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Technology Brands in the Digital Economy PDF

159 Pages·2023·3.031 MB·English
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Technology Brands in the Digital Economy This edited volume provides deep insight into theoretical and empirical evidence on how digital technologies and high-tech brands are interrelated. It traces the mutual links between these two phenomena, identifies the multidimensionality of interdependencies, and shows the reader how and why new technologies are the driving factors of creation and global dissemination of high-tech brands. In this context, it also refers to various types of economic and social networks that, on the one hand, are the products of digital technologies, while on the other enforce global visibility of high-tech brands. The book contributes to the present state of knowledge, offering the reader broad evidence on how digital technologies impact the process of high-tech brands’ nascence and how their growing role and global exposure influence networked economies and societies. It sets out to deliver a bridge between brand management and economical approaches to understanding how digital technologies and high-tech brands are interrelated. This multidisciplinary approach creates a complex compilation of different views and perspectives that sheds new light on the high-tech brands’ phenomena of being an input and output of technology-driven economies. Technology Brands in the Digital Economy is written for scholars and researchers from a wide variety of disciplines but especially for those addressing issues of brands and economic development and growth, social development, and the role of technological progress in broadly defined socio-economic progress. It will also be an invaluable source of knowledge for graduate and postgraduate students in a variety of areas such as economic and social development, information and technology, worldwide studies, social policy, and comparative economics. Wioleta Kucharska is a professor in the Management Department of the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. She has 12 years of industrial experience in marketing management. Her latest book, Personal Branding in the Knowledge Economy: The Interrelationship Between Corporate and Employee Brands, published in 2022 by Routledge, provides a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon of personal branding in the network economy era by combining a solid scientific frame with branding practice. Ewa Lechman is a professor of economics at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. Since 2017, she has been Vice-Dean for Development and a PhD programme director. Her extensive research interests concentrate on economic development, ICT and technological progress, and ICT role in reshaping social and economic systems and various aspects of poverty and economics in developing countries. Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology Inclusive Innovation Robyn Klingler-Vidra, Alex Glennie and Courtney Savie Lawrence Organizational Change, Innovation and Business Development The Impact of Non-Technological Innovations Edited by Magdalena Popowska and Julita E. Wasilczuk Public Innovation and Digital Transformation Edited by Hannele Väyrynen, Nina Helander and Harri Jalonen Innovation and Leadership in the Public Sector The Australian Experience Mahmoud Moussa, Leonie Newnham, Adela McMurray and Nuttawuth Muenjohn Advancing Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Service Delivery Tiko Iyamu Open Labs and Innovation Management The Dynamics of Communities and Ecosystems Edited by Valérie Mérindol and David W. Versailles Technology Brands in the Digital Economy Edited by Wioleta Kucharska and Ewa Lechman Business Models for Industry 4.0 Concepts and Challenges in SME Organizations Sandra Grabowska and Sebastian Saniuk For more information about this series, please visit: www.routledge.com/ Routledge-Studies-in-Innovation-Organizations-and-Technology/book-series/ RIOT Technology Brands in the Digital Economy Edited by Wioleta Kucharska and Ewa Lechman First published 2023 by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2023 selection and editorial matter, Wioleta Kucharska and Ewa Lechman; individual chapters, the contributors The right of Wioleta Kucharska and Ewa Lechman to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-032-02686-2 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-032-02687-9 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-003-18463-8 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003184638 Typeset in Bembo by Apex CoVantage, LLC Contents List of Contributors’ bios vii Introductory words 1 WIOLETA KUCHARSKA AND EWA LECHMAN 1 Technology brands in the digitally-based and network economy: setting the background 4 WIOLETA KUCHARSKA AND EWA LECHMAN 2 The history of technology brand emergence 16 HASRET BALCIOGLU 3 A network approach to value creation from intangible assets 35 ANNA UJWARY-GIL 4 Explaining the TECH brand value with economic-financial and stock market information: the booming digital economy 58 MARÍA ÁNGELES ALCAIDE GONZÁLEZ, ELENA DE LA POZA PLAZA, AND NATIVIDAD GUADALAJARA OLMEDA 5 Exploring the effects of digital business strategies and technology scanning on company performance 79 MINNA SAUNILA, JUHANI UKKO, MINA NASIRI, TERO RANTALA, AND SARISEELIA SORE 6 Assessing technology brands with digital media 91 G. SCOTT ERICKSON vi Contents 7 Technology brands and the role of GenZ in their co-creation: case study of Serbia 108 TATJANA MAMULA NIKOLIĆ, SANJA POPOVIĆ-PANTIĆ, AND KAROLINA PERČIĆ 8 Place branding and social media in the sharing economy: a literature review 127 ABDULLAH M. ALAHMARI, BRUNO SCHIVINSKI, AND XIUFANG (LEAH) LI Index 146 Contributors’ bios Hasret Balcioglu is an executive board member of YÖDAK and an expert in economics and business. She had an honorary doctoral dissertation supervi- sor at Harvard University. She has published many publications in leading international index journals and books. Prof. Dr. Hasret Balcioglu has the Young Researcher Award (USA), Business Plan Award (USA), and Best Paper Award (USA, Nigeria). She has worked in NASA, World Bank, and international and local projects. She has a Global Finalist Award organised by NASA, ESA, and JAXA. She has been in the expert pools of many lead- ing Quality Assurance Agencies and Accreditation Institutions for education such as AQAS, CEEMAN, and EVALAG. G. Scott Erickson is Charles A. Dana Professor and Chair of Marketing in the School of Business at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, where he has also served as Interim Associate Dean. In addition, he holds a position as Visiting Professor in the Dyson School of Management at Cornell University. He has published widely on big data, intellectual capital, and business analytics. He has received two Fulbright awards, serving as a visiting research chair at Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada and as a Fulbright/National Science Foundation Arctic Scholar at the University of Akureyri, Iceland. His recent book is Marketing in a Digital World published in 2021 by Flip Learning. María Ángeles Alcaide González holds a PhD in the Business Administration and Management programme from UPV. She has lectured in the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (DECS) of the UPV since 2015, in the Master of Valuation and Appraisal, and in the Master of Science Real Estate accredited by the Royal International of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). She has participated in several international conferences and has published scientific papers in prestigious international journals, especially in the area of valuation of intangibles, more specific brands, and also in the field of corpo- rate social responsibility. Dr. Xiufang (Leah) Li teaches, undertakes research, and supervises PhD students in public relations, digital communication, branding, journalism, viii Contributors’ bios media, and marketing. Her research focuses on the areas of international public relations and digital communication. Leah is a lecturer and for- mer programme manager in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University in Australia. Leah is engaged with private and public organisations to develop projects relating to communication and business strategies, user behaviours, and media production. She has a track record of over 35 peer-reviewed publications. Her recent work can be found in Public Relations Review and European Journal of Cultural Studies. Mina Nasiri was a postdoctoral researcher at LUT University, School of Engi- neering Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Her research interests lie in the area of digitalisation, digital transformation, performance measurement and management, operations management, and sustainable strategies. Tatjana Mamula Nikolić has been working as an associate professor at the Metropolitan University, where she lectures on marketing and management subjects. In her 25-year research career, she had managed a large number of quantitative and qualitative research projects, as a researcher and director of several marketing research companies. Her research interests are focused on management in a volatile time, business re-innovation, green economy, sustainable business, and generations Y and Z. In the last three years, Tatjana has published more than 25 papers in international journals covering these topics. In 2021, she published a book “Behavior of New Generation of Consumers and Leaders in the VUCA World.” Natividad Guadalajara Olmeda is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. She is also an academic member of the Royal Institu- tion of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), specialising in the field of valuation, since 2012. Dr. Guadalajara has been the director of the master’s degree in Appraisal and Valuation Engineering since its beginning in 1996. She has supervised 14 doctoral theses and a wide number of final master’s theses. She has also published five books and more than 40 articles in prestigious scientific journals on asset valuation. Karolina Perčić is an assistant professor at Modern Business School in Bel- grade. She lectures courses on marketing research, consumer behaviour, and methodology of scientific research work. Her current research interests focus on marketing and education. She has a long-standing experience in the field of marketing research. Karolina is author of numerous papers pub- lished at national and international conferences, and in domestic and foreign journals. She received recognition for the best work of the IX International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Growth in Small Open Economies,” organised by the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade and the Faculty of Economics in University of Niš, in 2017. Contributors’ bios ix Sanja Popović-Pantić is a senior research associate at the Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Science and Technology Policy Research Centre. Her main areas of expertise are entrepreneurship and innovation management. She has chaired Women’s Entrepreneurship Sector Group within Enterprise Europe Net- work (EEN) since May 2015. As the leader of the largest national association of women entrepreneurs in Serbia and with an academic background, Sanja is considered a leading consultant in the field of women’s entrepreneur- ship. Sanja has published numerous papers in international journals, mainly related to gender aspects of digitalisation, business in times of crisis, innova- tion, and access to supply chains. Elena de la Poza Plaza holds a degree in Business Administration and Man- agement from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and a PhD in the Asset Valuation programme from the UPV. She is currently the strat- egy head of the UPV. Dr. de la Poza is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (DECS) of the UPV. She has published more than 40 scientific papers in prestigious international journals related to valuation, corporate social responsibility, and human behaviour modelling; she has edited four books and supervised three doctoral theses in the field of valuation. Tero Rantala is a postdoctoral researcher at LUT University, School of Engi- neering Science. His current research focuses on performance management and measurement of university–industry collaborations. In addition, his cur- rent research interests involve different areas of performance management in digital business environments and sustainable business contexts. He has pre- viously published in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Information Technology & People, and Education and Work. Minna Saunila is an associate professor at LUT University, School of Engi- neering Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Since 2018, she is also a docent of the University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics. Her research covers topics related to sustainable operations and production, innovation, performance management, as well as service operations. Recently, her research projects have been related to digitisation of services and production. She has previously published in Tech- novation, Computers in Industry, Journal of Engineering and Technology Manage- ment, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management among others. Bruno Schivinski is a statistician, behavioural researcher, and senior lecturer in Advertising at RMIT University, Australia. He consults for online ser- vice providers, websites, and scientific institutions such as the Polish Min- istry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the National Science

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