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TDD-CDMA for Wireless Communications PDF

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Y L F M A E T Team-Fly® TDD-CDMA for Wireless Communications ForalistingofrecenttitlesintheArtechHouseUniversalPersonalCommunications Series,turntothebackofthisbook. TDD-CDMA for Wireless Communications Riaz Esmailzadeh Masao Nakagawa Artech House Boston • London www.artechhouse.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Esmailzadeh,Riaz. TDD-CDMAforwirelesscommunications/RiazEsmailzadeh,MasaoNakagawa. p. cm.—(ArtechHouseuniversalpersonalcommunicationsseries) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN1-58053-371-X(alk.paper) 1.Codedivisionmultipleaccess. I.Nakagawa,M.(Masao) II.Title. III.Series. TK5103.452.E66 2002 621.3845’6—dc21 2002032680 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Esmailzadeh,Riaz TDD-CDMAforwirelesscommunications.— (ArtechHouseuniversalpersonalcommunicationsseries) 1.Timedivisionmultipleaccess 2.Codedivisionmultipleaccess 3.Wireless communicationsystems I.Title II.Nakagawa,Masao 621.3’845 ISBN1-58053-371-X CoverdesignbyYekaterinaRatner Regardingthecopyrighted3GPPfiguresinChapter7,3GPPTSsandTRsarethepropertyof ARIB, CWTS, ETSI, T1, TTA, and TTC, who jointly own the copyright in them. They are subjecttofurthermodificationsandarethereforeprovidedtoyou“asis”forinformationpur- posesonly.Furtheruseisstrictlyprohibited. ©2003ARTECHHOUSE,INC. 685CantonStreet Norwood,MA02062 All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part of this book maybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permis- sioninwritingfromthepublisher. All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have beenappropriatelycapitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttotheaccuracyofthisinformation. Useofaterminthisbookshouldnotberegardedasaffectingthevalidityofanytrademarkor servicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:ISBN1-58053-371-X LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:2002032680 10987654321 Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 MobileCommunications 2 1.2 TDDSystems 4 1.3 SpreadSpectrumCommunications 7 References 9 2 MobileRadioCommunications 11 2.1 RadioCommunicationSystem 11 2.2 MobileChannelCharacteristics 13 2.2.1 PowerControl 18 2.2.2 DiversityCombiningTechniques 19 2.2.3 DiversityCombiningMethods 21 2.3 SpreadSpectrumCommunications 24 v vi TDD-CDMAforWirelessCommunications 2.3.1 FH-SS 25 2.3.2 DS-SS 27 2.4 CDMACommunications 31 2.4.1 UplinkofaCDMASystem 33 2.5 SystemConfiguration 35 2.5.1 PublicSystems 35 2.5.2 PrivateandAdHocSystems 36 2.6 Summary 36 References 36 3 TDDTransmission 39 3.1 TDDSystem 39 3.2 SynchronousTransmission 44 3.3 WhyTDD? 46 3.3.1 Reciprocity 47 3.3.2 ImpulseResponseEstimation 50 3.4 CDMAGroupTransmission:TDD 51 3.5 Summary 52 References 52 4 PowerControlinTDD-CDMASystems 55 4.1 UplinkPowerControlinTDD 58 4.1.1 ImperfectChannelEstimation 64 4.2 DownlinkPowerControl 66 4.3 PowerControlinMultipathDiversity 67 4.3.1 ImperfectChannelEstimation 71 4.4 Summary 73 References 73 5 Pre-RakeDiversityCombining 75 5.1 Introduction 76 Contents vii 5.2 MultipathChannelModel 77 5.3 TheRakeCombination 78 5.4 ThePre-RakeCombination 79 5.5 TheoreticalAnalyses 81 5.5.1 SNR 81 5.5.2 BER 84 5.6 TDD-CDMASystemwithPre-Rake 85 5.7 PerformanceAnalysisofthePre-RakeTDD-CDMA 87 5.7.1 Self-Interference 88 5.7.2 Multiple-AccessInterference 89 5.8 PerformanceAnalysisoftheRakeTDD-CDMA 92 5.8.1 Self-Interference 92 5.8.2 Multiple-AccessInterference 92 5.9 NumericalResultsandDiscussion 94 5.10 Summary 96 References 96 6 SystemCapacityinTDD-CDMASystems 99 6.1 DownlinkCapacity 101 6.2 UplinkCapacity 102 6.3 OrthogonalTransmission 103 6.3.1 Downlink 103 6.3.2 Uplink 104 6.4 DirectionalandAdaptiveArrayAntennas 109 6.5 MultiuserDetection 112 6.5.1 UplinkInterferenceCancellation 113 6.5.2 UplinkJointDetection 114 6.5.3 DownlinkJointPredistortion 117 6.6 Summary 120 References 120 viii TDD-CDMAforWirelessCommunications 7 TDD-BasedCDMAStandardsforPublicSystems 123 7.1 HistoricalBackground 123 7.2 TD-CDMAStandard 126 7.2.1 Layer3:RadioResourceControl 127 7.2.2 Layer2:DataLinkLayer 127 7.2.3 Layer1:PhysicalLayer 131 7.3 TD-SCMDAStandard 136 7.3.1 PhysicalLayer 137 7.3.2 ChannelCoding 138 7.3.3 Interleaving 138 7.3.4 RadioFrameSegmentationandRateMatching 138 7.3.5 TrCHMultiplexing 138 7.3.6 PhCHandSubframeSegmentation 138 7.3.7 FrameandSlotStructure 140 7.3.8 ModulationandSpreading 141 7.4 Summary 141 7.5 TD-CDMATestSystem 142 7.5.1 ElementsandConfigurationofExperimental Equipment 142 7.5.2 LaboratoryExperiments 143 7.5.3 FieldTrial 146 7.5.4 Summary 148 References 149 8 TDDSpreadSpectrum–BasedPrivateSystems 151 8.1 BluetoothAdHocSystem 151 8.1.1 BluetoothAirInterface 152 8.1.2 AdHocNetworking 153 8.1.3 WhyTDD? 155 8.2 SpreadSpectrumCordlessTelephone 156 8.2.1 SystemConfiguration 156 8.2.2 TDDOperation 158 Contents ix 8.3 Summary 158 References 159 9 TDDandFourth-GenerationSystems 161 9.1 SubscriberandTrafficGrowth 161 9.2 TransmissionandNetworkTechnology 163 9.3 Conclusion 164 References 165 AbouttheAuthors 167 Index 169

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