PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(3), 2007, pp. 684^688 TAXONOMY AND ECOLOGY OF THE PITCHER PLANT MOSQUITO, WYEOMYIA SMITHII (COQUILLETT) (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE), IN MISSISSIPPI Jerome Goddard, Gretchen Waggy, Wendy C. Varndo, and Bruce A. Harrison (JG, WCV) Mississippi Department of Health, P.O. Box 1700, Jackson, MS, 39215, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (GW) Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 6005 Bayou Heron Rd., Moss Point, MS 39562, U.S.A.; (BAH) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 585 Waughtown St., Winston-Salem, NC 27107, U.S.A. — Abstract. During 2005, a population ofthe GulfCoast race of Wyeomyia smithii (Coquilett) was studied in the purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea L. and one hybrid plant in the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge located in extreme southeastern Mississippi. Twenty-nine larval specimens of Wy. smithii were collected during this study from two clusters of plants approximately 100 m apart. A short review is provided ofthe changing taxonomic concept for Wy. smithii in the United States. Mississippi populations of Wy. smithii represent a Gulf Coast race of the species, but current evidence does not support providing a subspecies name for this race. Also provided are ecological observations ofthe affects ofa controlled burn of the pitcher plant field as well as the storm surge caused by Hurricane Katrina on the plants and Wy. smithii population densities. Key Words: Wyeomyia smithii, pitcher plant mosquito, ecology, taxonomy Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett) is one plants such as S. JJava L., S. leucophylla of only three species of Wyeomyia Rafinesque, S. rubra Walt., and S. alata Theobald in North America that are Wood, but cannot overwinter in these phytotelmic. Wyeomyia vanduzeei Dyar other species because the leaves die back and Knab from Florida, and Wy. mitch- during winter. Further, Wy. smithii ellii (Theobald) from Florida and south- larvae also may be found in hybrids ern Georgia, are found in bromeliads, between S. purpurea and S. flava, S. while Wy. smithii is associated with the alata, S. leucophylla, and others, and in purple pitcher plant, Sarraceniapurpurea warm southern areas they may survive in L. (Sarraceniaceae), from the GulfCoast the hybrid leaves through the winter northward into Canada. Recently, the months (Bradshaw 1983). southern form of the pitcher plant S. No major mosquito taxonomic pub- purpurea was proposed to be a new lications list Wy. smithii as occurring in species named S. rosea (Naczi and Soper Mississippi (Carpenter and LaCasse 1999); however, we are retaining the 1955, King et al. 1960, Darsie and Ward name S. purpurea for this study. Accord- 2005); however, papers published in the ing to Bradshaw (1983), ff'j'. 5m/7/777 may journal Evolution present Mississippi be found occasionally in other pitcher collection data (Bradshaw and Lounibos VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 685 1977, Armbruster et al. 1998). The Wy. smithii from Florida to Canada were species is rare in Mississippi and little is considered representatives of one taxon. known of its habitat, distribution, and Dodge (1947) altered this consensus ecology in the state. In this paper, we when he described Wyeomyia haynei present ecological, biological, and taxo- from South Carolina. Dodge separated nomic information gathered thus far Wy. haynei from Wy. smithii based about Wy. smithii in Mississippi. primarily on the former having the Methods following larval characters: (1) a small pair of dorsal anal papillae above the Larval specimens were collected by long ventral pair {Wy. smithii only has aspirating water from pitcher plants with a ventral pair), (2) more comb scales, (3) a turkey baster. Some larvae were fixed in seta 14-M equal to or smaller than 14-P hot water and preserved in 80% ETOH, (14-M is larger than 14-P on Wy. while otherswere reared to the adult stage Smithii), and (4) setae 3, 4-X usually in the laboratory. Otherwise, no adult bifid (usually trifid on Wy. smithii). specimens were collected in this study. Dodge also described adults of Wy. Forvouchers, adults were glued to pinned haynei with silver scales on the mid-lobe paper points and labeled with collection of the scutellum while those of Wy. information. All collections were made in smithii are dark, but was unable to find the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge differences in the male genitalia of the (GBNWR), which is an undisturbed area two species. Darsie and Williams (1976), along the extreme southeastern coast of comparing northern and southern speci- Mississippi containing mesic palustrine mens, re-examined the 4 larval characters forests (slash pine flatwoods/ savannah identified by Dodge, and also found that with wiregrass, oak-mixed hardwood setae 2-IV-VI would separate Wy. haynei ridge bottom forest), wet palustrine for- from Wy. smithii. During the period ests (disturbed wet savannah habitat, old 1947-77, taxonomists accepted the two settlement wet forest/savannah habitat, species concept, although the male gen- wet pine - pond cypress savannah, wet italia of the two species continued to be slash, longleaf, pine savanna with broom- described as "indistinguishable" (Car- sedge), shrub wetlands, inland freshwater penter and LaCasse 1955). Two species marshes, swamp forests, upland maritime in Wyeomyia having identical male communities, estuarine fringe wetlands, genitalia is very unusual, as species of and intertidal estuarine communities. All this genus typically have male genitalia specimen identifications, adults and lar- with very distinct morphological char- vae, were confirmed by the fourth author. acters. Darsie and Ward (1981) docu- Specimens have been deposited in the mented Wy. haynei as occurring in Mississippi Entomological Museum, Mis- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Car- sissippi State University, Starkville, MS, olina, North Carolina, Virginia, and the Public Health Pest Management Maryland, while the distribution of Wy. mosquito collection, Winston-Salem, smithii included more northern states, NC, and the National Museum of Natu- from Delaware west to Illinois and more ral History, Smithsonian Institution, northern states, and Canada. Unknown Washington, DC. to Darsie and Ward, during the 1970s considerable research was conducted and Results published in non-taxonomic journals — Notes on the taxonomic status. Since that focused on Wy. smithii as an its original description (Coquillett 1901) inquiline ofthe purple pitcher plant host, and until 1947, populations ascribed to S. purpurea. This research addressed the — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 686 taxonomy, biology, distribution, mor- and Darsie (1982) suggested more work phological variations, hybridization, (cross-mating studies) was needed to re- competition with other inquilines of the solve the species status of Wy. haynei; pitcher plant, photoperiod, dormancy, however, the suggested cross-mating diapause, altitude and latitude relation- studies had already been accomplished ships, and other biological aspects of in Bradshaw and Lounibos (1977). Darsie different populations of Wy. smithii. and Morris (2000) declared that Wy. Bradshaw and Lounibos (1977) docu- haynei was a junior synonym of Wy. mented and studied representative speci- smithii. Now there is a consensus again; mens of 33 populations of Wy. smithii only a single species, Wy. smithii, is from Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, recognized as inhabiting the purple pitch- more northern states in the U.S., to the er plant, S. purpurea, and also hybrids of Canadian provinces ofNova Scotia, New S. purpurea and certain other Sarracenia Brunswick, and Quebec. This represented speciesinNorthAmerica. TheMississippi the first record of Wy. smithii from populations represent the GulfCoast race Mississippi. They conducted laboratory of Bradshaw and Lounibos (1977); how- cross-mating studies and found complete ever, becauseofthe south to northcline of hybridization among the populations morphological, biological, and physiolog- (northern, southern, high elevation, low ical traits fromthe GulfCoast to Canada, elevation) that were crossed and back- Bradshaw (unpublished personal commu- crossed. The hybrids and backcrosses of nication) does not see a need for recog- the extremes (north-south, high-low ele- nizing subspecies. — vations) were fully viable and expressed Biological notes. Major mosquito intermediate characters in the anal papil- publications for the North American lae, branching ofsetae 3, 4-X, expression fauna (Carpenter and LaCasse 1955, of silver scales on the midlobe of the Wood et al. 1979) have commented on scutellum, and photoperiodic effects on the lack of blood feeding by Wy. smithii, initiation and depth of larval diapause although the mouthparts are developed alonga cline from south to north, orfrom for blood feeding (Hudson 1970). Brad- low to high elevation in North Carolina. shaw (1980) resolved this enigma when he Theyconcluded that Wy. smithiiis a poly- was bitten by Wy. smithii at low eleva- typic species with three geographic races, tions in North Carolina and along the i.e., Wy. smithii in the north and at high Gulf Coast. Furthermore, he observed elevations in North Carolina, Wy. haynei a female taking blood from a box turtle in in the mid-Atlantic and Georgia area as Florida. These observations led to further a geographic subspecies, and a newly research where he determined that fe- recognized andmore southerngeographic males from the northern and high eleva- race along the Gulf coast (Mississippi, tion populations of Wy. stnithiiare always Alabama, and Florida) with dorsal anal autogenous, while those from the low papillae nearly equal the length of the elevationsinthe CarolinaCoast Plainand ventral anal papillae. Of interest, Brad- Piedmont and GulfCoast populations are shaw and Lounibos (1977) found high autogenous for the first oviposition, then elevation populations in North Carolina anautogenous for later ovipositions. Ac- that are morphologically identical to cordingly, mosquito collectors should be specimens of Wy. smithii found in north- alert for specimens attracted to light traps ern states, while coastal North Carohna and coming to hosts for a blood meal. populations were identical to the geo- Distribution and plant associations. graphical race called Wy. haynei. Upon A total of 29 specimens of Wy. smithii learning ofthis published research. Ward were collected during this study (27 VOLUME NUMBER 109, 3 687 Specimens in May and 2 specimens in new patches of over three or more Aug). Larvae were collected from one individual plants were there prior to the primary breeding site, a cluster of fire. No mosquito larvae were seen in the approximately 48 S. purpurea plants new leaves for approximately 16 weeks m within a 5 diameter circle. Later, (July 25th), after which leaves were another cluster of about 100 S. purpurea thoroughly repopulated. How and from plants was located approximately 175 m where the pitcher plants were repopu- from there, and larvae were observed lated is unknown. No other patches ofS. hving in those plants, but no collections purpurea have been found in the imme- were made. In addition, on July 26th, diate area. — Wy. smithii larvae were observed in Effects of a hurricane. Hurricane a cluster of S. purpurea X S. alata Katrina hit the coasts of Louisiana, m hybrids located approximately 100 Mississippi, and Alabama on August from the primary collection site. Nine 29, 2005, causing widespread catastroph- days later, two larval specimens were ic destruction. The 145 km Mississippi collected from the hybrid plants and coastline was especially hit hard, al- confirmed as Wy. smithii. though power outages and wind damage To date, Wy. smithiihas been collected occurred as far as 322 km inland. The in only two locations in Mississippi, the hurricane storm surge inundated many GBNWR during this study (Jackson areas along the Mississippi gulf coast, County, approximately 7 mi. east of and virtually 100% of the area south of Moss Point) and Movella, MS, reported Highway 90 in the proximity of the earlier (Bradshaw and Lounibos 1977; Grand Bay National Estuarine Research George County, approximately 15 mi. Reserve (GBNERR) was hit with a 6 m GBNERR south of Lucedale). There is one other storm surge, recorded by unpublished collection report of 7 adult personnel (S. Christine Walters, personal GBNERR specimens by a mosquito control techni- communication). The is par- cian using CO2 baited CDC light traps in tially contained within the GBNWR. a pitcher plant field in Gautier, MS The pitcher plant field in this study was (Jackson County) during a West Nile located south of Highway 90 and was mosquito survey. Numerous attempts by flooded by the surge. There was direct the senior author to verify this finding observation by a GBNERR staff mem- m have proven unfruitful. Ifconfirmed, the ber of approximately 1 of water Gautier site would be the most western covering the entire pitcher plant savan- report of Wy. smithii in the southern nah on the afternoon ofthe storm (Chris United States. — May, personal communication). Inter- Effects of a controlled burn. The estingly, neither the pitcher plants nor entire 960 acre field containing the the mosquito larvae were apparently pitcher plants with Wy. smithii under- harmed by this inundation with salt went a controlled burn by refuge per- water. Two visits to the site after the sonnel on April 14, 2005. A few water- hurricane (Sept. and Nov.) revealed filled S. purpurea leaves survived the numerous Wy. smithiilarvae living inside burn, but were badly damaged. No living the leaves of S. purpurea. Wy. smithii were seen in any leaves a day Conclusions after the burn. The area was observed weekly for new pitcher plant growth and The Gulf Coast race of Wyeomyia subsequent repopulation of the leaves smithii extends into southeastern Mis- with Wy. smithii. Regrowth of pitcher sissippi where it is associated with plant leaves occurred within 2 weeks. All populations of the purple pitcher plant PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 688 and a hybrid between the purple pitcher Carpenter, S. and W. LaCasse. 1955. Mosquitoes plant and the pale pitcher plant. Taxo- of North America. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 360 pp. nomic analysis ofMississippi Wy. smithii Coquillett, D. W. 1901. Three new species of does not support naming the Gulf Coast Culicidae. Canadian Entomologist 33: 258- race a subspecies at this time. Based on 260. data from one controlled burn, burning Darsie, R. F. Jr. and C. D. Morris. 2000. Keys to the adult females and fourth-instar larvae of pitcher plant fields apparently decimates the mosquitoes of Florida. Florida Mosquito pitcher plant mosquito larvae residing in Control Association, Technical Bulletin Num- the plants, but repopulation occurs ber l(revised): 1-159. within weeks or months. Preliminary Darsie, R. F. Jr. and R. A. Ward. 1981. Identifi- evidence suggests that short-term expo- cation and Geographical Distribution of the Mosquitoes of North America, North of sure to salt water from the tidal surge of Mexico. Mosquito Systematics Supplement 1: Hurricane Katrina did not affect pitcher 1-313. plants or their mosquito larvae. . 2005. Identification and Geographical Distribution of the Mosquitoes of North Acknowledgments America, North of Mexico. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Bill Bradshaw, University of Oregon, Darsie, R. F. Jr. and R. M. Williams. 1976. First provided information and helpful com- report of Wyeomyia haynei in Georgia, with ments concerning this manuscript. Chris- comments on identification of larvae. Mos- tine Walters and Chris May, Grand Bay Dodgqeu,itoH.SyRs.tem1a9f47i.csA8:n4e4w1^s4p4ec.ies of Wyeomyia National Estuarine Research Reserve, from the pitcher plant. Proceedings of the provided information about the effects Entomological Society Washington 49: 117- of Hurricane Katrina on our study site. 122. Hudson, A. 1970. Notes on the piercing mouth- Literature Cited parts of three species of mosquitoes viewed with the scanning electron microscope. Cana- Armbruster, P., W. E. Bradshaw, and C. M. dian Entomologist 102: 501-509. Holzapfel. 1998. Effects of postglacial range King. W. v., G. H. Bradley, C. N. Smith, and W. expansion on allozyme and quantitative genet- C. McDuffie. 1960. A handbook of the ic variation of the pitcher plant mosquito, mosquitoes ofthe southeastern United States. Wyeomyia smithii. Evolution 52: 1697-1704. U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Washington, Bradshaw, W. E. 1980. Blood-feeding andcapacity D.C.,AgriculturalHandbookNo. 173, 188pp. for increase in the pitcher plant mosquito, Naczi, R. F. C. and E. M. Soper. 1999. Sarracenia Wyeomyiasmithii. Environmental Entomology rosea(Sarraceniaceae), anew species ofpitcher 9: 86-89. plant from the southeastern United States. . 1983. Interaction between the mosquito Sida 18: 1183-1206. Wyeomyia smithii, the midge Metriocnemus Ward, R. A. and R. F. DarsieJr. 1982. Correcfions knabi, and their carnivorous host Sarracenia and additionsto thepublication, Identification purpurea, pp. 161-189. In Frank, J. H. and L. and geographic distribution of mosquitoes of P. Lounibos, eds. Phytotelmata: Terrestrial North America, north of Mexico. Mosquito Plants as Hosts for Aquatic Insect Communi- Systematics 14: 209-219. ties. Plexus Publishing, Inc., Medford, NJ. Wood, D. M., P. T. Dang, and R. A. Ellis. 1979. Bradshaw, W. E. and L. P. Lounibos. 1977. The Mosquitoes of Canada. Canadian De- Evolution of dormancy and its photoperiodic partment of Agriculture, Biosystematics Re- control in pitcher plant mosquitoes. Evolution search Institute, Publication Number 1686 31: 543-565. (part 6), 390 pp.