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379 Ke, Weiming, and Tang, Boxin, “Selecting 2””? Designs Using Pascual, Francis G., and Montepiedra, Grace, ““Model-Robust a Minimum Aberration Criterion When Some Two-Factor Test Plans With Applications in Accelerated Life Testing,” 47 ; Interactions Are Important,” 352 Kim, Seoung Bum (see Woodall, William H.) Peterson, John J., Letter to the Editor, 185 Koudelik, Rachelle (see Woodall, William H.) Sampath, Ashwin (see Jeske, Daniel R.) Lee, Ho Young (see Apley, Daniel W.) Shi, Jianjun (see Zhou, Shiyu) Lee, Hyun Cheol (see Apley, Daniel W.) Shmilovici, Armin (see Ben-Gal, Irad) Li, William, and Lin, Dennis K. J., “Optimal Foldover Plans Sitter, Randy R. (see Bingham, Derek) for Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs,” 142 Soyer, Refik (see Merrick, Jason R. W.) Li, William, Lin, Dennis K. J., and Ye, Kenny Q., “Optimal Stehouwer, Peter (see Stinstra, Erwin) Foldover Plans for Two-Level Nonregular Orthogonal De- signs,” 347 Stinstra, Erwin, den Hertog, Dick, Stehouwer, Peter, and Vest- jens, Arjen, “Constrained Maximin Designs for Computer Lin, Dennis K. J. (see Li, William) Experiments,” 340 Lindqvist, B. H., Elvebakk, G., and Heggland, K., “The Trend- Renewal Process for Statistical Analysis of Repairable Sys- Stoumbos, Zachary G. (see Woodall, William H.) tems,” 3] Taguchi, Genichi (see Jugulum, Rajesh) Littell, Ramon C. (see Hartless, Glen) Taguchi, Shin (see Jugulum, Rajesh) Logsdon, John, and Wilson, Granville Tunnicliffe, “Prediction Tang, Boxin (see Ke, Weiming) of Extreme Temperatures in a Reactor Using Measurements Tsui, Kwok-Leung (see Woodall, William H.) Affected by Control Action,” 159 Vandebroek, Martina (see Goos, Peter) Masarotto, Guido (see Capizzi, Giovanna) Variyath, Asokan Mulayath (see Abraham, Bovas) Mazzuchi, Thomas A. (see Merrick, Jason R. W.) Vestjens, Arjen (see Stinstra, Erwin) Merrick, Jason R. W., Soyer, Refik, and Mazzuchi, Thomas A.., Wilkins, James O. (see Jugulum, Rajesh) “A Bayesian Semiparametric Analysis of the Reliability and Maintenance of Machine Tools,” 58 Wilson, Granville Tunnicliffe (see Logsdon, John) Montepiedra, Grace (see Pascual, Francis G.) Woodall, William H., Koudelik, Rachelle, Tsui, Kwok-Leung, Morag, Gail (see Ben-Gal, Irad) Kim, Seoung Bum, Stoumbos, Zachary G., and Carvou- nis, MD, Christos P., “A Review and Analysis of the Nembhard, Harriet Black, and Kao, Ming Shu, “Adaptive Forecast-Based Monitoring for Dynamic Systems,” 208 Mahalanobis—Taguchi System,” 1; Response, 29 Nettleton, Dan (see Hwang, J. T. Gene) Wynn, Henry P. (see Bates, Ron A.) Notz, William, Editor’s Report, 281; Editorial Announcement, Ye, Kenny Q. (see Li, William) 283 Zhou, Shiyu, Ding, Yu, Chen, Yong, and Shi, Jianjun, Pascual, Francis G., “Theory for Optimal Test Plans for the “Diagnosability Study of Multistage Manufacturing Proces- Random Fatigue-Limit Model,” 130 ses Based on Linear Mixed-Effects Models,” 312 BOOKS REVIEWED, BY AUTHOR Agresti, Alan, Categorical Data Analysis, 109 Bhote, Keki R., The Power of Ultimate Six Sigma”, 278 Anderson, David R. (see Burnham, Kenneth P.) Biemer, Paul P., and Lyberg, Lars E., Introduction to Survey Ayyub, Bilal M., and McCuen, Richard H., Probability, Statis- Quality, 277 tics, and Reliabilitfyo r Engineers and Scientists, 276 Bisgaard, Sgren (see Tiao, George C.) Balakrishnan, N., and Rao, C. R. (editors), Handbook of Statis- Bishop, M. (see Balding, D. J.) tics 20: Advances in Reliability, 372 Blischke, Wallace R., and Murthy, D. N. Prabhakar (editors), Balding, D. J., Bishop, M., and Cannings, C. (editors), Case Studies in Reliability and Maintenance, 276 Handbook of Statistical Genetics, 112 Borgelt, Christian, and Kruse, Rudolf, Graphical Models: Bartholomew, David J., Steele, Fiona, Moustaki, Irini, and Gal- Methods for Data Analysis and Mining, 177 braith, Jane I., The Analysis of Interpretation of Multivariate Brettner, Donald (see Fasser, Yefim) Data for Social Scientists, 374 Breyfogle III, Forrest W., Implementing Six Sigma, 372 Berger, Paul D., and Maurer, Robert E., Experimental Design Brockwell, Peter J., and Davis, Richard A., /ntroduction to With Applications in Management, Engineering, and the Sci- Time Series and Forecasting, 110 ences, 105 Brown, Linfield C. (see Berthouex, Paul Mac) Berthouex, Paul Mac, and Brown, Linfield C., Statistics for En- Brunner, Edgar, Domhof, Sebastian, and Langer, Frank, vironmental Engineers, 110 Nonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Best, D. J. (see Rayner, J. C. W.) Experiments, 171 Bhat, U. Narayan, and Miller, Gregory K., Elements of Applied Burnham, Kenneth P., and Anderson, David R., Model Selec- Stochastic Processes, 270 tion and Multimodel Inference, 181 TECHNOMETRICS, NOVEMBER 2003, VOL. 45, NO. 4 380 Cannings, C. (see Balding, D. J.) Garrett, Elizabeth S. (see Parmigiani, Giovanni) Carriquiry, Alicia (see Gatsonis, Constantine) Garthwaite, Paul H., Jolliffe, Ian T., and Jones, Byron, Cawse (editor), James N., Experimental Design for Combina- Statistical Inference, 111 torial and High Throughput Materials Development, 365 Gatsonis, Constantine, Kass, Robert E., Carriquiry, Alicia, Chan, Kung-Sik, and Tong, Howell, Chaos: A Statistical Per- Gelman, Andrew, Higdon, David, Pauler, Donna K., and Verdinelli, Isabella (editors), Case Studies in Bayesian Sta- spective, 371 tistics, Vol. VI, 273 Chen, Zhengxin, Data Mining and Uncertain Reasoning, 112 Gelman, Andrew (see Gatsonis, Constantine) Chernick, Michael R., and Friis, Robert H., /ntroductory Bio- Gentle, James E., Elements of Computational Statistics, 268 statistics for the Health Sciences, 374 Gibbons, Robert D., and Coleman, David E., Statistical Meth- Chib, Siddhartha (see Press, S. James) ods for Detection and Quantification of Environmental Con- Christensen, Ronald, Plane Answers to Complex Questions: tamination, 176 Theory of Linear Models, 174 Glymour, Clark (see Spirtes, Peter) Clarke, William R. (see Woolson, Robert F.) Good, Phillip I., A Manager’s Guide to the Design and Conduct Clyde, Merlise (see Press, S. James) of Clinical Trials, 112 Cody, Ron, Longitudinal Data and SAS: A Programmer’s Gordon, M. Joseph, Jr., Six Sigma Quality for Business & Man- Guide, 173 ufacture, 278 Coleman, David E. (see Gibbons, Robert D.) Gordon, Neil (see Doucet, Arnaud) Cox, Michael A. A. (see Cox, Trevor F.) Gu, Chong, Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models, 269 Cox, R., and Solomon, P. J., Components of Variance, 363 Gunst, Richard F. (see Mason, Robert L.) Cox, Trevor F., and Cox, Michael A. A., Multidimensional Hardin, James W., and Hilbe, Joseph M., Generalized Estimat- Scaling, 182 ing Equations, 363 Crawley, Michael J., Statistical Computing: An Introduction to Harkness, Janet A., van de Vijver, Fons J. R., and Mohler, Peter Data Analysis Using S-PLUS, 369 Ph. (editors), Cross-Cultural Survey Methods, 182 Dalgaard, Peter, Introductory Statistics With R, 274 Harrell, Frank E., Jr., Regression Modeling Strategies, 170 Davis, Charles S., Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Re- Hastie, Trevor, Tibshirani, Robert, and Friedman, Jerome, The peated Measurements, 99 Elements of Statistical Learning, 267 Davis, Richard A. (see Brockwell, Peter J.) Heagerty, Patrick (see Diggle, J.) de Freitas, Nando (see Doucet, Arnaud) Hess, James L. (see Mason, Robert L.) Higdon, David (see Gatsonis, Constantine) del Castillo, Enrique, Statistical Process Adjustment for Qual- ity Control, 102 Hilbe, Joseph M. (see Hardin, James W.) Diggle, Peter J., Heagerty, Patrick, Liang, Kung-Yee, and Hill, William J. (see Tiao, George C.) Zeger, Scott L., Analysis of Longitudinal Data, 181 Hocking, Ronald R., Methods and Applications of Linear Mod- Domhof, Sebastian (see Brunner, Edgar) els, 371 Houtkoop-Steenstra, Hanneke (see Maynard, Douglas W.) Doucet, Arnaud, de Freitas, Nando, and Gordon, Neil (editors), Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice, 106 Icenogle, Marjorie L. (see Zimmerman, Steven M.) Irizzary, Rafael A. (see Parmigiani, Giovanni) Eriksson, L., Johansson, E., Kettaneh-Wold, N., and Wold, S., Multi- and Megavariate Data Analysis, 362 Jensen, Finn V., Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs, 178 Johansson, E. (see Eriksson, L.) Everitt, B. S., The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, 183 Everson, Richard (see Roberts, Stephen) Jolliffe, lan T. Principal Component Analysis, 276; see Garth- waite, Paul H. Fan, Xitao, Fels6valyi, Akos, Sivo, Stephen A., and Keenan, Jones, Byron (see Garthwaite, Paul H.) Sean C., SAS* for Monte Carlo Studies, 373 Jugulum, Rajesh (see Taguchi, Genichi) Fang, Kai-Tai (see Pan, Jian-Xin) Kalbfleisch, John D., and Prentice, Ross L., The Statistical Farebrother, R. W., Visualizing Statistical Models and Con- Analysis of Failure Time Data, 265 cepts, 175 Kantardzic, Mehmed, Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Meth- Fasser, Yefim, and Brettner, Donald, Process Improvement in ods, and Algorithms, 277 the Electronics Industry, 366 Kass, Robert E. (see Gatsonis, Constantine) Fels6évalyi, Akos (see Fan, Xitao) Kedem, Benjamin, and Fokianos, Konstantinos, Regression Fetterman, Bethel A. (see Muller, Keith E.) Models for Time Series Analysis, 364 Findlay, M. Chapman (see Thompson, James R.) Keenan, Sean C. (see Fan, Xitao) Fokianos, Konstantinos (see Kedem, Benjamin) Keller, Gerald, Applied Statistics With Microsoft Excel™ , 275 Freund, Rudolf (see Littell, Ramon) Kettaneh-Wold, N. (see Eriksson, L.) Friedman, Jerome (see Hastie, Trevor) Khuri, André I., Advanced Calculus with Applications in Sta- Friis, Robert H. (see Chernick, Michael R.) tistics, 375 Galbraith, Jane I. (see Bartholomew, David J.) Klein, Mitchel (see Kleinbaum, David G.) TECHNOMETRICS, NOVEMBER 2003, VOL. 45, NO. 4 381 Kleinbaum, David G., and Klein, Mitchel, Logistic Regression: Parmigiani, Giovanni, Garrett, Elizabeth S., Irizzary, Rafael A.., A Self-Learning Text, 109 and Zeger, Scott L. (editors), The Analysis of Gene Expres- Koronacki, Jacek (see Thompson, James R.) sion Data, 375 Krause, Andreas, and Olson, Melvin, The Basics of S-PLUS, Pauler, Donna K. (see Gatsonis, Constantine) 183 Pena, Daniel (see Tiao, George C.) Kruse, Rudolf (see Borgelt, Christian) Prentice, Ross L. (see Kalbfleisch, John D.) Lachin, John M. (see Rosenberger, William F.) Press, S. James, Chib, Siddhartha, Clyde, Merlise, Woodworth, George, and Zaslavsky, Alan, Subjective and Objective Langer, Frank (see Brunner, Edgar) Bayesian Statistics: Principals, Models, and Applications, Lawless, Jerald F., Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime 369 Data, 264 Ramsay, J. O., and Silverman, B. W., Applied Functional Data Le, Chap T., Introductory Biostatistics, 374 Analysis, 101 Lee, Alan J. (see Seber, George A. F.) Rao, C. R. (see Balakrishnan, N.) Lee, Elisa T., and Wang, John Wenyu, Statistical Methods for Rayner, J. C. W., and Best, D. J., A Contingency Table Ap- Survival Data Analysis, 372 proach to Nonparametric Testing, 105 Liang, Kung-Yee (see Diggle, J.) Rencher, Alvin C., Methods of Multivariate Analysis, 109 Liao, Tim Futing, Statistical Group Comparison, 175 Ripley, B. D. (see Venables, W. N.) Littell, Ramon, Stroup, Walter, and Freund, Rudolf, SAS for Roberts, Stephen, and Everson, Richard (editors), Independent Linear Models, 172 Component Analysis: Principles and Practice, 107 Little, R. E., Mechanical Reliability Improvement—Probability Rosenbaum, Paul R., Observational Studies, 182 andS tatistics for Experimental Testing, 367 Rosenberger, William F., and Lachin, John M., Randomization Little, R. J. A., and Rubin, D. B., Statistical Analysis With Miss- in Clinical Trials, 279 ing Data, 364 Rubin, D. B. (see Little, R. J. A.) Lyberg, Lars E. (see Biemer, Paul P.) Saar, Enn (see Martinez, Vincent J.) Malinowski, Edmund R., Factor Analysis in Chemistry, 180 Schaeffer, Nora Cate (see Maynard, Douglas W.) Martinez, Vincent J., and Saar, Enn, Statistics of the Galaxy Scheines, Richard (see Spirtes, Peter) Distribution, 108 Searle, Shayle R. (see McCulloch, Charles E.) Mason, Robert L., Gunst, Richard F, and Hess, James L., Seber, George A. F., and Lee, Alan J., Linear Regression Analy- Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, 275 sis, 362 Maurer, Robert E. (see Berger, Paul D.) Silverman, B. W. (see Ramsay, J. O.) Maynard, Douglas W., Houtkoop-Steenstra, Hanneke, Scha- Sivo, Stephen A. (see Fan, Xitao) effer, Nora Cate, and van de Zouwen, Johannes (editors), Smeeton, N. C. (see Sprent, P.) Standardization and Tacit Knowledge, 182 Solomon, P. J. (see Cox, R.) McClish, Donna K. (see Zhou, Xiao-Hua) Speed, Terry, Statistical Analysis of Gene Expression Microar- McCuen, Richard H. Modeling Hydrologic Change: Statistical ray Data, 375 Methods, 366; (see Ayyub, Bilal M.) Spirtes, Peter, Glymour, Clark, and Scheines, Richard, Causa- tion, Prediction, and Search, 272 McCulloch, Charles E., and Searle, Shayle R., Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, 99 Sprent, P., and Smeeton, N. C., Applied Nonparametric Statis- tical Methods, 369 Miller, Alan, Subset Selection in Regression, 180 Srivastava, M. S., Methods of Multivariate Statistics, 100 Miller, Gregory K. (see Bhat, U. Narayan) Stamatis, D. H., Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistics and Proba- Mohler, Peter Ph. (see Harkness, Janet A.) bility, 279 Moustaki, Irini (see Bartholomew, David J.) Steele, Fiona (see Bartholomew, David J.) Miiller, A., and Stoyan, D., Comparison Methods for Stochas- Stigler, Stephen M. (see Tiao, George C.) tic Models and Risks, 370 Stoyan, D. (see Miiller, A.) Muller, Keith E., and Fetterman, Bethel A., Regression and Stroup, Walter (see Littell, Ramon) ANOVA: An Integrated Approach Using SAS Software, 170 Stulajter, Frantisek, Predictions in Time Series Using Regres- Murthy, D. N. Prabhakar (see Blischke, Wallace R.) sion Models, 102 Nelson, Wayne B., Recurrent Events Data Analysis for Product Taguchi, Genichi, and Jugulum, Rajesh, The Mahalanobis— Repairs, Disease Recurrences, and Other Applications, 263 Taguchi Strategy, 266 Obuchowski, Nancy A. (see Zhou, Xiao-Hua) Thode, Henry C., Jr., Testing for Normality, 179 O’Connor, Patrick D. T., Practical Reliability Engineering, 173 Thompson, James R., and Koronacki, Jacek, Statistical Process Olson, Melvin (see Krause, Andreas) Control: The Deming Paradigm and Beyond, \03 Pan, Jian-Xin, and Fang, Kai-Tai, Growth Curve Models and Thompson, James R., Williams, Edward E., and Findlay, M. Statistical Diagnostics, 270 Chapman, Models for Investors in Real World Markets, 277 TECHNOMETRICS, NOVEMBER 2003, VOL. 45, NO. 4 382 Tiao, George C., Bisgaard, Sgren, Hill, William J., Pefia, Wang, Jiahui (see Zivot, Eric) Daniel, and Stigler, Stephen M. (editors), Box on Quality Wang, John Wenyu (see Lee, Elisa T.) and Discovery with Design, Control, and Robustness, 105 Webb, Andrew, Statistical Pattern Recognition, 368 Tibshirani, Robert (see Hastie, Trevor) Wellek, Stefan, Testing Statistical Hypotheses of Equivalence, Timm, Neil H., Applied Multivariate Analysis, 174 271 Tong, Howell (see Chan, Kung-Sik) West, Rudolf (see Kruse, Christian) Toutenburg, Helge, Statistical Analysis of Designed Experi- Williams, Edward E. (see Thompson, James R.) ments, 171 Wold, S. (see Eriksson, L.) Trivedi, Kishor S., Probability and Statistics With Reliability, Woodworth, George (see Press, S. James) Queuing and Computer Science Applications, 107 Woolson, Robert F., and Clarke, William R., Statistical Meth- Urdan, Timothy C., Statistics in Plain English, 179 ods for the Analysis of Biomedical Data, \11 van Belle, Gerald, Statistical Rules of Thumb, 107 van de Vijver, Fons J. R. (see Harkness, Janet A.) Zaslavsky, Alan (see Press, S. James) van de Zouwen, Johannes (see Maynard, Douglas W.) Zeger, Scott L., (see Diggle, Peter J.); (see Parmigiani, Gio- Venables, W. N., and Ripley, B. D., Modern Applied Statistics vanni) ° With S, 111 Zhou, Xiao-Hua, Obuchowski, Nancy A., and McClish, Donna Verdinelli, Isabella (see Gatsonis, Constantine) K., Statistical Methods in Diagnostic Medicine, 1\\ Walker, Glenn A., Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Zimmerman, Steven M., and Icenogle, Marjorie L., Statistical Research With SAS Examples, 182 Quality Control Using Excel, 183 Walters, Larry, The Six Sigma Journey From Art to Science: Zivot, Eric, and Wang, Jiahui, Modeling Financial Time Series A Business Novel, 273 with S-PLUS®, 373 BOOK REVIEWERS Altland, Henry W., 101 Kapatou, Alexandra, 179 Peterson, John J., 175 Annis, Charles, 367 Katsaounis, Tena I., 100, 175 Prybutok, Victor R., 107 Booth, David E., 174 Kenyon, James R., 99 Randles, Ronald H., 369 Brill, Robert V., 179 Kerkering, J. Charles, 369 Ray, Bonnie K., 364 Burr, Tom, 272 Kuhn, Andrew M., 270 Rayens, William S., 107 Caby, Errol, 270 Kushler, Robert, 369 Romeu, Jorge L., 173 Chao, Edward C., 363 Lipovetsky, Stan, 371 Sandry, Thomas D., 173, 274 Chen, Ming-Hui, 105 Lazar, Nicole A., 271, 364 Sarkar, Pradipta, 106 Conklin, W. Michael, 371 Marchette, David J., 178 Short, Thomas H., 275 Davis, J. Wade, 368 McComb, Mark A., 370 Slud, Eric V., 177 Famoye, Felix, 174 McCool, John I., 107 Tobias, Paul A., 366 Frey, Michael, 269 McCullough, B. D., 102 Von Tress, Mark, 99 George, Laurence L., 265 Meeker, William Q., 263 Walker, Esteban, 170 Ghosh, Subir, 171 Michelson, Diane K.., 363 Gunst, Richard F., 170 Moore, Terri L., 172 Weisman, Doris A., 105 Huzurbazar, Snehalata V., 108 Nemeth, Margaret A. ~oGe, Wikle, Christopher K., 366 Jiang, Wei, 266 Neubauer, Dean V., 102 Wludyka, Peter, 171 Johnston, Gordon, 264 Olive, David J., 362 Ye, Kenny Q., 273 Kafadar, Karen, 103 O’ Neill, Julia, 105 Ziegel, Eric R., 109, 176, 180, 267, 275, Kalemkarian, George S., 273 Owen, William J., 268 365, 371 TECHNOMETRICS, NOVEMBER 2003, VOL. 45, NO. 4

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