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Telebasis aureipennis Jurzitza, 1980, a junior synonym of T. theodori (Navas, 1934) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) PDF

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Preview Telebasis aureipennis Jurzitza, 1980, a junior synonym of T. theodori (Navas, 1934) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Odonalologica20(4):459-463 December I, 1991 TelebasisaureipennisJurzitza, 1980,ajuniorsynonymof T. theodori(Navas, 1934)(Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) R.W.Garrison 1030Fondale Street, Azusa,CA91702-0821,UnitedStates Received July22, 1991 / AcceptedSeptember21, 1991 Comparison oftheholotypeofArgia theodori with asmall series of Telebasis aureipennisandillustration ofaparatypemaleshowthese2 spp.tobesynonyms.The holotypeisdescribed,pertinentdiagnosticcharacters areillustrated,andacomparison with T. carotaKennedyisprovided. INTRODUCTION Over the last several years, 1 have been working intensively on neotropical species of the genus Argia in hopes ofunraveling this bewildering complex of describedand undescribedspecies. Much work onthis genus hasbeen doneby Mrs Leonora K. Gloyd over the last 40 years. During several visits to the Universityof Michigan, 1havehadtheprivilege ofexamining therichholdingsof thisgenus.Gloyd hadalready puttogetheracomplete listofallnamesusedunder Argia, and several species ofthe genus were described by Longinos Navas. Resolutionof names proposed by Navas has normallybeendifficult owing to inadequate descriptions and concomitantunavailability oftypes. Duringthe 1930’s, Gloyd hadtheforesighttoborrowseveraltypespecimens of Argia namedby Navas while he was stillalive. Among this materialwas the holotype femaleof Argia theodoridescribed by Navas in 1934from Caixlas [sic], Brazil. KENNEDY (1936: 811), in discussing T. carota Kennedy, stated: ’’AmongtypesofspeciesofArgialoaned the UniversityofMichiganforstudybyMrs.Gloyd,Navas included theuniquefemaleholotypeofArgiatheodori Navas(1934).DoctorCalvert wasvisitingat AnnArboratthetime(June,1935).Both heandMrs.Gloyddecided r/teoctonwasaTelebasiswithits probablenearest describedrelative sanguinalis.Thepresentwritersawthespecimenatthattimebut wasnotthen interested inTelebasis somadenocomparisonswiththepresentmaterial ofcarota. FromNavas’descriptiontheodoriisthesamesizeascarota,hasthesamevenationbutisaspecieswith 460 R.W. Garrison morered ontheoccipitalregionandhasadarkerabdomen. Itisfrom"Caixias”,Brazil,whichfrom otherrecords in thesamearticle should be Caxias,Rio Grande do Sul. JURZITZA(1980) described Telebasisaureipennis basedonthreemalesfrom MisionesProv., Argentina, and stated thatthis species was closesttoT. carota (’’DieneueArtstehtderTelebasiscarotaKennedy, 1936nahe;dieBestimmungs- tabellevon ST.QUENTIN(1960)fiihrtzudieserArt hin”).Throughthekindness of Dr Gerhard Jurzitza, I was ableto borrow one oftheparatype males in 1989 and made illustrations of various diagnostic characters (Figs 1-4). In November, 1990,1visited theFloridaStateCollectionofArthropods(FSCA) at theUniversityofFloridaatGainesvilleandDr MinterJ.Westfall,Jr.,loanedme someNavastypematerial describedunderthegenusArgia. Among thesespeci- mens was the holotype female of A. theodori, whose diagnostic characters I illustratein Figures 5-6. 1alsoexaminedasmallunidentifiedseriesoffive male and threefemale Telebasisfrom Brazil(Rio Vermelho, SantaCatarina, Brazil, Jan. 1944. A. Mailer, coll.,Frank Johnson,donor). Comparison ofthesespecimens withillustrationsImadeoftheparatypeofT. aureipennis leavesnodoubtthattheyareconspecific, butafurthercomparisonof themalewiththeholotype ofTelebasistheodoriconvincesmethatT.aureipennis is ajuniorsynonymof T. theodori.Allspecimens sharethesamegeneral facies, size, andappeartobe unique in havingflavescentwings, afeaturementionedin the descriptions ofboth Navas(”Alaemembranalevissimeflavotincta...”)and Jurzitza’s (’’Membran gelblich getdnt...”). The distribution of Telebasis theodori includes Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states, Brazil, and Misiones Province, Argentina. REDESCRIPTION OF TELEBASIS THEODORI Becausetheoriginal descriptionofTelehasisiheodori isnotdetailed andis generallyunavailable toodonatologists,I include a descriptionoftheholotypeand a coupletwith which to separate femalesofT. Iheodori and T. caroia. HOLOTYPE female.— Entire face pale orange, especially so on labrumwith following areas black: a mediantriangular spot encompassing ocellar triangle with a long narrow anterolateralarmextending frombehind lateralocellusto and touching large subquadrate spot adjacent to compound eye, the same as showninfig. 1 ofJURZITZA(1980); fronsangulate, rearofheadentirely pale. Prothorax(Fig. 6) entirely pale with hintof darkermedianline atjuncture of middlelobes and with a pale area oneither sidefollowed morelaterally by a diffuselongitudinal darkline; anteriormargin ofhind lobe with a pairof short anterolateral digits appressed against median lobe. Synthorax entirely pale, more so laterally, with a narrow black middorsal stripe adjacent to antealar crest and middorsal thoracic carina(Fig. 5), its upperend barely touching antealarcrest, itslowerend diverging anterolaterally encompassing medial0.5 SynonymyofTelebasis aureipemisand T. theodori 461 Figs1-7. Tefebasisspp.:(1)Caudal appendagesofparatypemale T.aureipennis(Argentina:Misiones Prov.,ParqueNac. Iguazu,PestacamentoCalaratas,12Nov. 1975,G. Jurzitza),leftlateralview;— (2) same,dorsalview; —(3) same,obliquelateroposteriorview; —(4) same,dorsolateral viewof synthorax;—(5)T.theodori,holotypefemale,dorsolateral view ofsynthorax;—(6)same,dorso- lateralviewofprothoraxandmesostigmalplates;—(7)T.carotafemale(Peru:JunlnDept.,Satipo,6 Jan. 1941,P. Paprzycki, det. L.K.Gloyd 1976),dorsolateral view ofprothorax and mesostigmal plates. ofmesostigmal plate. Mesostigmal plate triangular, withstrongly raisedposte- riormargin. Legs entirely pale, armature black. Wings slightly flavescent, venationdullorangebrown,slightly darkerdistally, 462 R.W. Garrison pterostigma dullorangebrown. Postnodals;forewing 13/13,hindwing 11/[right hindwing missing]; postquadrangular cells3inallwings, 1R originating at6th 2 postnodal crossvein inforewings, at 5th inlefthindwing. Abdomenentirelyorange,annulislightlydarker,adiffusemedianbrownspot on segment 1; cerci orange brown. Vulvulae of ovipositor extending slightly beyond segment10. Hind wing 19mm, abdomen 26.5mm. Holotype with following labels:(1) small palegreenlabel:’’Caxias/(Brasil)/ X1I-1932[not 1931 as stated in original description]”all inNavas’ hand, — (2) larger pale greenrectangular label;’’Argia/theodori 9 Nav. [handwritten]/?. Navas S.J. det.[printed]”, —(3) rectangular pale pink label;’Typus” inNavas’ hand.In FloridaState Collectionof Arthropods, Gainesville. Mrs L.K. Gloyd kindly gaveme a pair of Telebasis carota, from whichthe femalesofT. theodoricanbereadily distinguished by the following couplet: I Entireepicraniumblackexceptfornarrowpaleanterolateral lineextendingfromlateral ocellus, rear ofheadblack;synthoraxwithblackmiddorsal stripecontinuous,notinterruptedmediallyby middorsal thoraciccarinaorantealarcrest;mesostigmalplatewithposteriormarginarcuate,not raised,separatedfromposteromedialtubercle(Fig.7).NapoandOrienteprovinces, Ecuador,and Junln Dept., Peru carota I' Entireepicraniumpaleexceptforareawithinocellartriangle,largesubquadrateblackspotnextto compoundeye, andnarrowline extendingbehindlateral ocellusconnectingwithquadratespot; rearofhead pale,synthoraxwithblackmiddorsal stripewidelyinterruptedbymiddorsal thoracic carina and antealar crest (Fig.5); mesostigmalplatetriangular,itsposteriormarginlinear and stronglycostate(Fig.7). SouthernBrazil and Misiones Province,Argentina theodori KENNEDY(1936:815), inciting theNavaspaper,stated: ..Navas describes as Argia Theodori, sp. nov. from ’Caixias’, Brazil, a female Telebasis which Calvert and Mrs Gloyd, who examined the type loaned to the University of Michigan, decidedwas aspecies otherwiseundescribedbutnear Telebasissan- guinalisCalv.”1havenot seenfemalesof T.sanguinalis, butbody colorationand head maculationofmalesprecludes conspecificitybetweenthesetwospecies. The epicranium ofmale(andmostlikely female) T.sanguinalis is mostlyblackwith only aredarealateraltotheocellartriangle.Therearofthehead isblackandthe extensor surfacesofthefemoraareblack. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Drs WINTER J. WESTFALL, Jr, and SIDNEY W. DUNKLE ofthe International OdonataResearchInstitute,Gainesville,Florida,forallowingmetoexaminethetypeofT. theodori, formakingavailable specimensofthe genus,andforcriticism ofthemanuscript.Generous thanks also go to MARK O’BRIEN and Dr BARRY O’CONNOR, Associate Curator and Curator, respectively, ofthe University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, forproviding me with fundinghelpin workingovertherichOdonatacollection atthatinstitution. 1alsooweagreatdebtofgratitudeand thankstoMrs LEONORAK.GLOYD,who,overtheyears, has patientlyanswered mynumerous questionsonArgiaandhas guidedme downthecorrect pathsmanytimesduringmyresearch. Synonymyof Telehasisaureipennisand T. iheodori 463 REFERENCES JURZITZA,G., 1980.Telebasis aureipennisspec.nov. ausIguazü, Misiones, Argentinien(Zygo- ptera: Coenagrionidae).Odonalologica9(2): 185-187. KENNEDY, C.H., 1936. Telebasis flammeola,T. carota and T. livida, new dragonfliesfrom Ecuador. Ann. ent.Soc. Am.29(4):804-815. NAVAS, L., 1934. Insectossuramericanos, Novena[octava onreprint]Serie. Revta Acad. den. Madrid 31; 155-184. ST.QUENTIN,D.,I960. ZurKenntnis derAgrioninae(Coenagrioninae)Südamerikas (Odonata). Bein, neolrop. Fauna 2:45-64.

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