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TAXONOMY OF THE CUSCUTA INDECORA (CONVOLVULACEAE) COMPLEX NORTH AMERICA IN Mihai Costea Guy Nesom (corresponding author) L. Department of Biology Botanical Research ofTexas Institute Wilfrid Laurier University 509 Pecan Street 75 University Avenue West Fort Worth^ Texas 76102-4060, U.S.A. Waterloo, Ontario [email protected] N2L3C5XANADA [email protected] Sasa Stefanovic Department of Biology University of Toronto at Mississauga 3359 Mississauga Road Mississauga, Ontario L5L1C6XANADA ABSTRACT m The Cuscuta indecora complex {Cuscuta subsect. Indecorae) North America characterized by is fleshy, papillose flowers, corolla lobes with mflexed tips, and capsules with a thickened stylopo- C dium. It includes Cindecora, coryli, C. warneri, and C.jepsonii- Recent taxonoinists have proposed C We C to treat the latter three taxaat varietal rank within inderora or as synonyms of maintain it. warneri and C.jepsonii at specific rank because of their distinctive morphology, even though the known latter is only from the type collection and the former from a very limited number of speci- mens. Cuscuta indecora includes var. indecora, var. hngisepala, and C. indecora var. aticnuata (Wa- comb, nov terfall) Costea, et stat. Cuscuta indecora vars. bifida and neuropetala are treated as syn- onyms C of CAndecora var ndecora. Cuscuta warneri and coryli are reported as new floristic records i New from Mexico and Quebec, respectively. RESUMEN El complejo Cuscuta indecora (Cuscuta subsect. Indecorae) en America del Norte esta caracterizado por flores papllosas y suculentas, lobulos de la corola con puntas inflexionadas, y capsulas con un estilopodio engrosado. El complejo incluye C. indecora, C. coryli, C. warneri. y C.jepsonii. Recientemente algunos taxonomos han propuesto cratar las ultimas tres variedades dentro de la C C como categoria indecora o un sinonimo del mismo. Mantenemos que warneri C.jepsonii estan y en una categoria especial por su morfologia distinta, a pesar de que la ultima se conoce solo por la coleccion primera conocida mediante un numero muy del tipo, y la es de especimenes limitado. Cuscuta indecora incluye var. indecora, var. longisepa/a, y C. indecora var. attenuaia (Waterfall) Costea, C comb, et stat. nov Cuscuta indecora vars. bifida y neuropetala son tratadas como sinonimos de indecora var. indecora. Cuscuta warneri y C. coryli figuran como nuevas citas floristicas de Nuevo Mexico Quebec, respectivamente. y Cuscuta subsect. Indecorae Yuncker characterized by fleshy, papillose flow- is corolla lobes with inflexed and capsules with thickened stylopodium ers, tips, a SIDA22{1): 209-225. 2006 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) 210 North American Yuncker included three spe- (Yuncker 1932, 1965). In view, s it C C Engelm, and warneri Yuncker) and one (C indecora Choisy, coryli cies C A Wa- from South America (C sienolepis Engelm.). fifth species, attenuata akhough and was added subsect. Indccorae by Prathcr Tyrl (1995), to terfall, C C Waterfall (1971) had suggested that attenuata resembled compacta]nss. of CAndecora, Lepidanche Engelm. Cuscuta attenuata closely similar to subsect. is emphasizing and Tyd maintained both rank, their but Prather (1995) at specific was apparent reproductive Cuscuta warneri treated by Beliz in her isolation. C unpubhshed combination Ph.D. thesis (1986) as a variety of indecora; this some North American overviews Kartesz has been included recent 1999). in (e.g., Cuscuta jepsonii Yuncker, which was initially treated in subsect. Calijornicae C with Yuncker (Yuncker has been recently considered conspecific 1932), indecora 2002). The taxonomic status and relationships of these (Beliz 1993, taxa are reevaluated here, based on morphology and micromorphology of flow- and capsules, seeds, pollen. ers, METHODS morphology based on samples from specimens from NY, Descriptions of are which herbarium (Appendix Measurements and pictures includes Yuncker's 1). KY Samples were taken with a scanning electron microscope Hitachi S-570 at 15 nm K were coated with 30 gold using an Emitech 550 sputter coater. Terminol- micromorphology and and pollen ogy regarding the of flowers, seeds capsules, m were described in detail in the first paper published this issue (Costea et al. 2006). Conservation status was assessed using NatureServe (2005) ranks and criteria. TAXONOMY — and Cuscuta indecora and C. coryli. Cuscuta indecora a highly variable is common species both in North America and South America (Engelmann 1859; & Yuncker 1921, 1932. 1965; Beliz 1986; Prather Tyrl 1995). Cuscuta coryli is less C and sympatric with indecora over significant geographic area variable a is C C below). Yuncker (1932) mentioned that coryli closely related to (see "is commonly which indecora, but distinguished by often 4-parted flowers are is its mm We and smaller 2 long), rudimentary scales shape of fruit." find that (ca. C flowers of coryli may be both 4-merous and 5-merous on the same specimen, and sometimes even 3-merous. Engelmann (1843) noted "flowers frequently 5- C parted" for coryli, but he later (1859) modified this observation to flowers many Although and appar- "mostly 4-parted." the type collections of C. coryli ently have more 4-merous than 5-merous flowers, 5-merous flowers predomi- nate in some specimens. Ranges of variation in floral size in C. indecora 3.nd C. mm Cuscuta indecora has small flowers, 2.1-2.7 long, coryli are closely similar. JAXONOMY COSTEA ET AL. OF CUSCUTA INDECORA COMPLEX 211 mm mm C with the coroha tube 0.9-L5 long; flowers of coryli are L7-2.6(-3) mm long, with the corolla tube (0.7-)l-L4 long. GH) Such observations perhaps led Beliz (1987-1988, in herb. NY, to con- C sider Cuscuta coryli conspecific with indecora. Although they are clearly re- lated and sometimes overlapping in several character states, the two taxa can be usually distinguished using a combination of characters (see key and de- and scriptions below) their recognition as separate species appropriate. is Description of infrastaminal scales in these two species has been confus- m Engelmann was ing. For example, Cuscuta coryli, consistent, describing the infrastaminal scales as "appressed, bifid, consisting of a few teeth one or two ... teeth on each side of the filament (1942) or lobes laterally adhering to the ... lower (attached) part of the filament" (1859). Yuncker (1921, 1932) added "scales rudimentary, bifid, toothed, ordinarily reduced to toothed wings on either side filament attachment." Figure 42e depicted one infrastaminal of (1921) bifid scale with 1 or 2 fimbria on the each side of the staminal filament, while in Fig. 39 (1932), these lateral fimbria are replaced by dentate lobes (wings). In his 1965 treatment, Yuncker removed the term "bifid" from the description of C infrastaminal scales of coryli 'dnd applied to C.indecora var bifida Yuncker, it which was described as identical in other respects to C. indecora var indecora. We find that the infrastaminal scales of var bifida are not truly bifid, but rather may which the spathulate scales have 2 or 3(-4) deeper apical incisions, create may same 2 or 3(-4) lobes that are further fringed. "Normal" scales occur in the flower together with lobed ones. Such plants are regarded here as populational Engelmann variants of C.indecora van indecora. Bifid scales, as pointed out by C (1842, 1859), are characteristic of coryli. — The and Yuncker varieties of C. indecora the status of Cuscuta attenuata. (1965) treated Cuscuta indecora with three varieties (var. indecora, var. bifida, and van noted we maintain var longisepala): as below, tentatively longisepala but var bi/idaisnotappropriatelyrecognized. Cuscuta var neuropetala zncieco ra (Engelm.) Hitchc, distinguished by relatively larger flowers, has been ac- its We cepted in recent overviews of the genus (Beliz 1993, 2002; Kartesz 1999). find that although var neuropetala can be often identified, connection to var its indecora by a series of intermediates makes taxonomic recognition unfeasible. and Prather Tyrl (1995) observed that Cuscuta attenuata morphologically is C similar to indecora. Indeed, Yuncker annotated (in herb. NY) some collec- C The tions of attenuata as C.indecora var longisepala. present study substan- the w^hich extend the morphology and micromorphology tiates similarities, to C and The of perianth, seeds, pollen, capsules. geographic range of attenuata completely within that of var indecora, but preliminary evidence suggests lies C UPGMA may and that attenuata have narrower host preference. In princi- a C pal components analyses by Prather and Tyrl, attenuata part of a single is BRIT.ORG/SI0A 212 22(1) C cluster with indecora var. indccora and var. longisepala; univariate analyses separated these three taxa, although they were broadly overlapping in morphol- ogy. Prather and Tyrl 456) concluded that "C attenuata a distinct species is (p. C albeit morphologically similar to indecora. In the absence of reproductive isolation we might treat C.attenuala asa variety of C. indecora." Experimental crosses by Prather and Tyrl between attenuata and both varieties of C. C. indecora produced neither fruits nor seeds, while populations of C. attenuata were Whether indecora and var longiscpala were mterfertile interfertile. var. was not reported. For consistency with the degree of morphological difference between other C we Cuscuta species (as are recognizing them), attenuata treated here at is C varietal rank within inciecora.ln view of apparent reproductive isolation its more and host specialization, a strongly defined entity than var hngisepala, is it which also broadly sympatric with var indecora. Var longiscpala istentatively is may maintained here, until biology and evolution be better understood. its Cuscuia wanieri.— This species a strikingly distinct dodder Each calyx is lobe apically prolonged into a conical spur-like projection (Fig. 4 a,b,d), is and and infrastaminal scales are oblong with truncate dentate apex, capsules have a collar-like apex and very short styles (Fig. 4d). The calyx spurs are m maximum when and accrescent, relatively small flower reaching size in fruit, they detach easily (at least on dry material). Cuscuta warneri shows strong simi- morphology and micromorphology larity to C. indecora in of perianth, cap- sules, seeds, and pollen (as also observed by Yuncker 1960). Beliz (1986) wTOte C abnormal warneri probably an that "critical studies, how^ever, indicate that is C C specimen and more of indecora until material available for studies, is ... C Our warneri recognized as a variety of indecora.'' observations, in contrast, is C do not indicate that warneri teratological. Flowers have all the components is and they are each capsule usually with 2 seeds in which the embryos fertile, C known appear develop normally. The that warneri only from the to Fact is New type locality and a collection from Mexico (see bellow) indicates that its distribution localized, but morphological distinction justifies continuing is its recognition specific rank. at The spur-like projections of the perianth of Cuscuta warneri have an un- knowm morphology encountered more biological Similar also in other, role. is C C distantly related species: runyonii Yuncker, appJanata Engelm., C. C Urban, and chapalana Yuncker holdinghii — Cuscuia jepsonii. This species was described and included by Yuncker (1921, 1933) in subsect. Calijornicae because infrastaminal scales are absent or synonym reduced to ridges. Beliz (1986) initially considered to be a of C. it & califor nica Hook. Arn. var. papiUosa Yuncker, but she later (1993) treated it C synonym as a of indecora var. indecora. She did not provide substantiating UC knowm evidence for these decisions. The species only from the holotype. is COSTEAETALJAXONOMYOFCUSCUTAINDECORA COMPLEX 213 may Based on study we confirm belong of this collection, that C.jcpsonii to subsect. Indecorae, where represents an extreme case of infrastaminal scale it C reduction. The 5-merous flowers and papillae morphology are similar to mm indecora, from which differs by very small anthers, 0.2-0.3 long, which it C more are like those of coryli. many some Infrastaminal scales vary to extent in Cuscuta species. Never- know theless, we of no instance of complete reduction of infrastaminal scales where development normal, even in a species scale characteristically vari- is if For this reason, and until additional material can be studied, C.jepsonii able. is maintained as a distinct species. KEY TO THE OF CUSCUTA INDECORAE NORTH AMERICA SPECIES SUBSECT. IN Infrastaminal scales absent or reduced to ridges 4.C.JGpsonii 1. Infrastaminal scales present. 1. Calyx lobes with an apical spur-like projection; infrastaminal scales dentate at 2. apex 3.C.warneri 2 Calyx lobes without spur-like projections; infrastaminal scales fimbriate. mm commonly Flowers 5-merous, 2-5.3 long Jnfrastaminal scales united with 3. the corolla tube for 1/3-1/2 (rarely 3/4) of their length, subspathulate to spathulate, rarely 2-3 lobed,apex rounded rarely truncate, with (6-)20-35(- ± when 50) fimbria; capsule yellowish and semi-transparent dried, globose, subglobose to slightly depressed-globose, 0.8-1 times wider than long, the .5 suture lines between the 2 carpels not or only slightly depressed C. indecora 1 . mm Flowers (3-)4-5-merous, .7-2.6(-3) long;infrastaminal scales united with 3. 1 the corolla tube for most of their length, oblong, bifid with 1-3 fimbria on ± 3-6 each side of filament attachment, rarely truncate with fimbria;capsule brown and not semi-transparent when dried, globose, becomes initially between depressed, 1.6-2.4 times wider than long, the suture lines the 2 carpels depressed, forming longitudinal groove on the opposed sides of a capsule 2. C. coryli Mem. Geneve 1842 Cuscuta indecora Choisy, Soc. Phys. 9:278, t3, (Fig. 1, f.5. 1, Fig. 3a,d,e,g,h). Cuscuta decora Choisy ex Engelm. indecora (Choisy) Engelm., Trans. var. Grammica Acad. Sci. St. Louis 1:502. 1859. indecora (Choisy) W.A. Weber, Southw. Naturalist & Amer Epithymum indecorum (Choisy) Nieuwl. LunelK Midi. Naturalist 18:319. 1973. 4:511. 1916. Type: MEXICO. [Tamaulipas]: "Mexicum ad Matamoros," Berlandier 2285-865 (holo- G-DC; 1S0TYPE5: MO, TYPE: P). mm pan- Stems 0.4-0.7 yellow orange. Inflorescences loose dense, thick, to to iculate-cymose sometimes originating endogenously; pedicels 0.5-6 clusters, mm long, papillate-hispid to glabrous; bracts one (rarely 0) at the pedicel base, mm ovate lanceolate. Flowers (4-)5-merou5, 2~5.3 long fleshy translucent- to when when white same dark-brownish epidermal fresh, of the color or dried; arranged in rows, fleshy with anticlinal walls convex (dome-like), addi- cells when tionally with cylindric-conical papillae 40-80 |am long; flowers dry up, rows of dehydrated epidermal cells are usually easily discernible; epicuticular wax represented by longitudinally reticulated rodlets; laticifers isolated or in 214 BRIT.ORG/SI0A 22(1) = FiG.l. Floral variation in Cind€cora:a~e, var.indecora (scale bar mm);f. Papillae on the calyx of var.indecora (scale 1 = mm). bar 75 jam); g. var, longisepala; h, var. attenuata (scale bar 1 COSTEA ET TAXONOMY OF CUSCUTA INDECORA COMPLEX 215 AL., longitudinal rows, ovoidal to elongated, present in the perianth along the midveins, ovary and capsules often running longitudinally and yellowish-or- somewhat ange colored. Calyx cupulate, 1/2 to longer than the corolla tube, di- vided 1/2-2/3 of the length, lobes triangular-ovate to lanceolate, acute to at- more tenuate, or less overlapping at the base. Corolla tube campanulate, mm campanulate-cylindric, subglobose or suburceolate, 1-3.2 long, lobes 0.7- mm 1.5 long triangular-ovate, acute, ca. 1/3 to equaling corolla length, suberect Siamens to erect, apically inflexed. barely exserted or enclosed; anthers elliptic mm x to oblong, (0.5-)0.6-0.9(-1.2) 0.3-0.5 long; filaments equaling or longer 24-36 than anthers; pollen 3(-4)-zonocolpate, subprolate to prolate, jam long, tectum impcrforatum or with a few isolate puncta, sexine scabrate with iso- lated granules. Infrastaminal scales reaching the filaments, united with the corolla tube ior 1/3-1/2 (rarely 3/4) of their length; subspathulate to spatulate, apex rounded, rarely truncate or 2-3(-4) lobed, with (6-)20-35(-50) fimbria. mm weakly Styles distinct, 1-2.5 long, ± unequal, evenly filiform, suberect or divergent; stigmas capitate, globose. Capsules yellowish to light-brown and ± when semi-transparent dried (pericarp glabrous, subglobose, globose, thin), to slightly depressed-globose, 0.9-1.5 wider than long, narrowed and thickened around the style bases, indchiscent or irregularly dehiscent, surrounded or 2-4 capped by the withered pericarp epidermis smooth. Seeds per cap- corolla; sule, 1.42-1.86 X 1.25-1.6 mm, shape heterogeneous on the same plant: dorsoven- trally compressed to weakly angled, broadly elliptic to transversely oblique, x hilum subtermmal, rarely almost terminal, broadly 0.40-0.45 0.32- elliptic, mm; mm, 0.36 vascular scar linear, 0.15-0.18 vertical; seed surface variable: a) when epidermis cells more or less polygonal and puzzle-like, b) alveolate dry when and papillose wet, and c) only some cells are papillose and the rest are ± 20-50 epidermal puzzle-like; size of cells |.im in diameter. KEY TO THE OF CUSCUTA INDECORA VARIETIES Calyx lobes ovate triangular, reaching ca. 1/2 of the corolla tube a.C. indecora 1. indecora var. Calyx lobes lanceolate mostly longer than the corolla tube. 1 . Z Calyx lobes acute; flowers in loose clusters; parasitic on a wide range of species indecora longisepala b. C. var 2 dense on annua Calyx lobes attenuate;flowers in clusters; parasitic primarily Iva indecora attenuata c. C. var. Cuscuta indecora var indecora. neuwpctalaEngdm., AmcL a. (Fig. 1 a,b,c,d,e). CusciUcJ Sci. Arts 45:75. 1843, Cuscuta indecora Choisy var neuropetala (F^.ngclm.) Hitchc, Contr. J. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3:549. 1896. TYPE: U.S.A. TEXAS. [Harris Co.]: in wet prairies near Houston, on different Compositae,such asLialris, Solidago, Hclianlhus, Rudbeckia/aud on Myrica ccrifcra, IM Aug Lindheimer MO; 1843, (holotype; ISOTYPES: NY, US). Cuscuta ncuropelala Engelm. var liitoralis Engelm., Boston Nat. Hist. 5:223. 1845. Lectotype J. (here designated; Beliz 1986, in herb.): U.S.A. TEXAS. [Galveston Co.]: Gaiveston, Apr 1843, 216 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) Lindhcimersn- (MO; The Isolectotypi:: NY). protologuc noted Galveston '^Scashore of Island, on lycjum caroliniamim, Bonichiajrutcsccus, Ivajrutcscens, etc, Flowers in May." Cuscida vc/'niarsc?P:ngcbn. var. Iijs/;icinlcj Fngelm, Amer. Sci, Arts 43:341. 1842. Cuscutd indccora J. var. hi^ndula (EngclmJ Yunckcr, llMnois Biol. Monogr. 6:148, 1021. TYPE: U.S.A. TEXAS.lHarris ^1n dry and sterile prairies, of louston, on Eulhiimia, Sthraukia, Asia\ Amhrosia, Co-l: \\'est 1 EvoJyiilu^, and other low herbs, flowering in April and May. Lindhcimcf' (HOI.OTYPE: s.n. J\ MO, 2285-MO presumably). Yunekcr (192]) cited Bcrlandier the type of indecora C. var. i\s h ispidiild.hui that collection interpreted here as the holotype of ndccora indccora). is C. (var. i Amer Cuscuta hlspidulu tZngelin., Sci. Arts 45:75. 1843. TYPE: U.S.A. TEXAS. larris Engel- Co.]; J. [1 mann did not cite a collector but noted "in dry and sterile prairies west of Houston. Flower- ing in April and May;' apparently referring to the same Lindhcimcr collection typifying C. verrucosa var hlspidula (above). Cuscuta hispidula apparently was not intended by Fngeb mann new to be a combination based on the eadier C. verrucosa Fngehn. var. hispidula, as he C wrote ''Cuscuia hispidu la n. sp." and "Compare the remarks nrade in Vol. XLIII 34h under p. verrucosa.'' Cuscuta indccora var. bifida Yuncker, IHinois Biol. Monogr 6:14^J. 1921. Lectotype (designated UC here): U.S.A. NEVADA. Twin Springs. May-Qct. Pu rpus 6343 (UC 124538). Two sheets are at marked as "isotype"oi var. bifida: the other is Furpuss.n.. wnthout date (UC 124541). CANADA: and Distrihution ecology— Saskatchewan. Alabama, Arkan- U.S.A.: sas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Missis- New sippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Neu^ Mexico, North Jersey, North Oklahoma, Carolina, Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, WEST Washmgton, MEXICO; Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, V\/yoming. SOUTH AMERICA. common INDIES; probably most dodder third It is tlie in North America, and after C.gronovii C. avnpestris. hsted as a "locally" im- It is & weed portant in the U.S.A. and Argentina (Parker Riches 1993). Flowering Jul-Nov. Hosts: wide range of herbaceous and woody Agalmis, species, e.g., Bciccharis, Borrichuh Chenopodium, Eupatorium, Hdianihus, Uctcwthcca, Hy- pericum, Ipomoca, Iva, Kostclctzkyn^ Lcpidhim, Ligustrum, Myrica, PJuchca, Polygcnnim,Rhynchosic\,Solidcigo,Suacdci,Symphyotrichum^Tcphro5ici,Vcr^^^^ G5 (common) Conservation status— (NatureServe 2005). n - 15 (Pinkava et & In = 30 (Pazy Plitmann 1974); 1995). al. Cuscuta indecora longisepala Yuncker, Monogr. b. var. Illinois Biol. 6;149, Fig. 44, 97. 1921 (Fig. Ig). Typh: U.S.A. Texas. On the Blanco, Wright (llOLOTYPH; MO), soi. Distnhutio}] and MEXICO; SOLJTH AMERICA. ecology —\J,S, Texas. Flower- A.: ing summer-fall. Hosts: herbaceous and woody Conservation species. status: T2T1 (imperiled to critically imperiled) (not yet assessed by NatureServe 2005). Cuscuta indecora comb. c. var. atteiiuata (Waterfall) Costea, &r stat. nov. (Fig. 111). Cuscuta attcnuata Watcrlall, Rhodora Oklahoma. McCurtani 73:575. 197]. TVPI:: U.S.A. Co.: Waterfall Creek, 8 mi S and 2 mi E of idabel, Waierfall 17157 (llOLOTYPE: OKLA, ISOTYPE: GH). & Distribution and Oklahoma, ecology —\J,S.A,: Kansas, Texas (Prathcr Tyrl 1993). COSTEA ET AL, TAXONOMY OF CUSCUTA INDECORA COMPLEX 217 Conservation status.— imperiled (G2) (Natureserve 2004). Flowering late Aug-Oct. Hosts: Iva annua, rarely Symphyotrichum spp., mudflats, floodplains, and disturbed areas. T2T1 Conservation status.— (imperiled to critically imperiled) (G2, & Natureserve 2005). 2n = 30 (Prather Tyrl 1993). 2. Cuscuta coryli Engelm, Amer. Sci. Arts 43:337. 1842. (Fig. 2, Fig. 3 b, c, f). J. Type: U.S.A. MISSOURI. [St. Louis Co]: "on Corylus near St. Louis,'^ Sep 1841, Engelmann s.n. (hoi.OTYPH: MO; ISOTYPE: GH). The protologuc reads "on Corylus, in the barrens west of St. August and September. Tt Louis, in Amer Cuscuta coryh Engelm. var. stylosa Lngelm., Sci. 43:337. 1842. TYPE: U.S.A. MISSOURI. iSt. J. Engelmann MO; GH, Louis 'on Sohdago. Louis;' Sep 1841, lOLOTYPE: ISOTYPES: US). Co-1: St. s.n. (l The protologue reads "On Solidago, in dry prairies near Louis." St. Cuscuta inflexa Engelm., Trans. Acad. Louis L502. 1859 [nom. invahd.]. Apparently a renaming St. of Cuscuta coryli, the latter was cited immediately and first in synonymy (other names at 'ds A specific rank also were cited). number of collections were cited in the protologue. mm Stems 0.30-0.50 yellow orange. Inflorescences usually dense (some- thick, to times paniculate-cymose sometimes originating endogenously; loose), clusters, mm pedicels 0.5-3 long, glabrous; bracts one at the pedicel base, ovate to lan- mm ceolate. Flowers 4-5-merous (rarely 3-merou5), 1.7-2. 6(-3) long, fleshy when commonly white dark-brownish w^hen epidermal fleshy fresh, dried; cells organized rows with anticlmal walls convex (dome-like); papillae those in like C when dry rows dehy- described in indecora usually absent; flowers up, of wax more drated epidermal cells are or less inconspicuous; epicuticular present m by represented longitudinally reticulated rodlets; laticifers isolated or longi- tudinal rows, ovoidal to elongated, present in the perianth midveins, ovary and somewhat capsules. Calyx cupulate, equaling or longer than corolla tube, rarely in some flowers shorter than corolla tube, divided 1/2-2/3 of the length, lobes triangular-ovate, acute, not or only slightly overlapping at the base. Corolla tube mm campanulate to suburceolate, 0.5-1. 3(-1.5) miTi long, lobes 0.8-1.2(~1.5) long, triangular-ovate, acute, ca. 1/3 to equaling corolla length, suberect to erect, apically inflexed. Stamens barely exserted or enclosed; anthers (0.2-)0.3-0.45 mm C X 0.19-0.25 long; filaments equaling or longer than anthers; pollen as in indecora. Infrastaminal scales reaching the filaments, united with the co- ca. rolla tube for most of their length, oblong, bifid, with short dentate wings or 1-3 fimbria on each filament attachment, rarely trtmcate with 3-6 fimbria. side of mm Styles distinct, 0.7-1.5 long, ± unequal, evenly filiform, strongly divergent dark-brown and in capsule; stigmas capitate, globose. Capsules not semi-trans- when become parent dried (pericarp thick), glabrous, initially globose later evidently depressed, 1.6-2.4 times wider than long; the former suture lines be- tween the 2 carpels forming a longitudinal groove on opposed sides of capsule; depressed and thickened around the style bases, indehiscent or irregularly de- surrounded capped by withered pericarp epidermis with hiscent, or the corolla; 218 BRILORG/SIDA 22(1) C = Fig. 2. Floral variation in coryli: a-g. excepting e (scale bar mm); e. Convex fleshy epidermis cells in the corolla 1 = (scale bar 150 |„im).

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