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TEACH Project & ACP application PDF

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" -. ALTERNA TIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - KINGSVILLE in collaboration with the TEACH Project TEACH Program Handbook & Application Materials Contact Information TEACH Project Center for Educator Preparation Services 700 University Blvd., MSC 195 700 University Blvd., MSC 195 Kingsville, TX 78363 Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 593-3037 (361) 593-4051 teach!GJ.tamuLedu ceps!GJ.tamuk.edu www.tamuk.edu/teach www.tamuk.edu/cehp/ceps/acp.htm I Physical location: Rhode Hall, Room #II 7 Physical location: Rhode Hall, Room #117 2 Table of Contents Alternative Certification Program & TEACH Project Overview 3 Admission Procedures .4 Admission Standards - Certificate Area 5 Pre-Admission Content Test 6 Program Requircments 7 Coursework 7 Classroom Observation 7 Internship 8 Probationary Certiticate Requirements 8 Probationary Certificatc Application 9 Probationary Ccrtificate Tenns 9 Probationary Certificate Rencwal 10 Professional Development 10 Certi tication Testing I0 TExES Exam Preparation I0 Texas Administrative Code Chaptcr 247 - Code of Ethics 1\ Contact Inforn1ation \4 Classroom Observation forn1 \6 Application I7 TEACH Project application Alternative certification program application Program disclosurcs Criminal history and background check consent form Teacher candidate commitment contract Application authorization statcment All candidates arc participants in the alternative certification program. Select candidates will be eligible for participation in the TEACH Project. a grant which provides benefits such as a stipend. technology stipcnd. and ongoing professional development. Throughout this handbook. information specific to TEACH Project candidates will be noted with this logo: 9 TEACH Revised January2014 3 Alternative Certification Program & TEACH Project Overview Welcome to thc Alternative Certitication Program (ACP) & TEACH Project at Texas A&M University-Kingsville! Our program offers a nontraditional route to ccrtification designed lar individuals who already hold a bachclor's degree. We strive to be the most ctfectivc and accessible path lar teacher certilication in south Texas' It is the goal of thc ACP & TEACH Projcct to prepare qualitied educators for a rewarding and long-standing career in cducation. To do so, our SBEC-approvcd program provides training through graduate-level coursework focuscd on classroom success in areas such as: • Efrcctive teaching methods and classroom managemcnt • Introduction to characteristics and education of exceptional learners • Inclusionary practices in various cducational contcxts • Adjusting to the climate and culture of the school system • Formation of professional identity as a teacher and lifelong Icarner • Verbal and non-verbal instructional strategies • Positive discipline approaches • Language acquisition and development lar English Language Learners lIow it works Throughout the program candiJates will: .,. Complete 30 credit hours of graduate-level coursc\Vork (2 courses per semester including summer r Complete 30 hours of classroom observation prior to internship ,. Complete a teaching internship (candidate will be the teacher of record in a classroom and earn a regular. fldl-time teacher's salary) , Achieve asatisfactory level of perforn1ancc on all appropriate TExES exams U ,. Commil to teaching three years in a high-needs partner district ,.. Attend monthly mandatory cohort meetings TEACH Once all conditions are mct. candidatcs will rcceive their state teaching certilication. Benefits All TEACH Project students will receive: ,. A $3.000 stipend (payable as Sl.GaO/year for(3) years of qualified teaching) ,. A tcchnology stipend ,. Online courscwork that allows tar t1exibility :;... Ongoing professional development. mentoring. and support TE.ACH Please 1101e:Slil'e",! will be l'aid while sladelll is aelirely employed as a leaeherjol/oll'ing Ihe guidelines of Ihe program. K.:vis...d. January 2014 4 Admission Procedures I. Apply for admission to Texas A&M University-Kingsville at w\\w.applvtcxas.oru ,.. Sclect College of Graduate Studies , Select Alternative Ccrtitieation Program (ACP) as the major , Pay the $35 application fee online or in person with the graduate school (pleasc check tinancial statements to ensure that debit/credit card payment was processed) Send a scaled. orticial copy of ALL transcripts to: Oftice of Graduate Studies 700 University Blvd.. lvlSC 118 Kingsville. TX 78363 PleaSe! l1off!: YOli mus! send u transcript ji'om eve,y institutioll aI/ended even if/he courses appear another transcript because of/rans/er. Ol1 3. Completc ACP application from thc back of this handbook. :.- Application should include an official copy of all transcripts 4. TEACH Project applicants should also complete the TEACH Project application from the back of this handbook. , Application should include a current resume (with objective for a teaching career) and a 500-1.000 word cover letter addressing why you want to teach and how your prcvious expcriences havc prepared you to suecced in the classroom. TEACH ACP applicants can submit materials via: TEACH Project applicants can submit matcrials via: Mail: Mail: Center for Educator Preparation Scrvices TEACH Project Texas A&M University-Kingsville Texas A&M Univcrsity-Kingsville 700 University Blvd .•MSC 195 700 University Bl\'d.. MSC 195 Kingsville, TX 78363 Kingsville. TX 7S363 Email: teach(,itamuk.edu Email: ceps!wtul11uk.edu Fax: (361) 593-2158 Fax: (361) 593-2158 In pcrson: Rhodc Hall. Room #117 In person: Rhodc Iiali. Room 11117 5. Register for the PACT cxam if you do not have the stated number of credit hours of course work in the content area you wish to teach (refer to page 5). (See next page for registration information.) Please notity our on;ce of your test date and forward a copy of your passing exam result. Applications be reviewed tilALL malerhlls, including passing score (lte C(/1l1l0( 1111 11 011 PACT exam (if req/lired), !ra,'e beell received by office. T!rerefore, please S/lbmit all 0/11' materials as SOli aspossible. 11 Rc\'iscd January2014 5 Texas A&M University Kingsville- Alternative Certification Program Admission 5tandards- Certificate Area Early Childhood - Grade 6 and Special Education EC-12* Generalist EC.6. Bilingual Generalist EC-6. or Passing score on TExES Content Examination (PACT) Special Education E(-12 Middle School (4-8) Subject Areas' English Langllage Arts & RC:.lding 24 SCH of English (12 advanced) 24 SCH ofmuthcmatics (12 advanced) including Mall1l:lll(ltics college algebra and college geometry 24 SCH of life/physical/cJrlll science (12 advanced) Science 2..•SCH ofsocial studies (11 advanced) including at Social Studies least 12SCH of history and 6 SCH in any combination of economics. geography, and political science Passing score on TExES Content Examination (PACT) Generalist Secondary (6-11 or 7-11) and EC-12 Subject Are.ts"" 36 5CH total (18 advancc.::d) in mathematics and Mathe rnatics/Phys ics physics, including 2-l SCH in onc area (12 advanc~d) and 185CH inthe other ;Irea (6 advJnced) 36 SCli total (18 advanced) in chemistry. physics. and Physical Science malhematics. including 18SCH (6 advanced) each in chemistry and physics. and 12SCH of mathematics including Calculus I and 2 36 SCfllOtal (18 advanced) in biology. chemistry. Science physics. <lnd geology. including 24 5CH in one area (12 advanced) and a minimum 01'3 SCH in each of the oth~r3areJS 36 SCH io IOtal(18 advanced) in Mathematics. Math AIg~bra. Calculus. Geometry. including 24 5CH in one area (12 advanced) and aminimum of 3 5CH in each of the other ::lreas. 36 5CH total in English. journalism. and speech. English LJnguage Arts &. RC:.lding including 24 5CH in English (18 advanccd) and a minimum of 3 5CH each in speech and journalism 36 5CH total (18 advanced) in history. political scicnce. SociJI Siudies economics. and geog.raphy. including 24 5CH in history (12 advanced) and aminimum 01"6SCH in each of the other 3 areas 36 SCH total (18 advanced) in business. including 24 Business Education SCI-I inone area (12 advanced) and 3 SCH in keyboarding 36 501 in one subject area (18 advanced) See All Other 6-12. 7-12. and EC-12 Subject Areas applicationIor list ofsingle ..whJecr areas m'(1i1ablt.! •Prior tofilII admissioll ;1/10the prugnllJl. {Idegreed individual may/like a1"e.'Ws£WlIIil1{/tio" of EdllcafOrSta"dards (T£,ESj resl cer'tJicClfiolJ ~xam 'hrough (hePI"e.Admissiotl Cmltf.'1lI (PA(7) :>}.sfelll.Cpo" submission a/a passing score. conle," course work may be w(1I\'(:d{fall miter £Idmissiml n!cluil"emCltfS are m!!l. Rl:visl:d January 201-1 6 Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT) You arc eligible to take the PACT exam if: • You hold a baehelor's degree from an accredited university • You do not have the stated number ofcrcdit hours of course work in the content area you wish to teach (refer to page 5) • You arc seeking certification as a classroom teacher • You have not been enrolled or accepted into an alternative certification program •All EC.6 generalist. EC-6 bilingual generalist, and special education candidates must take PACT - (required credit hours on transcript is not an option for admittance), To register for the exam: • Go to http://tcxcs.ets.or!.!. • Click on "register" • Scroll down. then click "new user" • Select "No TEA 10" • Select "Pre-Admission Content Tests" • Enter required data for account registration • Select "register for a test" Please note: The PACT is simply the route that allows you to take examinations without being affiliated with a particular cducation program. The test for which you register is not called PACT, it is called TExES, A passing score on the PACT does not guarantee admittance to the program, Scores must be sent by the student to the TEACH Project as we do not receive them trom ETS. Please review all policies and procedures outlined in the registration bulletin online at httn:/llcxL'S.cts.nn.'. prior to your tcst date. For assistance with PACT exam preparation. please see the materials available at: • http://\\-\\.\\ .lcxcs.ets.lll"!!/nn:pivlatcrials/ • http://II'\\w.certifyteacher.eom • l111p://\\"\\\\.240tuloring.com • hnp://W\\\\',lexcs.nct • http://w\V\\ ,Illo-mcdi a.cllll1/Lc\CS • http://www/tcstprepreview.eom • http://ww\\".passthctcxcs.com 7 Program Requirements Coursework Students will be assigned a coursework plan that corresponds with the intended certification tield and includes 10 graduate-level courses that may be offered in an online format. Ifaccepted to the program. your advisor will provide you with a copy of your coursework plan. Students are requiredto meet with an assigned advisor each semester priorto registering for courses. Courscwork requirements may change according to course availability and/or in the event of a change in certilication standards established by the Texas Education Agency and/or State Board for Educator Certification. Students are required to pay graduate student tuition and fees as set forth by Texas A&M University-Kingsville. For more information. please visit the university website at w\\\\'.tal11uk.euu or contact the Business Offiee at (361) 593-38\8. Financial aid may be available for students who qualify. For morc information. please visit the university website at w\\\\'.tamuk.edu or contact the Ortice of Financial Aid at (361) 593-3911. Ifyou believe you may be entitled to ,'eteran's educational bcnelits. please contact the Veteran' s Artilirs 0 nice at (361) 593-442\ . Classroom Ohservation Texas Administrative Code Title 19 Part 7 Chapter 228.35 (3): An cducator preparation program shall provide each candidate with a minimum of 300 clock hours of coursework and/or training that includes the following: (A) 30 clock hours of field-based experience to be completed prior to student teaching. clinical tcaching. or internship. There are several ways lor students to meet observation requirements: 1. Classroom observation of a eertitied teacher in the content area and grade level of the certificate souuht. 2. Substitute teaching in the content area and grade Icvel of the certificate sought. not to exceed 15 elock hours completed within the past year. 3. Observation and analysis of videos demonstrating instruction in the content area and grade level ol'the certilication sought and approved the ACP Coordinator, not to exceed 15 clock hours. Please note: A minimum (?l15 clock hours musl be cumpleled in (/ classroom selling. Students should use the Classroom Observation Record lormlocated on page 16 of this handbook to document hours and summarize experiences of observation hours completed. Observation hours arc not an admission requirement. However. students are encouraged to complete them as early as possible to ensure that the appropriate classroom(s) can be visited in the time frame necessary. R~vis.:dJanuary 201-1 8 Internship As part of the training in ACP. and upon the program's determination of readiness. candidates are required to complete an internship in an accredited public or private school serving as teacher of record for the period of one academic year (180 days). This year of service is performed under supervision from the TEACH Project & ACP and mcntorship by the cooperating school district/campus. Candidates will be observed throughout the internship year and are required to enroll in the designated ACr Cl)llfse(s) as outlined on the eertitieate plan. Students must be continuously enrolled in EDAD 5304 until all program rcquirements are met (i.e.•pass both tests and complete courses). A fee of $3.000 ($300/month 1(1\" 10 months) is required for the internship in addition to the cost of the courses. This fee can be paid through a payroll deduction agreement with the employing school district. Through this agreement. the lees will be deducted from the intern's salary and paid to i\CP by the school district. Please see Ms. Lydia Landin-Ortiz. ACP Coordinator. lor details. TEACH Project works with partner school districts to learn quickly and tirst-hand of their job vacancies. which are then passed along to the students. However. it is the responsibility of the student to apply. interview. and be hired for positions in the same manner as any candidate. TEACH Project stall provides a more direct connection between the students and the prospective TEACH jobs by working with school district administrators directly. The intemship fullills the tirst year of the three-year teaching requircment. Probationary Certificate Requirements Students must hold a probationary teaching eertiticate to validate their eligibility for the internship. The State Board for Educator Certilieation has established the following requirements lor probationary certiticate eligibility: ., Baeht.:lor"sdegree (minimum) ,. Current enrollment in a SBEC-approved alternativc certification prognU11 , 12 crcJils of graduate-level courscwork ,. Completion of 30 hours of classroom obscrvation r Passing s<;orc all content exam or stated number of courscwork hours in content area ,. Employment contract from an accredited public or private school Once admission is grunted. the student should complete educator preparation for the field for which it was determined that thc candidate was qualificd. it'the candidate chooses to transition to another field. he or she must meet the stated minimum number of semester credit hours for that content specific subject area or demonstrate competency by passing the corresponding TExES exam. A'OTE: If/he ClIndida'e has a/re(/(6' been issued a Probatiunary cer/ijicare. no certijical<! area transition ispermilfed. 9 Probationan' Certificate Application Procedure Upon receiving an employment olTer, thc snldcm should providc the following to the TEACH Project staff or the ACr Coordinator: • Copy of the contract signed by both the studcnt and the district • Compktcd observation hour form (ifnot already on 111e) Once this paperwork is received, a Statement of Eligibility for Internship fonn will be completed by thc ACr oftice, Thc studcnt will be contacted once this form is complete, [t must then be rcturned by thc studcnt to the district for appropriate signatures, Concurrently, an aniinc application must bc lilcd: Establish u TEAL log in athttps:l/pr\'or.1C;l.st~Ill:.t\.lIs/ Once your account hasbeen authorized. YOlI 11l:l)' log ill Click "Educetor" Click "Applicetions" • Select "Probationary CCrlilicHte Texas Program" Complete tllcepplication Cite "Texas A&M University Kingsville (Altemalive)" as your recommending entity • Submit appropriate fecs (Probationary Ccrtificate 552, Fingerprinting 539,95)' .FC'~'sarc asof-lime I. ~(]12al1J:no:';llhjcl.:\ cochnngC' When the onlinc application is complete and thc Statement of Eligibility lor Intemship forn1 has been rcturned by the dislrict, thc student will be recommcnded for the probationary cel1ilicate, A certiticate will not bc issued until thc required lingcrprinting process is complete, Instructions for completing this process will bc cmaikd to you by TEA ancr payment of the fingerprinting fee, TENSBEC will send automated email conlirmations when the application is submitted, once you have been recommended, and once your certi ficate has been issued, When issued, certificates will onl~' be available online and will be downloadable 10 print Probationary Certificate Terms of Validit)' and Dcactivation The Probationary Ccrtilicatc scrves as a contractual agrccment between the candidate. the ACP, and the employing school district Although the certiticate is issued in the candidate's name, it is only valid lor thc internship placement approved, and non-transferable, For valid internship placement, the candidate must bc employcd as teacher of record at an accredited school district for a minimum of 180 school days in a classroom teachiug assignment that meets eligibility established by Texas Administrati ve Coele Rule 231,1(Assignment Code), Thc ACr also reserves the right to request deactivation by the Texas Education Agency of tile certilicate at thc program's discretion, Upon deactivation. it is the responsibility of the candidate to notify the district that the credcntial is no longer valid lor employment purposes, The candidate also maintains responsibility for outstanding rcquirements (fees, coursework, etc,), Revis••J.•Janu:lrY 2UI4 10 Probationary Certiticate Renewal If upon the compietion of the one-ye3r internship a candidate has not completed all requirements for lull certilication (i.e.. coursework. tests. fees. etc.) a probationary certilicate renewal may be necessary. Candiuates are eligible for up to two renewals ofa probationary certificate. Each renewal will require a $500 fee paid to the university for continued supervision as mandated by the Texas Administrative Coue in addition to the $52 probationary certificate fee paid to the Texas Education Agency and any other fees that might incur. In addition. s!lldents will be rcquircu to be continuously enrolled in EDCD 530-\ (internship course) until all program requirements are met. Professional Development All TEACH Projcct participants will receive ongoing professional developmcnt to support their efforts in the classroom. Students are requireu to come to campus one Sa!llrday each month for these mandatory mcetings. Failure to allenu may result in a loss of benetits such as stipends. Dates will be announccu prior to thc stnrt of the semester to ensure enough time to makc TEACH appropriuLe arrangements. Certification Testing In addition to coursework rcquircments. cligibility lar educator certitication in Texas requires passing scores on TExES examinations. Each canuidate should expect to take the following examinations: I. A content exam: Tests your knowledge of your chosen teaching tield ~ A Pedagogy and Prolessional Responsibilities exam: Tests your knowledge of teaching methods and theory 3. An oral pl"Olicieney test: For students pursuing teaching lields ".jth fareign language emphasis (Spanish. bilingual. ctc.) TExES Exam Preparation In accordance with Texas Administrative Code Title 19Part 7 Chapter 228.35. the TEACH Project & ACT shall ensure that each candidatc for cerlilication has completed a minimum 01'6 clock hours oficsi preparation for exam eligibility. Some free rcsources available include: fdu('ul ;01/(/1 reSI illg Se}"r;ce PI'ej]uru! ion A/ult!r;uls ht m:/!\nv\\ .t('.\~S.L'h.(1r!!IJln.:~ akria1:-, On this sitc you can download and print free preparation m3J1uals Coreach 01'the examinations you will be requircd to pass il)rcerlilicatiol1. Peljormance-Basc:c! ..lcadclJ1ic Couching Teams Test Preparoliol1 ,)'ile htt n:/itap. tarktol1.t:d u/pacl Students have access to in-dcpth revicw materials and various TExES examinations. T-CERT 1111p:1/p<.1Cl.t<1rIcIII l.ed ll:'lccrt J This websitc is opcn to all educator preparation students and all te3ehers in Texas with a TEA 10 number. At this time. only math and scienee exam reviews are available. Pracrice tests and oth~rresources arcavailable illlhc Ccrtificntion Office. Rhode Hall Room #112. (361) 593':~8Q4. R~vi$cdJanuary 201..\

Please notity our on;ce of your test date and forward a copy of your passing exam . Artilirs 0 nice at (361) 593-442\ . Classroom Students must hold a probationary teaching eertiticate to validate their eligibility for the internship.
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