R.NALNo TELMUL 2016703158, TSE Na. 1051201719, THE TELANGANA GAZETTE PART- Tl EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Neal TIYDERARAD, SATURDAY, JANUARY #5, 2020, NOTIFICATIONS BY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, Ete. PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS. i _ NOTICE No Legs Reps snp She Pbtewon of Pte Ahern rcairg Changs of We! Surman ne npn Cave Pesne ring hs cig il ema) Frcs ee ea teasecunce, tary an als ray hc tipesnio ce, However. Coverm=e do 80 S50 a” ‘marry fr Hy coven ft a pany toc aveticme (@y Order) Commistoncr of Printing, Stationery & Slore Purch CHANGE OF NAME |, AKSHAYA Dio. LAKSHMINARASIMHAK LM. SARALA MMe, KV SWFF RAMIT BLA, NAGARAJAN, Intermediate Student, shall House Wit sall heneefor be Liow 2s PUJARL hhereeloth be hnow is AKSHAYA THENKARAL KATYAVINI Win. FUJART HARINATHBABL, LAKSHMINARASIMIAN Dj. THENKARAL LCAKSUIBMINARASIMITAR Hyena, Kv, SARATA, masa tearm ancstava 1 CHOTIBI Dis, ANJANEYULL, lowe Wife Shall ence he snouma: GANDIKOTA DURGA Wo, GANDIKOTA ATL Degree Pebine earstable 477, Miyzpur Poles Staion EME, ID 2009008288 Cyberabad, sha benceforth be ‘im as KURWA KRISHNA. KURVA KISTAIAH cuorier 1 KARINGULA VENKANKA Sic. ZARINGULA LINGASWAML, I! Tech, Police Constable, shell J], MARY DURGABAL VADAVAXHI Dio. henceforth be known a KARINGULA VENKAT GANGADWARARAMARAO V. B.A. B.Ed, House GUD, {Wie shallhenerfonh be mas MANREALLE DURGA MANASA Wa MANERALLT VENRATAPATEOL Kondeper, KARINGULA VENKANNA, Kulagell, — MARYDURGABal VapAPaRTHI 18012000, Team ai G75, 2 TELANGANA GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY luantt SATHVIKA, Age | year 6 be known as CAJIRIE Wy Bangor GATE ors, shall heucetor VARATAKA, manesmwan. (Signature of Poren) My Daughits VEMURI VAKNITHA, Age 9 montis. shall honvefo-ih be known a VEMURL NANA. PRASANNA. Bechupull, —Y SAMBASIVA KAO VEMUE eo 2m, (Signcture of Poet) acc Hea 2m. [My Son. SAL, Age 4 years 8 months, Sasdent (ese JP KG, shall hence heron as MALYALA NAGA SAI BRUNDHAN. MALVALA SHARATH KUMAR (Sigutue ot Pee ~ rivate Friployec. she lbcefor be ken vs SEEDULA JOSEPH KIRAN, Koos, SEDULA.3OSPFH KIRAN 1e012020., 1, K. Rauaswany So, KRISHNAIAH. B.Se., Farmer, shall henvefonh he ceowm ae DUNVAST RAMASWAMY Sio, DUVVASE BALALAH, forthe parpose ferme on i rengentorissezumedtinsehn recur dv i parental stake elder, 1K, RAMASWAMY 18401-2000. 1. MOHD AHMED Sia. Laz ABDUL JABBAR Jntes,CZTS Lraning Oiiss, shall heacee=th be knows. as MOHAMMED AHMED, for the purzose of ‘eoeesos of rou enlris verre in eel reco duet potent stk Hyde, MOHD AHMED 2020. 1, MOHAMMAD ISSAC, Sie, MOHAMMAD MAJLED, §.8.C, Varies, shall herestonth Se known as MOHAMMED ISHAQ So. MLA. MAJED, dhe paposeofeoecsex of wiong entries accursed in schon meords Suto paravtal mise MOUAMMAD ISSAC, everkonds, ran 2020 1, MOHAMMAD ABDUL MAJECD S'. MOHAMMAD ABDUL ISHAO, Inter Business, shal henceforth *e known as MOWAMMED ABODE. MAJEED S/o, MOHAMMED ISHQ, for dhe purpose of correction of wong eteies occurred in ‘hoo! reords due to perma mistake Devirkenda, MOHAMMAD AEDUL MAJFED wo: 200, TAL RAJU 9. A. RAMULG, Tth Class, Pre, Enpiayes, sell henceforth be known as ANDEKAK RAI Si. ANDERAR RAMULE. ‘othe purse eoreetion of yg euries gocured in school ened uc to parental mistake. A RAIU 1, MILA AHMEDULLA 3AIG Slo. MIRZA AMJADIILLA BAIG B.So. MLB.A, Pez Bmpisye, ‘Sha! hevectorth ekarowm es MLRZA’AMMEDULLA JRAIG forthe purpose o°corsction of rong erares ‘exxurel i seuel rods de La parental sake arinnsgar, MIZA AHMEDULLA BAIG veoi2000, 1B. SRINIVASA RAO Sio, B, RAMA SWALY, Dilecha Asstt Manager, shall Ronco be known a BIGUL SRINIVASA RAO S/o. BIGUL RAMA 'SWAMY,Sothe purpose ef carection af wranzen‘res ‘secured In school rsord: de to rare t. eulatpaly 18012035 i, SRINIVASA RAO ‘hed dP ed Como af Pre, Govenca ot Tega RON eae Cel Fs, Chae e785,