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INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION | Volume 54 A Writing Activities, Aug. pp 283-294 U.S. Technical Communication academic program review Perceptions of Clarity and Programs, Nov. pp 447—458 assessing, Nov. pp 412-423 Attractiveness in PowerPoint Participatory Assessment: _ contextual program review model, Graph Slides, May pp 145-156 Negotiating Engagement in a Nov. pp 447-458 Plain English for a Dutch Audience: Technical Communication for online courses, Nov. 475-489 Comprehension and Preference, Program, Nov. pp 424-439 rethinking, Nov. pp 409-411 Aug. pp 319-332 Technical Communicators and self-assessment in a self-standing From the Structure of Text to the Digital Writing Risk Assessment, program, Nov. pp 490-502 Dynamic of Teams: The May pp 157-170 technology transfer model, Nov. pp Changing Nature of Technical A Technology Transfer Model for 459-474 Communication Practice, May Program Assessment in undergraduate programs, Nov. pp pp 210-231 Technical Communication, Nov. 424-439 Taking Traditional Chinese Medicine pp 459-474 accountability, Nov. pp 453-455 International and Online: An Virtues and Vices of Omission, activity monitoring software, Feb. p Examination of the Cultural Aug. pp 308-318 34 Rhetorical Factors Affecting ARCS Model of Motivational Design, affinity analysis, Feb. p 35 American Perceptions of Chinese- Aug. pp 344-345, 352 affordability, Nov. p 455 created Web Sites, May pp 171-186 aspect ratio, Aug. p 298 Agena, Kate User Customer Contact Center attention, in motivational design, A Case of Exhaustive Technicians to Measure the Aug. pp 344-348 Documentation: Re-centering Effectiveness of Online Help audience analysis. See also usability, System-oriented Organizations Systems, May pp 201-209 cultural issues, May pp 176-178 Around User Need, Feb. pp 46- Writing White Papers in High-tech implications in information 57 Industries: Perspectives from the architecture, Feb. pp 11-14 Americans with Disabilities Act Field, May pp 187-200 intercultural communication, Feb. (ADA), Feb. p 52 applied theory pp 72-87 Ames, Andrea L. The Convergence of Technical motivational elements for seniors, Information Architecture: Communication and Information Aug. pp 343-358 Contributing to the Success of Architecture: Managing Single- needs and expectations, May p 181 Our Customers and Our source Objects for Contemporary perceptions of fonts in PowerPoint Businesses, Feb. pp 11-15 Media, Feb. pp 27—45 slides, Aug. pp 295-307 amplification, Aug. p 308 The Convergence of Technical skillful omissions and, Aug. pp ANOVA test, May pp 151-153 Communication and Information 308-318 Application Suite Tool, May pp 206-— Architecture: Creating Single- for white papers, May pp 189-199 207 source Objects for word comprehension, Aug. pp applied research Contemporary Media, Aug. pp 319-332 Adding Motivational Elements to an 333-342 audio editing software, Aug. p 338 Instruction Manual for Seniors: Developing a Quality Assurance author-centered hierarchical Effects on Usability and Process to Guide the Design collaboration, Aug. p 287 Motivation, Aug. pp 343-358 and Assessment of Online Audience Perceptions of Fonts in Courses, Nov. pp 475-489 Projected PowerPoint Text Ethical and Intercultural Challenges B Slides, Aug. pp 295-307 for Technical Communicators and bar graphs, May pp 151-153 Evaluation of an Informational Web Managers in a Shrinking Global Bitpipe awards, May p 187 Site: Three Variants of the Think- Marketplace, Feb. pp 72-87 blending, between private life and aloud Method Compared, Feb. pp Facets Are Fundamental: Rethinking public workplace, May pp 157- 58-71 Information Architecture 158 Graphics and Invention in Frameworks, Feb. pp 16-26 blogging, May pp 158-160 Engineering Writing, Feb. pp First-Person Perspective: An book reviews 88-98 Analysis of Informal and Formal Academic Writing Consulting and How We Collaborate: Reported External Program Review WAC: Methods and Models for Frequency of Technical Strategies, Nov. pp 440-446 Guiding Cross-curricular Communicators’ Collaborative Integrating Context into Assessing Literacy Work (Jeffrey Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 @ Technical COMMUNICATION 541 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Jablonski), Nov. pp 516-517 Communication Technology Web-based Courses (Franklin B. Access by Design: A Guide to (Peter Girdenfors and Petter Koontz, Hongqin Li, and Daniel Universal Usabilitfyo r Web Johanson, eds.), Aug. pp 382- P. Compora), May pp 252-253 Designers (Sarah Horton), Feb. 383 Designing Interfaces (Jenifer pp 114-115 Collaborative Learning, Reasoning, Tidwell), Nov. pp 523-524 The Accidental Trainer: A and Technology (Angela M. Designing with Web Standards Reference Manual for the Small, O'Donnell, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, (Jeffrey Zeldman), Nov. pp 515- Part-time or One-person and Gijsbret Erkens, eds.), Aug. 516 Training Department (Nanette pp 374-3706 The Dictionary of Concise Writing Miner), Nov. p 512 Communication Technology and (Robert Hartwell Fiske), Nov. p The AMA Handbook of Project Human Development: Recent 5006 Management (Paul C. Dinsmore Experiences in the Indian Social Dissertations and Theses from Start and Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin, Sector (Avik Ghosh), Aug. pp to Finish: Psychology and eds.), Feb. p 108 463-304 Related Fields John D. Cone Applied Software Project Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Sharon L. Foster), Nov. pp Management (Andrew Stellman (Catherine Soanes and Angus 518-519 and Jennifer Greene), Feb. pp Stevenson, eds.), May pp 237-238 Documenting APIs: Writing 109-110 The Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Developer Documentation for Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style Guide for Book Publishing and Java APIs and SDKs (James F. (Virginia Tufte), May pp 250-252 Corporate Communications, with Blisso and Victoria Maki), May The Author's Handbook (Franklynn Exercises and Answer Keys (Amy pp 233-235 Peterson and Judi Kesselman- Einsohn), May pp 250-257 e-Learning by Design (William Turkel, Feb. pp 105-106 Creating Web Sites: The Missing Horton), May pp 245-246 Beautiful Evidence (Edward R. Manual (Matthew MacDonald), e-Learning Concepts and Practice Tufte), May pp 260-261 Feb. pp 117-118 (Bryn Holmes and John Becoming a Graphic Designer: A Creation, Use, and Deployment of Gardner), Aug. pp 300-367 Guide to Careers in Design Digital Information (Herre von Effective Software Project (Steven Heller and Teresa Oostendorp, Leen Breure, and Management (Robert K. Fernandes), Aug. pp 377-378 Andrew Dillan, eds.), Feb. pp Wysocki), Feb. pp 107-108 Becoming an Author: Advice for 99-101 English: Meaning and Culture Academics and Other CSS Mastery: Advanced Web (Anna Wierzbicka), May pp Professionals (David Canter and Standards Solutions, Nov. pp 257-258 Gavin Fairbairn), Nov. pp 526- 510-511 Everyware: The Dawning Age of 527 CSS: The Missing Manual (David Ubiquitous Computing (Adam Blogging for Dummies (Brad Hill), Sawyer McFarland), Aug. pp Greenfield), Nov. pp 527-528 Nov. pp 525-5206 3 379-380 Fair Use, Free Use and Use by The Body and the Screen: Theories Dan Poynter's Self-publishing Permission: How to Handle of Internet Spectatorship (Michele Manual: How to Write, Print Copyrights in All Media (Lee White), Aug. pp 384-385 and Sell Your Own Book (Dan Wilson), Aug. pp 369-370 Branding for Nonprofits (DK Poynter), Aug. pp 378-379 The Fine Print of Self-Publishing: Holland), Feb. pp 106-107 Datacloud: Toward a New Theory The Contracts & Services of 48 Butcher's Gopy-editing: The of Online Work (Johndan Major Self-publishing Cambridge Handboofko r Johnson-Eilola), Feb. p 103 Companies-Analyzed, Ranked, - Editors, Copy-editors and Deliver First Class Web Sites: 101 and Exposed (Mark Levine), Proofreaders (Judith Butcher, Essential Checklists (Shirley May pp 259-260 Caroline Drake, and Maureen Kaiser), Nov. p 526 The Freelance Writer's Bible: Your Leach), Aug. pp 380-381 The Design of Sites: Patternfso r Guide to a Profitable Writing Cite Right: A Quick Guide to Creating Winning Web Sites Career Within One Year (David Citation Styles—MLA, APA, (Douglas K. van Duyne, James Trottier), May p 244 Chicago, the Sciences, A. Landlay, and Jason 1. Hong), From Research to Manuscript: A Professions, and More (Charles Nov. pp 522-523 Guide to Scientific Writing Lipson), Aug. pp 372-373 Designing Effective Online (Michael Jay Katz), May pp Cognition, Education, and Instruction: A Handboofko r 239-240 542 Technical COMMUNICATION ¢ Volume 54, Number 4; November 2007 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Getting Grease: A Guide to Effective Neuliep), Aug. pp 376-377 Lloyd, and Dan Rubin), Nov. pp Complaint Resolution and Introduction to DITA: A User Guide 519-520 Consumer Protection, Aug. pp to the Darwin Information Rapid Instructional Design: 362-363 Typing Architecture (Jennifer Learning ID Fast and Right Globalization and Its Enemies Linton and Kylene Bruski), May ‘(George M. Piskurich), Feb. pp (Daniel Cohen), Feb. pp 116-117 pp 246-247 122-123 Google: The Missing Manual (Sarah The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Reading Images: The Grammar of Milstein, J. D. Biersdorfer, and Technology, Business, Life John Visual Design (Gunther Kress Matthew MacDonald), Feb. p 118 Maeda), Aug. pp 368-369 and Theo von Leeuwen), Nov. . Grammar Snobs Are Great Big The Magazine Writer's Handbook pp 511-512 Meanies: A Guide to Language (Franklynn Peterson and Judi Release the Hounds: A Guide to for Fun and Spite (June Kesselman-Turkel), Feb. pp Research for Journalists and Casagrande), Nov. pp 517-518 113-114 Writers (Christine Fogg), Feb. p The Gregg Reference Manual: A Managing Information Quality: 113 Manual of Style, Grammar, Increasing the Value of Sams Teach Yourself Web Usage, and Formatting (William Information in Knowledge- Publishing with HTML and CSS A. Sabin), Feb. pp 111-112, Intensive Products and Processes in One Hour a Day (Laura Handbook of Technical Writing. (Martin J. Eppler), Nov. pp 563- Lemay and Rafe Colburn), Nov. (Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. 506 pp 528-529 Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu), Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Scientific Style and Format: The May pp 247-248 Tools, and Techniques that CSE Manual for Authors, Health Writer's Handbook (Barbara Succeed (Deborah L. Duarte and Editors, and Publishers (Style Gastel), Feb. pp 115-116 Nancy Tennant Snyder), Aug. Manual Committee, Council of How to Comply with Sarbanes- pp 304-305 Science Editors), Feb. pp 119-121 Oxley Section 404; Assessing the Medical Language: Immerse Search Engine Optimization for Effectiveness of Internal Control Yourself (Susan Turley), May pp Dummies (Peter Kent), Nov. p (Michael Ramos), Feb. pp 118— 243-244 507 119 Messages, Meaning, and Symbols: Secrets of RSS (Stephen Holzner), How to Write and Publish a The Communication of Aug. p 373 Scientific Paper (Robert A. Day Information, Nov. pp 507-508 Self-publishing for Dummies (Jason and Barbara Gastel), May pp The New Oxford American R. Rich), Nov. p 530 248-249 Dictionary (Angus Stevenson The Skills of Document Use: From Idea Mapping: How to Access Your and Lesley Brown, eds.), May Text Comprehension to Web- Hidden Brain Power, Learn pp 238-239 based Learning (Jean-Francois Faster, Remember More, and Online Education: Global Rouet), Feb. pp 103-105 Achieve Success in Business Questions, Local Answers (Kelli Social Learning in Technological (Jamie Nast), Nov. pp 512-513 Cargile Cook and Keith Grant- Innovation: Experimenting with Index It Right! Advice from the Davie, eds.), Nov. pp 520-521 Information and Communication Experts, Volume 1 (Enid L. Perspectives on Higher Education Technologies (Robin Williams, Zafran, ed.), Feb. pp 110-111 in the Digital Age (Michael F. James Stewart, and Roger Slack), Indexing Books (Nancy C. Beaudoin), Nov. pp 508-510 May pp 249-250 Mulvany), Feb. pp 125-126 PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Spunk & Bite: A Writer's Guide to Information Development: Design Made Easy (David Punchier, More Engaging Managing Your Documentation Powers), Nov. pp 521-522 Language & Style (Arthur Projects, Portfolio, and People A Practical Guide to Graphics Plotnik), Feb. pp 123-124 (JoAnn Hackos), Nov. pp 514- Reporting: Information Grapbics The Street-smart Writer: Self- 515 for Print, Web & Broadcast Defense Against Sharks and Interactions In Online Education: (Jennifer George-Palilonis), Aug. Scams in the Writing World Implicationfso r Theory and p 3706 (Jenna Glatzer and Daniel Practice (Charles Juwah, ed.), Prioritizing Web Usability (Jakob Steven), Aug. pp 367-368 Nov. pp 529-530 Nielsen and Hoa Loranger), Feb. Successful Writing at Work (Philip Intercultural Communication: A pp 124-125 C. Kolin), Nov. pp 513-514 Contextual Approach (James W. Technical Communication: A Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 © Technica COMMUNICATION 543 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Reader-centered Approach (Paul Web-based Learning: Theory, c V. Anderson), Aug. p 367 Research, and Practice (Harold Carnegie, Teena A. M. Technical Communication (Mike F. O'Neil and Ray S. Perez, Integrating Context into Assessing Markel), May pp 235-236 eds.), May pp 258-259 U.S. Technical Communication Technical Writing: Process and Web Design Before & After Programs, Nov. pp 447-458 Product (Sharon J, Gerson and Makeovers (Richard Wagner), Cartesian-style logic, May p 181 Steven M. Gerson), May pp Feb. pp 121-122 case histories 236-237 Web Portfolio Design and Applying Assessment in a Self- Technology Matters: Questions to Live Applications (John DiMarco), Standing Program, Nov. pp With (David E. Nye), May p 252 Nov. p 522 490-502 This Is Your Brain on Music: The Website Indexes: Visitors to A Case of Exhaustive Science of Human Obsession Content in Two Clicks: Documentation: Re-centering (Daniel J. Levitin), Aug. pp 373-374 Including XRefHT32 Reference System-oriented Organizations The Trainer's Journey to. Manual (James A. Lamb), Aug. Around User Need, Feb. pp 40-57 Competence: Tools, Assessments, p 363 ClientLogic, May pp 203-206 and Models (Jean Barbazette), Wiki: Web Collaboration (Anja Skills and Literacies for the 21st May pp 241-242 Ebersbach, Markus Glaser, and Century, Nov. pp 412-423 Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Richard Heigl), May pp 240- chartjunk, May p 146 Tools, and Techniques (Jean 241 Chinese reading pattern, May p 176 Barbazette), May pp 242-243 Women and Information cognitive fetishism, May pp 158-160 Training the Active Training Way: Technology: Research on collaborative design methods, May 8 Strategies to Spark Learning Underrepresentation (J. McGrath pp 212-228 and Change (Mel Silberman), Cohoon and William Aspray, collaborative technical Feb. pp 108-109 eds.), Aug. pp 370-371 communication Trends and Issues in Distance Writing and Digital Media (Luuk frequency of, Aug. pp 283-294 Education: International van Waes, Mariélle Leijten, and team dynamics, May pp 210-231 Perspectives (Yusra Laila Visser, Christine M. Neuwirth, eds), colors. See also graphics Lya Visser, Michael Simonson, Nov. pp 524-525 combinations, May pp 152-153 and Ray Amirault, eds.), Aug. Writing for Design Professionals: as design elements, May pp 147-148 pp 371-372 A Guide to Writing Successful design variables, May p 150 A Typographic Workbook: A Primer Proposals, Letters, Brochures, commercial speech, May p 164 to History, Techniques, and Portfolios, Reports, concurrent think-aloud (CTA) Artistry (Kate Clair and Cynthia Presentations, and Job method, Feb. pp 59-70 Busic-Snyder), Aug. pp 383-384 Applications (Stephen A. conduct (praxis), Nov. p 441 Understanding and Kliment), Aug. pp 365-306 confidence, in motivational design, Communicating Social Writing for Multimedia and the Aug. pp 344-348 Informatics: A Frameworfko r Web; A Practical Guide to Confucian philosophy, May p 182 Studying and Teaching the Content Developmenfto r Conklin, James Human Contexts of Information Interactive Media (Timothy From the Structure of Text to the and Communication Garrand), Aug. pp 381-382 Dynamic of Teams: The Technologies (Rob Kling, Writing for Science (Robert Changing Nature of Technical Howard Rosenbaum, and Steve Goldbort), Nov. pp 505-506 Communication Practice, May Sawyer), Feb. pp 101-103 Writing for the Web: A Practical pp 210-231 Visual Grammar (Christian Guide (Cynthia L. Jeney), Aug. connoisseurship model for program Leborg), May pp 253-254 pp 361-362 review, Nov. pp 449-450 Web Accessibility: Web Standards Writing White Papers: How to consistency, Aug. pp 338-340 and Regulatory Compliance Capture Readers and content interaction, Aug. p 288 (Jim Thatcher and colleagues), Keep Them Engaged (Michael Context, Input, Process, and Product May pp 254-256 A. Stelzner), Aug. pp 359- (CIPP), Nov. pp 448-449 Web-based Instruction: A Practical 361 contextual collaboration, Aug. pp Guide for Online Courses brevitas, Aug. p 309 284, 290 (James Van Keuren), May pp brevity, as a virtue, Aug. pp 308- contextual program review model, 252-253 318 Nov. pp 447-458 544 Technical COMMUNICATION « Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION controlled vocabulary, Feb. p 40 de Jong, Menno D. T. Why Should STC Publish a Journal?, Coppola, Nancy W. Evaluation of an Informational Web Feb. pp 9-10 A Technology Transfer Model for Site: Three Variants of the efficiency, Aug. pp 316-317 Program Assessment in Think-aloud Method Compared, electronic focus groups, Feb. p 34 Technical Communication, Nov. Feb. pp 58-71 Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), pp 459-474 decision-making model, Nov. pp May p 165 Corbin, Michelle 448-449 electronic spaces, Aug. pp. 339-340 Information Architecture: defamatory speech, May p 162 Elliot, Norbert Contributing to the Success of delectare, Aug. pp 311, 312 A Technology Transfer Model for Our Customers and Our design elements, May pp 147-148 Program Assessment in Businesses, Feb. pp 11-15 design reviews, in engineering Technical Communication, Nov. Council for Programs in Technical writing, Feb. p 97 pp 459-474 and Scientific Communication digital writing risk assessment, May engineering writing, Feb. pp 88-98 (CPTSC), Nov. p 410, Nov. p 468 pp 157-170 enthymeme, Aug. p 311 cross-cultural research, May pp 174- discipline (poesis), Nov. p 441 error messages, May p 206 180 distance learning, Nov. p 479 ethical issues cross-functional teams (CFTs), May docere, Aug. p 311 in intercultural communication, pp 211-216 ; document management software, Feb. pp 72-87 Crystal, Abe Aug. p 340 use-inspired research and, Nov. pp Facets Are Fundamental: Rethinking Document Type Definition (DTD), 440-446 } Information Architecture Aug. pp 334-340 ethnocentric thinking, Feb. pp 72-73, Frameworks, Feb. 16—26 Downing, Joe 80-83 cultural issues User Customer Contact Center ethnographic studies, Feb. p 90 cross-cultural research, May pp Technicians to Measure the European Association of Aerospace 148-151, 174-180 Effectiveness of Online Help Industries (AECMA), Aug. p 319 editing and illustrations, Feb. pp 83-84 Systems, May pp 201-209 evaluation models, technical idioms, Feb. pp 84-85 Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, communication, Nov. pp 448-450 nonverbal communication, Feb. p 84 Feb. pp 41-42 studies, Feb. pp 80-83 Dyke Ford, Julie Taking Traditional Chinese The Convergence of Technical F Medicine International and Communication and Information Online: An Examination of the Architecture: Managing Single- face-saving strategies, May p 182 Cultural Rhetorical Factors source Objects for Contemporary faceted classification framework, Feb. Affecting American Perceptions Media, Feb. pp 27—45 pp 16-26 of Chinese-created Web sites, The Convergence of Technical Facets are Fundamental (FaF) May pp 171-186 Communication and Information framework, Feb. pp 16-26 cultural sensitivity, Feb. pp 79-80 Architecture: Creating Single- federal context, Nov. p 450 customer contact centers, source Objects for Contemporary field research, challenges, May p 201 effectiveness of online help Media, Aug. pp 333-342 fighting words, May pp 162-163 systems, May pp 201-209 dynamically generated documents, First Amendment, U.S. Constitution, cyber meetings, Aug. pp 339-340 Aug. p 290 May p 162 Flammia, Madelyn Ethical and Intercultural Challenges D E for Technical Communicators and Darwin Information Typing e-mails, in engineering writing, Feb. Managers in a Shrinking Global Architecture (DITA), Feb. p 42 p 96 Marketplace, Feb. pp 72-87 data integrity, Feb. pp 42-43 editorials flat facets, Feb. p 17 database query languages, Feb. p 42 The Future of Technical Writing focus groups, Feb. p 34 Dayton, David and Editing, Nov. pp 281-282 fonts Developing a Quality Assurance Spring into Action, May pp 143-144 in projected PowerPoint slides, Process to Guide the Design Why Should Program Assessment Aug. pp 295-305 and Assessment of Online Matter to Practitioners?, Nov. pp freedom of speech, May pp 162-164 Courses, Nov. 475-489 407-408 Fund for the Improvement of Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 @ Technica COMIMUNICATION 545 INDEXT O TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), Aug. pp 308-318 interviews, May p 189 Nov. p 453 horizontal-division writing, Aug. p 286 interviews, research, May p 175 Hutto, David isocolonic structure, Aug. p 315 Graphics and Invention in Engineering G Writing, Feb. pp 88-98 Gerritsen, Marinel J Plain English for a Dutch Audience: Jim Crow laws, Feb. p 75 Comprehension and Preference, i joint writing, Aug. p 286 Aug. pp 319-332 idioms, Feb. pp 84-85 Jones, Scott L. global competitiveness, Nov. p 452-453 implied pattern, example, May p 179 How We Collaborate: Reported global marketplace, Feb. pp 72-87 indirect organization, May p 179 Frequency of Technical goal-based model, Nov. p 448 inductive pattern, May pp 179-180 Communicators’ Collaborative goal-free evaluation, Nov. p 449 inductive presentation style, May p 181 Writing Activities, Aug. pp 283- graphics information architecture. See also 294 2D versus 3D bars, May pp 146-147 technical communication animated, Aug. pp 337, 338 A Case of Exhaustive K attractiveness of, May pp 147-150 Documentation: Re-centering clarity, May pp 151-153 System-oriented Organizations Karreman, Joyce Adding Motivational Elements to an definition of graphical excellence, Around User Need, Feb. pp 40-57 Instruction Manual for Seniors: Aug. p 309 The Convergence of Technical Effects on Usability and in engineering writing, Feb. pp 88-98 Communication and Information Motivation, Aug. pp 343-358 psychological effectiveness, Feb. pp Architecture: Managing Single- Korzilus, Hubert 89-90 source Objects for Contemporary Plain English for a Dutch Audience: software, Aug. p 338 Media, Feb. pp 27-45 Comprehension and Preference, static, Aug. p 337, Aug. p 338 creating single-source objects, Aug. Aug. pp 319-332 two-dimensional, May pp 145-156 pp 333-342 group collaboration, Aug. pp 284-2806 definition, Feb. pp 11-12 group single-authored writing, Aug. Facets Are Fundamental: Rethinking L p 2806 Information Architecture language issues guanxi, May p 182 Frameworks, Feb. 16-26 multinational customer contact Information Architecture: center, May pp 201-209 Contributing to the Success of Taking Traditional Chinese H Our Customers and Our Medicine International and Haarlem Web site, Feb. pp 59-63 Businesses, Feb. pp 11-15 Online: An Examination of the happiness principle, Feb. p 73 information modeling, Aug. p 336 Cultural Rhetorical Factors Hawthorne, Mark D. innovation, Nov. p 453 Affecting American Perceptions Applying Assessment in a Self- Inspiration tool, Feb. p 38 of Chinese-created Web sites, Standing Program, Nov. pp Institute of Technical and Scientific May pp 171-186 490-502 Communication, Nov. pp 491—492 LATCH (Location, Alphabet, Time, help systems, effectiveness, May pp instructional design models, Aug. p Category, Hierarchy) principles, 201-209 3306 Feb. pp 35-36 hierarchical collaboration, Aug. pp Instructional Materials Motivation legality, Feb. pp 74-76 285-286 Survey (IMMS), Aug. pp 351-352 Likert scales, May p 149 hierarchical facets, Feb. p 17 integrated academic environment, Loorbach, Nicole higher education. See academic Nov. pp 455-457 Adding Motivational Elements to an program review intelligent brevity, Aug. pp 311-312 Instruction Manual for Seniors: Higher Education Act of 1965, Nov. interactive technical communication, Effects on Usability and pp 450-451 May pp 210-231 Motivation, Aug. pp 343-358 Higher Education Coordinating Board intercultural communications, Feb. (HECB),.State of Washington, Nov. pp 72-87. See also audience pp 453-455 analysis; technical communication Hirst, Russel international English, Aug. pp 319-332 Mackiewicz, Jo Virtues and Vices of Omission, interpersonal skills, Aug. p 291 Audience Perceptions of Fonts in 546 Technical COMMUNICATION ¢ Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Projected PowerPoint Text N polyptoton, Aug. p 315 Slides, Aug. pp 295-307 Nahrwold, Cindy PowerPoint Perceptions of Clarity and Acknowledging Complexity: materials and methods, May pp Attractiveness in PowerPoint Rethinking Program Review and 148-151 Graph Slides, May pp 145-156 Assessment in Technical perceived clarity, May pp 151-153 Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver, Communication, Nov. pp 409- perceptions of fonts in, Aug. pp Feb. p 39 411 295-307 Master of Arts in Technical narratio, Aug. p 311 research, May pp 146-148 Communication (MATC), Nov. p New England Association of Schools slide design controversy, May pp. 468 and Colleges, Nov. p 459 145-146 maxims, Aug. pp 309-310 Nicomachean Ethics, Nov. p 441 practical knowledge (techne), Nov. p McShane, Becky Jo nonverbal communication, Feb. p 84 441 Skills and Literacies for the 21st North Central Association of Colleges priori, Nov. p 441 Century, Nov. pp 412-423 and Schools, Nov. p 459 privacy, Feb. pp 76-77, May pp mean ratings, of sans serif and serif Northwest Commission on Colleges 164-166 fonts, Aug. p 302 and Universities, Nov. p 459 productive activity (potesis), Nov. p 441 medium-neutral text, Aug. p 335 Null Hypothesis Significance Test professional conduct (praxis), Nov. p mental energy, Aug. pp 315-317. (NHST), Nov. p 462 441 mentoring interaction, Aug. p 289 prolixity, Aug. p 309 meta tags, Feb. pp 39-40 promotion, in white papers, May pp metadata, for labeling, Aug. p 335 Oo 192-195 Microsoft Access, Feb. p 40 object, defined, Aug. p 333 proposals, in engineering writing, Microsoft Visio, Feb. p 38 Object Management Group (OMG), Feb. p 96 Middle States Association of Colleges Feb. p 40 and Schools, Nov. p 459 objectivity, in white papers, May pp modular text, Aug. p 335 192-195 Q motivation, Aug. pp 343-358. See obscenity, May pp 163-164 qualitative data, Aug. p 348 also audience analysis; usability obscurity, Aug: p 309 quality assurance process, for design motivational design, Aug. pp 344-348 omission, virtues and vices of, Aug. and assessment of online courses, Mott, Richard K. pp 308-318 Nov. pp 475-489 The Convergence of Technical online communication, help systems, Communication and Information May pp 201-209 Architecture: Managing Single- online courses, Nov. pp 475-489 source Objects for Contemporary Ontology Web Language (OWL), raisoRn de etre, Aug. p 31®1 Media, Feb. pp 27—45 Feb. p 42 rational decision-making, Nov. p 449 The Convergence of Technical Oorsprong, Marjolein reactive writing, Aug. p 286 Communication and Information Plain English for a Dutch Audience: readability, Feb. p 49, Aug. p 303 Architecture: Creating Single- Comprehension and Preference, relational databases, Feb. p 40 source Objects for Aug. pp 319-332 relativist approach to intercultural Contemporary Media, Aug. pp Open Archives Initiative (OAD), Feb. communication, Feb. p 74 333-342 p 42 relevance, in motivational design, movere, Aug. p 311. Aug. pp 344-348 multimedia documents ren (benevolence), May p 182 P future of, Aug. pp 281-282 Ren, JingFang managing, Feb. pp 27—45 parallelism, Aug. p 315 Participatory Assessment: reviewing, Aug. p 337 participatory assessment, Nov. pp Negotiating Engagement in a multinational corporations (MNCs), 424-439 Technical Communication Feb. pp 72-73 Philbin, Alice I. Program, Nov. pp 424-439 multinational pharmaceutical Applying Assessment in a Self- repair and equipment procedures, in companies, May pp 171-172 Standing Program, Nov. pp engineering writing, Feb. p 96 multitasking, Aug. p 336 490-502 requests for proposals (RFPs), Nov. p Myers-Briggs personality preference, plain English movement, Aug. pp 441° May p 218 319-332 research methods, May pp 215-216 Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 ¢ Technical COMMUNICATION 547 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION research results, presenting, May pp social responsibility, Feb. pp 78-79 assessing programs, Nov. pp 447- 216-226 sound files, Aug. p 337. 458 Resource Description Framework Southern Association of Colleges and challenges, Aug. pp 281-282 (RDF), Feb. p 42 Schools, Nov. p 459 creating single-source objects, Aug. responsive model for program spacing, font considerations, Aug. p pp 333-342 review, Nov. p 449 299 digital writing risk assessment, May retrospective think-aloud (RTA), Feb. SQL (Structured Query Language), pp 157-170 pp 59-70 Febp. 4 2 documenting processes and rhetorical art, Aug. p 310, Aug. pp stakeholder interaction, Aug. p 288 products, Feb. pp 46-57 312-313 St.Amant, Kirk engineering writing, Feb. pp 88-98 rhetorical concept of invention, Feb. Acknowledging Complexity: ethical issues in intercultural pp 88-89 Rethinking Program Review and communication, Feb. pp 72-87 Rife, Martine Courant Assessment in Technical global marketplace, Nov. pp 409-410 Technical Communicators and Communication, Nov. pp 409-411 goals and reviews, Nov. pp 440-446 Digital Writing Risk Assessment, Taking Traditional Chinese guidelines for international May pp 157-170 Medicine International and audiences, Feb. p 85 risk assessment, digital writing, May Online: An Examination of the impact of new technologies, Feb. pp 157-170 Cultural Rhetorical Factors pp 27-45 risk communication, May p 214 Affecting American Perceptions online courses, Nov. pp 475-489 of Chinese-created Web sites, online help systems, May pp 201- May pp 171-186 209 Ss standard deviations, of individual organization of information, May Salvo, Michael fonts, Aug. p 302 pp 178-180 A Case of Exhaustive statements of work (SOW), Nov. p participatory assessment, Nov. pp Documentation: Re-centering 44] 424-439 System-oriented Organizations statistical analysis, Aug. p 325 self-assessment in a self-standing Around User Need, Feb. pp 46- status reports, in engineering writing, program, Nov. pp 490-502 Feb. pp 96-97 student portfolios, Nov. pp 460-4064 5 Participatory Assessment: Steehouder, Michaél stylistic brevity, Aug. pp 308-318 Negotiating Engagement in a Adding Motivational Elements to an team dynamics, May pp 210-231 Technical Communication Instruction Manual for Seniors: technology transfer model, Nov. pp Program, Nov. pp 424-439 Effects on Usability and 459-474 sans serif fonts, Aug. p 303 Motivation, Aug. pp 343-358 writing, defined, Aug. p 333 satisfaction, in motivational design, stereotyping, Feb. pp 72-73, 80-83 writing ethically, Feb. p 74 Aug. pp 344-350 strategic interaction, Aug. p 289 writing genres, Feb. p 90, Feb. p 97 Schellens, Peter Jan student portfolios, Nov. pp 460-464 telepathic efficiency, Aug. pp 314- Evaluation of an Informational Web surveys, developing, May p 175 315 Site: Three Variants of the test reports, in engineering writing, Think-aloud Method Compared, Feb. p 96 Feb. pp 58-71 T textual analysis, May p 175, May p 180 sequential hierarchical collaboration, task performance, Aug. pp 348-349 theoretical knowledge (episteme), Aug. p 287 taxonomy of workplace collaborative Nov. p 441 serif fonts, Aug. p 303 activities, Aug. pp 283-284 thick-to-thin transition, Aug. pp 298- Sidés, Charles H. taxonomy tools and standards, Feb. 299 First-person Perspective: An pp 41-42 think-aloud methods, Feb. pp 58-71 Analysis of Informal and Formal TCM (traditional Chinese medicine, Thomas, Shelley External Program Review May pp 171-1806 Skills and Literacies for the 21st Strategies, Nov. pp 440-446 team dynamics, May pp 210-231 Century, Nov. pp 412-423 simplicity, Aug. p 308 teamwork, Feb. pp 77-78 tokenism, Feb. pp 72-73, 80-83 Simplified Technical English (STE), technical communication. See also tools of the trade. See also book Aug. p 319 graphics; information architecture reviews single-source objects, Aug. pp 333- academic program review, Nov. pp Macromedia Dreamweaver, books 342 409-411 compared, Aug. pp 380-388 548 fechnica COMMUNICATION ¢ Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 INDEX TO TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION U Think-aloud Method Compared, Willerton, Russell undergraduate professional and Feb. pp 58-71 Writing White Papers in High-tech technical writing program van Meurs, Frank Industries: Perspectives from the assessing, Nov. pp 412—423 Plain English for a Dutch Audience: _ Field, May pp 187-200 negotiating engagement in, Nov. Comprehension and Preference, word comprehension, Aug. pp 319- pp 424-439 Aug. pp 319-332 332 universal usability, Aug. p 336 Vaughn, Mary McShane workplace collaborative activities, universalist approach to intercultural Developing a Quality Assurance Aug. pp 283-294 communication, Feb. p 74 Process to Guide the Design writing, defined, Aug. p. 333 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Assessment of Online Occupation outlook handbook, Courses, Nov. pp 475-489 May p 210 video editing software, Aug. p 338 Xx U.S. Constitution, First Amendment, video files, Aug. p 337 x-height to cap-height ratio, Aug. p May p 162 viriutes necessartide (necessary 298 U.S. Department of Labor, May p 210 virtues), Aug. p 311 XML document models, Feb. p 42 usability. See also audience analysis visual aspects, of white papers, May XML editors, Feb. p 41 definition, Aug. p 340 . p 196 XML Schema Definition (XSD), Aug. design approaches, Aug. pp 343- visual representation of ideas, Aug. p pp 334-340 344 309 lab testing, May p 201 visualization software, Feb. p 34 measuring, Aug. pp 348-350 vitia (voices), Aug. p 311 Y models, Aug. pp 330-337 Voss, Dan yang, May p 180, May p 182 motivational elements for seniors, Ethical and Intercultural Challenges yin, May p 180, May p 182 Aug. pp 343-358 for Technical Communicators role of information architecture, and Managers in a Shrinking Feb. pp 16-26 , Global Marketplace, Feb. pp Zz think-aloud methods, Feb. pp 58-71 72-87 Zhu, Pinfan universal, Aug. p 330 VUE (Visual Understanding Taking Traditional Chinese use-inspired research, Nov. pp Environment), Feb. pp 38-39 Medicine International and 440-4406 Online: An Examination of the user-centered documentation, Feb. p Cultural Rhetorical Factors 84 Ww Affecting American Perceptions user interfaces, faceted, Feb. pp 21- Web sites of Chinese-created Web Sites, 23 Chinese-created, May pp 171-186 May pp 171-186 think-aloud methods, Feb. pp 58-71 Zoetewey, Meredith W. Western Association of Schools and A Case of Exhaustive V Colleges, Nov. p 459 Documentation: Re-centering van den Haak, Maaike J. whistle-blowing, May p 166 System-oriented Organizations Evaluation of an Informational Web white papers, evaluating, May pp Around User Need, Feb. pp Site: Three Variants of the 187-200 46-57 Volume 54, Number 4, November 2007 ¢ Technical COMMUNICATION 549

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