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Taxonomic notes on the Parnassius simonius complex (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) from Middle Asia (Alai and Transalai mountains) PDF

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Preview Taxonomic notes on the Parnassius simonius complex (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) from Middle Asia (Alai and Transalai mountains)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utLdi T)"ans,iepicStoc J4pan 49 (3):194-198,June i998 Taxonemic notes on the PZimassius simonius complex (Lepidoptera, Papilionida ef)rom Middle Asia (Ala aind Transalai mountains) SergeGiuNDoRov PlantProtectioDnepartmentAgriculturaIlnstituteT,eatralnaia Square, Saratov,410710,Russia Abstract Four subspecies of Pat:nassius simonius Staudinge r,1889 are reviewed. Key words Papilionidae, Parnasst'as ,Parnassius simonius, Middle Asia (Ala iand Transalai mountains), taxonomy. Parnassi' ussimonius Staudinge r,1889 and it srelated races were formerl yplaced as a sub- species of R simo Gray, [1853 b]u,t they are newly ciassified as an independen tstatus by Kreuzberg (198 5)U,p to the present f,bur races of A simonius Staudinge r1,889 from Alai Transalai havebeenknown fbllows and mountains as : Ssp.simonius Parnassiu ssimo var. simonius Staudinge r1,889 ,Stetti ne.nt. Zrg 50 : 16. TL. Sud-Fergana ,Transalai. ParnassiiLs Austaut,1912,biL Z/ 5: 360,fig.4. simonidles ent TL. Nord-Ladak', (Agreemen btetween simonides and simenizas which was fbund by Kreuzberg is not taken int oconsideration by me.). Range. Kirghizia:West Transalai mountains. Ssp,grayi Parnassius grayi AvinofL 1916, 7}uns enL Soc, Londl 63: 358, pl. S4, fig .6. TL, Jengisbai(Tengisbai). Range. Kirghizia : West Alai mountains, Tengisbai pass. Ssp, nig11faatus Parnassius simo nigrijZcatus Kreuzberg ,1986, Plest iooZ 2 : 86. TL, 5 km W. of Kysyl-Ar tPass, Transalaisky mountains, Tadzhikistan. Range.Tadzhikistan, Ssp. taidieus Parnassiu ssimonius tatdicus Gundorov, 1991, Lambiaionea 4 : 379. TL. Taldyk Pass, Alaisky mountains. Pannassiu ssimonius shuvalontm Kreuzberg&Pljustsh ,1992 ,Vdst zoot 2: 78-80. TL. Taldyk pass, 3,9oo m, Alai Mts, Kirghizia, Range. Taldyk pass ,East Alai mountains, Kirghizia. In 1990-1992 ,I travelled three times to Tadzhikistan and Kirghizia and succeeded in finding NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Taxonomic Netes on the Parnassizas simonius Subspecies in Middle Asia 195 many Pamassius species particularl yR simonius on the passes of Taldyk, Tengisba iand KysyliArt. Soon after extensive material ofthe same species was collected by my cooperator in Aram Kungei ravine, West Transalai and Dugoba, west Alai. These materials are readily distinguishab flreom each other, ,Such a.s : 38 cSZ 24 4, West Transalaisky mountains, Aram Kungei ravine. 57 c{Z 29 \, West Alaisky mountains, Tengisba ipass . 9cl 7\, East Transalaisky mountains, 5km west of Kysyl-Art pass, 110 cin 87 \, East Alaisky moun- tains, Taldyk pass . 22 ti n16 ?, West Alaisky mountains, Dugoba. The above-mentioned material shows the fbllewin gtaxonomic characteristics. 1) Specimens from Tengisba ipass agree well with the specimens from Ararn Kungei ravine. Both are the same taxon in the subspecies level. 2) I can find very much agreement between the specimens from Dugoba and Avinofl's descripti o(norigi nfiaglur eof grayi). Avinoff (191 6s)tates "This race (gray ii)nhabit sthe north-western slopes of the Alai rnountains near Jengisba i[Tengis pbaassi]" . But my work shows that ssp. grayi liye sat 70 km west of Tengisbai pass ,and at the pass lives anothor race of simonius (simonius), As a result, Parnassiu ssimonizas from Alai and Transala imountains were regarded as the fbllowing fbur subspecies. 1, Pamassius simonius simonius Staudinger ,l889 (Wes tTransala imountains and West Alai mountains, Tengisbai pass) =simonides Austaut, 1912 2. Pat:nassi ussbnonitAs nigiTijicatu sKreuzberg ,1986 (Eas Ttransala imountains, 5 km west of Kysyl-Art pass and same mountains,, Irkeshtam ) . 3. Pamassius simonius takiictr sGundorov, 1991 (Eas Atlai mountains, Taldyk pass) = shuvaloram Kreuzberg & Pljusts h1,992 4. Pannassit Assijnonitas gvayi Avinoff 1916 (Wes tAlai mountains, Dugoba). A synoptic table of the characters ln four subspecies is as foIlows, simonius nign;tibatus taldicus grql,i forewing lengt h 20-26 rnm 21-25 mrn 23-25 mm 26-28 mrn marginal band of wider than the forewing that of the others hindwing postdisc al larg ered black or small red black black or large red spot in SctRi-Rs hindwing postdiscal large red black black black or small red spot in Mi-M2 dark dustin gin cell no or not often stronger than that strong stronger than that Cu, of tbe fbrewing of simonius; les s of simonius; 1ess than that of than that of ldtdicus taldicus d a r k d us t i n g i n no o r n ot of te n no o r n ot of te n strong les sthan that Qf basal area in Sc+ .taldieus Ri-R, of the hindwing NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan 196 SergelGuNDoRoy s l? Et/ t- .i'.;,Itt t"./,l. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Taxonomic Notes on the ParnassiussimoniusSubspecies in MiddLe Asia 197 Figs 1-30 . Parnassiu ssimonius sspp. 1-3. R s, nigrijtcatus, male. 4-6. Ditto ,female . 7. R s. taldlicus, holotype male. 8-9.Ditto ,paratypes male. 10-12 .Ditto ,paratypes femal e 13-15. P, s simonius, male, Transalai Mts 16-18. Ditto, femttl eT,ransalai Mts. 19-21 .Ditto ,male, Alai Mts. 22-24. Ditto, female,Alai Mts. 25-27, A s. grayi, rnale. 28-30, Ditto, female. Fig. 31. A map showing the distributi oofn four of Pat:nassi usismonizts 1. Ssp. grayi. 2. Ssp. simonius. 3 .Ssp.stuabisdpieccuise ,s4. Ssp. nigrijltatus.Staudinger. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 198 SergeiGuNDoRov   black spot  in discal often  les sthan cell of the forewing that of the others postmedian band of narrower  than that the forewing of tho others 皿 ight periOd and  habitat Buzterfiie fsly from the end  ofJune  to the end  ofJuly .  Ail subspocies  inhabi tsouthern  slopes at a height of  3,600−4,050 m .  Larvae feed on  Lagott Sdecumbens(Scrophulariace)a.e References  Av ino63仔,; A35.,1−1391660,. plSs o5l2n.e− 54ne.w  f()rms  of  Parna∬嬬 (Lepidopter,a Rhopalocra). ]Fr仞 s. ent Soc.ムon  d. Bogdanov , P.−V. et α’,,1997, C ’de 如 漉θB  惚 脚 5 qズRu∬ia and αのαcθ班 Territ厂ioes(Hesperiida,e    Papilionida, ePierida, cSatyri且de),480 PP. Pells丘o, Bryk, E 1935. Lepidoptera. Parnassi童dae pars ll(Subfhm , Parnassiina),e Tier厂eich 65. li,790 pp. , Gundorov, S.,1991.  New  subspecies  of Parna ∬ius s砌 onius  from Central Asia,  Larnbillionea 4: 379. Kreuzberg, A.V.−A .,1984. Larval負)odplants  of P乱pilionids(Lepidopter, aPapilionida)eof the Central    Asia. BuU. Soc. Nat. Moscou  89(6): 27−34 (in Russi乱n).      ,1985. Butterfi ioefs the group deiphit,L scharltonius , simo (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae)from    USSR . Issledova〃砂α.  ノツi/iruアn Sredney .4z舐 ルゲ砿 auchn . konf Region. ・4堺θ々砂  1ツ ifa砌 ア    Sred. .41ii’Yuzhnogo 1(czzakhstana :25−68 (in Russian),      ,1986.New  subspecies  of Parna∬ ius simo (Lepidopter,a Papilionida)e吐om  Middle Asia.    Vest. zooi.2 : 85−87 (in Russiar1), Lukhtanov V ,& A, Lukhtanov 1993.  Butte且ries of North−West Asia, Herbi otiana  3.440 pp.(56 pls). TTsuhziokvol, oVve,,t,s1,9 9V3..− V .,Th1e9 9s7γ. nonTymhiee, B uLごttSert Lqfiプt eBsofut tPeαr〃tliir7ノt(}Leoesmpi dtohpet eerxa−,〔 ノR∫h∫oRpa.l7o3c pepr.a )R.o2s8a2g rpops. erBvriactei.slav.a Weiss, J.−C ., 1991.  The Parna ∬inae of the 肋 澀 1: 1−48. 摘 要 中央ア ジアの シモ ニ ウス ウスバ シ ロ チ ョ ウの亜種群につ い て 〔Serge{Gundorov ) 山シモ脈ニか ウらス4 亜ウ種ス バがシ知ロらチれてョ ウい Pるa.rn1a9s9s0i..u1 s9s9i2mo年niuのs タ Sジtaキudスinタgeンrはお,よアびラキイル山ギ脈ジまアたではのト3ラ回ンのス調ア査ラでイ, ー タル ジク峠, テ ンギスバ イ峠, キ シル アル ト峠で, 特に シ モ ニ ウス ウスバ シ ロ チ ョ ウ を中心 に多数 の ParnassiUS を見る こ とがで きた.その後, シモ ニ ウ ス ウス バ シ ロ チョ ウ の 多数の 標本 が友人 に よっ て西 トラ ンス アライの アラム クン ゲイ峡谷 と西ア ライの ドゥ ゴバ か らも得られ,これらの 標本 か ら,テ ン ギスバ イ峠とア ラム クン ゲイ峡谷の もの は亜種レベ ル で同じタク ソ ンで あるこ と,ドゥ 一 ゴバ 産の標本と Avinoff (1916)の 創碗 の原記載図が よ く 致する こ とが分かっ た. Avinoffは grayi がテ ンギスバ イ峠に近い ア ライ山脈の北西斜面に産する と述べ てい るが 今回の標本は テ ン , , ギスバ イ峠その もの には原名亜種 simonius が産 し graコi はこ の峠の 70 km 西に分布す こ とを示 し , てい る.この地域の 4 亜種は 原名亜種 simonius が西 トラ ン ス ア ライLl.1脈 (ア ラム ク ン ゲイ峡谷) , と西ア ライ山脈のテ ン ギスバ イ峠,亜種 ηlg噸Cα鮒 が東 トランス アライ山脈,亜種 ごα磁C ∫が東ア ライ山脈,亜tc grayiが西アライ山脈の ドゥ ゴバ に分布す るこ とが認められた. [文責 :吉本 浩] (Accepted November  l,1997) Published by the Lepidopterologic aSlociet yof Japan, 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji,Tokyo,192−0063Japan         一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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