Description:В книге представлено 50 оригинальных идей от разных дизайнеров как превратить обыкновенную футболку в стильные блузки, топики, сумки, шорты, шарфик; и аксессуары для дома, среди которых подушки, коврик, абажур...Inexpensive. Indispensable. Iconic. A basic t-shirt is the perfect blank canvas-ready for a creative crafter to cut, stitch, bedazzle, bleach, deconstruct, and personalize. Everyone has a drawerful just waiting for the creative touch. What could be a better way to broadcast an artistic manifesto? In Tease, 50 superstars of creativity, art, and design take the basic T from ordinary to extraordinary-and sometimes, turn it into something completely different. With fabulous illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, Tease provides outrageous, inspiring ideas from crafters around the globe.