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Teaching the Indonesian homlietics teacher how to teach preaching Old Testament narratives by using a narrative approach PDF

2016·2.6 MB·English
by  SolihinBenny
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Preview Teaching the Indonesian homlietics teacher how to teach preaching Old Testament narratives by using a narrative approach

“TEACHING THE INDONESIAN HOMI-CTICS TEACHER HOWTO TFACH PREACHING O10 ‘TESTAMENT NARRATIVES BY USING ANARRATVE APPROACH ATHESIS-PROLECT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GORDON-CONWELL THEOLOGICAI SFeAINAIRY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE DOCTOR OF MaiNISTRY wv bene SOLAN Mat 2016 CCoyeyighe 22016 by Berry Salihin, All Rignts Reserved Ta nny wite and my “end, Megawati Rush ‘Thankyou for supporting me Tam children Niko and Samuel To my merifu! God Thank you For averything ONTENTS ausr¥acr ¥ chager {INTRODUCTION a 2, THEQLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 6 3. UTERATURE REVIEW st 4. PROJECT DESIGN a 5. TEACHING EXPERIENCE us BIBUOGRAPHY us vara az ASH RACT {sos indonesian pasters preach by using dadutive model tar any Kind at biblical genres, including Old estat nuratve genres. This hapa bara since they became seammarysladeuls, they were taughc only one model seman by theic romileics teushers, Despite the deductive approach s powerful enough te be sed “or preaching (ve sext sich has deductive structure such a6 the piste, i becomes les effective Lo be used for preaching nasrative texts. Unfortu ately the homlotes terete do nol have such understanding so they arent motivated to teach narrative approach ‘vs thess project argues tat preaching the Old Testament mziative fete tn be more effective by using 2 narrative proach. And the goals W help Indonesian Feiiletics leachers co pevelop thelr teach'ng ski at using the inc tive approach so thal they can eea:i this approach te their studencs. Thecefere this aching ‘thesis projects sled “each Indonesian Hamiletice Teacher tn Teach Ft (Old Testament narratives by us nga warracive apsvoach HAPTER ONE wTRooUCTION ‘The Problem and its Seting During ie sieanith and seventesneh envuris, Partuga ane’ Spair ‘-olueed Chvistiaity 10 Indonesia in the form 3 Catholicism, Some ofthe ‘animist, Hinow Indonesian pop. ation anda handtul of Muslrs embraced Colloticine, & ventury later, Prashyterien, Reformed, aro Methacls: misionadies rem Germany, Deutschiend, zed Amevicaarived in indonesia and troduced Fectastant forms o* Christianity: Catholic and Protestant issionaros nat uy tau their eig.ous Lonel thay aso brought an apried thelr awn cu tures in the churches hey planted ‘These cultural influences ware sarily seein mary ways fom she achiteeturs, sluclusalurgunizations ‘turgy, and even in the oreaching of the pastors cd priess The prsaching model passed down by the missionaries emphasteed th deevcive srcture. Thie approach cansists of presenting the propositon ofthe seipien afer Une introuueion, and using @ numberof “points” as evkience to plden cet support the sermon’s proposition. This appraach has heen preaching's for hundteds of years ir Indanesian churches, especialy in traitiang frchacex) and evangelical churches. kiblicl lests from various genres, neludingnacrative eats, Fave penerallybeen areached using this duel mud -ttheugh the deductive model is quileeffactive when usee te preach tert: hich have deductive structure such asthe epi, i becurmes less efective when used to preach narrative texts, Untortanateli asording 10 my abservations, Incr esian pastors wno -egulary preach “ram narrative texts sing the deductive rmoddel are mare apt to aot preach that txt as effectively, at they tend to hove their istenes, This problem in preaching ases usstians, Asc indonesian pasturs aware of Lhe varios genes ofthe Ble? iso, ta whut exsuane hey sb to oveie the genie ofa ger biblica” text? What approach mig: 9¢ apprepeste in persueding them totlize the narrative auproach le preach Ok TesLmensrnrtave ens? Ad lastly, what wil! be the mecivalion far Unese pastors Lo rorcieve Louse the narrative apusoach? itis my dese to teach Indonesian pas. now to reac narative biblical les more efletiely sing 4 ares simon muda, Thesefera this shesisprejeet, Is tito “teacaing Indoncsian Kemiletics Teachar fo Teach Preaching OM Testament narratives by using &naniaive approach” The youl Uw hp indonesian hurleties teacher te develop cher teaching shillof us ng the inductive approach, Ta wehiese that pool they vst frst fain how Lo deter be geno bisical tsa Second, they ust eave how to determbwe which sermon form is most appropriate to foragiven genre. inal, they must larn how to prepare at inductive sete preach a given biblica! rex thet ail best he servee by the mluctive approach, overview (Chapter 2 supports this chess ly exploring its biscal and sheologcal framesore Since most Inds esian preachers stl have Aiticulis in tnding the restuge ofa text and fee! lass corfidentn doing accurate proper exegesis, | onside: nacessary te equip horniletcs teschars to master exegesis wellse chat tiey can leach better Inonasian pastors snd seminarians. Trerefore inthe second chiapler, 1 wil fake chrae diferent Ole Testamenc narrative passages to he exupelad and prasene practcelly a way of doing exegesis to fied a message of Lhe pussages. ‘Then, in chapter 4 these three exegesis examples willbe used lo Leech the lowing Crapter 3 reviews the pertinent iterate, I willis Le role ofthe Old Tescam ent narative penre in interpeeting af the nariative pessage. The parpuse ie ‘to make Indonesian hoviletirs teache’s aware of he wxigueres o biblical naratice genre that equices a preacher ta interpreta bisieslnacrative uxt seeording tothe rules at ts genre, Attervard, they ace ahie ta teach Wreonesian pastors end seminarians to preach O d Testament narative by using narrative approach. ‘Tare are sit relevant resaucees or the Lop of biblal nerrative interpresation provice a sufficient theo-etcal hackerau'n fu she slau. Thais ie Ineoduction ta Sibticaleteepretotion 24 wiliae W Klin and Craig LBlembers. ‘The second is The Henmeneurica! Spike! by Grant, Osbarne? Bath a” hem pruvide the bases ct 2 sald incerpretaton of hilisl narrative, The thirds Richard L. Pat's He Gove Us Stvies: The Bible Student’ Cie to awterereting Od Teatorwent Diaseuives.? Tis valuabie resource provides a basi wnderscording 04 2 iswaes uf Interpreting Old Testament narratives. andthe fourth i .abd Ake, ora ef i 7. eo Rang, Raber std, erst 1 “e-ameh shorn, she ennencoti Spin Boe Gave, LI, 1981 Stevan Lott He Gove LE Sov stung, N:P, £958, Delight: A iteraryletraduetion o the Bist. The tite, Preaching the Gis Festament, cited by Scot. Gibsor, rete by Jafrey b. Arthurs and the sth is Rober M, Stalers, A Basic Guia ta Intanprening the Bie Other importaat hooks are faddon W, oblnseu’s, The Develagement an Detivary of Expasicory eastages:Hibica! Beeching.” thomas & Lone Prenching ad the sinerary For ofthe Sle Siorey Greidanus’ The Moder Prec ano the Ancient Text the wnrk of Tremper Longaraa Il itary Agprocahes to Bibel lncernranction~ and Steven P, Mathowson’s, Te Ar of Precubing Gls Tescomens Saeratve The last eurnot least, four classic Boks in Une iba narrative Meracure ae Narrotve Ar inthe Bible hy Shimon WT.” Reuding Gibco Marotine by? ive by cele Bali's, and Tokkelman. Poetics wna tteroesttion vf Biblica! Narr RabertAlter's Art af Bibce Narrative which pruposesw ragical zppecach ta the Lean Ra, Wa fag. A ia ein ea agi, Ws sche 20 Sell ber, Pani the 24 Reamer ait Wok HO ooo 4 Std Sine tn rong th be feaud Res 2M Behe A987, > aigor Rabson Se eee Te OoveoeneNc and 0 IGiand ec, A. Bans, 20:1 us Lng, Sein erlahe srary Erms of ii iP nel, Font suv Gia Th tind reached Anon? Yet Sand Reis ees 288 1% rempsr oman Urton Aperoares to Sak testing na fi Psi, cane Mallen, Cuda or Unsisrendigarsh shirred extrema se” 2 Shirin Hist, erty tate Sle isan ay 1. TAT hh, 2904 “Paton, Heng Bia ta a, Hi RUD, 998 Bla, spatially biical narrative texs.+ in his work, aster shows thal Bre asunishing trary tects oftan achieved by the authors of Ue Bible are th resus lof are and natotaressness (Chapter presents course for ceachig Indanusian posters wn seminarians _abaut preaching Ole Testament naatives by sing nareative approach, The course consist af three malos parts suuivies i.e wight sussiuns. The frst par discusses robles af preaching Old Testament narrative twits ad the charactevstcs ef the Old Testamert nartative texts (Inv sessions}. The exon port speaks abcut _tesping the *hig leo” of 2p Old TesLartent narrative tex, forming the “Big kes! andl deterring the goel ofa naratie sermun, compusing te plat ata rarrative seiman, 2rd developing 3 sere pl inloa narraive setrvon four sessions}, The ‘hid artis earning about natiatie sermans tom some examples and prectising narcarie preaching ite sesslonsh Final, chaates 5 evaluates Uh effetinuness ef w teaching experiance in fenabting and motivating mdonesian homiletics Leechars to teach preazning Old Testament narratives by usirg a narraise ppruscl Suggesiuns “or tuner ressarch wt aleo be ciscussed. ac, Theo il Karen wo, tai Book, DBD.

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