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Center for the Evangelical United Brethren Heritage TELESCOPE-MESSENGER United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio I Vol. 23 No. I Winter 2013 Thriving Former EUB Churches in Montana by John F. Sills A t the merger of the EUB denomination with had been the "flagship" church of the conference the Methodist Church in 1968, two western for many years. Yet the portion of the EUB conferences in particular were definitely of congregation that resisted the merger suddenly a differing persuasion. Shortly after the merger found themselves without any church property. in Dallas, Texas, these two conferences, after They began meeting at the YWCA. A WES several years of intense dialogue with the trained pastor, Rev. George Petersen, was asked officers of the EUB Church, finalized a to lead the new church body. separation settlement. On June 4, 1968, a major In the spring of 1969 the Gospel Gleemen, residue of the EUB Pacific Northwest singing pastors from the Pacific Conference, Conference became the Pacific Conference of held an evangelistic concert at the YWCA for the the Evangelical Church ofNorth America.' members of the displaced congregation One week later, in Billings, Montana, the renamed Faith. In time Billings Faith former EUB Montana Conference became the Evangelical Church became the catalyst for a Western Conference of the Evangelical Church most impressive record of new church planting of North America.2 Rev. Robert Strutz and Rev. and growth across Montana, North Dakota, and Richard Keinitz, " ... were elected as pastor in the past decade, Wyoming. superintendents for a two year term until the In 1968 there were three EUB congregations negotiations for the settlement of the [local] in Billings. First Church averaged 300 weekly in church properties was cared for, and a discipline Sunday attendance while Hawthorne and was adopted. "3 Lockwood averaged about 50 each. In the The connection between the two Evangelical ensuing forty-plus years that number has grown Church of North America conferences was dramatically to 3,575 attendees each week. But Western Evangelical Seminary in Portland, this is only a part of the story. Oregon. Pastors from both conferences had been Faith Evangelical relocated several years ago trained at WES. The majority of the 18 pastors of to a second new campus in west Billings where it the new Western Conference completed their averages about 750 in weekly worship seminary training at WES.4 attendance. Faith is still the "flagship" An immediate problem upon merger was that Evangelical church in the city, the Yellowstone First EUB Church in Billings5 had to stay with Valley, and among tri-state churches. Some the new United Methodist Church. First Church years ago Rev. Petersen led in the launching of Hope Evangelical Church in Billings. Their 1 "The Evangelical Church ofNorth America: The current average attendance is about 175. Organizing Session and First Annual Business Session" Ten years ago in the east part of Billings, on (conference journal), pp. 36-45. Kimberly Heights, Harvest Church was initiated 2 Brian Hotrum, The Evangelical Story, (2006), p. 150. by Faith Church. By this time the senior pastor at 3 Ibid. Faith was Rev. Stephen Strutz, son of 4 Hotrum, pp. 140-144. A substantial discussion of the role of WES took place within the EUB denomination before and during the merger talks. 5 Billings has a population of more than 100,000. Rev. Robert Strutz.6 Pastor Steve's youth organized that now averages a weekly attendance minister for ten years, Rev. Vern Streeter, of 500. Also in western Montana, in Missoula, became the founding pastor of Harvest Church. the original EUB church never averaged more This church is an innovative, evangelistic than 250. It now meets in its own industrial park congregation. Annually it produces an old setting with an indoor skate park and averages fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Using large over 1,100 worshipers weekly.7 Currently half of tents, dinner is served for $1.50 to all comers and the 27 churches in the conference are in new patriotic music is presented all day. A Christian church houses, or major additions to their atmosphere pervades the entire day that ends original structures. with a fireworks display. Christian camping had long been a major Currently Harvest is building a $6 million feature of the old Montana EUB Conference. At swimming complex and will give it to the city as the time of the EUB-Methodist merger, their a blessing to the community. It is located cherished Camp on the Boulder, south of Big adjacent to Sky View High School where Timber, Montana, was taken into the merged Harvest Church began ten years ago. The first church. In 197 6, 180 acres at the base of the property purchased next to Sky View was paid Beartooth Mountains west of Absarokee, for with funds from the discontinuance of Montana, were purchased. As a former cattle Hawthorne EUB church. Hawthorne ended up in ranch with a small homestead, the first rustic a bad location as traffic and business patterns camp was held that year. The Beartooth changed near it in the 1980s. The initial Mountain Christian Ranch (BMCR) now investment of $140,000 has yielded a Harvest operates a full slate of Christian camps Church that is now the largest in the ECNA beginning Memorial Day and concluding Labor averaging 2,300 worshipers weekly. Day weekend. In 2011, 129 campers committed But the EUB DNA by way of Faith their lives to Christ. This year Camp Velocity, a Evangelical is much more than buildings and a week of Christian camping for foster care swimming pool. Harvest Church, in turn, children, was added. In this group 34 made a launched Journey Church in Bozeman, Montana, first-time decision for Christ.8 in 2005 with a weekly attendance of 1,250 today. In June 2011, 350 people came to BMCR to Narrate Church was begun in Montana's capital dedicate the new state-of-the-art dining hall that city, Helena, in 2009 and now has a weekly includes a basketball court. These people were attendance of 250. A church in Cody, Montana, reminded of the thousands of hours of donated (250 attendance) was started in 2010, along with labor that went into erecting this year-round a congregation in Sheridan, Wyoming (89). The facility and they were blessed to realize that over Harvest Church also has satellite campuses in 50,000 have been ministered to at BMCR since Billings at the old Lockwood EUB Church (300) 1976. Western Conference superintendent, Steve and in far eastern Plentywood, Montana, a small Strutz, was joined by his father in dedicating the town rural former EUB congregation. facilities for many years of service to come.9 What began anew in a YWCA in 1968-69 In a recent note from Rev. Robert Strutz, he with less than 300 EUB people, today amounts communicated his heartfelt blessings as to the to well over 3,500 worshipers in five current state of the conference. "We are praying communities. Included in this number is a low income congregation in south Billings, Living 7 In 2005 an independent church in Gillette, Wyoming, Water Church, a vital ministry of about 50 pas to red by Rev. Dan Morgan, who grew up in an EUB mothered by Faith Evangelical in 2005. parsonage, joined the Western Conference. This church In Great Falls, Montana, the former EUB averages 500 and has been the genesis for two additional church became a "restart" church after 2000. The conference churches in Cheyenne, Wyoming. 8 Bear Track and Arrowheads, August 2011, pp. 1-2. This church was closed when a new church was is the newsletter of the BMCR ministries. 9 Steve Strutz continues to serve as the pastor of Faith "E" 6 Rev. Reuben Strutz, Steve's grandfather, was an while also serving as conference superintendent. Rev. Evangelical, later EUB, evangelist and superintendent in Mark Erickson as executive pastor is in charge of the daily Montana and the Dakotas. operations of the church. 2 for revival. The conference is seeing hundreds encountering is a direct result of that body. The come to Christ each year. This year [2012] pioneer evangels of the Gospel who intentionally especially the call for a full surrender to Christ heralded the Good News of Jesus across the vast has been evident. Praise the Lord!" northern plains of western North America in the While many of these new believers have late 19th and early 20th centuries are being never heard of the Evangelical United Brethren revered by these current efforts. Church, the DNA and spiritual fervor they are Memories of Indiana Central College by Paul W. Milhouse I ndiana Central College in Indianapolis was small goatee, and he frequently held a pencil at his chartered in 1902 as a United Brethren school. It mouth while talking. To me he looked like a opened for classes on September 27, 1905. "There professor ought to look. He was probably the oldest were eight faculty members and about twice that man on the faculty. many students. Most of the students came to take I remember Professor John J. Haramy (History academy (high school level) courses." Rev. J. T. and Political Science) as the man who made a study Roberts, the first president of the institution, and his of government an interesting subject, a thing that no family moved into rooms in the southeast corner on professor in high school had been able to do for me. the first floor of the first college building. Other He was an interesting man. Born in Jerusalem he faculty members and students were also assigned made notes in the margin of his books in French rooms in the building. 10 because he had been born in a French speaking Mary Frances Noblitt, a 1929 graduate of community. He was also the coach of the debate team Columbus, Indiana, high school and Paul W. and accompanied us to our debates. I did not want to be on the debate team, but Professor Haramy enlisted Milhouse, a 1928 graduate of Lawrenceville, me and wrote the introduction for my presentation. I Illinois, high school, enrolled as students in the do not remember our debate topic, nor the schools we fall of 1929. We were married in 1932. What debated, but I remember Professor Haramy as a good follows are memories of Indiana Central College speaker and one who was in much demand for as we knew it during our student days. lectures to groups outside Indiana Central. 11 lrby J. Good [a 1908 graduate of Indiana Central] I remember Professor Virginia Cravens as the was president of the college while we were there. By Dean of Women and teacher of English. She had a this time a fourth dormitory had been built, two for reputation of being a strict disciplinarian. There were girls and two for boys. I worked on the construction "hours" for the girls to be in the dormitory for study. of the gymnasium, originally a temporary structure, Frances and I "dated" and visited in the basement of but still "temporary" many years later. The only the woman's dormitory under Miss Cravens' academic building, however, was the main building, watchful eye. We got along with her quite well and now called Good Hall. she even went out for drives on some of our dates. Life at Indiana Central was far from dull, Professor Stewart, [ believe, was assistant or however. One day during mandatory chapel service associate dean with Professor Cravens. I think she an alarm clock went off while Professor John A. lived in one of the women's residence halls and Cummins was speaking. It was not as funny as the Professor Cravens lived in the other one. I also prankster expected, because Dr. Cummins was believe Professor Stewart taught English and Home probably the most respected professor on the faculty. Economics. Some of the fellows thought she was I had Professor Cummins for my teacher in more reasonable than Professor Cravens when it philosophy at the time because I was majoring in came to enforcing rules. As I remember Professor Philosophy and Bible. I took Logic as well as other courses from him. During one summer I took a correspondence course from Professor Cummins. As I remember him, he was a rather large man who had a 11 Indeed Fred Hill's history ofTndiana Central (Downright Devotion to the Cause) based on a report of President Good, gives Haramy credit for giving 56 addresses to 8,000 people in the Indianapolis area in 1930- one of the 10 Indiana Central College, Bulletin, 3 7, #2, June 1944. years when Paul Milhouse was a student. 3 Stewart, she was a thin lady, while Professor Cravens of him, because his grading was so strict, that he was what I would call "stout." wanted to make doctors out of all of us. Professor Sybil Weaver also taught English. I Nonetheless, he was a good teacher and was well believe she was my counselor [adviser], at least I regarded by the faculty and by the student body. looked to her for advice. She encouraged me to Professor V. 0. Weidler, brother to Bishop take courses in English because she thought I Weidler, was in the Education Department. I needed them if I were to be a minister. In later visited with him on several occasions. Frances years I wished I had listened to her more closely had a high regard for him as well as for Dr. and had taken more of her courses. Stoneburner, also a member of the Education I rented a garage behind the place where Department, who supervised practice [student] Professor Ethel Mathias lived for $5 a month. I teaching. I did not know either man well, but had driven my 1927 green Ford Coupe to school remember them as respected members of the so that I could take my tuba and my clothes. The faculty who were effective teachers. I worked in horn in its felt cover sat on the seat beside me. I the campus post office and remember these and had purchased the car for $15 per month-a total other faculty members who often received a of $175- while I was pastor at Birds, Illinois. I small part of the salary coming to them because had served as pastor on the Birds Circuit for of the financial difficulty of the college. All of fifteen months between high school and college. the time I worked in the post office the It was my father's idea that I find a garage for professors never received 10 0% of their salary. the car while in school. Perhaps it was a good Professor H. H. Gilliatt taught Bible and idea because I had the car all through college and Religious Education when I was a student. I when Frances and I were married in 1932. remember him as a quiet man. He was also my Professor Durwood L. Eaton [PhD, Indiana teacher for a year or two, then he went to University] taught chemistry and Professor Bonebrake Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, as Floyd E. Beghtel [PhD, University of Cincinnati] Professor of Bible. Dr. Loren Noblitt was taught Botany. I took botany. The class met at Professor of Bible for the remainder of the time I 7:30 in the morning and I must admit that I was was a student. Both of these men were good often sleepy at class time. Professor Beghtel teachers and helped me gain a clearer knowledge visited Frances at her home in Ogilville to talk to and understanding of the Bible and its place in her about coming to college. Her mother laughed the life of the Church. when she talked about the visit saying that Professor Beghtel looked down at the floor all the time he talked to her. Dr. Beghtel was the first Indiana Central alumnus (class of 1912) to Telescope-Messenger earn a doctorate and return to the faculty.12 Our music program was under the direction Is published twice yearly by the Center of Professor Jane Johnson Burroughs. She was For the Evangelical United Brethren Heritage United Theological Seminary vice-president of the Federated Music Clubs of 4501 Denlinger Road Indiana. I remember some of her chapel Trotwood, OH 45426 programs. She explained how many popular tunes of the day were based on classical music Editor: Robert L. Frey and how they contrasted. She was a large lady Compositor: Patricia Frey with a beautiful singing voice. Printer: Mound Printing Co. Inc. Dr. William Pitt Morgan [PhD, Indiana University] was another Indiana Central graduate Correspondence should be sent to the editor at to earn a doctorate. He taught biology and 1356 Hidden Creek Drive physics. I took some of his courses and made my Miamisburg, OH 45342 lowest grades in them. Many of the students said [email protected] 12 Frederick D. Hill, Downright Devotion to the Cause (2002), pp. 167-68. 4 Professor Leora Weimar was Chairperson of students." Our dean ate with us and took the the Speech Department. I took a class in speech occasion to teach us "how to eat properly." Some from her and, of course, I had to give speeches chapel sessions were devoted to talks by the dean before the class. I remember her chief criticism on etiquette. was that I put my hands in my pockets when The pastor of the University Heights Church speaking. I am sure she had other criticisms, but was our chaplain. We met in the auditorium on because of the many years that have passed I the second floor of the main building for have forgotten them. worship. Our Sunday school classes met in As a student I drove President Good's car different classrooms. Christian Endeavor (youth from time to time chauffeuring him to fellowship) met on Sunday evenings in the appointments. I also drove for the business office college building. We also had an organized to do banking tasks and to pay bills. On these Volunteers for Missions group and four literary occasions I drove the Ford Model A the college societies to teach parliamentary practices. furnished for the boys quartet that traveled on As a family, we have had a long and positive Sundays to various churches. I am not sure how associatiOn with Indiana Central College. they drove, but often they returned the car Frances' uncle, Loren Noblitt, went to the without good brakes. More than once I had to Academy of Indiana Central College for his high steer the car into the curb to stop it short of a school studies. Frances and I are graduates of the serious accident. college. Our three children and their wives or I am sure that none of us who were students husbands are graduates as are seven of our eight were aware of the "load" President Good was grandchildren and four of their spouses. carrying during those years. The college was But the University of Indianapolis today is heavily in debt, both for its buildings and for different than the Indiana Central of my student daily operations. Evan Kek worked in the office, years. One of the major differences is the cost of and he often let the farmers pay the tuition of an education there. I had a $25 scholarship per their sons' and daughters' with produce from the semester from a man at Lawrenceville. I paid farm. Students ate in a common dining room. We almost all of my remaining college expenses by were assigned tables about every six weeks so working on campus. we could become acquainted with "other Memories of Indiana Central College by Robert L. Frey Recently I found the above article by Bishop building. In fact, the only buildings on the Milhouse in my files. While reading his campus in 1956 not there in 1929 were the recollections of college life, I was struck by World War II surplus Quonset huts that served as some of the similarities and differences between married student housing. During the first the college experiences he described and my own semester of my freshman year, ground was college experiences. Since we attended the same broken for what is now Esch Hall, the new college and since I attended about a quarter administration-library classroom building. century later than Paul and Frances Milhouse, Before I graduated a new gymnasium (finally) the similarities and contrasts might be of interest was also constructed. But the University of to readers and might rekindle recollections of Indianapolis campus of 2013 would be their own. essentially unrecognizable to either Paul The campus I encountered in the fall of 1956 Milhouse or to me had we not seen it since our was strikingly similar to the campus Paul and graduation. Frances Milhouse saw in the fall of 1929. After a A major difference between 1929 and 1956 flurry of construction in the early 1920s, it was was the financial stability of the college. By the many years before the campus saw a major new time of my arrival the most serious financial 5 difficulties were history. President I. Lynd Esch members still active at the University of had been able to gain the confidence of financial Indianapolis (the name was changed during the and business leaders of Indianapolis and faculty presidency of Dr. Gene Sease) who were on the members did get paid their full salaries regularly. faculty in my day. So I guess two or three from Compared to most colleges in the mid-1950s, Bishop Milhouse's day to my day would be however, Indiana Central was still poorly funded normal. and faculty and staff salaries were modest. The makeup of the faculty in my era was Furthermore, there was "a culture of poverty" at similar to that of the faculty in Bishop the school reinforced by faculty members such as Milhouse's era. Because of the financial history Dr. William Pitt Morgan, Professor Sybil of the college it was difficult to hire qualified Weaver, Virginia Cravens, and others who told faculty members (i.e., faculty members with us stories of tuition being paid in turnips along doctorates) because of low salaries. That was with other tales. still true in 1956. As a result the faculty was Several faculty members recalled by Bishop comprised of many more Indiana Central Milhouse were also my teachers. The two senior graduates than might have been considered faculty members in 1956 were Professor Sybil acceptable by other colleges. In my case, Weaver (English) and Professor William P. however, that proved to be a plus. Two of my Morgan (Biology). I had both of them. Miss most influential professors, Robert McBride, and Weaver had a love for literature that was easily Marvin Henricks were graduates of Indiana conveyed to her students. On the other hand, we Central. William Morgan, Sybil Weaver, and were amused that whenever she read a passage James Weber were other professors of mine who containing a word such as "damn" or "shitty" she graduated from the college. simply skipped the word. Furthermore, the college had a higher Dr. Morgan had the same reputation in my percentage of faculty members who were EUB day as he had in Bishop Milhouse's day. clergymen than might be expected. Both Although I encountered his withering criticisms McBride and Henricks fit this category as did on several occasions (much deserved I must another of my favorite professors, Fred Hill. confess), I consider him one of the most While finding a clergyman teaching Bible (as in important teachers I had. He taught me the the case of James Weber) or philosophy (as in importance of precision in my work and a the case of McBride), might not be surprising, respect for and an understanding of the scientific but Prof. Henricks taught sociology and Prof. method. Hill taught history- not where you would expect Although Virginia Cravens was retired from to find clergymen. Yet this, too, I believe was a the faculty in 1956, she was still on the staff of plus because these men were more interested in the college and was highly regarded by students the "whole" person and not just their own narrow who had contact with her. Since she was no academic areas. Considering the lack of financial longer Dean of Women she was not burdened inducements Indiana Central had to offer in with the image accompanying that position. 1956, I believe the faculty was an inordinately Student pranks also were similar. During my effective teaching faculty. sophomore year Vernon Denney engineered the Since their teaching assignments were heavy, "alarm clock in the chapel" prank when speech the faculty of Bishop Milhouse's day and of my professor Dr. William Teufel was speaking. At day had little time to demonstrate scholarship the time we thought it was a totally original through the traditional academic manner of college prank, but after reading Dr. Milhouse's writing books and articles. Had most of these article I realize it was a "copy-cat" prank. men and women been given the teaching Perhaps Vernon knew this as I believe his father assignments of major universities, I am certain might have been in college at the same time as they would have "published" under the Bishop Milhouse. traditional academic definition of "scholarship." By 1985, a quarter of a century after my But most of them chose not to pursue such a graduation, there were only two or three faculty 6 path. They were interested in teaching and for or lack of same, might have been an impediment the most part they excelled in this area. to the institution. None of these situations exist By 1985 the institution had undergone a at the University of Indianapolis today and most more significant change than was the case were gone by 1985. between Bishop Milhouse's Indiana Central Like Bishop Milhouse, I had a small College and the Indiana Central College of my scholarship because my Dad was an EUB era. As mentioned earlier, the institution's name clergyman. The remainder of my expenses were had changed to the University of Indianapolis (a paid primarily by my Dad supplemented by on clear indication of a change of supporting campus jobs I held and by summer jobs at home audience and a recognition of the decline of the in Dayton, Ohio. While at Indiana Central I church relationship). Consequently, being an worked in the library and during my final year EUB (or United Methodist) was no longer a plus was the student assistant to Professor Henricks. m secunng a teaching or administrative No federal or state loans were available to me at posttlon-in fact religious affiliation was the time. Nonetheless, I graduated without any probably not even considered in hiring (although debt to me or to my family. I would not be able as late as the 1990s it appears it was a factor in to get through (perhaps I would not even be able presidential selection). Being a graduate of to get in) the University of Indianapolis today in Indiana Central was clearly a negative. In 1968 I the same way. In all likelihood, were I to was offered a teaching position at Indiana graduate it would be with a substantial debt. Central. It was not an open search. I was offered At this point it might sound as if my major the position primarily because I was a graduate. point in these recollections is that the good old About fifteen years later I was ruled out as a days of 1929 or 1956 were better than today. But candidate for dean because I was an Indiana that is not true. The University of Indianapolis of Central College graduate. What has to be 2013 is a world-class institution with an understood here is that the administrative ranks outstanding faculty comparable to any similar were still heavy with Indiana Central College college/university. The institution is on a sound graduates, so I understood the institution's financial footing and has transcended the reluctance to hire yet another alumnus. But it parochialism of an earlier era-attractive as that does show how the institution underwent a major might have been to many of us. But it is a change in the 1970s and 1980s. different age, one in which Paul Milhouse and I The final two similarities between my era would have difficulty engaging in the same way and that of Bishop Milhouse's era were the that current students would have difficulty religious orientation of the campus and the way engaging in the Indiana Central of our eras. in which we financed our education. Although Finally, while my family does not have the Bishop Milhouse does not mention religious long assoctahon with the University of orientation prominently, I believe it is because he Indianapolis that the Milhouse family does, it took it for granted. Many of the same religious does have an interesting association with EUB and literary organizations described by Bishop colleges. My grandfather, George W. Frey, Sr., Milhouse were still in place at Indiana Central attended Albright College, George W. Frey Jr. during my days. While the chapel program was (my Dad) graduated from Albright and received "under fire" it continued during my years. My an honorary doctorate from Westmar College. I era was not the first in which it was "under fire" graduated from Indiana Central and taught at either. With the exception of square dancing, no Shenandoah University. My sister and brother other forms of dancing were allowed on in-law graduated from North Central College. campus- no change from the 1929-1933 era. My daughter graduated from Otterbein College Most of the "programs" or events on campus had and my cousin attended Lebanon Valley College. a religious orientation or at least some religious Can anyone else claim such connections with all connection. The Board of Trustees was the EUB colleges? dominated by EUB clergy whose business skills, 7 United Theological Seminary NON-PROFIT Center for the Evangelical United Brethren Heritage ORGANIZATION 4501 Denlinger Road U.S. POSTAGE Trotwood, OH 45426 PAID DAYTON, OH PERMIT No. 579 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED About the Authors From the Editor John F. Sills was one of the initial members of Once again I am in need of articles for the the Evangelical Church of North America. From Telescope-Messenger. Please send any articles to 1990-2002 he served three terms as the General the editor at 1356 Hidden Creek Dr., Superintendent of the ECNA. Now retired, he Miamisburg, Ohio 45342. and his wife live in Salem, Oregon. Articles of about 3-5 pages are most in demand as I have several longer articles that will Paul W. Milhouse (1910-2005) was the last take up a single issue. But I will be delighted to living bishop who served during the years of the accept shorter or longer articles. EUB denomination. Replacing Bishop It is not necessary for the articles to be Baughman in 1960, Bishop Milhouse served as typewritten or composed on a computer. As long bishop until his retirement in 1980. Afterwards as I can read your writing, handwritten articles he remained active in the Center for the EUB are welcome. Heritage by serving on the Advisory Council and Since people who were members of the EUB by donating many items to the Center. denomination are dwindling in number, I am particularly interested in readers' recollections of Robert L. Frey is the editor of the Telescope life in the EUB church in the local, conference, Messenger. or national settings. 8

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