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Technical Guide for Streetlights and Outdoor Lighting PDF

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T H B - S t r a ß e n - A u s s e n b e l e u c h t u n g - 2 0 1 5 - 2 1 1 0 1 5 - P r i n t . q x p _ L a y o u t 1 2 5 . 1 0 . 1 5 1 4 : 3 4 S e i t e 1 The field of municipal street and outdoor lighting has Frank Bodenhaupt · Frank Lindemuth (ed.) been undergoing significant change for some time now. Not least the introduction of LED lighting has comple- tely revitalised the development of new luminaires, Technical Guide electronic control gear and components. for Streetlights and However, many decision makers with a responsibility for lighting will find the huge array of products on the mar- Outdoor Lighting ket as well as the associated flood of technical data quite challenging. The only way to assess the numerous differing claims is to acquire dependable expert knowledge on the topic. This technical street and out- door lighting manual is designed to assist users in the process of obtaining an overview of the current state of the art. A select group of lighting industry experts and users of lighting technology has contributed to this book with the aim of explaining the complex topic of lighting. It is designed to support employees of municipal utility com- panies and energy providers, representatives of town councils as well as planning and engineering companies in making decisions regarding current projects. ISBN 978-3-8022-1133-1 9 783802 211331 P l e a s e v i s i t u s . < 9 mm > Technical Guide for Streetlights and Outdoor Lighting THB-Straßen-Aussenbeleuchtung-2015-211015-Print.qxp_Layout 1 25.10.15 14:34 Seite 2 < 9 mm > Rapidly equalize pressures to sustain the original Ingress Protection level Minimize condensation to keep lenses clear and retain brightness longer Block dust and dirt, for longer service life and lower maintenance costs Protectiivvee VVeennttss adhesive vents preserve and extend lighting performance over time Read more on page 139 or visit www.gore.com/protectivevents for more information. PHOTOMETERS COLORIMETERS GON IOMETERS More than 40 years of excellence in light measurement technology. Made in Germany LMT LICHTMESSTECHNIK GMBH BERLIN · HELMHOLTZST RASS E 2 -9 · 1 0587 BERL IN G E RMA N Y PHO NE: +49 -3 0 -393 40 28 · FA X: +49-30-391 80 01 · E -MA I L: LMT @L MT.DE · WWW. L M T.D E LMT_AZ_TechnischesHandbuch_2015_A5_left_page.indd 1 24.07.15 15:49 PHOTOMETERS Technical Guide for Streetlights and Outdoor Lighting COLORIMETERS GON IOMETERS More than 40 years of excellence in light measurement technology. Made in Germany LMT LICHTMESSTECHNIK GMBH BERLIN · HELMHOLTZSTRA SSE 2-9 · 10 58 7 BERL IN GERMAN Y PHON E :  + 49- 30-393 40 2 8 · FA X :  +49 -30- 3 91 80 0 1 · E -M AIL : LMT @ LM T.D E · W WW.L MT.D E LMT_AZ_TechnischesHandbuch_2015_A5_left_page.indd 1 24.07.15 15:49 Technical Guide for Streetlights and Outdoor Lighting editors Frank Bodenhaupt and Frank Lindemuth EW Medien und Kongresse GmbH Frankfurt am Main | Berlin | Essen The advice and recommendations of this book are compiled and carefully checked by the editors, authors and the publishing company to the best of knowledge. However, a guarantee cannot be furnished. A liability of the editors, authors, the publishing company or its r epresentatives for damage to people, property or assets is excluded. © EW Medien und Kongresse GmbH, Frankfurt am Main The book including all of its parts is protected by copyright law. Every utilisation outside the narrow bounds of the copyright law without consent of the publishing company is inadmissible and punishable. This applies especially to copies in any form (photocopy, microcopy or another method), translations as well as storage and processing in electronic systems. published by EW Medien und Kongresse GmbH Kleyerstraße 88 60326 Frankfurt am Main/Germany e-mail Preface by the editors The task of municipal street lighting includes making a contribution towards tra-f fc safety on roads during the dark hours of the day. With the aim of increasing the personal safety of citizens, suffcient street lighting must be provided as a precautionary measure against criminal assaults. A further goal pursued by the provision of appropriate street lighting is to increase the attractiveness of and revitalise inner city areas. In short, street lighting improves the quality of life for the entire population. The quest towards greater cost and energy effciency, alongside eco-compati- bility and a need to reshuffe public spending budgets, no longer needs to stand in confict with the aims pursued by street lighting. For many years, many town and rural councils felt forced to reduce street lighting during the night or even to switch it off altogether due to fnancial constraints – a fact that also mirrors a sense of powerlessness felt by many councils. Although such measures cer- tainly helped to reduce public spending for the short term, switching off street lighting exerts a negative infuence on many areas of society over the long term. Not only does the risk of accidents increase, but the quality of life and the attrac- tiveness of a city decline as well. At the same time, new technologies are gaining ground in the feld of street ligh-t ing – technologies with which both users and operators have to keep pace. But the sheer number of such new developments is making it increasingly diffcult to keep track. The manner in which luminaires, ballasts, control options and energy supply units work together is becoming ever more complex. Yet the boom in LED technology is not alone in setting new operational and maintenance-related standards, since the highly diversifed electronics sector is also making inroads on the feld of street lighting, be it with management systems or electronic bal- lasts, sensor technology or databank applications. All of these things are set to increasingly change the work of street lighting managers, but these new applications naturally also open up new opportunities for lowering the workload involved in and thus the cost of providing street lighting. In all of this, the topic of cost-effectiveness must always be duly taken into account. But how can one keep abreast of the plethora of products on the market? More than ever before, street lighting managers are called upon to keep informed so as to understand all the factors involved. In fact, doing so is vital if such man- agers are to remain capable of fnding the most cost-effective solution for the future operation of a street lighting system. This book intends to make a contribution towards satisfying this extended need for information, while also focusing attention on key factors. This technical man- ual on outdoor and street lighting deals with trending topics in the feld of street lighting and is designed to be an everyday point of reference for users. Numer- ous specialists and authors have come together in this technical manual to give 7 you an overview of the latest knowledge and state of development with regard to much-discussed topics. These authors offer insight into a world that is char- acterised by a rapid succession of innovations – all of which need to be under- stood – and provide their expertise to give you, the reader, the tools to better understand this new wealth of information. We, as the editors of this technical manual, owe these authors a huge vote of thanks for both their willingness to contribute and for accepting the enormous associated drain on their time. However, we would also like to thank the staff at the publishing company, without whose assistance it would not have been pos- sible to produce this book. Birkenheide/Berlin, July 2015 Frank Bodenhaupt and Frank Lindemuth 8

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