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Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993/Maori Land Act 1993 PDF

330 Pages·2009·5.13 MB·English
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Reprint as at 1 July 2009 Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993/Maori Land Act 1993 Public Act 1993 No 4 Date of assent 21 March 1993 Contents Page Title 17 Preamble 17 1 ShortTitleandcommencement 18 2 InterpretationofActgenerally 18 3 InterpretationofMaoriterms[Repealed] 19 4 Interpretation 19 5 ActtobindtheCrown 25 Note Changesauthorisedbysection17CoftheActsandRegulationsPublicationAct1989 havebeenmadeinthiseprint. Ageneraloutlineofthesechangesissetoutinthenotesattheendofthiseprint,together withotherexplanatorymaterialaboutthiseprint. ThisActisadministeredinTePuniKokiri 1 TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori Reprintedasat Land Act 1993 1July2009 Part 1 TheMaoriLandCourt ConstitutionofCourt 6 MaoriLandCourttocontinue 26 7 AppointmentofJudges 26 7A Judgesactonfull­timebasisbutmaybeauthorisedtoact 27 part­time 8 ChiefJudgeanddeputy 28 8A DelegationtoDeputyChiefJudge 28 9 AppointmentoftemporaryJudges 29 10 Former Judges 30 11 Certificate by Chief Judge and one other Judge 30 prerequisite 12 Tenure of office 31 12A JudgestohaveimmunitiesofHighCourtJudges 31 13 SalariesandallowancesofJudges 31 14 AdministrationofCourt 32 15 Court districts 32 16 Seal of Court 33 Objectives,jurisdiction,andpowers 17 General objectives 33 18 GeneraljurisdictionofCourt 34 19 Jurisdictioninrespectofinjunctions 35 20 Jurisdictioninactionsforrecoveryofland 36 21 PowerofCourttograntreliefagainstforfeiture 37 22 Power of Court to grant relief against refusal to grant 37 renewal 22A PowerofCourttograntspecificperformanceofleasesof 37 Maorifreeholdland 23 PowerofCourttoauthoriseentryforerectingorrepairing 37 buildings, etc 24 PowerofCourttograntreliefifbuildingisonwrongland 38 orencroachmentexists 24A PowersofCourtunderContracts(Privity)Act1982and 38 ContractualRemediesAct1979 25 PowerofCourttomakeordertorestoreeffectoflost 38 instrumentsofalienation 26 JurisdictionofCourtunderFencingAct1978 39 JurisdictionofCourtunderMaoriFisheriesAct2004 26A Interpretation 40 2 Reprintedasat TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori 1July2009 Land Act 1993 26B AdvisoryjurisdictionofCourt 41 26C JurisdictionofCourttomakedeterminations 41 26D Principlesapplyingtoexerciseofjurisdictioninrelation 41 toMaoriFisheriesAct2004 26E ProcedureofCourtinitsadvisoryjurisdiction 42 26F ProcedureofCourtinmakingdeterminations 43 26G Powers of Court if application referred under section 44 26F(3)(b) 26H Appointmentofmediator 45 26I Judgeappointedasmediator 46 26J Conductofmediation 46 26K Successfulmediation 47 26L Unsuccessfulmediation 47 26M Ordersandinterimorders 48 26N Proceedingswhereadditionalmembersappointed 49 Jurisdiction of Court under Maori Commercial AquacultureClaimsSettlementAct2004 26O Interpretation 50 26P AdvisoryjurisdictionofCourt 50 26Q JurisdictionofCourttomakedeterminations 50 26R Principlesapplyingtoexerciseofjurisdictioninrelation 51 toMaoriCommercialAquacultureClaimsSettlementAct 2004 26S ProcedureofCourtinitsadvisoryjurisdiction 52 26T ProcedureofCourtinmakingdeterminations 52 26U Powers of Court if application referred under section 53 26T(3)(b) 26V Appointmentofmediator 55 26W Judgeappointedasmediator 55 26X Conductofmediation 55 26Y Successfulmediation 56 26Z Unsuccessfulmediation 56 26ZA Ordersandinterimorders 57 26ZB Proceedingswhereadditionalmembersappointed 58 27 Governor­Generalmayconferspecialjurisdiction 59 28 Additional members for purposes of Court’s special 59 jurisdiction 29 ReferencetoCourtforinquiry 60 30 MaoriLandCourt’sjurisdictiontoadviseonordetermine 60 representationofMaorigroups 30A Reviewofrepresentatives[Repealed] 61 30A Intent of sections 61 3 TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori Reprintedasat Land Act 1993 1July2009 30B PowersofJudgeinaddressingrequestsforadvice 61 30C Powers of Judge in addressing applications for 62 determination 30D Appointmentofmediator 63 30E Conductofmediation 64 30F Successfulmediation 64 30G Unsuccessfulmediation 65 30H Orders 65 30I Reviewofadviceordetermination 66 30J Definitionofpersonsaffected 67 31 Additionalmembersforpurposesofinquiry 67 32 AdditionalmembersinrelationtomatteroftikangaMaori 67 33 Additionalmembersinrelationtomatterofrepresentation 68 34 Oathtobetakenbyadditionalmember 68 35 Feesandallowances 69 36 Quorumanddecisions 69 37 Exerciseofjurisdictiongenerally 70 38 PowersofCourtmaybeexercisedbyanyJudge 71 39 PowersofRegistrars 71 40 PowerofJudgetorefermattertoRegistrar 72 Ordersandrehearings 41 Orders to be pronounced in open Court, and minute 72 recorded 42 Commencementoforders 73 43 Rehearings 73 SpecialpowersofChiefJudge 44 ChiefJudgemaycorrectmistakesandomissions 74 45 Applicationsforexerciseofspecialpowers 75 46 PowersofChiefJudgeinrespectofapplications 75 47 Administrativeandconsequentialmatters 76 48 Mattersalreadyfinalisedorpending 76 ExerciseofpowersbyDeputyChiefJudge 48A DeputyChiefJudgemayexercisespecialpowersofChief 77 Judge Rightofappealagainstexerciseofspecialpowers 49 Appeals 78 4 Reprintedasat TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori 1July2009 Land Act 1993 Part 2 TheMaoriAppellateCourt ConstitutionofCourt 50 MaoriAppellateCourttocontinue 78 51 ConstitutionofCourt 78 52 Officers of Maori Land Court to be officers of Maori 79 Appellate Court 53 Seal 79 Proceduralprovisions 54 Successiveappealsinrespectofsamematter 79 55 Appealstobebywayofrehearing 79 56 PowersofCourtonappeal 80 57 DecisionofmajoritytobedecisionofCourt 80 Jurisdictionandorders 58 AppealsfromMaoriLandCourt 81 58A FurtherappealtoCourtofAppealfromMaoriAppellate 81 Court 58B DirectappealtoSupremeCourtfromMaoriAppellate 81 Courtinexceptionalcircumstances 59 Appealsfromprovisionaldeterminations 82 60 MaoriLandCourtmaystatecaseforMaoriAppellate 83 Court 61 HighCourtmaystatecaseforMaoriAppellateCourt 83 62 Additionalmemberswithknowledgeandexperiencein 84 tikanga Maori 63 QuorumanddecisionofCourt 84 64 Commencementoforders 85 Part 3 ProvisionsrelatingtobothCourts 65 Application 86 Proceduralprovisions 66 Conductofproceedingsgenerally 86 67 PowersofJudgetocallconferenceandgivedirections 86 68 PartiesandwitnessesmayuseMaorilanguage 87 69 Evidenceinproceedings 88 70 Representationofparties,etc 88 71 Courtmayamendproceedings 89 72 CasemaybestatedforHighCourt 89 5 TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori Reprintedasat Land Act 1993 1July2009 Generalprovisionsastoorders 73 Ordersmaybemadesubjecttoconditions 90 74 Ordersnotinvalidforwantofform,etc 90 75 Ordersnominallyinfavourofdeceasedpersons 90 76 Personsboundbyordersaffectingland 91 77 OrdersaffectingMaorilandconclusiveafter10years 91 78 Exemptionsfromstampduty[Repealed] 91 79 Orders as to costs 91 80 Taxation of costs 92 81 Enforcementofordersforpaymentofmoney 93 82 Charging orders 94 83 Appointmentofreceivertoenforcecharges,etc 95 84 Courtmayorderrepaymentoutofmoneyheldbytrustee, 97 etc 85 EnforcementbyHighCourtofinjunctions 97 Amendmentoforders,warrants,andrecords 86 Amendmentoforders,warrants,etc 98 87 AmendmentofnamesoflandownersinCourtrecords 98 and titles 88 Amendment or cancellation of orders not to affect 99 acquired rights Contempt of Court 89 Failuretocomplywithsummons,etc 99 90 Powertoremoveforcontempt 100 91 ObstructingofficersofCourt 100 Rules of Court 92 ConstitutionofRulesCommittee 100 93 Feesandtravellingallowances 101 94 PrincipalfunctionofRulesCommittee 102 95 Rules of Court 102 Fees 96 Regulations 104 Miscellaneousprovisions 97 Practice notes 105 98 MaoriLandCourtSpecialAidFund 105 6 Reprintedasat TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori 1July2009 Land Act 1993 Part 4 Administrationofestates 99 Interpretation 107 100 ApplicationofthisPart 108 101 GenerallawtoapplysubjecttothisPart 109 Grantofadministrationandsettlementofclaims 102 JurisdictionofHighCourtcontinued 109 103 JurisdictionofHighCourtwhereadministrationgranted 110 byMaoriLandCourt 104 LiabilityofMaorilandforpaymentofdebtsofestate 110 105 DutypayableonsuccessiontoMaoriland[Repealed] 112 106 Specialprovisionsrelatingtotestamentarypromisesand 112 family protection 107 Specialprovisionsrelatingtostatusofchildren,etc 113 Distributionofestates 108 Dispositionbywill 114 109 SuccessiontoMaorifreeholdlandonintestacy 115 109A Successiontootawhakanohoonintestacy 117 110 SuccessiononintestacytopropertyotherthanMaoriland 117 111 InterestsinGenerallandofdeceasedMaori 117 112 TransmissionofMaorilandtoadministrator 118 113 MaoriLandCourttodeterminebeneficialentitlementsto 118 Maori land 114 SuccessiontoMaorilandonintestacywherenoperson 119 primarily entitled 115 Courtmaymakeprovisionforwhangai 120 116 Courtmaymakespecialprovisionrelatingtoincome 121 117 Vestinginpersonsbeneficiallyentitledfollowinggrant 121 of administration 118 Vestinginpersonsbeneficiallyentitledwherenogrant 123 of administration 118A Circumstanceswhencertainassetsandpaymentsmust 124 be held in trust 118B Circumstanceswhencertaintransfersandpaymentsmust 125 be held in trust 119 Court’spowersinrelationtowhanauandputeatrusts 125 119A Vestingofotawhakanoho 126 120 Specialsuccessionfeewheredeathoccurredbefore1 126 April 1968 121 Special provisions relating to succession to shares in 126 Maoriincorporations 7 TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori Reprintedasat Land Act 1993 1July2009 Part 5 Recordingofownership 122 ApplicationofPart 127 123 Orders affecting title to Maori freehold land to be 127 registered 124 Specialprovisionswhereinsufficientsurveyplan 129 125 Alterationsinregistrationoftitle 130 125A Alterationtolandappellation 130 126 Noregistrationwithoutpriorconfirmation 131 127 RegistrarofCourttorecordownership 132 128 Courtmayissuedeclaratoryconsolidatedorder 132 Part 6 Status of land 129 AlllandtohaveparticularstatusforpurposesofAct 133 130 Certain status not to change except in limited 135 circumstances 131 Courtmaydeterminestatusofland 135 132 ChangefromMaoricustomarylandtoMaorifreehold 135 landbyvestingorder 133 Change from General land or General land owned by 136 MaoritoMaorifreeholdlandbystatusorder 134 ChangetoMaorifreeholdlandbyvestingorderonchange 137 of ownership 135 ChangefromMaorilandtoGenerallandbystatusorder 139 136 PowertochangestatusofMaorilandownedbynotmore 139 than 10 persons 137 PowertochangestatusofMaoriland 140 138 AlternativeoradditionalpowerofCount 141 139 RegistrationofvestingorderswherelandformerlyMaori 141 customary land 140 Registrationofotherorders 142 141 Effectofvestingordersuponregistration 142 142 Effectofstatusordersuponregistration 142 143 OtherlanddeemedMaorifreeholdlandforsuccession 143 purposesincertaincircumstances 144 MaoricustomarylanddeemedCrownlandforcertain 143 purposes Part 7 AlienationofMaoriland 145 Maoricustomarylandinalienable 144 146 AlienationofMaorifreeholdland 144 8 Reprintedasat TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori 1July2009 Land Act 1993 147 Alienationofwholeorpartofblock 144 147A Rightoffirstrefusalforsaleorgift 145 148 Alienationofundividedinterests 145 149 Alienationofequitableinterests 146 150 Mannerofalienationofundividedinterests 146 150A Alienationbytrustees 147 150B AlienationbyMaoriincorporation 148 150C Alienationbyotherowners 148 150D Life interests 149 Part 8 Dutiesandpowersofcourtinrelationtoalienationsof Maorifreeholdland Confirmation 151 Applicationforconfirmation 150 152 Courttograntconfirmationifsatisfiedofcertainmatters 151 153 Court’sgeneraldiscretion[Repealed] 152 154 Grounds on which Court may refuse 152 confirmation[Repealed] 155 Mannerofconfirmation 152 156 Effectofconfirmation 153 157 Executionofinstrumentofalienationtogiveeffectto 153 resolution 158 Specialvaluationrequiredexceptinspecialcases 154 159 ProceedsofalienationtobepaidtoMāoriTrustee,Court 155 appointedagent,ortrustees 160 Certaininstrumentsrequireonlycertificateofconfirmation 157 by Registrar 161 Certain instruments require only noting by 159 Registrar[Repealed] 162 Failuretoactonresolution 160 163 JurisdictionofHighCourttorectifyinstruments 160 Vesting orders 164 TransferoflandorundividedinterestbyCourtvesting 160 orders 165 Vestingofinterestheldinrepresentativecapacity 162 166 OtherpowersofCourttomakevestingorderspreserved 162 167 Intereststoremainsubjecttoexistingchargesaftervesting 162 168 Liabilityofvestingorderstoconveyanceduty[Repealed] 163 9 TeTureWhenuaMaoriAct1993/Maori Reprintedasat Land Act 1993 1July2009 Part 9 Powersofassembledowners 169 ApplicationofthisPart 163 170 Ownersandassembledownersdefined 163 171 Saleoftimber,etc,toconstitutealienationforpurposes 164 of this Part 172 Mattersthatmaybedealtwithbyassembledowners 164 173 Callingofmeetings 165 174 Noticeofmeetings 166 175 Confirmationrequired 167 176 Courtmayconfirmresolutionpassedatinformalfamily 167 gathering 177 Security for calling meeting to reconsider rejected 168 proposal 178 Courtmayreviewmeeting 168 179 Regulations 168 Part 10 RepresentationofownersofMaoriland 180 PurposeofthisPart 170 181 NoticetoownersofMaorilandmaybegiventoRegistrar 170 in certain cases 182 ActionofCourtonreceiptofnotice 171 183 Court may appoint agent of owners for purposes of 171 notices, etc 184 Provisions applicable where meeting of owners to be 173 summoned 185 Appointmentofagentsforpurposesofalienation,etc 174 186 Orderofappointment 176 187 Powers of agents 176 188 Serviceofnoticeonagents 177 189 Courtmaycallforaccount 177 190 Costs of agents 177 191 Terminationofagency 177 Part 11 Leases 192 Interpretation 178 193 ApplicationofprovisionsofPart12 178 194 Leasesnottocontainoptiontopurchase 180 195 MaoriTrusteetoexercisecertainpowersanddutiesifno 180 otheragentappointed 196 Executionofrenewals 181 10

Special succession fee where death occurred before 1. April 1968. 126. 121 . Maori Trustee to exercise certain powers and duties if no other agent
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