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Taxonomic study of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae) from Korea PDF

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Preview Taxonomic study of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Pyralinae) from Korea

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttinttTrans.tepidS,oc,Japan 58(1)7:-17,January2007 [[hxonomi cstudy of the genus Endotricha Zeller (Lepidopt Peyrraal,idae, Pyralinae)from Korea Bong-Woo LEE])* B,ong-Kyu ByuN2) and Yang-Seop BAE3)** r' Entomologic aLlaboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmenta[ Sciences, Osaka PrefectureUniversity,SakaiO,saka,599-8531Japan 2) Diyisio onfBio-Specimens & Genetic Resourees, KoreaNational Arboretum, Pocheon, 487-821 Korea i] Department ofBiology, College of Natural Science sU,ntversity of Incheon, Incheon, 402-749 Korea Abstrac tThe Korean species of the gcnus Endotricha Zeller belongin gto tribe Endotrichi nsuib,- family Pyralinae ,are reviewed. A tota lof seven species are recognized, including one new species, Endotricha parki Lee and Bae, sp, nov. Photographs of adults, illustrat ioofn gsenitali aof both sexes, and fiigh tperio dare provided, Key words Lepidoptera ,Pyralida eP,yralina eE,ndotrichi nEin,dotrieh aE,ndotrich paarki sp. nov., new species, Korea. Introduction The subfamily Pyralinae belonging to family Pyralidae is djvide dinto two tribes, the Pyralini and Endotrichini (Shaff &er Solis ,1995; Shaffe ret at, 1996; Soli s& ShaffC r1,999). Of them, the Endotrichi nciontains seven genera ,of which Endotricha Zelle ris the 1argest genus with about 70 species (Sol i&s Shaffe r1,999) .This tribe is characterized by having the Rs anastomosed with Sc+Rl jn the hindwing venation, However, the taxonomic posi- tion of the tribe Endotrichi nhias been dispute dby many specialists, such as Ragonot (1891 )H,ampson (1896 )Wh,alley (1961 )an,d Minet et al (1982 ).In the fauna of Korea, this nibe is represented by only one genus ,Endotricha, which is mainly distribut cidn Africa Asia. and In this article, the genus E]ndotric hian Korea is revised. We recognize seven species from Korea, of which one species, Endotricha parki i' sdescribed as new to science, Taxonotnic descrjptio nfsbr the known species are not repeated. Photographs of adults and illustrations of genitali aare provided. Abbreviatio nussed are as follows iCIS-Center for Insec tSystematic sK,angwon National University ;UIB-Department of Biology ,Universit oyf Incheon ,Incheon ;TS-type species; TLrtype locality;HN-Hamgyeong-namdo; GW-Gangwon-do; GG-Gyeonggido;CB-Chu- ngcheong-bugdo; CN-Chungcheong-namdo; GB-Gyeongsang-bugdo; GN-Gyeongsang- namdo;JB-Jeonla-bugdo;JN-Jeonla-namdo;JJ-Jeju-do. Genus Endotricha Zeller1,847 EndotrichaZeller,1847,IsisOken, Leip:・ig1847: 593. TS[ Pyralisfiammeal[iDesnjs& SchifferrnUller], 1775. Doththa Walker, 18S9, List specime nlsqpid .insects CoUn Br. Mus, 17: 260 (key >2.85. TS: Dothrha mesen- teriati Wsalker .1859. *Present address: Divisio onf Bio-Specimen &s Geneti cRcsources, Korea National Arboretam, Pocheon,4g7-821 Korea **Corresponding author. E-mail :[email protected] NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 8 Beng-Woo Lbh. Bong-Kyu ByiJN and Yang-Seop BAE F 2. ・3 ・- r7r -. -x・ - ---- Figs 1-7. Adzalt sof Endotricha spp. 1. E. consocia (Butle r1,879). 2. E. kttfnetzo vWihal]ey, 1963. 3 E. flavofhrs cBiraemleirs, 1864 4. E. niinialis (Fabric i1u7s9,4). 5. E. olivaceali,s (Brcme r1,864) .6, E. costaen?aculatis Christop h1,881. 7. E. parki sp. noy. Messatis Walker ,1859, List 5?)ecimens lepid k.isects Colln Br. Mus. 19: 918. TS: Mes,sat issabirusalis Walkcr, 1859, Pacoria Walker, 1866 (not"l865"), Listspecimenlsqpid.insectsCoilnBr. Mus, 34: 1255. TS: Pacoria Walker,]866. albijimbrialis Zdnia Walker, 1866 (not"1865" )L,ist 5ipecimen slny)i dJ,nsects Colln Br. Mtts. 34: 1256. TS: Zdnia unicalis Walker,1866. Tricomia Walker, 1866 (no t"1865"), List SPecimens iqpid ,insects Cotln Br, Mus, 34, 1259, TS: Tricomia auroratis Walker ,1 866. Rhisina Wa]ker. 1866 (no t`'1 865"), Ltst Specime nlsqpi di.nsects Colln Br. M"s. 34: 1324 .TS: Rhtsin apttne- ticostaiis Walker .1866. Endotrichodeh 'Ragonot. 1891, Annis So(' .ent, Fr, (6 )10 :513 (key )5,21. TS: Endotrtchodes perustahs Ragonat, 1891. Endotf'ichopsi sWarren, 1895, Ann. Mag. iiat. Hist. C6 )16: 467. TS: Endotnch{tps irhsodoptetzilt.s Warren, 1895. Endotricha (Butle1r8,79)(Fig1s,8,15) consoeia Doththa consoaa Butler ,1879. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist (5 )4: 452. TL: Japan, Endotricha consocia, Whalley. 1963: 4iO; Zool .Soc ,Kor. ,l968: 49: Ineue .I982, 1: 385, 2: 248, p]. 46: 43; Park ,1983: 415, 892, pl 28: 463; Yamanaka & Yoshiyasu, 1992: 90; Bae, 2001: t95, fig 181. Endotricha albieilia Wileman, 19l 1, T}"ans .ent. Soc Lond. 1911 ,368, TL: Japan. Wingspan 18-21 mm, Adult in Fig. 1, male genital tian Fig. 8, and female genital iian Fig. 15.Material examined, 222 specimens-coll, KSNU, [GWJ Mt Dukga: 1 r, 24 VII 1997; Pandaeri,WOnju: 1 35i,4VII 1998;Mt Chiak,Wbaju: 3 if1'e,5VIII l998-coll. UIB, c7' Sogumgang: 1 8' ,8 VIII l988; Mt Seolak :4 exs, 10 Vlll, 25 VIII l989; Seamyun: 1 9, 17 VM 1992-coll. CIS, [GG]Mt Soyo: 2 4,5VIII,7-g VII 1996;Mt Cheongkye, Guechon: 1e, 23 VII 1996; Mt Cheonma, Namyangiu: t8', 29 VII 1997; rlemp, Yongkung, ts, Yeongjong:14, 3VI 1995;Is.Deolcieok,Incheon.Onjin:2 83 9,31 VII 1998;Mt Many, Is,Gangwha: 38,26VII1998;Mt Hwaak, Gapyung:5 19VIII1998;Mt Ybngmun, exs, Yangpyeong:5 S 19, 11VIII1998;LakeDaeseong,Paltan:15r,3VIII 1998-coll. UIB. Gwangleung:5 13VIII1994;Mt Soyo:29,14VIII1996-coll.CIS,Cheongryangri: exs, 1r1 g,22 VII,26VII,]973-coll, NIAST. Gwangleung:10 ti"439,4VII,13VII,27 VII,l998;Osan:2 8"5g,21VII 1997,28VII 1997.29 VII 1998;Hongleung: 68'12 ?,8 VII 1996,15VII 1998,16 VII 1996, 19VII1996,29 VII 1996,22 VII 1998, ]VIII1996,5 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Review of Endotricha from Korea 9 VIII1996,12VIII1996,23 VIII 1996-coll,FRt. [CB]Cheongiu:3e3 \,]5VII,22 VII, 29VII,1998-coll.FRI. [CN]Mt Manroe, Gincheon:2 X,1VIII 1998-coll. UIB. LGB] Swamp. Upo,Changnyeong:2 8,28 VII 1997-co]l,UIB. Kyeongtu: 1X,26 VIII1998- coll. FRI. Mt Hakga, Andong: 3 r 1 ?, 19 Vl 1998-coll ,NIAST. [GN] Mt Gaji :1 ?- ,19 VIII1993-coll.CIS, Mt Gaya:18,25VII 1922-coll.NIAST. [JB]Mt Naebyoun:2X', 4-5 VIII1989;Buan:1g',5VIII1992-coll.CIS. [JN]Mt Baegun: 2 8 l?, 19VII1998. Mt Baegun: 1 ex., Gwangyang, 19 VIII 1992-coll. CIS. [JJ ]Is .Biang: 2r, 26 VIII 198orcoll.NIAST. Distributi oKno.rea (GW, GG, CB, CN, GB, GN, JB, JN, JJ) ,Japan, and Chjna. FIigh tperiod, May to October. Remarks. This species is common in Korea. It is similar to E. minialis in ground color, but distinguish ferdom the lattc bry the following f:orewing rather broad; ground color pale or- ange-red to deep reddish brown with ochreous in antemedial line ;basal lin efuscous ;sub- basallinedarkblackishbrown. Endotricha kuznetzoyiWhalley,1963(Fig2s,9,16) Endotricha kuznetzov iWhal]ey, 1963: 412; Park ,t976 :17 ;Inouc ,l982, 1: 385, 2: 248, pl. 46: 46; Park, 1983: 414, 892, pl. 28: 462;Park & Ju, 1990: 392; Bae, 2001: 197, fig .I84, TL: China. Endotricha icetusali sZ:ool. Soc. Kor., 1968: 49; Kor. Soc. Pl. Prot., 1972: 138 (ne cButler). Wingspan 15-20 mm. Adult in Fig ,2, male genitali ain Fig, 9, and female genital iian Fig, 16. Materia lexamined. 167 specimens-co]1. NIAST. 222 specimens-coll. KSNU, [GW] Mt Jeombong:1r,13VII1997;Pandaeri,Woajui19,4VII ]998;Jinburyeung,Iaje:1\,7 VII 1998; Mt Gyebang, Pyengchang: 2 4, 21 Vl 1996-coll .UIB. Hweangsung: 1 ex., 9 VI 1984;Hwacheon: 18,2 VII 1985;Chuncheon:2X1 \,21 VI 1985,9 VI 1987,13VI 1989;Seomyun,Yangyang:1S'19,30VI,10VII,1987;Mt Samak, 1 19VII 1989; ex., Bongounri ,nr HC: 1 8L 30 VI 1992 ;Chuncheondam:2 exs, 15 VI 1992, 24 VII 1995; Mt Jeombong:1g'19, 10VIII,11 VIIL 1992; Hweangsungdam: 2dl'2,2 VTIT1994-coll, CIS, [GG]LakeMulwang, Shiheung:29,24VII1996;Mt Many,Is,Gangwha: 1?,20VI 1997;Bukri,Is,Deokieok:16"'2,4VI 1997;LakeDaeseong,Paltan2:S6\,2VII1997,3 VIII 1998; Lake Naega, Is. Ganghwa: 5 d", 31 V 1998; Mt Ybngmun, YtLngpyeong :17 exs, 11VIII1998;Is.Cheongra, In heon: 1if1`9,26 VIII1998;Is.Youngyu, Incheon: 18'14, ¢ 28VIII1998-coll.UIB. Hongleung:2r, 10VI,24VL 1998;Osan:3r29, 17 Yl, 19 VIII ,1998-col] .FRI. Gxiv'angleu n1 g9:, 22 VIII 1973; Suweon: 3 exs, 22 IX, 24 X, 1982; Mt Yaksu: 1 g',9VIII 1989-coll.CIS. [CB]LakeSeungeon,TlaLeaneup:3e, 12VII, 16 VII, 1996; Mt Ingyeong ,Cheongwon: 1 ex., 8 VI 1997; Mt Gaya, Yesan :2 8' 2 -9 l5 VL 24 V[II,1997-coll.UIB. Mt Sokri:13,19VIII1993-coll.CIS. [CNIGongiu:2, 8',29VII 1998-coll.CIS. [GN]Swamp. Upor Changnyeong:1 28VII1997;Jusang,Geochang: ex,, 1r1\, 14 VIII 1998, 23 VIII 1998-coll .UIB. [JB ]Mt Miruk, lksan: 38, 23 VIII 1997-colL UIB. Jeoaju:1r,3VI 1998-co]l.FRI, [JN]Naju:1X3g, 10VL 17 Vl, 1998-coll, FRI, [JJ ]Seogwipo: ] cx,, 5 VII 1986; Kwanumsa: 3319, 24 VIII 1992; Bijarim:2 e, 15VII 1993;Seonheulri1:S,31VII 1993-coli. CIS. Distribution,Korca(GWIGG, CB, CN, GN, JB, JN, JJ),Japan,China,Russia(Ussuri, Amur). Flightperiod.May toOctober. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan io Bolng-Woo LEF. B,onlg-Kyu ByuN andi Yang-Seop BAF/. /,,,,i 2 k$ %tg/k"gt gew,,isi ・lli> ' eeliilllil$iitgs rt\eqkktgll it .issegsilg\ii i?r,B u" .geswsss I,.trit,.,,,,f2tt [ -Jutftt. s rcrS g k //1!agig.eq i ' }/ ny'ptee' ny ' ge " cx-s /$ agss - . 13sx"'f,lve・gs・g-rmu..::i.:-;'r:t,o. Figs 8-13. Ma!e gen{tal iofa Endotricha spp. 8. E, consocia <Butle rIS,79), 9. E. k":net:・ovi Whalley ,1963 .10. E. ,flavojinsc iBartemiesr, l864, 11. E' .minialis (Fabric i1u7s94,). 12. E. olivacealis (Breme r1,864). 13. E. costaemaculatis Christop h1,881 .Scales 2' mm. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Review of Endotricha from Korea 11 [ 6 '- ,y t . r・ -" --- evr .: .'T ts ' ) - 1'' Xk,:gi---..lh.L(/./ l-i':nv'.'i,.'j"i'/""' Fig ,14 .Male genitali aof Endott'ich aparki sp. nov. Scales: 2 mm. Remarks. This species is coimnon in Korea. It is very similar to E. flavojti ssucpeir-alis ficiall yb,ut can be distinguish ebdy the followin gcharacters: ground color reddish brown; postmedia lline almost straight; band of hindwings wider; valva rather wide; saccular proces sslightly curved and pointed o;stium bursae narrow and long. Endotrieha.tiavofasciBarleimser, 1864(Fig3s,10,17) Endotricha Bremer, 1864,Me'm.Acad. i,ap,Sci,St.Pe'tersb.(7)8:1:413;Whalley, ]963:423; .flavqllrscialis Inoue, 1982, 1: 385, 2: 248, pl. 46: 48; Park, 1983: 417, 893; Bae, 2001: 197, fig ,183, TL: Russia (E. Siberia), Wingspan 13-16 mm. Adult in Fig ,3, male genital iian Fig ,10, and female genital iian Fig. 17. Materia lexamined. [GW] Mt Jeombong: 1 8, 13 VII I997-coll .UIB. Chuncheon: 1 ex., 31 VIII 1984; Mt Samak: 1 ex., 22 VI 1989; Pyonchang: 1g, 31 VII 1991-co]I .CIS. [GG]Mt YOngmun: 2 9,11 VIII1998;Mt Hwaak,Gapyong:18',25VIII1998-coll,UIB. Osan: 14, 17VI 1998-coll. CTS, [CN]1?, Gongju,10Vl 1998-coll. CIS. [GN] Bonchonri ,Sacheon: 1 ex., 29-30 VI 1992; Hachonri ,Daepyeong, Jinyang: 1 ex., VI-VII 1992;Mt Bibong, Jiaju:1 7VII]984,2 18VIII1984;Dadae,Sahagwu,Bwusan:1 ex., exs, ex., 8-9 VII 1994-coll. KSNU, Distributi oKno,rea (GW GG, CN, GN), Japan ,and Russia (E ,Siberia). F]ightperiod.JunetoAugust. Remarks. This species was reported by Park (1983 )I,t is rare in Korea. It is superficially very similar to E. kuznetzov ib,ut can be distinguish ebdy the foIlowin gcharacters: ground color of forewing pale yellowish purple; postmedia ]lin eslightly curved at middle; hind- wing band narrower; valva rather narrow; saccular proces sslightly curved and obtuse; os- tium bursae wide and short. Endotricha minialis (Fabrici u17s9,4) (Fig 4s, 11, 18) Phalaena miniatis Fabiicius ,1794, Ent, 5), s3t (.2) 2:39, TL: Europe. Endotricha minialis: Robinson et aL, 1994 :309. Endotricha portiali sWalker, 1859, Lib' otpecime nlsepid .Insects CoUn Br. Mus. 17: 391 ; Whalley, 1 963: 421 ; Inoue, 1982, 1: 386, 2: 248, pl. 46: 53; Park. i983: 416, pl. 29, fig .465: Bae, 2001: 199, fig .185. TL: NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 12 Bong-Weo LEE, Bong-Kyu ByuN and Yang-Scop BAE "Si, '.st ""'1 /, 'xt' ' ".iti /t .t., i/ r ./t 5 t/ ,/t,16 7 L.Y igllli, ・ll・11.. ±t..-v 't11 s・ -'f'l.・f L /ii{}・,Jl・・S1it'l・i. ,, XptA >x. E pa N< 1',Y '・ S V 1r" 8 i9 tt,v 20 Figs15-20. Female genita]l aof Endotricha spp. 15. E. consocia (Butle r1,879). ]6. E. kuznetzovi Whalley, 1963. 17. E..flctvqfascia Blrie,m'er, 1864. 18, E, miniatis <Fabric i1u7s94,). 19. E. oli),ac'ea.lis (Breme r1,864) .20. E. c,ostaemaculalis Christop h1,8g[. Scales O:.5 mm. Malaysia(Sarawak). Doththa aeacu.salis Walker, 1859, Usl fiPecim elnespid .Jnsects Collf tBr. Mus. 19: 921. TL: Malaysia (Sarawak), Endotrichopsis rhodopteratis Warren, 1895, Ann. Mag. nat. Hisi. (6 )14: 467. TL: Japan, Endotricha acrobasalis Snellen ,1892, Tijdschr .Ent, 36: 155, TL: Indonesia (Java). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Review of Endotrich afrom Korea I3 Fig. 2] . Female genitali aof Endotricha paf'k isp. nov. Scales: O.5 mm. Wingspan 1 8-21 mm. Adult in Fig. 4, male genitali ain Fig. 1 1, and female genital iasa Fig. 18.Materiat examined. [GW] Mt Ybngwha, Chuncheon: 2 exs, 29 VI 1995; Bongmyungri, Chuncheon: 1r,]3VII1995;Chuncheon:11 83 g, 11VI 1989, 13VII 1989, 19VI 1990, 1VII 1990;Chuncheendam:18, 19 VI 1990;Mahari, Pyungchang: 18,24VII1996;Mt Palbons,1:S,15YII1990;Weonasa:18,24VI 1994; Moonsanri, Ybungweoul:1g,7 VI 1996-coll,CIS. [GGjIs.Ybungyu, Incheon:18, ]1VI 1997-colLUIB. Gwangleung:4 ]3 9, 10VII1990,17VI 1994, 13VIII1994;Hongleung:18,28VII1997;Mt Suri:l c9", 15VI 1990;Mt Myeongii: 14,25V 1990-colLCIS, Seoul:l8',12VI 1973;Mt Suri:2 819, 10 VI 1998-coll. NIAST. [CB ]Mt Ingyeong ,Cheongwon:3 exs, 8VI 1997-colL UIB. [GB]Mt Sobaek,Ybungpung:1?, 17 VII 1998-coll. UIB, Kyeongju:18,3 VI 1998-coll.CIS, [GN]Mt Jiri1:9,17VII 1976-coll. NIAST. Gucheonri,Geoje:5 exs, 24-25 VI 1994; Mt Mui, Goseong: 1 ex., 2-3 VI 2000; Bongamri, Masan: 2 exs, 18-i9 VJ 1999; Mt Yeohang, Masan: 5 exs, 12-13 VI 1999; Mt Palryong ,Masan: 18 exs, 28-29 VI 200e; Mt Palryong, Masan: 2 exs, 5-6 VI 2000; Mt Waryong. Sachcon:1 ex., 27-28 V 2000; Mukgokri, Sancheong: 1 ex,, 30 VI 1992; Mt Weola, Jinju :1 ex,, 13-14 VIII 1999; Cheoajebong ,Haman: 41 exs, 19-20 VI 1999; Mt Bangeo, Haman:5 exs, 12-13 VI 1999- coll. KSNU, [JN ]Mt Baekwoon: 1 8' ,9 VII 1991; Kwangtu: 1 4, 6 VI 1996-coll. CIS. [JJM]okseokweon: 1g,30V 1992;Kwanumsa: 19 24VIII1992;Seonheul:1r,30VII , 1993-coll,CIS. DistributioKno,rea (GWIGG, CB, GB, GN, JN,JJ),Japan,Indonesia(BorneJoa,va). Fljght period .May to August. Rcmarks. This species has been known as E. portiali sin Korca, where it is common. It is NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 14 Bong-Woo LEE, Bong-Kyu ByuN and Yang-Seop BAE distinguish ferdom other species by the reddish purple ground color. Entlotricha olivacealis (Breme r18,64) (Fig 5s, 12, 19) Rhodaria oliT,acealis Brcmer ,1864 ,Me'm, Acad. imp, Sci .St. Pe'tenyh .(7 )8[ 1: 66. pl. 6, fig 2.. TI. :Russi aCE. Siberia). Endotricha olivaceatis: Whailey ,1963: 422; Park, 1976i 17: Inouc, 1982, 1: 386, 2: 248, pl. 46: 55-57 ;Park, 1983: 416, pl. 29, fig .464: Park, 1983: 148; Bae. 2001: 200, fig ,186. Endotri.chajlavijimbria Wlairsren, l891,Ann. Mag, nat. Hist. (6 )8: 69. TL: India. Endotricha mesenterilis: Shibuya, 1928 (ne cWa]ker, 1859). Wingspan 17-21 mm, Adult in Fig. 5, male genital iian Fig. 12, and female genital iian Fig. 19. Materia lexamined. 33 specimens-coll, FRI, 338 specimens-coil. CIS. 169 specimens- coll, NIAST. 589 specimens-co]1. KSNU. [GWI Balgyo, Hweingseong: 1 r3 4, 7 VII 1998; Mt Odae, Pyengchang: 2 S 3 ?, 8 VII 1998; Mt Chiak, Won.ju :8 exs, ]2 VII 1997, 16 VII1998,5 VIII 1998;Mt Dukga: 1 5i,24 VII 1997;Mt GarivL'anJge,onseon:4 10 9, 8 o' VII 1997;Mt Jeombong:5879, 11-12 VII 1997; Jinburyeong:38"79,7 VII 1998; Unduryeong, Pyengchang:1g3 9,9VII 1998-coll. UIB, [GG]Mt Soyo:1gr3\,7VII 1996;Mt Gyebang, Pyengchang: 1g, 14VIII1996;Mt Kwangdouk: 1 0,9VII 1997;Mt Ybngmun, Yangpyeong:1g ].\, 30VI,11VIII1998;Is.Daebu,Ansan:19,28 VI 1997; Shiajeong, Seoul:181?, 13VI 1998;Mt Hwaya: 19, 18 VII 1997;Mt Many, Is. Ganghwa: 1 -O/-2,0 VI 1997; Lake Daeseong, Paltan:1?,2VII 1997;Lake Mulwang, Shiheung:14,11VII 1996;Is.YOungyu, Incheon:29, 11VI 1997;[Ibmp.Ybngkung,Is. Yeongtong:49, 15Vl 1995, 21 VII 1998;Mt Cheolma,Incheon:39, 14Vr 1996;Mt Hwaak, Gapyung: 4 9, 19 VIII 1998 coll. UIB. [CB] Lake Seungeon, Taeaneub :5 9, 12 VII,16VII,1996-coll.UIB, rGB]Mt Sobaek,Ybungpung: 1811 4,17 VII1998;Mt Seondal,Youngtu:1\,29 VI 1998;Mt Eorae,Ybungju: 2 84 9,30 VI 1998-coll. UIB, [GNIJusang,Geochang:1?, 14VIII1998-coll. UIB. [JB]Mt Miruk, Iksan:19,14VI 1997-coll, UIB. [JNIMt Deogyu,Muju: 13 1g, 18VII l998-coll. UIB, [JJM]t Hanla: 1f.12VIII1997. DistributionK.orea(GW GG, CB,GB, GN, JB,JN,JJ),Japan,China,Russia(E.Siberia), Taiwan,India,Myanmar, Indonesia(W.Java). and Flightperiod.ApriltoSeptember. Remarks. This species is common and widely distribut eind Korea, Specimens vary in wing patter nand color. It can be distinguish ferdom ether specieg by the fo11owin gcharac- ters: postmedial line paralle lwith termen; black spot in middle of forewings ;uncus reverse triangular; basa lproces spresent ;sacculus proces sblunt ;apophyses rather long; signum present. Endbtricha Christoph,1881(Fig6s,13,20) costaemaculalis Endotricha costaemaculalis Christoph ,1881, Butl .Soc, inu) ,Ndt. Mosc. 56 (1) :4: Park, l976 :17; Inoue, 1982, 1 :386, 2: 248, pl .46: 58; Park ,1983 :414, pl. 28, fig .461; Park, 1983: 148; Park and Ju, 1990: 392; Yamanaka & Yoshiyasu, 1992: 90; Bae, 2001: 196, fig .182. TL: Russi a(E .SiberLa). Endotrichafascobas aHlaimspson, 1896 ,Trans. ent, Soc .Innd, 1896: 484, Wingspan 1 8-21 mm. Adult in Fig. 6, male genitali ain Fig. 13, and female genital iian Fig, 20. Materia lexamined. [GW] Mt Odae, Pyengchang: 3\, 8 VII 1998; Undooryeong. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Review of Endotricha from Korea 15 Pyengchang:38,9VII 1998-coll.UIB. Cheolwon:19, 10VII1997-coll.CIS. [GGI [[bmp.Ybngkung, Is.Yeongiong:1g 1?,15Vl 1998-coll.UIB. Gwangleung: 2 r 14,17 VI 1994;Hongleung:19, 10VI 1996;Osan:1g1?, 27V 10 VI 1998-colLCIS. LCB1 Mt Gaya,Yesan:1\,15VI 1997-coll.UIB. [GN]Mt Dol,Goseong:1 25V 1997;Mt ex., Jwai ,Goscong: 1 ex,, 5-6 VIII 1999; Mt Palryong ,Masan: 5 exs, 28-29 VI 2000, 1 ex., 3-4 VI 2000; Byeoksoryeong ,Samjeongri, Hamyang: 3 exs, 27-28 VII 1992; Chuseongri, Hamyang: 8 exs, 29-30 VII 1992-coll ,KSNU, [JN ]Naju: 14, 17 VI 1998-coll .CIS, Simweon, Gurye:11 30-3'IVII 1992-colJ.KSNU, [JJK]wanumsa: 18,6 VII exs, 1993-coll,CIS. Distribution .Korea (GW, GG, CB, GN, JN, JJ) ,Japan, China, and Russia (E .Siberia). Fligh tperiod. May to August. Remarks. This species can be distinguishe dfrom other species by the fbllowing characters: ground color of forewing dark blackish gray ;postmedia lline slightly curved at middle; ante- and postmedia lline white; uncus [ILshaped ;saccular proces spointed ;saccus tongue- shaped; aedeagus rather long ;ostium bursa ecylindrically weakly sclerotized; ductus semi- nalis originating from corpus bursae near juncti oofn ductu sbursae and corpus bursae; slgnum present. Endotricha parki Lee and Bae, sp. noy (Kore anname: Galgoribbyejokmyungnabang) (Fig7s,14,21) Wingspan 17-20 mm (Fig 7.) ,Head ochreous, mixed with pale yellowish , Labia lpalpus rather short, dark gray ,mixed with pale yellowish brown; median and apical segment ochre- ous terminally. Antenna 112 lengt hof forewing ,ash gray ,mixed with dark fuscous ;scape ochreous, Thorax ash gray ;patagium pale reddish purple ,mixed with ochreous; tegulae reddish purple ,mixed with ash gray ;posteri ocrrest pale purple ,Abdomen reddish brown, mixed with ash gray ,Forewing rather pointed; ground color reddish brown; antemedial line yellow ,rounded, stretching from 1/3 costa to 1!3 dorsum; postmedia lline blackis hbrown, from near apex to dorsum, parall ewlith termen; marginal lin eblack ;cilia silvery white, black in middle. Ground color of hindwing reddish brown; ante- and postmedia llines pale yel]owish ,graduall aypproaching each other towards dorsum. Male genitali a(Fi g1.4) .Uncus T-shaped ,rather long ,pointe ddistall uyn;cus proces ssmall thorn-shaped; socius somewhat ellipsoidal; gnathos weakly sclerotized, rather small, spatu- la-shape dg;natho sarm weakly sclerotized, slender. Valva tapered, apical area rounded, without any projectio nsa;ccular proces snot projecti nfgrom sacculus; saccus short, stumpy; jux tstaumpy and bifi dat distall yw,eakly sclerotized plate .Aedeagus weakly sclerotized, rather short, rounded; cornutus absent; ductus ejaculato rariiosiungs from near middle. Female genital i(aFi g2,1) .Apophysis posteriori sslender, Iong ;apophysis anterioris slen- der ,about O.4 times as long as apophysis posterior isO,stium bursae cup-shaped, long, membranous with weakly sclerotized smal] ring; ductus bursae short; ductus seminalis orig- inating from ductus bursae; corpus bursae rather long, about 1.3 times as long as apophysis postenons;slgnum present. Materia lexamined. Holotype .1 8' ,Unduryeong, Gangwon-do, Korea, 9. VII. 1998 (YIS. Bae et at,), gen. sl. no. UIB-3047, in coll. UIB. Paratypes . [GW] Chunchon: 1 \, 8. VI. 1998 (YM. Park)-coll.CIS, [GG][Ibm,Ybngkung,Is.Yeengiong:28 1?, 15.VI,1998 (YLS,Bae UIB-3045-coll.UIB. Mt Suri:181?, 10.VI.1998(H.K. et al.), gen, sl. no. Lee)-coll .CIS. [CB] Mt Gaya: 29, 15, VI, 1997 ('t iBLaSe, et al,), gen. sl. no, UIB- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 16 Bong-Woo LEE, Bong-Kyu ByiJN and Yang-Scop BAE 3046-coll. UIB. LJN]Mt Baekun, Chusan: 1 8',24.VI. 1995 (J.YChoi)-coll.CIS. DistributioKno.rea(GWIGG, CB,JN). Flightperiod.JunetoJuly. Etymology .The specific name is dedicate dto Prof .Kyu-Tbk Park ,an excellent micro-lepi- dopteris CtI,S, Kangwon Nationa lUniversit ywh,o kindl ygave us guidance, Remarks. This new species is similar to E, consocia (Butle irn) the wing patter n.But, it can be distinguish ebdy the foIIowin gcharacters: ground color reddish brown; postmedial line of forewing parall ewlith termen; a wider space between ante- and postmedia llines of hindwing ,This species js also similar to E. sasakaM・'ai Ybshiyas uin the male genitalia b,ut it ditfe rfsrom the latte rby the fbllowin gcharacters: uncus T-shaped ,and longer ;juxta stumpy and bifi ddistall ysa;ccular proces snot separated from sacculus; ostium bursae ductus from membranous and cylindrical, with sclerotized small ring; seminalis originating ductusbursae. Acknowledgments We express our thanks to Prof .K. T. Park ,Center for Insec tSystematic sK,angwon National University ,Korea, Prof, T. Hirowatari, Osaka Prefectur eUniversity ,Japan, and Mr, H. Ybshimoto, 1[bkyo High School, Japan, for their kind help and guidanc eduring this study. Our thanks are also due to Dr G. S. Lee, the National Institut eof Agricultura lScience and Tbchnology, Suwon, Korea, for the generou sloan of materials. Many thanks are also owed to Dr N, H. Ahn, Osaka, Messrs J, H. Kim, and i}i K. Kim, University of Incheon, Korea for their assistance in colEecting the material. This study was supported by the Korean Institute of Environmenta lScience and rlbchnology, Ministr yof Environment Grant ,2005-2008. References Bae, Y. S, ,2001. Funiil yPyraloidea :Pyraustinae and Pyralinac ,Economic Insects of Korea9. Jnsecta kore- ana CSuppl .1)6, 251 pp. Hampson. G., l896. 0n the c]assificatjon of three subfamilies of moths of the family Pyralidae :the Epipaschiinae ,Endotrichinae and Pyra]ina e7.'iun sen.t. Soc. Lond, 4: 451-5SO. Inoue, H., 1982. Pyralidac .In Inoue, I{ .ct al. <Eds) M,oihs tof'Japan 1: 307-404. 2: 7-23-253. Kodansha, Tokyo. Kor. Soc, Pl. Prot. ,1972. A List (tfPlant Diseases, bzsect Pests ,and Wkeds in Korea: 137-140. Minet, J. ,1982. 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