Court. L-R: Joanna Hua, Kayla Gan, Dr. Yan Chen (Healthcare Partners), Anita Velazquez, Kevin Lian (Asian Youth Center), Rachel Lin, Celena Chen. HealthCare Partners hosts luau mixer – open house Surrounded by pineapples donated by Super A Foods and ValuMart Food Warehouse, Chamber President Peter Choi and Dr. Yan Chen of HealthCare Partners welcomed more than 100 guests wearing leis to enjoy free refreshments, buffet, and prize drawings at the fun, high-energy June 24 event co-sponsored by Sunnyslope Water. After feasting on a buffet catered from Ono Hawaiian BBQ, guests were introduced to new doctor Emelou Sagaral and invited to tour the facilities before a show by standup comedian Scott Shimamoto. Dr. Emelou Sagaral wears a lovely lei Funny guy Scott Shimamoto and Past presented by Chamber member Bruce Board Chair Rita Padilla. Wataru of Fanny’s Flowers. Photos by Peter Choi 6 TEMPLE CITY LIFE • JULY • 2015 www.templecitychamber.com [email protected] Why it’s awesome being a dentist, Part II: what, me? So I realize it’s not cool to Being a Dentist.” I shared a story Making brag and hopefully I’ll avoid about a patient who came in breaking any written or unwrit- and took a chance; investing Dentistry Fun ten local rules or regulations. some significant time, money, Back in January, I wrote a and trust. I’d never met anyone piece titled “Why it’s Awesome more comfortable in her own By Jack Von Bulow, D.D.S. Jack Von Bulow, DDS, was named Top Dentist by Pasadena Magazine (2011-2013). Temple City Dental Care is located at 9929 E. Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780. Phone him at 626-285-3161 or visit his Web site at www.templecitydental.com skin but yet not nearly comfort- visit last week. We took some able enough to allow that per- photos, did an interview, and son in the mirror to pursue a best of all, recorded a song Jes- dream. sica surprisingly performed out We provided to Jessica the in our reception area. If you Invisalign orthodontics and guessed Smile, you were right. two beautiful dental implants And I haven’t won a single and Jessica returned enough thing since I brought home the fulfillment to keep Temple City Arcadia Tennis Ladder Cham- Invisalign orthodontics patient Dental Care going for at least pionship back in 1987, but Jessica and Dr. Jack Von Bulow, another decade. Jessica traded about a month ago something D.D.S. in her administrative assistant amazing happened. job for the singing career she Jessica’s case was chosen as My walk-on tune is Lose had always wanted. Jessica has the top North America restor- Yourself by Eminem. The key been singing blues and jazz pro- ative Invisalign case for 2015. lyrics: “...one shot, opportu- fessionally in Hong Kong for In a couple of weeks, I’ll be nity...” And that’s why it’s awe- the last six months and she’ll be presenting Jessica’s case to some being a dentist. Every day staying for at least another half about 2,000 people at the Aria we have opportunities to en- year. Resort in Las Vegas during the gage patients as family and even Jessica stopped by for a brief Invisalign Summit Shoot-out. change lives. Understanding estate planning basics Many new clients first come into my office saying they “want Legal Report a trust.” What those clients don’t know is that a trust is just one of the four essential estate plan- By Tony J. Tyre, Attorney at Law ning documents that most es- The Tyre Agency tate planning attorneys recom- 5703 Temple City Blvd., Temple City. mend to ensure all of the clients’ For more information, phone 626-285-7033 bases are covered. or email [email protected]. Put simply, these four essen- tial documents are: Revocable Living Trust: become incapacitated and what Clients should also bring Moves your property into the powers that person has (e.g., grant deeds or quitclaim deeds trust name to avoid probate Do you want to stay on life sup- for all real property owned. court and allows you to choose port? Do you want to donate Although estate planning is your beneficiaries; organs?). by no means simple, with this Pour-Over Will: Works with In gathering information for basic understanding of the es- the above trust to ensure all your first meeting with an at- tate planning documents and property avoids probate; torney, I ask my new clients to what information is needed to Durable Power of Attorney: bring information on the fol- begin the process, you are now Specifies who you would want lowing two aspects: far ahead of the average new to make financial decisions for People: Who are your ben- estate planning client. you should you become inca- eficiaries? Who do you want to pacitated and what powers you be in charge once you pass or if Tony does not charge for ini- give to that person; you are incapacitated? tial consultations. For more in- Advanced Health Care Di- Things: Your assets. Please formation, please contact Tony at rective: Specifies who you bring a list of all accounts: ac- 5703 Temple City Blvd., 626- would want to make medical count type, account number, 285-7033, or e-mail him at decisions for you should you and institution information. [email protected]. C A ITY UTOMOTIVE “When we needed help, we discovered Vista Cove at San Gabriel” E S XPERT ERVICE We keep your car, In our 22nd year in business truck or motor home QQuuaalliittyy • Assisted Living • Memory Care operating at • Respite Care peak performance AT SAN GABRIEL For more information or to schedule a tour, please phone (626) 289-8889 901 W. Santa Anita St., San Gabriel, CA 91776 Lic. #197606796 [email protected] www.templecitychamber.com JULY • 2015 • TEMPLE CITY LIFE 7 New Member Spotlight PrimeLending, offers multi- lingual mortgage expertise A resident of Temple City for more than a decade, Priscilla Chen is an ex- pert in the mortgage business with years of experience originating residential home loans in the San Gabriel Valley. Fluent in both Mandarin and Cantonese, Ms. Chen is a multi-lingual professional mortgage broker who re- cently joined PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company. Ms. Chen puts her knowledge and Temple City Animal Hospital Priscilla Chen, Senior Loan Originator skills to practice by helping homebuyers and homeowners find the right options to take good care of them because I do SSiinnccee 11995522 for their mortgage needs. It may be for a care how they feel at the end of the day.” new purchase, a refinance to lower a Certainly, Ms. Chen’s success is par- Carol Johannsen- Crittenden, DVM monthly payment or shorten the exist- tially due to the huge demand in the re- ing loan term, or a cash-out refinance to gion for multilingual professionals in Bruce Carlson, DVM upgrade an existing home, consolidate recent years, but underneath her lan- debts, or help children get a college edu- guage facility is a strong background in Neil Bodie, DVM cation. all areas of mortgage lending, a dedica- Sheeba Thomas, DVM “I enjoy helping people achieve their tion to customer satisfaction, and, per- financial needs and that is why I love haps most of all, a strong personal con- Lisa Nguyen, DVM what I do,” said Ms. Chen. “I love seeing nection to Temple City and the San happy customers and I am committed Gabriel Valley. Member American Full Service Family Veterinarians Contact So Cal Termite Solutions for Animal Hospital Association Internal Medicine & Surgery Temple City Animal Hospital dealing with termite problems Spay & Neuter OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 A.M. UNTIL 8 P.M. Vaccines OPEN SATURDAYS 9 A.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. Senior Pet Care 5406 N. Rosemead Blvd. (One block south of Broadway) arising from California drought Pocket Pets www.templecityanimalhospital.com Grooming & Boarding 626-287-1173 An aspect of the drought that is not well known is the possibility of termite infesta- tion. When there is heat fol- lowed by a little rain, it creates prime conditions for subterra- nean termite swarmers. Most subterranean termite colonies produce swarmers by Subterranean termite swarmers the time they are five years old. With El Niño conditions For more information, phone predicted this year, it is a great Glenn Dugger of So Cal Termite idea to schedule an inspection Solutions at 626-221-2391 or e- by Chamber member So Cal mail [email protected]. Termite Solutions. So Cal Termite Solutions owner Glenn Dugger is ready to serve you. 8 TEMPLE CITY LIFE • JULY • 2015 www.templecitychamber.com [email protected] Ken Tcheng, general manager of Sunny Slope Water Com- Ken Tcheng, general manager of Sunny Slope Water Com- From left are Ken Tcheng, general manager of Sunny Slope pany, Annaka Besaw, Temple City High School. pany and Ira Simbulan, Gabrielino High School. Water Company, Brian Bradshaw, Del Mar High School and Principal Lon Sellers. Sunny Slope announces scholarship winners Sunny Slope Water Company announces $500 schol- tion “How Do You Propose Water Conservation Be arship winners for best essays on water conservation Enforced?” Sunny Slope Water Company recently awarded $500 The scholarships for graduating college-bound stu- scholarships to winning essayists answering the ques- dents were awarded to Annaka Besaw of Temple City High School, Brian Bradshaw of Del Mar name, school and the college they plan to attend. Sunny Learn to High School and Ira Simbulan of Gabrielino Slope’s Board of Directors reviewed the essays and an- High School. nounced the winners May 11. Play Smarter Their entries were chosen the best of sub- Among its customers, Sunny Slope Water Com- mitted 400-500 word essays mailed to the pany,1040 El Campo Drive, Pasadena, serves families Basketball company office along with the student’s in Temple City and neighboring San Gabriel. Temple City plans July 10 pet clinic for pet licensing, affordable vaccinations Temple City residents are dog for $7.50. Seniors may only chipping at a fee of $15 per pet. strongly encouraged to bring license one altered dog per The City adopted Title 10 of the their dogs and cats to the City’s household at the discounted Los Angeles County Code annual Rabies Clinic from price. which includes mandatory 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 10 at A dog license is required to spay/neuter and micro-chip- Taught by Richard Marquis: Head Coach, Founder Temple City Park, 9701 Las verify a rabies vaccination (July ping provisions. Internationally known for his ability, Coach Marquis promises that Tunas Drive. 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016) and Dogs must be on a leash and “You cannot find a better class anywhere. We guarantee it.” Community Companion must be valid for an entire li- cats in a carrier at all times dur- To learn more or to enroll your child or teen, please Animal Hospital will provide censing period. ing the clinic. For more infor- phone Coach Richard Marquis today at 626-482-8267. low-cost rabies vaccinations at Also at the clinic the San mation phone the City’s Pub- CLASS LOCATIONS AND TIMES a fee of $5 per immunization. Gabriel Valley Humane Society lic Safety Division at 626-285- Sat. 10 AM-12 PM T.C. Nazarene Church Class As required by state law any will provide inexpensive micro- 7187. 9953 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780 dog over four months old must Sat. 2-4 PM Emmaus Lutheran School Class receive a rabies vaccination. 840 S. Almansor St. and Los Higos in Alhambra The primary shot is valid for one year and subsequent shots Sun. 10 AM – 12 PM San Gabriel Academy Class are acceptable for three years. 8827 East Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776 Residents can also purchase Sun. 12:30 PM – 2 PM San Gabriel Academy dog licenses at City Hall dur- The Cream of the Crop Advanced Training ing the clinic. Sun. 2-4 PM San Gabriel Academy Class Licenses for unaltered dogs 8827 East Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776 are $60 while altered dogs are 626-482-8267 [email protected] $20. Seniors ages 65 years or www.playsmarterbasketball.com older may license their altered Area Rugs to Show Your Team Colors Real estate broker Rudy L. CHOOSE FROM 32 NFL TEAMS A rug especially Kusuma signs publishing deal to suited for Temple City co-author new book High School Rams Local real estate broker Rudy L. Kusuma will team up with Jack Canfield, the creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul series, to release ALL NBA AND NHL TEAMS MORE THAN 190 NCAA SCHOOLS a new book to benefit consumers looking to buy or sell homes in Alhambra and the San Gabriel Valley area. GREAT A portion of the royalties earned from this book will be do- GIFTS nated to Entrepreneur’s International Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating unique launch campaigns to raise money and awareness for charitable causes. “My team and I manage more than $1.3 billion of real estate assets,” said Mr. Kusuma. “I have advised and counseled DECORATE YOUR homebuyers, sellers, and real estate investors from every walk of BEDROOM OR DEN life. CEOs, executives, and business owners hire my team because their businesses are teams. Sales professionals and marketing ori- ented entrepreneurs hire my team because they quickly recognize QUALITY CARPET BRANDS Available at Happy the superiority of our sophisticated system for selling homes as • Residential & Commercial KJ M Carpet Company quickly as possible for top dollars. • Area Rugs & Carpet & New Year Doctors, hospital administrators, and nurses hire us because, •Vinyl • Tile • Hardwood formerly J&M Carpet Co. of El Monte, now located at (prefinished or sanded) 918 S. Myrtle Ave. • Monrovia, CA 91016 Visit our website at like the executives, they are thoroughly familiar with the benefits • •C Learmaminiac tTeisle (626) 358-7400 www.kjmcarpet.com of a team approach. Exceptionally busy couples hire us because my • Natural Cork home selling system features methods of marketing and selling Professional Installation Family-owned Carpet and Flooring Providers since 1958 available [email protected] State Contractor License # 951465 homes that minimizes their involvement and inconvenience.” [email protected] www.templecitychamber.com JULY • 2015 • TEMPLE CITY LIFE 9 Temple City High School Class of 2015 • Yearbook Supplement C OMMENCEMENT A N F RTHUR ORTH IELD 7 . . J 12, 2015 P M UNE TCHSADMINISTRATION Principal: Mrs. Mary Jo Fosselman King Assistant Principals: Mr. Aaron Chang, Mr. Kevin Herington, Mr. Terry Sholty SCHOOLDISTRICTADMINISTRATION Superintendent: Ms. Kathryn E. Perini Asst. Supt., Personnel: Mr. Art Cunha Asst. Superintendent for Instructional Services: Dr. Kate Franceschini Chief Business Official: Ms. Marianne Sarrail TEMPLECITYUNIFIEDSCHOOLDISTRICT BOARD OFEDUCATION President: John Pomeroy From left are Counselor Maria Ioele, Grad Horatio Jesse Vallejo, Board President John Pomeroy, Board Vice President: Vinson Bell Member Kien Tiet, CBO Marianne Sarrail (seated), Board Member Bob Ridley Clerk: Kien C. Tiet Member: Kenneth Knollenberg Member: Robert S. Ridley Student Member: Annaka Besaw From left are ASB Vice-President Stanley Huang (speaking), Senior Class Vice-President Asjia Fulcher, Honor Speaker Emily Stoker, Asst. Superintendent Kate Franceschini (behind), Senior Class President Calvin Wang, Board Vice-President Vinson Bell, Staff Honor Guard Ryan Hoague (behind), Board Member Ken Knollenberg. Honor Speaker Emily Stoker. PHOTOS COURTESY OF J J ERRY AMBAZIAN . . WWW TEMPLECITYPHOTOS COM Students on right end (l-r) are Carolyn McKendrick, Jeffrey Li, Tiffany Maxwell, Jason Ng. 10 TEMPLE CITY LIFE • JULY • 2015 www.templecitychamber.com [email protected] Temple City High School Commencement Program Processional T.C.H.S. Orchestra Elgar..........................................Pomp and Circumstance Flag Salute and Welcome Stanley Huang................ 2014-2015 ASB Vice President ASB President’s Message Janabelle Peng.........................2014-2015 ASB President Vocal Presentation................Brighter Side Singers Honor Speakers Address ...................................Emily Stoker, YiHsin Cindy Chen Presentation of Class Mrs. Mary Jo Fosselman King ..........................Principal Conferring of Diplomas..................Board of Education Dismissal Asjia Fulcher ....................... Senior Class Vice President Recessional................................T.C.H.S. Orchestra (cid:2) Senior Class Officers From left are Board Member Kien Tiet, Asst. Superintendent Art Cunha, Board President John Pomeroy, President ..................................................... Calvin Wang Board Member Ken Knollenberg, Chief Business Official Marianne Sarrail, Superintendent Kathy Perini, Vice President.............................................Asjia Fulcher Board Member Bob Ridley, and Board Vice-President Vinson Bell From left are ASB President Janabelle Peng (seated), Honor Speaker YiHsin Cindy Chen. From left are Honor Speaker YiHsin Cindy Chen, Senior Class President Calvin Wang, Honor Speaker Principal Mary Jo Fosselman King Emily Stoker. ALMAMATER Temple City we love thee, Now and for all times to be. As we will pledge our loyalty To thee, to thee. Hail our colors green and gold Standing for our dreams untold, As we will strive to reach our goals. For thee, for thee. Hail Temple City, All Hail! ‒ by mr. ben godfrey CLASS MOTTO “Kings and Queens of Twenty-fifteen” CLASS COLORS Green and Blue SECTION DESIGN BY PHILIP PETTUS Gwen Kikkert and Shirley Li digitally photograph the moment. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JERRY JAMBAZIAN • WWW.TEMPLECITYPHOTOS.COM