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Teach For All Founded in 1989, Teach For America (TFA) has grown into a massive organization with a T presence across the United States and has expanded internationally to 46 countries. TFA’s E A international expansion through Teach For All (TFAll) coincides with a broader exportation of C H neoliberal education reform ideologies across the globe. As a follow up to Teach For America Counter-Narratives F Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out (Peter Lang, 2015), this text is the O R first to provide a glimpse into the first-hand experiences of those impacted by the colonizing A nature of TFAll and the global education reform movement of privatization. M E R international perspectives I C A on a global reform movement C O U T. Jameson Brewer, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Foundations N T of Education at the University of North Georgia. His teaching experience E R spans from the middle school, high school, undergraduate, masters, and - N doctoral levels. His research focuses on the impact of privatization of A public education by way of school vouchers, charter schools, alternative R R teacher certification, homeschooling, and venture philanthropy. A T I V Kathleen deMarrais is a professor in the Department of Lifelong E S Education, Administration, and Policy at the University of Georgia. With a background in sociology and anthropology of education, she serves as B a qualitative methodologist in UGA’s Qualitative Research Program. Her r e research focuses on qualitative methodologies, qualitative pedagogy, w e and the history and funding of conservative philanthropists in the United r, d States and their impact on educational policy and practice. e M a r r a Kelly L. McFaden, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Coordinator in is the Social Foundations of Education program at the University of North , & Georgia. Previously a middle and high school teacher, she now focuses M c on teaching social justice and equity-based pedagogies to undergrad- F a d uate and graduate students. Her research focuses on broad issues of e n social justice, gender and queer studies, and comparative and interna- E d tional education. s . P E T E R L edited by A N G T. Jameson Brewer, Kathleen deMarrais, & Kelly L. McFaden www.peterlang.com Cover photo: Kelly L. McFaden Teach For All Founded in 1989, Teach For America (TFA) has grown into a massive organization with a T presence across the United States and has expanded internationally to 46 countries. TFA’s E A international expansion through Teach For All (TFAll) coincides with a broader exportation of C H neoliberal education reform ideologies across the globe. As a follow up to Teach For America Counter-Narratives F Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out (Peter Lang, 2015), this text is the O R first to provide a glimpse into the first-hand experiences of those impacted by the colonizing A nature of TFAll and the global education reform movement of privatization. M E R international perspectives I C A on a global reform movement C O U T. Jameson Brewer, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Foundations N T of Education at the University of North Georgia. His teaching experience E R spans from the middle school, high school, undergraduate, masters, and - N doctoral levels. His research focuses on the impact of privatization of A public education by way of school vouchers, charter schools, alternative R R teacher certification, homeschooling, and venture philanthropy. A T I V Kathleen deMarrais is a professor in the Department of Lifelong E S Education, Administration, and Policy at the University of Georgia. With a background in sociology and anthropology of education, she serves as B a qualitative methodologist in UGA’s Qualitative Research Program. Her r e research focuses on qualitative methodologies, qualitative pedagogy, w e and the history and funding of conservative philanthropists in the United r, d States and their impact on educational policy and practice. e M a r r a Kelly L. McFaden, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Coordinator in is the Social Foundations of Education program at the University of North , & Georgia. Previously a middle and high school teacher, she now focuses M c on teaching social justice and equity-based pedagogies to undergrad- F a d uate and graduate students. Her research focuses on broad issues of e n social justice, gender and queer studies, and comparative and interna- E d tional education. s . P E T E R L edited by A N G T. Jameson Brewer, Kathleen deMarrais, & Kelly L. McFaden www.peterlang.com Cover photo: Kelly L. McFaden Teach For All Founded in 1989, Teach For America (TFA) has grown into a massive organization with a T presence across the United States and has expanded internationally to 46 countries. TFA’s E A international expansion through Teach For All (TFAll) coincides with a broader exportation of C H neoliberal education reform ideologies across the globe. As a follow up to Teach For America Counter-Narratives F Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out (Peter Lang, 2015), this text is the O R first to provide a glimpse into the first-hand experiences of those impacted by the colonizing A nature of TFAll and the global education reform movement of privatization. M E R iTnetaecrhn aFtoior nAalll perspectives I C A C Coonu an tgelro-Nbaalrr rateifvoesrm movement O U   T. Jameson Brewer, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Foundations N T of Education at the University of North Georgia. His teaching experience E R spans from the middle school, high school, undergraduate, masters, and - N doctoral levels. His research focuses on the impact of privatization of A public education by way of school vouchers, charter schools, alternative R R teacher certification, homeschooling, and venture philanthropy. A T I V Kathleen deMarrais is a professor in the Department of Lifelong E S Education, Administration, and Policy at the University of Georgia. With a background in sociology and anthropology of education, she serves as B a qualitative methodologist in UGA’s Qualitative Research Program. Her r e research focuses on qualitative methodologies, qualitative pedagogy, w e and the history and funding of conservative philanthropists in the United r, d States and their impact on educational policy and practice. e M a r r a Kelly L. McFaden, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Coordinator in is the Social Foundations of Education program at the University of North , & Georgia. Previously a middle and high school teacher, she now focuses M c on teaching social justice and equity-based pedagogies to undergrad- F a d uate and graduate students. Her research focuses on broad issues of e n social justice, gender and queer studies, and comparative and interna- E d tional education. s . P E T E R L edited by A N G T. Jameson Brewer, Kathleen deMarrais, & Kelly L. McFaden www.peterlang.com Cover photo: Kelly L. McFaden This book is part of the Peter Lang Education list. Every volume is peer reviewed and meets the highest quality standards for content and production. PETER LANG New York • Bern • Berlin Brussels • Vienna • Oxford • Warsaw Teach For All Counter-Narratives International Perspectives on a Global Reform Movement Edited by T. Jameson Brewer, Kathleen deMarrais, & Kelly L. McFaden PETER LANG New York • Bern • Berlin Brussels • Vienna • Oxford • Warsaw Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Brewer, T. Jameson, editor. | DeMarrais, Kathleen Bennett, editor. | McFaden, Kelly L., editor. Title: Teach for All counter-narratives: international perspectives on a global reform / edited by T. Jameson Brewer, Kathleen deMarrais, and Kelly L. McFaden. Description: New York: Peter Lang, 2020. Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019032395 | ISBN 978-1-4331-7212-0 (hardback: alk. paper) ISBN 978-1-4331-7211-3 (paperback: alk. paper) | ISBN 978-1-4331-5716-5 (ebook pdf) ISBN 978-1-4331-5717-2 (epub) | ISBN 978-1-4331-5718-9 (mobi) Subjects: LCSH: Educational equalization—Case studies. | Educational Change—Case studies. | People with social disabilities—Education—Case studies. | Teach for All (Project)—Case studies. Classification: LCC LC213 .T43 | DDC 379.2/6—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019032395 DOI 10.3726/b14043 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the “Deutsche Nationalbibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de/. © 2020 Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 29 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10006 www.peterlang.com All rights reserved. Reprint or reproduction, even partially, in all forms such as microfilm, xerography, microfiche, microcard, and offset strictly prohibited. TJB: for Abigail & Addison, who broadened my view of the world. KD: for Jennifer Walker Marin, a wonderful teacher and scholar. KLM: for Luna, whose insistence on living in the moment makes everything seem manageable. Table of Contents List of Illustrations ix Introduction 1 T. Jameson Brewer, KaThleen demarrais, and Kelly l. mcFaden Section I: Colonialism, Social Justice, Inequality, and Deficit Ideologies 1. The Non-Project 13 Jenny ellioTT 2. A Tale from the Tail of the Fish 25 nicKie muir 3. Disparities Between Expectations and Impact in Fellows’ Experience of an Alternative Teaching Program in China 39 yue melody yin and hilary hughes 4. Teach First Ask Questions Later: Experiencing a Policy Entrepreneur in New Zealand 55 sam oldham Section II: Leadership Cultivation Over Teaching 5. Leaders in the Community or Educators in the Classroom? Problematic Dual Roles of Fellows at Teach For China 69 sara g. lam, TongJi PhiliP Qian and Fan ada wang 6. Teach For All in Latvia: A Case Study and Warning to the World 83 elīna Bogusa and leva Bērzina viii TaBle oF conTenTs 7. Meritocracy and Leadership: The Keys to Social and Educational Change According to Enseñá por Argentina 93 vicToria maTozo and adriana saavedra 8. “We aren’t teachers, we are leaders”: Situating the Teach For India Programme 113 vidya K. suBramanian 9. Sign of the Times: Teach For Sweden and the Broken Swedish Education System 135 P.s. myers Index 149

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