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Teenage pregnancy : the economic and social costs : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, November 24, 1992 PDF

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Preview Teenage pregnancy : the economic and social costs : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, November 24, 1992

S.Hm.. 102-1150 TEENAGE PREGNANCY: THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL C^STS T HEARING BEFORETHE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND HEALTH OFTHE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE CONGRESS OI THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION NOVEMBtR24,1992 PrintedfortheuseoftheJointliconomicCommittee U.S.GOVERIN/VIEINTPRINTIJMGOFFICE 76-611 WASHINGTON:1994 ForsalebytheU.S.GovernmentPrintingOtTicc SuperintendentofDocuments,CongressionalSalesOffice,Washington,DC 20402 ISBN 0-16-043666-4 S.Hrc. 102-1150 TEENAGE PREGNANCY: THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL C^STS "V .... ^ ?S T~3^ HEARING BEFORETHE SUBCOiHMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND HEALTH OFTHE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE CONGRESS Of THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION NOVEMBiR24,1992 PrintedfortheuseoftheJoint EconomicCommittee U.S.GOVERNMENTPRINTINGOFFICE '6-6" WASHINGTON:1994 ForsalebytheU.S.GovernmentPrintingOffice Superintendentol Documents,CongressionalSalesOffice,Washington,DC 20402 ISBN 0-16-043666-4 Boston Public Library JOINT ECONOMIC COMJIUITEE [CreatedpursuanttoSec.5(a)ofPublicLaw304,79thCongress] SENATE HOUSEOFREPRESENTATIVES PAULS.SARBANES,Maryland, LEEH.HAMILTON,Indiana, Chairman ViceChairman LLOYDBENTSEN,Texas DAVIDR.OBEY,Wisconsin EDWARDM. KENNEDY,Massachusetts JAMESH.SCHEUER,NewYork JEFFBINGAMAN,NewMexico FORTNEYPETESTARK,California ALBERTGORE,Jr.,Tennessee STEPHENJ.SOLARZ,NewYork RICHARDH. BRYAN,Nevada KWEISIMFUME,Maryland WILLIAMV.ROTH,Jr.,Delaware RICHARDK.ARMEY,Texas STEVESYMMS,Idaho CHALMERSP.WYLIE,Ohio CONNIEMACK,Florida OLYMPIAJ. SNOWE,Maine ROBERTC.SMITH,NewHampshire HAMILTONFISH,Jr.,NewYork STEPHENA.QUICK,ExecutiveDirector RICHARDFKAUFMAN,GeneralCounsel EDWARDW.GILLESPIE,MinorityStaffDirector SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONANDHEALTH SENATE HOUSEorREPRESENTATIVES LLOYDBENTSEN,Texas JAMESH.SCHEUER,Maryland, Chairman JEFFBINGAMAN,NewMexico OLYMPIAJ.SNOWE,Maine ALBERTGORE,Jr.,Tennessee HAMILTONFISH,Jr.,NewYork ROBERTC.SMITH,NewHampshire (ii) 1 CONTENTS WITNESSESAND STATEMENTS FORTHE RECORD Tuesday,November24,1992 PAGE Scheuer, Hon. James H., Chairman, Subcommittee on Education and Health,Joint Economic Committee: Opening statement . . 1 Elders,Joycelyn, Director,Arkansas DepartmentofHealth 4 Walters, Hon. David, GovernorofOklahoma 12 Johnson,Jane,Vice President ofAffiliate Development and Educa- tion, Planned Parenthood 19 Burt, Martha, SeniorFellow, The Urban Institute 23 Rosoff,Jeannie I., President, TheAlan GuttmacherInstitute .... 30 Faulkner, Reverend Michael Minister for Youth, Calvary Baptist J., Church in NewYork City 35 SUBMISSIONSFORTHERECORD Dr. Elders: Prepared statement 41 GovernorWalters: Prepared statement 45 Study entitled "Expenditures and Investments: Adolescent Pregnancyin the South" 48 Ms.Johnson: Prepared statement 70 Ms. Burt: Prepared statement 72 Study conducted by The Center for Population Options enti- ded "Teenage Pregnancy and Too-Early Childbearing: Public Costs, Personal Consequences" 81 Ms. Rosoff: Prepared statement 89 Issues in Brief, March 1990 92 Study entitled "Teenage Pregnancy in Developed Countries: Determinants and PolicyImplications" 96 Rev. Faulkner: Prepared statement 107 (iii) TEENAGE PREGNANCY: THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COSTS Tuesday,November24,1992 CongressoftheUnitedStates, SubcommitteeonEducationandhealth, JointEconomicCommittee, Washington, DC. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:18 a.m., in room 2359, Ray- burn House Office Building, HonorableJames H. Scheuer (Chairman ofthe Subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representative Scheuer. Also present: William Buechner and David Podoff, professional staffmem- bers. OPENINGSTATEMENTOFREPRESENTATIVESCHEUER, VICECHAIRMAN Representative Scheuer. This is a Subcommittee of the Joint Economic Committee. We have a broad ranging mission looking at the economy ofour country and the things that impactit. When Governor Bill Clinton was elected President on November 3, it seemed to me that we ought to be on the eve of a revolution in reproductive rights, facilities, services and reproductive research, and that at long last the needs of young women in our society for contraceptive care and for a total concern fortheirreproductiveprivilegesis longoverdue. Sincewe are on thebrink ofthis true revolution, it would be helpful for the guidance ofthe Congress and to be helpful to the President, to have a hearing and think about this subject, and to advise both the Congress and the Presi- dent. Just consider these facts: Every 21 seconds a 15- to 19-year-old woman becomes sexually active for the first time. Every 64 seconds an infant is born to a teenage mother, truly children having children. Between 1986 and 1990 adolescent childbearing increased 16 percent, from 38.4 percent to 44.6 per- cent. Every year more than a million teenagers become pregnant. Every year a million girls become pregnant, and halfofthese pregnancies result in the birth ofa child, a halfmillion cases, 500,000 childrenhavingchildren. Thev—ast majorityofthese children are born into fa—milies headed bya single mother the most poverty-stricken group inAmerica the type offamily that is least able to nurture and raise a young infant to maturitywith all ofthe life support, the caring, the love, the nutrition, the rich exposure to life's exciting possibilities, the education and skills trainingthattheyneed. These women are not yet ready to have families. Only a third of teenage mothers have a high-school degree, compared to 25 percent of mothers 25 (1) and over. Only halfofpregnantteenagers knowenough to seekearlyprenatal care, compared to 85 percent ofoldermothers. Many of these young women and their families will spend much of their lives in poverty. The Congressional Budget Office recently reported that half of all adolescent mothers begin receiving Aid to Families With Dependent Children within five years afterhavingtheir first child, while three-quartersof unmarried adolescent mothers will go onAFDC within five years oftheir first child. As I said before, a newPresident is going to take office onJanuary20, with a mandate from the American people to change this Nation's direction from its utterly sterile and emptyposture relating to young girls and their reproduc- tive needs to something much fuller, much more rich and much more rele- vant. We have a numberofwitnesses before us this morningwho are goingto present some ideas fordealingwith this problem ofteenage pregnancy. I am sure that the hearing record of this morning will be brought to Presi- dent Clinton's attention. We hope and are confident that he will take it to heart and act on it, many ofthese suggestions emanating from this morning's witnesses. Where teenage pregnancy results from ignorance of family planning meth- ods, the challenge for the new administration would be to help with better channels of information for young people as to where they can seek help in meetingtheirreproductive needs. Where pregnancy results from lack of convenient family planning services and from lackofappropriate familyplanning technology, then the challenge is to create more and better institutions for family planning and to support the research in order to give us a broader array of contraceptive technology, so that in that full array, therewillbe something appropriate fora younggirl. Where teenage pregnancy results from immaturity or a lack of responsibil- ity, the challenge is to find ways to support the efforts of families and social institutions toraiseourNation's childrentobe mature and responsible adults. Wh—ere teen pregnancy results from despair that lif—e offers no alterna- tives no job prospects, no income, no respect, no hope the challenge then is to provide opportunities forbetter education, job training, employment and advancement forboth youngmen andwomen. The Subcommittee isveryfortunate to have a distinguished set ofwitnesses here this morningto address the issue ofadolescent pregnancyand what todo about it. Our first witness is Dr. Jocelyn Elders, Director of the Arkansas Depart- ment ofHealth, and who has served Governor Clinton in this capacity for the past five years. She will then be followed by Governor David Walters of Oklahoma, who has taken a strong interest in this subject through the Southern Governors Association's CenteronAdolescent PregnancyPrevention. Thenwewill followwith a paneloffourexpertwitnesses. Because this hearing was not announced or planned until after election day, it was very difficult to round up Members to come here. They are all back in their district celebrating, I suppose, and prepari—ng for the new con- gressional session. Because I am the sole Member here and it may be be- cause I have retired and I am not running for re-election, that may be the reason why I am here and the Members of the Com—mittee who have been elected are back home preparing for the new session because I am chairing this hearing, I don't have to share time with other colleagues for questioning, soI maydo some questioningwhile you are all speaking, or aftereach witness while the questions are fresh inmymind. I do want to interject at this moment my deep appreciation and enormous admiration for the gendeman sitting at my right and at your right, one of the leading staffexperts, Bill Buechner. Bill had a right to feel that the demands on his time after the election were going to be a litde less than they had been in a hectic session. But when he and I discussed this hearing, he was en- thused, full ofpep, vim and vigor, and he totally agreed that this hearing was important, timely and significant, and he threw himselfinto it with total con- cern and dedication. I want to say what a great pleasure it has been working with him over the past many years. We all owe him a debt of gratitude. He has done some great things for his country. He did a cost-benefit study of the GI Bill of Rights afterWorld WarII which validated what an important payoffthe Fed- eral Gover—nment got forprovidingyoungmen and women with postsecondary education an enormous payoff. It is such a good investment that it is hard to see howwe can fail to do it. This is especiallyrelevant at a timewhenwe do not have a skilled, competi- tive, viable work force that can compete successfully in global commerce with the work forces in the developed world. It is urgent for us to complete the mission and the challenge ofproducing a competitive skilled work force. Two thirds of all of the jobs that are available in New York City, right now, for youngpeople require some postsecondaryeducation. Now, that has not been true in the past. We had one very visionary presi- dent who, in 1948, produced a report on postsecondary education. His name was HarryTruman. At that time he recommended that we ought to have two years of assured, paid-for education beyond high school; in effect, that we should extend our education system from K through 12 to K throug—h 14. Now, if you will add some kind ofinflation factor to that K through 14 not inflation, but a way—of increasing the demands of society for skilled persons from 1948 to 1992 I think you could easily say, if Harry Truman had been writing that report today, he would say let's have four years ofpostsecondary education as an entitlement. It was Bill Buechner who gave us the sophisticated understanding ofwhat an enormous payoffthere would be to our society in moving in that direction. I hope that tne new Clinton Administration will give deep thought to Bill Buechner's study and the enormous potential for our country toward giving each young person an entidement to go through 12 plus four years of educa- tion, starting from kindergarten. Of course, he had a hand in doing a cost- benefit analysis ofthe Head Start program, too. That, also, has a tremendous cost-benefit, from $7 to $12 back to the government for every dollar that we invest. So what he is suggesting and what I firmly endorse is that we restructure oureducation system so that it is Kminus two to Kplus four. In otherwords, two years of an enriched free-school program, plus 12 ofelementary and sec- ondary education and four years of postsecondary education, to give us the skilled, dynamic work force which our country urgently needs and which we owe toouryoungpeople. I want to express this profound debt ofgratitude and myrespect and affec- tion forthiswonderful man, Bill Buechner. I also want to introduce David Podoff. He has been a trusted staffmem- ber on the Joint Economic Committee staff for years, and I want to express my appreciation tohim. All right, let's get on with the hearing and Dr. Joycelyn Elders who served Bill Clinton as DirectoroftheArkansas Department ofHealth forthe last five years. Dr. Elders is a native of Shaw, Arkansas, and has had a distinguished ca- reer in medicine. After graduating from the University ofArkansas Medical School in 1960, she worked as an intern pediatrician at the University ofAr- kansas Medical Center. She became a professor of pediatrics in 1976, receiving board certification as a pediatric endocrinologist in 1978. Based on her studies ofgrowth in chil- dren and the treatment ofhormone-related illnesses, she has written 188 arti- cles for research publication. Dr. Elders has had a scholarly background and has been in the thick ofthings in the last five years as DirectoroftheArkansas Department ofPublic Health. We are delighted to have you with us. Please take such time as you may require. STATEMENTOFJOYCELYN ELDERS, DIRECTOR,ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH Dr. Elders. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is a real pleasure for me to be here. Iwant to thank you for myselfand for all ofthe young people in this coun- try for holding what I consider a very important session to discuss the social costs ofteenage pregnancy. This is a subject with which I have been fighting long and hard since Governor Clinton appointed me as the Director of the Arkansas Department ofHealth. I might add that Governor Clinton has stood beside me the entire time since I first dumped him in an ocean ofJell-O, from sitting around a confer- ence table where I said that we were going to reduce teenage pregnancy in Arkansas. The waywe were going to do that was byhealth education, school- based clinics. Then I was asked, were we going to provide condoms at school? My response was yes, but I was not going to put them on the lunch plate. You can imagine that since then Bill Clinton has had to swim in that oceanofJell-O by my side. / Perhaps Governor Walters knows that. He has also testified, speaking to the National Governors' Conference, that he and I had been working on this problem for so long that when we started his hair was black and I was an al- bino, just to give you an idea. We are delighted that you are holding this important investigation. As you know, the problem ofteenage pregnancy serves as a barometerofour society, of how well we are doing and how much we are investing in the future. We know this subject is important. It is important because too manyofourbright youngpeople arebecomingparents before theybecome adults.

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