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Taxonomy and distribution of the Trifurcula (Glaucolepis) raikhonae group (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) PDF

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Preview Taxonomy and distribution of the Trifurcula (Glaucolepis) raikhonae group (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)

ERIK VAN NIEUKERKEN' & RIMANTAS PUPLESIS^ J. 'NationalMuseum ofNaturalHistory, Leiden 'Zoologijos Katedra VPI, Vilnius TAXONOMY AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE TRIFURCULA (GLAUCOLEPIS) RAIKHONAE GROUP (LEPIDOPTERA: NEPTICULIDAE) Nieukerken,E.J. van& R. Puplesis, 1991-Taxonomyanddistributionofthe Trifurcula (Glaucolepis) raikhonaegroup (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). -TijdschriftvoorEntomo- logie, 134: 201-210,figs. 1-22. [issn0040-7496]. Published 18December 1991. Trifurcula(Glaucolepis) melanopterasp.n. isdescribedfromsouthernEurope,whereit is widespread. It is closely related to the Central Asian T. {Glaucolepis) raikhonae Puplesis, which is redescribed. Together theyform theraikhonaespeciesgroup. Sinop- ticulaYang is here synonymizedwith GlaucolepisBraun, itsonlyspecies S. sinicaYang is tentatively regarded as closely related, if not conspecific with T. raikhonae. The distribution is mapped. On thebasisofrecentChinese findings the larvae areassumed tobegall-makersonPrunusbranches.Somephylogeneticandbiogeographicremarksare given. Correspondence: E.J. van Nieukerken, National Museum ofNatural History, Postbus 9517,NL-2300RALeiden,TheNetherlands. Key-words. - Microlepidoptera, Central Asia, Southern Europe, biogeography, phylo- geny,gall-former, newspecies. ThesubgenusGlaucolepisBraun, 1917,isoneof availableforageneralworkonNepticulidaeofthe We three subgenera of Trifurcula Zeiler, 1848 (van Soviet-Union and other faunistical reports. Nieukerken 1986b, 1990). It comprises to date 21 further take theopportunity to redescribe T. raik- described species (see van Nieukerken 1986a, honae for the first time in English, including new 1986b) andalargenumberofundescribedspecies. data and the description ofthe female, and todis- Most of these occur in the Mediterranean region. cuss a recently described Chinese taxon. Some re- ThetypespeciesT.saccharella(Braun, 1912) isthe marks on phylogeny and biogeography conclude only Nearctic species. Further, one undescribed this paper. species occurs in Japan, one in North-East India Materialandmethods and T. raikhonae (Puplesis, 1985) inCentralAsia. IntreatingGlaucolepisasasubgenus,wefollowthe Genitalia were prepared as described by van opinion of the senior author, whereas the junior Nieukerkenet al. (1990). Line figures ofgenitalia authorprefers totreatitasseparategenus (Puple- werepreparedwithaZeissAxioskopwithdrawing sis 1985). apparatus,bothfromgenitaliainglycerinandper- Amongst unidentified material from southern manent mounts. SEM micrographs were taken Europe, one apparently widespread species very with a Jeol JSM 840A scanning electron micro- similar to T. raikhonae was foundby both authors scope.Specimenswereair-dried,mountedonstubs independently. Although a revision of the many andgold-coated. mediterraneanspecies is notyetpracticableatthis MeasurementsofgenitaliaaretakenwithaZeiss stage, we would like to single out this peculiar Axioskop at 200X, and are accurate at the nearest species,because it forms a well defined monophy- 5 /xm. Capsule length is measured along mid-line, letic group with T. raikhonae: the raikhonae spe- fromtipoftegumen(pseuduncus) toanteriormar- cies group. This group can easily be distinguished gin of vinculum, in middle. All measurements from all other species in the subgenus, both on basedonsamplesizeofat leastfivespecimens are externals and genitalia and possibly also on biol- accompaniedbymean,standarddeviationandsam- ogy. It was also desirable to have the new name ple size in brackets. 201 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 VANNiEUKERKEN&PuPLESIS: Trtfurcularaikhonaegroup Fig.4.DistributionofTrifurcularaikhonaegroupineastPalaearctic.-Circles: T.raikhonae,square: T.sinica (Xi'an), triangle: easternmostrecordofT. melanoptera (KopetDag). Description menformingabroadlytruncatepseuduncus.Uncus with slightly widened tip, truncate, lateral arms Male (fig. 1). - Forewing length 3.1-3.9 mm broadly shouldered, very conspicuous. Gnathos (3.42±0.19,n=32).Head:frontaltuftpaleorange withbroadlyroundedcentralelement,lateralarms to ferruginous, collar slightly paler. Antenna insertedonvinculum nearvalvabase. Valvashort, brown, with 45-56 segments (50.3 ± 3.0, n=19); 165-185 Mm long, almost triangular, with pointed scapeyellowish white. Thorax fuscous. Forewings narrow tip of about V3 valva length, inner margin fuscous, slightly irrorate with white because of withslightbulgesinsecondhalf;sublateralprocess paler scale bases; dorsum often paler, with some relatively short, transverse bar of transtilla not white scales at tornus, sometimes extending sclerotized, but present. Aedeagus 365-430 /um further; cilia-line more or less distinct, terminal (400.0 + 22.4, n=6) long,with asymmetricalven- ciliapalegrey. Forewingundersideanterioroffold tral lobe, more sclerotized at left side; single long usually with an elongate patch of about Vi wing- cornutus 185-235 /xm long, about Vi aedeagus length and Vi wing-width, with dark fuscous to length, slightly curved, tip more or less rounded; black androconial scales (fig. 1), usually with blue cathrema large, almost triangular, no additional iridescence,occasionallypatch absentorpaler and cornuti. almost invisible. Hindwing grey, humeral lobe Femalegenitalia (fig. 14). -Terminal segments with a small group of extremely small whitish bluntandrounded;T8withgroupsofmanyscales special scales, macroscopically hardly visible, dis- and several setae, anal papillae with 34-53 setae tinct under SEM (figs. 17-19): they are strongly each. Vestibulum with conspicuous folded acces- ribbed,withsmallholesbetweentheribs;infig. 19 sorysac.Ductusspermathecaeoutercanalwideand it seems that the scale has an apical pore. Costal distinct,innercanalstronglysclerotized,withlong bristles normal; undersidewithoutvelvetpatch as basal straight part, followed by 7 convolutions. mostother Trifurcula (seevanNieukerken 1986b, Bursa relatively small, covered with transverse 1990). Abdomen grey-brown dorsally, yellowish rowsofpectinations andsinglespicules; reticulate ventrally; three pairs of anal tufts yellowish grey. signa very inconspicuous, only visible under high Female. - Forewing length 3.2-4.0 mm (3.56 ± magnification,usingphase-contrastordifferential 0.26, n=8). Antennawith42-49segments (44.8± interferencecontrast;cellsmostlyincomplete,rec- 2.6,n=5).Forewingundersidegrey-brown,further ognized by longitudinal groups ofpectinations. as male. Malegenitalia (figs. 5-7). -Capsule length 390- Diagnosis 470 /im (430.0 ± 27.7, n=6). Vinculum with very long, truncate, anterior extension, length (190) From other species of Glaucolepis, raikhonae 245-280 )um, ca (0.5) 0.6X capsule length. Tegu- differsbytheabsenceofavelvetpatchonthemale 203 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume i34, 1991 Figs. 5-13. Trifurcula raikhonae group, male genitalia - 5-7, T. raikhonae, Tadzhikistan, slide EJvN 2787; 8-13, T. melanoptera:9-11,holotype,slideEJvN2786;8,12,Turkey,slideEJvN2784;13,Armeniya,slideRP.-5,8,9,capsule, ventralaspect;6,10,12,leftvalva,dorsalaspect;7,11,aedeagus,ventralaspect;13,cornutus,ventralapsect,butslightly rotatedcomparedtofig. 11.Scales: 0.1. mm,toptoraikhonae,bottomtomelanoptera. 204 VAN NiEUKERKEN& PUPLESIS: Trifurcularaikhonaegroup hindwing underside, the relatively large size and duetothepreparationtechnique.Withoutdetailed the frequently present androconial patch on fore- examinationwewouldrathernotsynonymizesin- wing underside. It is currently the only known icahere,although wesuspectthat it indeed iscon- Central Asiatic Glaucolepis, and can therefore specificwithraikhonae.ThelocalityXi'anisatthe hardlybeconfusedwithanyothernepticulidofthe east end of the almost continuous Central Asian area. Itdiffers from theonlyotherCentral Asiatic mountain ranges, in which raikhonae presumably Trifurcula species, T. puplesisi van Nieukerken, is widespread. 1990, by its largersize,darkcolourand in maleby absenceofyellowpatchonforewingundersideand Biology velvet patch on hindwing. For differences with melanoptera see below. According toYang (1989) the larvae makegalls in young branches of Prunus cerasifera Ehrh., P. Biology dulcis (Miller) D. A. Webb (= P. amygdalus Bartsch) and P. persica (L.) Batsch. It is not clear Unknown, but considering the biology of the from the description, how these galls look like. closely related, if not conspecific sinica, possibly Adults emerged in April. alsoagall-makerofPrunus.VariousPrunusspecies are widespread and common in the Central Asian Distribution (fig. 4) mountains. Adults found from May to August, at Only known from China,Shaanxiprovince. light. Distribution (fig. 4) Trifurcula {Glaucolepis) melanoptera sp. n. Widespread in Central Asian mountains: west- (figs. 2, 3, 8-13, 15, 16,20-22). ern and central Tyan Shan (Kazakhstan and Kir- giziya), Gissarskiy (Hissar) ridge (Tadzhikistan), Type-material. - Holotype: $, Yugoslavia (Croatia), and northern Kugitangtau mountains (Uzbekis- Krk,Misucaynica [utm: 33TVK78],4.viii.l986,G. Bal- tan) and in central Afghanistan. Previously only dizzone. Genitalia slide E.J. van Nieukerken No. 2786 kKinrogwizniyfaro(Pmuptlweosisspe19c8i5m)e.nsNoitn Tfaoduznhdikiinsltoanwlaanndd Nb(eVRrM5gN2,H]),N..2-4.NvPeiauirsiai.t1ey9dp7le3es,r:sF.e5eK2a$s(,Ny.3(nB9h-umrAgwue)sn.tlrai-naC:dz)e1c$h[,oUsTHlMao:cvkaek3li3asU:- desert areas. 3 S, Slovakia, Turna n. B. [utm: 34U DU9183], 4- 5.viii.l990, A. Lastiivka (coll. Lastiivka); 1 $, Slovakia, Tinianska stran [NE Michalovce] [utm: 34U EV60], kmMaNteWriaKlabeuxla,mi2n1e0d0.m-,A2f0g-h3a0n.ivsiti.a1n9;621,$E,.P&agA.hmVaanr,ti3a0n 2H0a.uvtiiei.Plr9o89v,enZc.eT)ek[âurt.m-3Fr1aTncGeJ:371],9,28L.evsiiMie.1e9s85(,AGl.peLsand-e (NHMW);1(5,samelocality,2500m,15-18.vii.1965,Kasy gohr (rmnh); 1 ^, Chapeau [not traced, near Digne.'], &Vartian(nhmw).-USSR:Kazakhstan: 11(5,12,Tyan 27.vii.1903, Chrétien (mnhn); 12 $, 1 9, Viens (Vau- Shan, 90 km E Chimkent, 1300 m, Aksu Dzhabagly, 7- cluse) [utm: 31T GJ06], 9.viii.l973, I4.vii-23.viii.l974, 12.via.1987,Sheriyazova (ZKVV,rmnh) - Kirgiziya: 1 $ 6.viii.l975, 9-27.vui.1976, 15.viii.l979, 8.viii.l980, 2(pa5r,at2yp9e,),So5sknomvkSa,W4N0arkymn,S26K.aviria.1B9a8i1t,y,Sin13e.vvi(iZi.MlA9S8)7;, S1a2r.dviiinii.al,98B2a,cuR.TrBoutvua,tOr(trumanbhi,s8co0l0l.mBu[vuatt)m.:-32IStalNyK:l1l]$,, Lvovskyi (ZMAS). - Uzbekistan: 3 $, env. Derbent, 23.viii.l978,Gg.Derra(coliDerra).-Spain:1$,Cadalso 9180.$v.,199,853,0Rk.mPuNplDeusissha(nZbKeV,V,Kornmdnahr)a.,-27T.avdi-z2h0i.kviiisit.a1n9:86c,a G(iMealdirs)i;d)2[$u,tmC:ad3al0sToUdKe86lo]s,V1i5d.rviiois.,l9285k,mC.EGie(lMiasdr(icodl)l,. 2R0..vPiuipil.els98i9s((ZZKKVVVV),. RMNH); 13 S, 6 9, idem, but 17- c[uultt,m:are3a0,T]E.UJ.K8v0an62N,ie7u.vkieiri.kle9n86,&aSt.lRiighcthtMeLr,(rmamtntho)r;al,1 $, Noguera (Teruei), [utm: 30TXK17],9-10.viii.1989, C Gielis (coli. Gielis); 1 $, Paterna del Madera (Alba- Trifurcula {Glaucolepis) sinica (Yang) comb. n. cete), 1350 m [utm: 30S WH57], 18.vii.l986. C Gielis (RMNH); 1 9,PtodeMora (Granada) 1350m [utm: 30S SinopticulasinicaYang,1989:80,82.Holotype$:China, VG52] 22.vii.1986,C.Gielis (rmnh); 1 $,Riazza (Sego- Shaanxi prov., Xi'an, emerged 24-30.iv.1985, from via),[utm:30TVL57],3.viii.1986,CGielis(coliGielis); galls on Prunus, Yan-wen (Beijing Agricultural Uni- 1 (5,San Miguel deValero (Salamanca), 3 kmS Linares versity) [notexamined] de Riofrio, [utm: 30T] TK59, 2.viii.l986, at light ML, Remarks QNuieeruckuesrkpeynre&naSi.cRaifcohrteesrt(arnmdnhhe)a;th2la$n,dV,e8g5a0dmel,CEo.Jd.orvnaon TherelativelydetaileddescriptionofSinopticula (Cuenca), 1350 m, [utm; 30T WK97], 23.vii.1985, at ssihnoicwaYmaanngy, 1s9im8i9laarnidtitehsetsomarlali,kbhuotnadei.stiTnhctefisgluirgehst TlDiuagrhgkt,meJr.nainHyg.ae;)K,ü1c$he,lnve3.i0nkJ(umrvmaEnnhkK,aalrcaoall.K[aulKtaüm,c:h(leWie4ns0)tS.er-nDUHKS3oS5pR]e,,t differences in the form of the valvae in Yang's 18.viii.l988,R. Puplesis (Wrmnh) -USSR,Ukraina: 2 $, figurefrom theusual shape inraikhonaemightbe Crimea,KaraDag,20km Feodosia[utm:36TXQ78], 205 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 Figs. 14, 15. Femalegenitalia,dorsal aspect. - 14, T. raikhonae,Tadzhikistan, slideEJvN 3205; 15, T. melanoptera, paratype,Spain,slideEJvN 3102.Scale: 0.2 mm. 3.viii.l986, Buhashkim (ZMAS); 1 $, same data, slightlypaler. Antennabrown,with40-45 (42.2 ± 13.vii.1987,Sinev(ZMAS);6$,samedata,15-22.vii.1987, 1.4, 23) segments; scape yellowish white. Thorax R. Puplesis (ZKVV, RMNH). - Yugoslavia (Croatia): 1 $, fuscous, often distally paler. Forewings fuscous, Krk,nofurtherdata, 10.viii.l975,atlight,G.Baldizzone slightly irrorate with white because of paler scale V(CKo7ll8.]B,al3d0i.zvzioi.n1e9)8;6,2(1J5,.1vi$i,i.Klr9k88,,DGr.agBaalBdaiszkzaon[eUT(Mr:m3n3hT, bases; dorsum with narrow stripe ofwhite scales, coll. Baldizzone); 2 $, Krk, Misucaynica [uTM: 33T occasionallyreducedtowhitetornaispot;cilia-line VK78], 19.viii.l986,G.Baldizzone(coll.Baldizzone); 10 moreorlessdistinct,terminalciliapalegrey.Fore- S, Krk, road Krk-Vrbnik [uTM: 33T VK78], 2, wingundersideanterioroffoldalmostcompletely 18.viii.l987, 20.vii-ll.viii.l988, G. Baldizzone (rmnh, covered with dark fuscous to black androconial ZKVV,coll. Baldizzone). scales,usuallywithblueiridescence,exceptatwing a3p0pM$laete(orarlilcahlianerdxp,colo9urd+e1cdolnf.dvriiiotiim.o1nt9)y9,p1e,Bsugedlraiupeeesds(tp3,h4Je$ur)lo.ima-nonHnauenMgtaarjaropyrs:,, tmiap,nwyhiccirhcuilsagrrehyoilsehs-bbreotwwne.eUnltrriabsstr(ufcitgus.ral2l1y,w2i2t)h. M.Tóth(rmnh).-Italy: 1$,Latina,MontiAurunci,850 Hindwing grey, humeral lobe with few fuscous Jmo,ha5nsksmonN(colIlt.riJo[huatnms:son3)3.T-UTFu7r7k]e,y:4-2ll$.,vi1i0i.k19m72,NRW. sacnadlreoscoenxitaelnsdcianlges,oans fhoirnedwwiingn;gocucpapseirosniadlelyatlhoensge Kizilcahaman(Ankara),1150-1250m[utm:36TVK68], Rs+M, forming an elongate patch; costal bristles 6Rn-i7yI.av:viini1si$k.,i1s9C89h(,ZoKsFVriVob)vi.greerse&rvEes[suetrm:(z3m8uSc)M.K8-2U]S,S2R0,.ixA.rlm98e6-, faogrrmoiunpgoafsmhiocrrtotbrricohwina,hanior-spceanlceisl;(finge.a2r0)f;reunnudleurm- sidewithoutvelvetpatchasmostotherTrifurcula. Abdomen grey-brown dorsally, yellowish ven- Description trally; threepairs ofanal tufts yellowish grey. Male (figs. 2, 3). -Forewing length 2.4-3.0 mm Female. - Forewing length 2.75-3.0 mm, wing- (2.74 ± 0.12, 29), wingspan 5.8-6.9 mm. Head: span 6.4-6.7 mm. Antenna with ± 39 segments. frontal tuft pale orange to ferruginous, collar Forewingundersidedarkgrey-brown,darker than 206 VANNiEUKERKEN& PuPLESis: Trifufcularaikhonaegroup Fig. 16. DistributionofTrifurculamelanoptera,mappedon50kmsquaresofUTMgrid. hindwing.Otherwiseasmale.Ovipositorwideand nutus. In female genitalia by larger accessory sac truncate. andsmallerbursa. FromothersouthernEuropean Malegenitalia(figs.8-13).-Capsulelength305- species of Trifurcula, males of melanoptera differ 390 /xm (345 ± 20.3, n=ll). Vinculum with very by theabsenceofavelvetpatchonthemalehind- long, truncate, anteriorextension, length 200-260 wingunderside, and the largeblackorfuscous an- (xm,ca0.6-0.7Xcapsulelength.Tegumen forming droconial patch on the forewingunderside. abroadlytruncatepseuduncus.Uncuswithslightly widened tip, or pointed, lateral arms shouldered, Variability but less than in raikhonae. Gnathos with broadly rounded central element, lateral arms inserted on Specimens from Turkey and Armenyia differ vinculumnearvalvabase.Valvashort, 140-165 fivn from the remaining material by the presence of (149.1 ± 6.3, n=ll) long, almost triangular, with androconialscalesonthehindwingupperside.Also pointed narrow tip of about Vi to Va valva length, thegenitaliaofespeciallytheArmenyianspecimen inner margin with slight bulges in second half; differslightlyinsize,shapeandpositionofcornu- sublateral process relatively short, transverse bar tus.However,thesecharactersseemtovarywithin oftranstillanotsclerotized. Aedeagus 325-390yum the whole distribution area, with the Armenyian (356.8± 18.4,n=ll) long,withdistinctasymmet- specimen as the extreme example. Since we also rical ventral lobe, sclerotized at left side, with an- observed few androconialscales on thehindwings teriorpoint;singlelongcornutus130-205yumlong, of some other specimens, we tentatively assume slightly less than Vi aedeagus length, curved, tip that melanoptera forms one widespread, slightly distinctlybifurcate,withroundedlobesformingan variable species,untilmoredatabecomeavailable. angle of almost 180° (fig. 13); several additional It should also be noted that the specimen from small cornuti, some forming 'pectinations'; ca- Italy,Itri,hasrelativelysmallgenitalia,whichlook threma large, almost triangular. slightly different, but tentatively is regarded as an Femalegenitalia(fig. 15).-Verysimilartothose aberration.BoththisspecimenandtheTurkishand ofT.raikhonae,butsmaller.Analpapillaewith25- Armenyian specimens are excluded from the type 30 setae each. Accessory sac of bursa even larger series. than in raikhonae. Ductus spermathecae with 5Vi to 6V2 convolutions. Biology Diagnosis Immature stages and hostplantunknown.Judg- ing from its close relationships with T. raikhonae Very similar to T. raikhonae, but distinctly (and hence sinica), it is not impossible that also smaller and in male with much larger androconial melanoptera is a gall-maker on Prunus. In some patch on forewing underside and with small sim- localities, visited by the senior author, such as ilar patch on humeral lobe of hindwing. In male Viens, France, Prunus spinosa L. was abundant; genitalia easily distinguished by the bifurcate cor- galls were, however, not yet seen. The record of 207 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 Figs. 17-22.Trifurcularaikhonaegroup,malescalestructures,scanningmicrographs.- 17-19,T.raikhonae,hindwing humerallobe,upperside:patchofsmallspecialscales,withdetails.20-22,T.melanoptera:20,hindwinghumerallobe withgroupofmicrotrichiaandspecialscales(left);21,22,androconialscalesofforewingundersidewithmanycircular holes.Scalebars: 100/um (17), 10^um (18,20,21), 1 /im (19,22). males taken in pheromone traps in an apple or- ernFrance,Italy,Sardinia,Austria,Czechoslovakia, chard in Budapest does not contradict this, since Hungary, Yugoslavia and Crimea and in western this orchardcontains several fruit trees, including Asia:Anatolia,ArmeniyaandwesternTurkmeniya Prunusspp.,andissurroundedbyshrubwithmuch (Kopet-Dag range). Prunusspinosa (G. Szöcs in litt.). Adults caught from 13 July to 28 August, in Etymology Armeniyaon20September,mostlikelyunivoltine. A noun in apposition. From melanos (Greek), black and ptera (Greek), wings, referring to the Distribution (fig. 16) blackandroconialscalesontheforewingunderside Widespread in southern Europe: Spain, south- in the males. 208 VANNiEUKERKEN&PuPLESis: Trifurcularaikhonaegroup Phylogenetic and biogeographic ments of the expansive type (De Lattin 1967), considerations whereas T. raikhonae is widespread in theCentral Asianmountains. Althoughmelanopteraoccursas The twospeciesdiscussedhereclearlybelong to far east as the Kopet-Dag mountains in Turkme- TrifurculaZeilers. 1.,sincetheypossess fouroutof niya, the deserts between this range and the Cen- thesixapomorphies forthis taxonas listedbyvan tral Asian mountains (southern parts of the Kar- Nieukerken (1986b: 63). Character 44 (velvet akum) form an important gap, which is apparent patch of raised androconial scales on male hind- in the distributions of many taxa (Kryzhanovskij wing-underside) isabsentinbothspecies,asisalso 1965,DeLattin1967,Matyushkin1982).Although the case in Trifurcula (Glaucolepis) saccharella the present-day desertcould be an important bar- (Braun, 1912), the type species of Glaucolepis. rier, the separation most likely goes back to the Since this patch is present in all other Trifurcula Pleistocene, when Europe and Central Asia were species, examined by us, it has most likely been separated by the enlarged Aralo Caspian Sea and secondarilylostinthesethreespecies.Thedoubtful the West Siberian Ice lake, or extensions of the apomorphy 45 (Hostplant: Fabaceae) has already continental ice-shields (De Lattin 1967, see also been discussed by van Nieukerken (1986b). review inTangelder 1988). The T. raikhonaespeciesgroupishereregarded as belonging to Glaucolepis, with which it shows Acknowledgements the closest similarity. Van Nieukerken (I.e.) only lists three apomorphies for Glaucolepis: the spe- Wewouldliketothankthefollowingpersonsfor cies under discussion show some deviations in theloanofspecimensandthepermissiontoretain these characters: some duplicates: G. Baldizzone (Asti, Italy), R. 48.Transversebaroftranstillalost.Inbothspecies Buvat (Marseille, France), G. Derra (Bamberg, the transverse bar is apparent, although it is not Germany), C Gielis (Lexmond, Netherlands), P. presentasasclerotizedbar.Wetentativelyassume Ivinskis (Vilnius,Lithuania),R.Johansson (Växjö, thatthiscanberegardedasafirststeptowards the Sweden), O. Karsholt (ZMUC, Copenhagen), the complete loss ofthe transversebar. lateF. Kasy (nhmw,Vienna,Austria),J. H. Küch- 49. Aedeagus with spines near phallotrema: these lein (Wageningen, Netherlands), V. I. Kuznetsov are completely lacking in the raikhonaegroup. (ZMAS,St.Petersburg,USSR),G.R.Langohr(Sim- 50. Vesica with single long cornutus: the vesica pelveld, Netherlands), A. and Z. Lastuvka (Brno, herehasindeedonelongcornutus,butunlikeother Czecho-Slovakia), G. Luquet (mnhn, Paris, Glaucolepis species studied, in T. melanoptera France), A. L. Lvov'skii (ZMAS, St. Petersburg, there are some additional smallcornutipresent. USSR),S. Yu. Sinev (zmas,St. Petersburg,USSR) Webelievethattheconditionofcharacter48and andM. Tóth (Plantprotection institute,Budapest, 50 in the raikhonaegroup and the large similarity Hungary).A.vanAssenisacknowledgedforassist- of the male genitalia in general are sufficient for ancewithoperatingtheSEM,I. Hennekeforpho- inclusioninGlaucolepis.Onthisbasiswealsohave tographic assistance. R. deJong andJ. vanToiare synonymized SinopticulaYang. However, it is not acknowledged for their comments on the manus- unlikely that this group belongs to a clade, which cript. is the sistergroup to all remaining known species ofGlaucolepis. Character49couldthenbean apo- morphy for the remaining species. An additional apomorphy for Glaucolepis, in- References cluding the species under study, is possibly the Arnett, R. H. & G. A. Samuelson, 1986. The insect and claoen,g,prsotxraiimgahlttboastahlepcaoriltedofpatrhte.dIuncTtruisfusrpceurlmaast.hsetr-. sBrpiildle/rFlcoorlale&ctFioanusnaofpubtlhiecatwioornlsd,.Ga2i2ne0sviplpl.e.- E. J. and in Levarchama Beirne, the coiled part starts Kryzhanovskij, O. L., 1965. Sostav i proiskhozhdeniye almost immediately near the vestibulum. nazemnoj fauny Srednej Azii. - Moskva-Leningrad, 381pp.[Thecompositionandoriginoftheterrestrial faunaofCentralAsia]. Lattin,G.de, 1967.GrundrissderZoogeographie.-Gus- Theclosesimilarityinmanycharactersbetween tavFischerVerlag,Stuttgart.602 pp. T. raikhonaeand melanoptera makes itverylikely Matyushkin, E. N., 1982. Regional'naya differenciyaciya that both share a common ancestor, which once lesnoi fauni Palearctikivproshlom i nastoyashchem. was widelydistributedin thePalaearctic. Thespe- -In:Teoreticheskiyeiprikladniyeaspektibiogeogra- cies now have a completely vicariant distribution; ofüf.tMhoeskfvoar,estNafuakuan:a5o2f-8t0h.e[RPaelgaieoanracltidcififnerpeansttiatainodn melanoptera has a distribution type which very present. -Theoreticalandappliedaspectsofbiogeo- much resembles those of hoiomediterranean ele- graphy]. 209 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 Nieukerken,E.J.van, 1986a.Aprovisionalpiiylogenetic Puplesis,R. K., 1985. Novyevidymolej-maljutok(Lepi- check-list of the western palaearctic Nepticuiidae, doptera,Nepticuiidae)sjugadal'negovostokaiTadz- withdataonhostplants (Lepidoptera).-Entomolog- hikistana (Newspeciesofthenepticulidmothsfrom icascandinavica 17: 1-27. Southern far east and Tadzhikistan). - Trudy zooli- Nieukerken,E.J.van, 1986b.Systematicsandphylogeny cheskogoInstituta,AkademiyaNaukSSSR,Leningrad of Holarctic genera of Nepticuiidae (Lepidoptera, 134: 59-72. Heteroneura: Monotrysia). -ZoologischeVerhande- Tangelder, I. R. M., 1988. ThebiogeographyoftheHo- lingen,Leiden236: 1-93. larctic Nephrotoma dorsalis species-group (Diptera, Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1990. The Trifurculasubnitidella Tipulidae). -Beaufortia 38: 1-35. group (Lepidoptera: Nepticuiidae); taxonomy distri- Yang, Chi-kun, 1989. Sinopticula sinica (Lepidoptera: bution and biology. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie Nepticuiidae),anewgenusandspeciesfromChina.- 133: 205-238. Entomotaxonomia 11: 79-82 [in Chinese and Eng- Nieukerken, E.J. van, E. S. Nielsen, R.Johansson & B. lish]. Gustafsson, 1990.IntroductiontotheNepticuiidae.- In:R.Johanssonetal..TheNepticuiidaeandOposte- gidae (Lepidoptera) ofNorth WestEurope. - Fauna Received: 29October 1991 EntomologicaScandinavica,23: 11-109. Accepted:4November 1991 CORRIGENDA Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1990. The Trifurculasubnitidellagroup (Lepidoptera: Nepticuii- dae): taxonomy,distribution andbiology. -TijdschriftvoorEntomologie 133: 205-238. Unfortunately the following errors have been [sublat-]eral processes. Aedeagus 335-340 ;um overlookedduringproof-readingoftheabovecited long, with ventral carina fringed; aedeagal tube paper: posteriorlyspatulate,dorsal lobeatrightsidecon- spicuous,withserratemargin;vesicawithonelong spine-like cornutus (125-145 jJ-vn), with blunt tip, joined basally to a conical cornutus (50 tim); further a large cornutus with serrate tip; very few p. 207. - Figs. 7-10: figs9 and 10 havebeen accid- long spine-like cornuti and numerous small ones. entally interchanged, the left figure with no. 9 Juxta fig. 78. actuallyisfig. 10(T.coronillae),therightoneisfig. 9 (T. subnitidella). Arrows in figs 8-10 have been p. 230. -Line 1-2,rightcolumn: readhind-wingin omitted. steadofhindwing. p. 222. - Figs. 57-60. Abbreviations: bs=black In some holotype designations, the genitalia scales; cf=costal fold; fw=forewing; hw=hind- slide number has not been mentioned, they are: wing; yp=yellow patch. p. 219, 5. T. victoris: Genitalia slide EvN 2743. p. 228. -Thesentences afterthelastparagraphof p. 225, 7. T. josefklimeschi: Genitalia slide EvN p. 228 (malegenitaliaofiberica) wereaccidentally 2744. omitted during page formatting: p. 228, 8. T. iberica: Genitalia slide EvN 1928. p. 230, 9. T. silviae: Genitalia slide EvN 2742. 210

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