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TEACHER APPRAISAL: AN EVALUATION OF PRACTICES IN BOTSWANA SECONDARY SCHOOLS by PEDZANI PERCI MONYATSI submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION in the subject EDUCATION MANAGEMENT at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA PROMOTOR: PROF GM STEYN JOINT PROMOTOR: PROF GD KAMPER NOVEMBER 2002 I declare that: TEACHER APPRAISAL: AN EVALUATION OF PRACTICES IN BOTSWANA SECONDARY SCHOOLS is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT PROMOTER: PROF GM STEYN JOINT PROMOTER: PROF GD KAMPER / 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to the following people who immensely contributed towards this thesis in many important ways: Prof G M Steyn, my promoter, and Prof G D Kamper, for their invaluable professional guidance of this thesis. Dr B J Magura willingly edited the thesis. Dr B Moswela, who initiated my involvement with UNISA by encouraging me to do my doctorate by distance mode as he was doing it himself. Whenever I wanted to discuss educational issues involving my studies, I also involved him and he was an asset. He offered some guidance indeed. To my wife, Caroline Pinkie, who has been a pillar of strength by encouraging me to cruise on, through thick and thin, even when I was at my lowest ebb health-wise. My two daughters, Nonie and Chinodiwa for also encouraging me in many ways, and my son Chabo, who also helped with the computer work when it was tough. My mother, Seolatlheng and others whom I know were praying for my success throughout. A special acknowledgement needs to be extended to Dr Richard Tjombe Tabulawa who was there for me from beginning to end. He gave some professional guidance at the initial stages when my confidence was waning. He managed to get me sponsorship from NUFU-Project. Na mangwana mundambeni. Finally, but not least, my gratitudes go to colleagues in secondary schools who always encouraged me to soldier on. iii SUMMARY OF THE THESIS This study is an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current teacher appraisal system as practised in Botswana secondary schools. The study sought to establish inter alia the relationship between the current teacher appraisal and the day to day duties of teachers, the extent to which it leads to improvements in the teaching and students' learning process, how it addresses the staff development needs of the teachers, and whether the mechanisms and procedures for the management and implementation of the appraisal system in the schools is adequate. Teacher appraisal was defined as a process of staff development aimed at the professional development of the teacher through collegial interaction in order to enhance the quality of teaching and students' learning. Other strategies to achieve the effectiveness were also discussed in the thesis. Chapter One of the thesis provided the orientation of the study, while Chapter Two looked at the international literature on appraisal, including two case studies on the introduction of teacher appraisal in Great Britain and the United States of America. Chapter Three provided the contextual literature for the study. Chapter Four provided the research design of the study. Chapter Five discussed and analysed the research findings and Chapter Six presented the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study. A survey questionnaire based on a five items Likert Scale and a semi structured interview were used to collect data. The study was carried out in iv the Southern Region of Botswana in the Lobatse and Kanye Clusters of secondary schools. From both the literature reviews and the empirical research findings, it became clear that: • Teacher appraisal is a process and not an event; • The clarity of the purpose of the appraisal process is fundamental to its effectiveness; • The training of both the appraisees and appraisers on the appraisal process is crucial to its effectiveness; • Feedback is a sine qua non for the appraisal process to be effective. Key terms • Professional development • Staff development • Transparency • Feedback • Classroom observation • In-service training • Collaboration - ...... • Review ~-, .......... -.... ....... ~--· ~ .... • Evaluation .. • Accountability 371.44096883 MONY II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0001826548 v TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE .................................................................... 1 ORIENTATION OF THE STUDY 1.1 Introduction .................................................................... 1 1.2 Brief history of education in Botswana ..................................... 5 1.3 Appraisal in Botswana secondary schools ................................. 8 1.4 Significance of the study ................................................... 11 1.5 Problem statement ........................................................... 12 1.6 Objectives of the study ...................................................... 13 1. 7 Research methods and design .............................................. 14 1. 7 .1 Research methods ........................................................... 14 1. 7 .2 Data collection techniques ................................................. 15 1. 7 .3 Population and sampling procedures ..................................... 15 1.8 Definition of terms .......................................................... 16 1.8.1 Teacher appraisal ............................................................ 17 1.8.2 Evaluation .................................................................... 18 1.8.3 Inspection ..................................................................... 19 1.9 Organization of the study ................................................... 20 1.10 Summary ..................................................................... 21 CHAPTER TWO .................................................................. 22 LITERATURE REVIEW: TEACHER APPRAISAL 2.1 Introduction .................................................................. 22 2.2 Performance appraisal ...................................................... 22 2.3 Purpose of appraisal ......................................................... 24 2.4 Teacher appraisal ............................................................ 30 VI 2.4.1 Definition ..................................................................... 30 2.4.2 Appraisal in teaching versus in commerce and industry ............... 32 2.4.3 Teacher appraisal and the school effectiveness movement ........... .38 2.4.3. lParticipatory leadership ................................................... .39 Shared vision and goals .................................................. .40 Teamwork ................................................................... 40 A learning environment .................................................. .41 2.4.3 .5 Emphasis on teaching and learning ..................................... .41 Explicit high expectations ............................................... .41 Positive reinforcement ................................................... .42 Monitoring progress ...................................................... .42 Professional development ............................................... .42 Teacher collaboration and collegiality ................................ .43 2.4.3 .11 Home/school partnership ................................................ .43 2.4.4 Appraisal and the school development plan ............................ .44 2.4.5 Appraisal and control processes .......................................... .47 2.5 Advantages and disadvantages of appraisal .............................. 56 2.5.1 The advantages of teacher appraisal ...................................... 56 2.5.2 Disadvantages of teacher appraisal ....................................... 60 2.6 Models of appraisal ......................................................... 61 2.6.1 The accountability model of appraisal .................................... 62 The central control model ................................................. 63 2:6.1.2 The self accounting model ................................................ 63 The consumerist model ................................................... 64 The chain of responsibility model ....................................... 64 The professional model ................................................... 65 The partnership model ................................................... 66 vii 2.6.2 Staff development model ................................................... 68 2.6.3 Critique of the accountability and developmental models ............. 72 2.7 The appraisal process .......................................................7 6 2. 7 .1 The initial meeting .......................................................... 78 2.7.2 The self-appraisal ........................................................... 80 2.7.3 Class observation and data collection .................................... 82 2.7.3.lThe observation itself ...................................................... 87 Following the observation ................................................ 87 2. 7.4 Appraisal discussion, target setting and appraisal statement ......... 87 The appraisal discussion ................................................... 87 Target setting ............................................................... 92 The appraisal statement ................................................... 93 Follow-up discussion and training ....................................... 96 Formal review meeting .................................................... 96 2.8 History of teacher appraisal in Great Britain and the United States of America ............................................................ 98 2.8. l Teacher appraisal in Great Britain ........................................ 98 2.8.2 Teacher evaluation in the United States of America .................. 106 2.8.3 Lessons learnt from the two case studies ............................... 111 2.9 Conclusion .................................................................. 114 CHAPTER THREE ............................................................. 116 THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AND POLICY CONTEXT OF TEACHER APPRAISAL IN BOTSWANA 3 .1 Introduction ................................................................ 116 3 .2 The development of secondary education in Botswana since independence ............................................................... 11 7 viii 3 .2.1 The first national commission on education: Education for Kagisano (social harmony) of 1977 ..................................... 119 3.2.2 The revised national policy on education of 1994 ..................... 123 3.2.3 Teacher training and supply .............................................. 125 3.3 Teacher appraisal in Botswana secondary schools .................... 128 3 .3 .1 The confidential reports ................................................... 129 3.3.2 The job evaluation exercise of 1988 .................................... 133 3.3.3 The current teacher appraisal scheme: Form TSM 3/4 ............... 137 The appraisal process .................................................... 139 Critique of Form TSM 3/4 ............................................... 141 3.4 Summary .................................................................... 150 CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................... 152 RESEARCH DESIGN 4.1 Introduction ................................................................. 152 4.2 Restatement of the research question .................................... 152 4.3 Aims and objectives of the study ........................................ 153 4.4 Research methods ......................................................... 154 4.4.1 The nature of social reality ................................................ 155 4.4.2 Objectivity-subjectivity ................................................... 158 4.4.3 Cause-effect relationship .................................................. 160 4.4.4 Value and beliefs ........................................................... 161 4.5 Data collection techniques ................................................ 164 4.5.1 The research instruments ................................................. 165 4.5 .1.1 The survey questionnaire ............................................. 166 The semi-structured interview ....................................... 171 4.6 Population and sampling procedures .................................... 176 lX 4.6.1 Population .................................................................. 176 4.6.2 Sample ...................................................................... 178 4.7 Data analysis ............................................................... 180 4. 7 .1 Postal questionnaire ....................................................... 180 4.7.2 The semi-structured interview ........................................... 181 4. 8 Trustworthiness of the research .......................................... 182 4.9 Summary .................................................................... 185 CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................ 187 RESEARCH FINDINGS: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 5.1 Introduction ................................................................ 187 5 .2 Demographic data ......................................................... 187 5.2.1 Population of the study ................................................... 188 5.2.2 Distribution of respondents by age ...................................... 188 5 .2.3 Distribution of respondents by highest qualifications ................ 190 5.2.4 Teaching experiences of respondents ................................... 191 5.2.5 Posts of responsibilities of respondents ................................. 193 5 .3 Analysis and discussion of research findings .......................... 194 5 .3 .1 Purposes of teacher appraisal in Botswana secondary schools ...... 195 5 .3 .l .l Monitoring of teachers' performance ............................... 196 Identification of teachers for promotion (career progression) .... 201 Identification of teavhers' professional development and training needs ........................................................... 204 Identification of teachers for annual increment .................... 208 5.3.l.5 Appraisal for accountability purposes ............................... 212 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 21 7 5 .3 .2 The effectiveness of teacher appraisal in Botswana secondary x

appraisal system as practised in Botswana secondary schools. The study sought to establish Pitman Publishing. Murdock, G 2000.
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