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Preview Temperature independent diffuse scattering and elastic lattice deformations in relaxor PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3

Temperature independent diffuse scattering and elastic lattice deformations in relaxor PbMg Nb O 1/3 2/3 3 R. G. Burkovsky∗ St.Petersburg State Politekhnical University, 29 Politekhnicheskaya, 195251, St.-Petersburg, Russia S. B. Vakhrushev 1 Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Institute, 26 Politekhnicheskaya, 194021, St.-Petersburg, Russia and 1 0 St.Petersburg State Politekhnical University, 29 Politekhnicheskaya, 195251, St.-Petersburg, Russia 2 n K. Hirota and M. Matsuura a J Structural Physics in Extreme Conditions Group, Department of Earth and Space Science, 0 Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka 560-0043, Japan 2 (Dated: January 21, 2011) ] TheresultsofdiffuseneutronscatteringexperimentonPbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 singlecrystalabovethe i Burnstemperaturearereported. Itisshownthatthehightemperatureelasticdiffusecomponentis c s highlyanisotropicinlow-symmetryBrillouinzonesandthisanisotropycanbedescribedusingHuang - scattering formalism assuming that the scattering originates from mesoscopic lattice deformations l r due to elastic defects. The qualitative agreement between this model and the experimental data t m is achieved with simple isotropic defects. It is demonstrated that weak satellite maxima near the Bragg reflections can beinterpreted as thefiniteresolution effect. . t a PACSnumbers: 61.72.Dd,77.84.Dy m - d I. INTRODUCTION ing down below Td the intensity of DS monotonically n increases and at cryogenic temperatures becomes com- o Ferroelectrics with diffuse phase transition were first parable with the intensity of Bragg reflections. There c [ discoveredbySmolenskyetal.1morethanfiftyyearsago. were proposed numerous interpretations of DS in relax- Nowtheyareusuallyreferencedasrelaxorferroelectrics2. orsincludingscatteringonhighlyanisotropicoptic14 and 1 These materials demonstrate exceptional piezoelectric acoustic15 phonon modes, scattering on static correlated 3v capabilities3andveryhighdielectricconstantsinabroad ionic displacements in polar nanoregions16 and scatter- 7 temperature range making them promising materials for ing on static mesoscopic lattice deformations caused by 8 applications in electronic and electromechanical devices. polar defects17. The Monte-Carlo18,19 and molecualr 3 The most distinguished features of relaxors are broad dynamics20 simulations were also productively emoloyed 1. frequency dependent maximumof dielectric permittivity in the recent years to describe the spatial distribution of 0 ε(T)4,5andthenonergodicityoflow-temperaturephase6. the DS in relaxors. The temperature-dependent DS can 1 Above the characteristic Burns temperature Td relax- beconsideredasoneoftherelaxorfootprintsbutdespite 1 ors behave similarly to normal displacive ferroelectrics extensive studies its microscopic origin is not yet clear. v: - ε(T) follows Curie-Weiss law7 and the soft mode is Along with temperature-dependent DS a nearly i observed8. Typical relaxors are perovskite-like mixed temperature-independent components were observed in X crystals with one or two sublattices randomly occupied PMNandrelatedcompounds21–23. Firstobservationwas ar by nonisovalent ions. The most studied relaxor com- reported in Ref.21 where the DS was studied in PMN pound is lead magnoniobate PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (PMN) using high-resolution synchrotron X-ray scattering. It having B-sublattice populated by Mg2+ and Nb5+ in was emphasized that the longitudinal (or radial) scans proportion 1/2. Diffraction studies show that without contain a component that does not change at least in application of strong electric field PMN crystals retain 80 K < T < 270 K range (Fig. 1). This component cubic structure at least down to to 5 K and no ferro- was interpreted by the authors as Huang scattering due electric phase transition takes place9,10. However it is to elastic lattice deformations. In 2004 using neutron clearthatatleastbelowTd ≈650Klocalstructuraldis- scattering Hiraka et al.22 clearly observed weak temper- tortions develop11,12. These distortions are reflected by ature independent component of DS in (100) and (110) quasi-elastic diffuse scattering (DS) that appears below BZs both above and below Td and attributed it to the Td in the vicinity of the Bragg reflections8,13. The scat- correlateddisplacementsofPb2+ ionsduetoshort-range tering is highly anisotropic in reciprocal space and has chemical order which is believed to be temperature in- different shapes in different Brillouin zones13. On cool- sensitiveupto T ≈1000K.This interpretationwassup- 2 verse component respectively. Due to strong contam- 6 ination by Al powder scattettering in (300) and (310) 10 PMN 120 K Brillouin zones some parts of 2-d maps on Fig. 2 are omitted. In orderto clearlydistinguish betweenAl pow- Q = (h 0 0) 270 K der scattering and PMN diffuse scattering the positions of Al powder coils are marked by dashed lines. s)104 t i n u III. RESULTS AND MODELLING . b r a In generalthe results of our experiment are consistent ( y102 with the previous ones22: in high-symmetry (300) Bril- t si louin zone the scattering is oriented along the direction n τ e of reciprocal lattice vector which is denoted by the t n I arrows on Fig. 2, and the longitudinal profile contains weak maximum on approximately 0.15 r.l.u. from the 0 10 zone center. In zones of lower symmetry the situation is somewhat different - the dumbbell-like diffuse scattering 2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 shapes are notpurely longitudinal. The areaswith max- (h 0 0) imal intensity are clearly shifted from the line L that τ passesthroughthereciprocallatticepointandisoriented τ FIG.1: (Coloronline)Thelongitudinal(radial)scansofsyn- along . Evenmore clearly it is seen on 1-d slices of 2-d chrotron X-ray diffuse scattering in PMN in the vicinity of mapspresentedonFig. 3. The slicesaremade alongthe (300) Bragg reflection for T=120 K (squares) and T=270 K straight lines in reciprocal space determined by the vec- (circles)21. torequation((ξ−ξ0)·τ)=0whereξ =(h,k,0)andthe centerofthe slice ξ liesonL . These lines areshownin 0 τ solid on Fig. 2. ported in further study by Gehring et al.24 but opposed We look for the origin of the observed scattering in inmoleculardynamicsstudy ofrelaxorPSN20 wherethe elasticlatticedeformationsthatareunavoidableinmixed radial DS was attributed to the chemical disorder. To crystals. This kind of scattering was heavily studied in clarify the nature of the temperature independent radial alloys and other systems with imperfect lattice. In the component of DS in lead magnoniobate we extended the book of M. A. Krivoglaz25 a useful formalizm for calcu- measurementsofneutrondiffusescatteringtoBZsoflow lating of the distribution of static ionic displacements in symmetry. In this contribution we show that our data the lattice due to elastic defects is presented. The char- and the data from Ref.22 can be adequately described acteristics of the spatial distribution of atomic displace- in terms of Huang scattering due to inhomogenous lat- ments due to elastic deformations are determined by the tice deformations which are definitely expected in mixed types of defects and by elastic constants of the crystal. crystals. In our analysis we used the most straightforwardway of applying this formalism by assuming simple cubic sym- metrydefects inPMNlatticewhoseelasticconstantsare II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS known in advance26. The Fourier components of lattice deformation field are described by the expression PMN single crystal was supplied by the Institute of 1 A (q)= N C−1(q)p n (1) Physics, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, αi q d ij αjl l Russia). The measurements were carried out at 5G- where N is the number of defects, q - reduced wavevec- PONTA three-axis spectrometer installed in the reac- d tor, n = q/q. The tensors C (q) = c n n and tor hall of the JRR-3M reactor (Tokai, Japan). The ij iljm l m p = c L arecalculated onthe basis of elastic sample was wrapped in the Al foil and mounted in αij P ijlm αlm constants of the crystal c . The elastic deformation the furnace with (001) axis vertical. The experimental ijlm tensorL describesthesymmetryand”force”ofdefect setupallowedheatingupto650K.Two-dimensionaldis- αjl with orientation α. The intensity of diffuse scattering tributions of the diffuse scattering intensity were mea- due to the elastic deformations (1) is determined by ex- sured at T = 650 K in (300), (310) and (210) Bril- pression louin zones in quasielastic mode with fixed wavevector K = K = 3.84˚A−1 (30.5 meV). Energy resolution was ν ofithe ofrder of 1 meV and Q-resolution (FWHM) was IH(Q)=|F(τ)|2X(Q·Aα(q))2 (2) ∆Q = 0.06˚A−1, ∆Q = 0.02˚A−1, ∆Q = 0.4˚A−1 α=1 L T V for the component along the scattering vector, in-plane The scattering vector Q is a sum of reciprocal lattice τ transverse component and out-of-plane (vertical) trans- vector and reduced vawevector q, F(τ) is the elastic 3 (300) (310) (210) 0.2 500 1.2 1.2 1000 150 0.1 400 1.1 1.1 u.) u.) 800 u.) k (r.l. 0 300 k (r.l. 1 600 k (r.l. 1 100 −0.1 200 0.9 400 0.9 50 −0.2 100 0.8 200 0.8 2.8 3 3.2 2.8 3 3.2 1.8 2 2.2 h (r.l.u.) h (r.l.u.) h (r.l.u.) 0.2 1.2 1.2 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.1 1.1 1.1 0.02 u.) 0.02u.) u.) 0.015 k (r.l. 0 k (r.l. 1 00..00115k (r.l. 1 0.01 −0.1 0.01 0.9 0.9 0.005 0.005 −0.2 0.8 0.8 2.8 3 3.2 2.8 3 3.2 1.8 2 2.2 h (r.l.u.) h (r.l.u.) h (r.l.u.) FIG. 2: (Color online) Isointensity contours of diffuse scattering in PMN at T=650 K in three BZs (top) and corresponding isointensity contours produced by modelτcalculations described in text (bottom). The arrows through the zonecenters denote the direction of reciprocal laτttice vector . The positions of Al powder coils are marked by dashed lines. The straight solid lines perpendicula to vector mark thepositions in which the slices depicted on Fig. 3 are made. corresponding intensity of scattering is proportional to 1/q2. In real crystals one obviously could observe only 700 140 finiteintensitiesandoneofthemechanismsthatcansub- stantially smooth the profiles of Huang-type scattering 650 (3 1 0) (2 1 0) 130 near the ZC is lattice deformationscreening. In the case 600 120 of large concentration of defects the deformation fields 550 producedbyindividualdefectsarespatiallyscreeneddue 110 s.) 500 s.) totheinfluencedefectsintheneighborhood. Thisresults nsity (ct 450 91000nsity (ct itnheexfopromnential cutoff factor for the deformation fields in nte 400 nte u(r)∼ 1e−r/rs I 80 I r 350 whereu(r)isthestrainmagnitudeandrs -thescreen- 70 ing length27. In the reciprocalspace this fact is reflected 300 by changing from 1/q2 dependence to 1/(q2+q2). 250 60 s We accountforthis effectbymodificationof(1)inthe 200 50 form −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 ξ (r.l.u.) 1 A (q)= N C−1(q)p n (3) αi pq2+qs2 d ij αjl l FIG. 3: The 1-d slices of 2-d diffuse scatteriτng maps per- This way the scattering profies transform into formed along the lines perpendicular to the vector (see Lorentzians with parameter q inverse proportional s textforthedetails). TheselinesareshowninsolidonFig. 2. to the screening length r . The experimental data show s no sharp increase of diffuse intensity near the Bragg reflections (Fig. 7) and we attribute this fact to the structure factor. Summationis made overν possible dif- presence of strong deformation screening in PMN. ferent orientations of defects (ν > 1 if the symmetry of As it was mentioned before we consider the defects of the defects is lower than that of the crystal). cubicsymmetrywhicharecharacterizedbyelasticdefor- Theequation(1)describesthedeformationsofanideal mation tensor of diagonalform L =δ Λ. The defects αjl jl anisotropicelastic medium withlowconcentrationofde- of this kind expand or compress the surrounding lattice fectsandpredictsaninfiniteincreaseofA (q)| . The equivalentlyinallthreemaincrystallographicdirections, α q→0 4 the character (compression or expansion) is determined bythesignofconstantΛ. Incaseofcubicdefects I (Q) H has a zero-intensity plane that is nearly normal to the τ vector 25 and the intensity near the zone center can be 3 approximated by expression const·cos(φ)/q where φ is the angle between τ and q. This expression results in ∆QZ (˚A−1) a) appearanceofthethinwaistnearthezonecenteroutside 2.5 0.000 0.011 which the intensity is nearly zero (area A on Fig. 4(b)). Calculated 2-D distributions of DS intensity convoluted b.) 2 0.018 r 0.066 with experimental resolution function are presented in a ( 0.154 the bottom row of Fig. 2. One can clearly see that the y 1.5 t 0.400 threemainpeculiarities-thecharacterofanisotropy,the si n presence of the waist and the satellite maxima are well te 1 n reproduced by the model. I 0.5 ∆QX =0.066 ˚A−1 IV. SATELLITE PEAKS ∆QY =0.018 ˚A−1 0 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 In all studied Brillouin zones the diffuse scattering (h 0 0) intensity contains maxima at finite q values. In high 0.2 symmetry zones the peak positions lie on the line go- b) ing through the corresponding reciprocal lattice points. In zones of lower symmetry these positions are somehow 0.1 shiftedfromthatline. Equations(3)and(2)describethe intensity that monotonically decreases with increasing q A ) value. In this section we show how finite experimental l 0 0 B 0.9 C 0.7 resolution can affect the scattering profiles resulting in 0 0.7 ( 0.5 the appearance of the observed peaks. In the case of 0.5 elasticscatteringtheresolutionfunction(RF)canbeap- 0.3 proximated by 3-D gaussian28: −0.1 0.3 R(q)=R0·e−12((q−q0)2k/σk2+(q−q0)2⊥/σ⊥2+(q−q0)2V/σV2) (4) 0.1 0.1 −0.2 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 Herethevalues(q−q0)k ... (q−q0)Vτarethecomponents (h 0 0) ofvector(q−q0) alongthe vector , alongthe in-plane and out-of-plane perpendiculars correspondingly. In our experimentthein-planecomponentsoftheRFwerequite sharpas itcan be deducedfrom the imagesof the Bragg FIG. 4: a) A set of modelled radial scans of diffuse scat- reflectionsonFig. 2(a). Inordertoprovidehighneutron tering (without Bragg and background contributions) near flux the vertical collimations were highly relaxed which (3 0 0) reflection with different resolution conditions. The resulted in more broad resolution in out-of-plane (verti- thick line corresponds to the estimated resolution of current cal) direction. This is illustrated on Fig. 4(b) by the experiment, dashed line - to the estimated resolution of ex- R(q) = R /2 resolution ellipsoids stretched in (0 0 l) periment from Ref. 22. The uppermost line corresponds to 0 direction. the ideal resolution, the second upmost line corresponds to ∆Q = ∆Q = 0.011 ˚A−1, for other lines the resolution The figures4(b)(2-Dcontourplots)and5(1-Dslices) Y Z conditions are denoted on the plot. b) The projections of represent the same distribution of the intensity calcu- resolution ellipsoids (thicklines) for thezonecenter(A),q=- lated using equations (3) and (2) in (3 0 0) Brilluin zone 0.125 (B) and q=0.125 (C) and isointensity contours of the together with the resolution function. One can see from Huangscattering with parameters described in text. Resolu- thesefiguresthat(a)theintensitydecreaseswithincreas- tionfunctionandscatteringintensityarenormalizedtounity, ing q value and (b) the distribution of intensity along thethick lines correspond tothe valueI=0.5. q directions is very narrow for small h values and is ⊥ broadening on moving from the zone center along (h 0 0). The first factor leads to the decrease of the detector count rate with increasing h value. The second factor changes near h=0.15 r.l.u. where the widths of the in- on the other hand leads to its increase due to increasing tensity distribution and the RF become comparable and ofoverlappingbetweentheintensitydistributionandthe the impact of the second factor diminishes. On further RF. Near the zone center the second factor is dominant increaseofh the detectorcountratefollowsthe decrease whichresultsintheincreaseofthecountrate. Thistrend of the unconvoluted intensity (Fig. 4(a)). The crossover 5 1.3 1.5 H=3.01 0.8 Model 1.2 3.1 0.7 1.1 0.6 rb.) 1 RF=e−12σl2V2 u.) 0.5 sity(a 3.2 k (r.l. 1 0.4 n e 0.9 0.3 t In 0.5 3.3 0.2 0.8 3.4 0.1 0.7 0 0.8 1 1.2 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 h (r.l.u.) l(r.l.u.) FIG. 6: (Color online) Calculated diffuse scattering inten- FIG.5: Theslicesof3-Dmodelscatteringintensityin(300) sityin(110)Brillouinzone. Correspondingexperimentaldata Brillouin zonedeterminedbyequations(3)and(2)along the were reported in Ref.22. vertical l axis with fixed value of k=0 and different values of hdescribedonthegraph. Boldlinerepresentsthenormalized resolution function. 1000 PMN betweenthesetworegimesismarkedbysatellitemaxima at q=0.15 r.l.u. 800 T=650 K The maxima do shift towards larger q values with in- s.) Q=(h 0 0) t creasing σ values. On Fig.4(a) the profiles for different n u 600 σ values are presented including the conditions of our o V c ( experiment(boldsolidline)andexperimentbyHirakaet y t al.22 (dashed line). Their vertical resolution should be si 400 n about 2.6 times better than our due to use of cold neu- te n trons with E = E = 4.5 meV. The resolution effect in I i f thiscaseisisstillstrongenoughtoproducetheobserved 200 satellitemaxima. The2-Dmapcalculatedwiththeseex- perimental conditions for (1 1 0) BZ (Fig. 6) is in very 0 good qualitative agreement with the experiment. 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 In all calculations presented in this paper we used the (h 0 0) reciprocal screening length q = 0.2 which we found to s be optimal for the description of the scattering profiles FIG.7: Thelongitudinal(radial) scanofdiffusescatteringin (Fig.7). PMN at T=650 K in the vicinity of (3 0 0) Bragg reflection (circles), model fit (solid line) and the decomposition of fit into the Bragg, diffuse and background components (dashed lines). V. DISCUSSION We should discuss the microscopic characteristics of ionsareexpected to havedifferent fromaverageunit cell PMN that can be responsible for the observed diffuse volumeduetodifferenceineffectiveionicradii(0.72˚Afor scattering. Relaxorsaremixedcrystalsandaredefinitely Mg2+ and 0.64 ˚Afor Nb5+)29 and thus produce expan- expected to suffer from elastic deformations due to the sionorcompressionofthesurroundinglattice. Theareas intrinsic inhomogenity. Indeed the deformations mod- with excess of one or another type of ions most proba- elled on the basis of known in advance elastic constants blyshouldbeconsiderednotaswell-localizedentitiesbut and the most simple cubic symmetry defects are shown as entities smoothly passing into each other. The cross- to produce the scattering with the same shapes as ob- oversbetweenregionswith excessesofdifferentionstake tained in the experiment. The role ofdefects mostprob- place on the nanoscale so it is naturally to assume that ablyplaytheinhomogenitiesofchemicalcomposition. It the concentration of defects is large enough to produce is naturally to expect that the relative density of Mg2+ deformation screening needed to suppress the sharp in- and Nb5+ ions is weakly fluctuating on the nanoscale. creaseofdiffuse intensitynearthe zonecenters. Possibly The areas characterized by excess of one type of these the chemicallyorderedregionsalsocontributeto the lat- 6 ticedeformationsduetothedifferentfromthedisordered in low-symmetry Brillouin zones in PMN and propose a matrix unit cell volume. model that accounts well for both the discovered scat- Also we address the problem of satellite maxima near tering anisotropy and the presence of satellite maxima. theBraggreflections. Typicallythe satellitesarecreated Theassumptionsonwhichthe modelisbasedaresimple whenthe newperiodicity longerthanthe unitcelliscre- and consistent with the data obtained earlier. To clarify ated. The positions of the satellites are determined by the microscopic origin of the elastic lattice deformations the ratio of the ”new” and ”old” periods . In the case additional measurements are necessary. of high-temperature diffuse scattering in PMN the posi- tions of maxima vary between different BZs but remain on the nearly the same distance from BZs center. If we assume that the peaks originate from short range corre- Acknowledgments lations of ionic displacements as it was suggestedin Ref. 22itseemstoagreewellwithanomalouslylargewidthof It is a pleasure to acknowledge T. Egami, B. Burton, the peaks but it also seems very difficult to construct a P. Gehring, R. Cohen, S. Prosandeev and V. Sakhnenko quantitativemodelpredicting the positions ofthe peaks. formanyusefuldiscussionsandvarioussuggestions. The Themodelproposedheretogetherwiththeresolutionef- PMN single crystals were provided by the Institute of fect provide on the other hand a simple way of satellite Physics Rostov-on-Don University. SBV acknowledges peakdescriptionwithoutanyadditionalassumptionsex- thesupportofInstituteofSolidStatePhysics,University cept the lattice deformation screening which by itself is of Tokyo. Work at the Ioffe Institute was supported by quite expectable in relaxors. the RFBR (grants 08-02-00908-a and 06-02-90088-NSF- a ) and RAS Program ”Neutron study of structure and fundamental properties of Matter”. The work at St.- VI. 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