TTTTeeeelllleeeepppphhhhoooonnnniiiinnnngggg iinn EEnngglliisshh 1 CCOONNTTEENNTTSS:: 1. General 2. Telephone etiquette 33. Suggggestions for… (cid:190) Answering the phone, introduction (cid:190) Asking for someone (cid:190) Someone is not at the number you called (cid:190)(cid:190) TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa ccaallll (cid:190) The person has another call (cid:190) The person is unavailable / availability (cid:190) Asking someone to repeat information (cid:190) Asking for the caller’s name (cid:190) Asking a person to clarify their name (cid:190) Messages (cid:190) SSttaarttingg aandd eenddingg aa ccoonvveerssaattioon (cid:190) Answering services 4. Oral exercises 5. The international telephone alphabet 66. NNumbber pronunciiatiions && symbbolls 7. Oral exercises & discussions 2 GGEENNEERRAALL TEL·E·PHONE noun: An instrument that converts voice and other sound signals into a fform tthhatt can bbe ttransmiittttedd tto remote locations and that receives and reconverts waves into sound signals. verb: To communicate by telephone Synonyms: bbuuzzzz, ccaallll, rriinngg, ddiiaall, pphhoonnee Idioms: get someone on the horn ggiivvee ssoommeeoonnee aa bbuuzzzz Etymology: Tele- comes from the Greek form tele- , meaning afar, far off, while phhone comes ffrom tthhe GGreekk phhon- meaning sound, voice. 3 GGEENNEERRAALL We do not telepphone to someone. No preposition is needed: (cid:190) We make a phone call (cid:190) We dial a number (cid:190) We contact someone by phone (cid:190) We give someone a call (cid:190) We give someone a ring (cid:190) We telephone someone (cid:190)(cid:190) WWe gett hholldd off someone (cid:190) We get in touch with someone What does this mean? (cid:190) Put someone through (cid:190) PPut someone on hholldd (cid:190) Hang up on someone 4 (cid:190) Tie up the line TTEELLEEPPHHOONNEE EETTIIQQUUEETTTTEE HOW TO SPEAK (cid:190) Speak with a rich, vibrant voice. Smile with your voice! (cid:190) Speak with a melodious rather than a monotone voice (cid:190) Speak moderately loudly at a moderate pace – varying both for appropriate emphasis HOW MANY RINGS TO ALLOW (cid:190)(cid:190) AAnnsswweerr nnoo llaatteerr tthhaann tthhee tthhiirrdd rriinngg HOW TO GREET CUSTOMERS ON THE PHONE (cid:190) Discontinue any other conversation or activity such as eating, chewing gum, typing, etc that can be heard by the calling party. (cid:190) Give your first and last name and identify your department (cid:190) When transferring a call, be sure to explain to the caller that you are doing so and where you are transferring them. (cid:190)(cid:190) IIff tthhee ccaalllleerr hhaass rreeaacchheedd tthhee wwrroonngg ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt, bbee ccoouurrtteeoouuss. IIff ppoossssiibbllee, attempt to find out to whom they should speak. They will appreciate it. REMEMBER You may be the first and only contact a person may have with your department, and that first impression will stay with the caller long after the call is completed. 5 SSUUGGGGEESSTTIIOONNSS FFOORR…… ANSWERING THE PHONE (cid:190) Company X, good morning. (cid:190) Company X, how may I help you? (cid:190) Comppanyy X,, Janet Jones sppeakingg. (cid:190) This is Janet Jones of company X, good morning. INTRODUCTIONS (cid:190) Good morning, Kevin Black speaking. (cid:190)(cid:190) HHeelllloo. TThhiiss iiss KKeevviinn BBllaacckk hheerree. (cid:190) Good morning. My name is Kevin Black. (cid:190) This is Kevin Black speaking. HHow tto GGreett CCusttomers on tthhe Phone Give your first and last name. 6 Identify your department. SSUUGGGGEESSTTIIOONNSS FFOORR…… ASKING FOR SOMEONE (cid:190)(cid:190) CCoouulldd II ssppeeaakk ttoo MMrr SSmmiitthh, pplleeaassee?? (cid:190) I’d like to speak to Mr Smith, please? (cid:190) I’m trying to contact Mr Smith. (cid:190) Is Mr Smith available? (cid:190) Could you put me through to the HR department? (cid:190)(cid:190) CCoouulldd yyoouu tteellll mmee wwhhaatt ttiimmee tthhee MMaannaaggiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr will be available? (cid:190) Could you tell me who is in charge of invoicing? (cid:190)(cid:190) CCoouulldd yyoouu ttrraannssffeerr mmee ttoo eexxtteennssiioonn 3344, pplleeaassee?? (cid:190) Could you put me through to sales, please? 7 SSSSUUUUGGGGGGGGEEEESSSSTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNSSSS FFFFOOOORRRR…… SOMEONE IS NOT AT THE NUMBER YOU CALLED (cid:190)(cid:190) II’mm ssoorrrryy, bbuutt hhee ddooeessnn’tt wwoorrkk hheerree anymore. (cid:190) I’m sorry, he has retired. (cid:190)(cid:190) II’mm aaffrraaiidd wwee ddoonn’tt hhaavvee aannyybbooddyy hheerree bbyy that name. (cid:190) Sorry, there’s no one of that name working here. (cid:190) Hee’ss noott aatt tthiss nuumbbeer aanyy loonggeer.. Hiss new number is 122 078 (cid:190) I’m sorry but this is extension 232 not 323. (cid:190) Sorryy,, I think yyou’ve ggot the wrongg number. (cid:190) Would you like to speak to somebody else? 8 SSUUGGGGEESSTTIIOONNSS FFOORR…… TRANSFERRING A CALL (cid:190)(cid:190) II’llll cchheecckk iiff hhee’ss iinn.. (cid:190) Just a moment please, I’ll put you through to Mr Smith. (cid:190)(cid:190) OOnnee mmoommeenntt pplleeaassee, II’llll ttrraannssffeerr you… (cid:190) Just connecting you now. 9 SSUUGGGGEESSTTIIOONNSS FFOORR…… THE PERSON IS UNAVAILABLE (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is not available right now. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is unavailable at the moment. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is not in today. (cid:190)(cid:190) II’’m affraiidd MMr SSmiithh iis iin a meetiing. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is on holiday. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is out for lunch. (cid:190)(cid:190) II’mm aaffrraaiidd MMrr SSmmiitthh iiss oonn ssiicckk--lleeaavvee. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith is on paternity leave. (cid:190) I’m afraid Mr Smith has just left for the day. (cid:190) I am sorry, but he is out of town. (cid:190) I’m sorry, there’s no reply. (cid:190) He’s not available this morning but if yyoouu ccoouulldd pphhoonnee aaggaaiinn tthhiiss aafftteerrnnoooonn hhee should be in the office by then. II’mm aaffrraaiidd MMrr SSmmiitthh iiss abroad/away for a couple 10 of days/away on business.