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植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 76: 11-19 (2001) Taxonomic Notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia X Noriyuki TANAKA 。 Department of Education,S chool of Liberal Arts,T eikyo University, tsuka359,H achi句i,Tokyo,1 92-0395 JAPAN (Received on April 4,2 000) Ophiopogon confertifolius N. Tanaka is described as new from the Malay Peninsula, Thailand. This species resembles O. fooningensis F.T.Wang & L.K.Dai from Yunnan (China),b ut differs from it in the number of leaves,th e relative length of bracts to flow- ers,a nd the colour of flowers. An ew variety,O. platyphyllus Merr. & Chun var. hayatae N.Tanaka,is described from northem Vietnam. This variety differs from var. platyphyllus chiefly by the pedicels articulate in the upper part. No confirmatory evidence has been obtained for the spontaneous occurrence of O. japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gawl. in southem Asia (excluding China). A key to the 17 species of this genus hitherto recognized in this series of research is provided. (Continued from 1. Jpn. Bo .t75: 360-367,2 000) Key words: Key to species,n ew taxa,O phiopogon coψrtifolius,Ophiopogonjaponicus, Ophiopogon platyphyllus var. hayatae (19) A new species from the Malay 70),fa sciculate on apical part of stem,li near, Peninsula of Thailand acute at apex,t apering to base which is Ophiopogon confertifolius N.Tanaka,sp . sheathing with scarious alae,s errulate on nov. [Figs. 1-3] margins,7 -11-veined,m idvein prominently Haec species Ophiopogoni fooningensi elevated beneath,es pecially in lower part,to F.T.Wang & L.K.Dai affinis,a quo foliis ca. 58 cm long,to 1c m wide. Scape rather pluribus (ca. 35-70),br acteis floribus aequi- strongly declinate in lower p訂t,complanate, longis vel longioribus, et floribus albis to ca. 24 cm long. Inflorescence racemose, differt. Etiam O. caulescenti (Blume) Backer 5.5 cm long. Bracts ovate to lanceolate, et O. pierrei L.Rodr. similis,s ed ap riore acummate or aristate,s carious at m gm,en- 紅 filamentiis liberatis et ovario apice plano,a tire or almost entire,to 12 mml ong,u sually posteriore ovario apice plano diversus. as long as or exceeding flowers. Pedicels (in- TYPE: Thailand. Malay Peninsula. cluding basal stalky part of perianth) jointed Na khon Si Thammarat,K hao Luang area, above middle,to 4.5 mml ong (true pedicels near Khiri W ong village,c a. 500-600 m, to 3m ml ong) at flowering; at fruiting they May 16, 1968,f ls white,b racts pu中le, jointed around middle,to 7.5 mml ong (true C.F.van Beusekom and C. Phengkhlai 787 pedicels to 4m ml ong). Flowers 1-2 (rarely (holotype,L ; isotypes,K ,P) . 3) at each bracteal axil. Floral buds ovoid. Glabrous perennial herb. Stem more than Perianth lobes 6,o vate-lanceolate or ovate- 11.5 cml ong,em itting ligneuus prop roots to oblong,o btuse at apex,6 -7.5 mml ong,2 .7- 3.7 mmi n diameter. Leaves many (ca. 35- 3.5 mmw ide,1 -veined,w hite. Stamens 6, -11- 12 植物研究雑誌第76巻第1号 平成13年2月 Fig. 1. Holotype of Ophiopogon co_n作rtifolius(Thailand,K hao Luang area,C . F. van Beusekom and C. Phengkhlai 787,L) . free. Anthers narrowly lanceolate,co rdate at Pistil 1. Style subulate, 6.3 mm long, base,i ntrorse,3 .8-4 mml ong. Filaments minutely 3-toothed at apex. Ovary inferior, broadened toward base,c a.O.5 mm long. rather f1at at apex. Seeds coated with February 2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 76 No. 1 13 Fig. 2. Inflorescence of Ophiopogon confertifolius (Thailand,P angnga,R . Geesink and T. Santisuk 5152,p aratype,L) . stamens (Fig. 3B for O. confertifolius). In O. fooningensis,h owever,t he leaves are fewer (ca.15-35 on each plant) and appear to be slightly firmer in texture,t he bracts are shorter than the flowers except those in the lower part,a nd the flowers are light purple (Wang 89114,K UN,P E). In addition,t he 10- 六 calities of the two species are geographically fairly apart. This new species also resembles Ophiopogon caulescens (Blume) Backer (cf. A B Tanaka 2000a,2 000e) and O. pierrei L.Rodr. (cf. Tanaka 2000a),b oth natives of southeast Asia,b ut differs from the former by the free Fig. 3. Ophiopogon confertifolius. A. Diagram of filaments and the ovary which is relatively flower (side view). B. Abaxial side of stamen (C. flat at the top (Fig. 3A),a nd from the latter F. van Beusekom and C. Phengkhlai 787,L ). Scale bar for B = 2m m. also by the flat-topped ovary. Other specimens examined: Thailand. Malay Peninsula. Pangnga,K hao pawta sarcotesta,g lobose. luang keow,c a.800-1000 m,M ay 2,1 973,s cape and Distribution: S Thailand (Malay Penin- flowers entirely white,b racts pu叩lishat base,R . sula). Geesink and T. Santisuk 5152 (paratype,C ,L) . Ophiopogon confertifolius (Figs. 1-3) re Ophiopogon fooni時e附 is:China. Yunnan. Fooning, 司 Lung-mai (Long-may),1 000 m,f lowers light purple, sembles O. fooningensis F.T.Wang & May 3,1 940,f l.,C .W.Wang 89114 (holotype,P E; L.K.Dai (Dai and Chen 1978) described isotype,K UN). from southeastern Yunnan (China). The two species share an elongate stem putting forth (20) A new variety of Ophiopogon several woody prop roots,r elatively naow pla砂phyllusfrom northern Vietnam 汀 leaves,s hort pedicels articulate above the Ophiopogon platyphyllus Me町.& Chun middle,a n ovary which is rather flat at the in J. Bot. Inst. Col. Agr. Sun Yatsen Univ. top (Fig. 3A for O. confertifolius),a nd free 2: 211,p .138 (1935); N.Tanaka in J. Jpn. Bot. 14 植物研究雑誌第76巻第1号 平成13年2月 75: 133 (2000). ‘hayatai' . var. hayatae N.Tanaka,va r. nov. A typo pedicellis superne articulatis [Figs.4-6] differt. Foliis angustis (usque ad ca. 32 cm O. hayatae T.Koyama in sched. (TI), longis,0 .7 cm latis) et floribus relative Fig. 4. Holotype of Ophiopogon platyphyllus var. hayatae (northern Vietnam,B . Hayata s.n.,TI ). February 2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 76 No. 1 15 parvis (lobi perianthii 4.2-5 mm longi; part,t o 9 mml ong. Perianth lobes ovate- antherae 2.8-3.2 mml ongae) notabilis. oblong,o btuse at apex,4 .2-5 mml ong,1. 8- TYPE: Vietnam. Tonkin,T amdao,J uillet 2.2 mm wide. Anthers 2.8-3.2 mml ong. 28,1 917,fl .-f ,.rB.Hayata s.n. (holotype and Filaments broadened toward base,to ca. 0.3 isotype,TI ). mml ong. Style subulate,c a. 5 mml ong. Stem to ca. 12 cm long,to 5m min diame- Ovary inferior, concave at apex. Young ter,w ith ligneous prop roots to 3m mi n di- seeds oblong. ameter. Leaves linear,a cute at apex (obtuse Distribution: N Vietnam (known only at extreme tip),s lightly falcate,s errulate on from the type material). margins,t o ca. 32 cm long,t o 7m mw ide, Ophiopogon plaηphyllus var. hayatae 5-11-veined,b ase with scarious,s mooth (not (Figs. 3-6) is basically similar to var. plaη- rugulose) alae. Scape declinate,c omplanate, phyllus in both f10ral and vegetative charac- f1uted,to ca. 15 cm long. Racemes to 6.2 cm ters. For example,t hey are consistent with long. Flowers 1-4 in each bracteal axil. each other in having an ovary concave at the Bracts lanceolate,s carious at margin,m i- top (Fig. 6; for var. platyphyllus see Fig. 6B nutely serrulate on margins in upper part,to in Tanaka 2000b). However,v ar. hayatae 13.5 mml ong. Pedicels articulate in upper differs from var. pla砂phyllusin the pedicels Fig. 5. Close-up of inflorescences (left in flower,r ight in fruit) in the holotype of Ophiopogon platyphyllus var. hayatae. 16 植物研究雑誌第76巻第1号 平成13年2月 Hainan Is ,.lPoting,ca .1200 f ,.tApr. 10,1 935,fl. ,F. C. How 71809 (A); Hainan Is ,.lPoting Xian,N ov. 17, 1936,f ,.r X. Q. Liu 28225 (IBSC 135994); Hainan Is ,.1 Poting Xian,A pr. 10,1 935,b uds,F . C. How 71809 (IBSC 95386); Hainan Is ,.l Poting Xian,A ug. 22, 1935,F . C. How 73487 (PE); Guangdong Prov. Taishan Xian,M ay 23,1 981,fl. ,Z. X. Li 597 (IBSC 463244); Maoming Xian,A ug. 3,1 956,f ,. r L. Tang 1785 (KUN 224828). (21) Ophiopogon}αrponicus According to Jessop (1979),O phiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gawl. is a com- Fig. 6. Diagram of flower of Ophi- monly cultivated g denplant in Jav a and 征 opogon platyphyllus var. hayatae other places in Malesia,es pecially for lining (side view). borders,b ut never flowering in the lowland. In the experimental g denof our university, 紅 articulate in the upper part (in the latter they several plants which were sent as O. are articulate in the lower part). Besides this, japonicus from the Botanical Gardens of var. platyphyllus usually has wider leaves Indonesia,B ogor,W est Java,h ave been in (ca. 6-22 mm wide) and larger flowers cultivation since 1988 (specimens cited (perianth lobes 5.3-7.5 mml ong,a nthers below). These plants have slender stolons, 3.3-4 mml ong) than v訂.hayatae [in Flora na町owleaves less than 3m mw ide,s hort Hainanica (Anonymous 1977),O . plaη'Phyl scapes up to about 8c m long,a nd globose, ・ lus is reported to have perianth lobes 5-6 glossy deep blue seeds. They flower almost mml ong and anthers about 3-4 mml ong. every year in our garden. There is no doubt Dai and Chen (1978) described perianth that they are O. japonicus. Although o. lobes as about 7 mml ong and anthers as japonicus has often been recorded from about 6m ml ong in the same species from southem Asia (Wallich 1832, Koorders China]. 1911,R odriguez 1934,J essop 1979),1 h ave So far there has been no previous record seen no specimen of this species occurring of o. platyphyllus from Vietnam. Now it has naturally in this area (excl. China) (cf. chap- become evident that this species is repre- ter 8 in Tanaka 2000a and chapter 14 in sented by var. hayatae in northem Vietnam, Tanaka 2000c). by var. platyphyllus in southern China Specimens: cultivated in Botanical Gardens of a~d (Dai and Chen 1978, Tanaka 2000b). Indonesia, Bogor, West Java, then in Teikyo University,T okyo,Ja pan,si nce 1988,Ju l. 14,1 991,fl. , However,t he present status of our knowl- and Oct. 9,1 994,仕.(Herb. Teikyo Univ.). edge on this species is still unsatisfactory. It is desirable to further investigate the varia- (22) Species of Ophiopogon of southern tion and distribution of this species. Asia Representative specimens of Ophiopogon plαか- The following key is for the 17 species. of phyllus var. platyphyllus examined for comparison Ophiopogon so far recognized in this series with var. hayatae: of research (Tanaka 1998, 1999a-1999d, China. Hainan Prov. Hainan Is ,.l Ngai Xian, Likchoi,Y ueling,1 800 m,M ay 6,1 933,F. C. How 2000a-2000e). Of these,O . japonicus is 70701 (PE); Hainan Is,.1Yaichow,1 800 f ,.tMar.-Ju ,.l known only from cultivation in southem 1933,日., F. C. How 70701 (K); Hainan Is ,.1Five fin- Asia (cf. chapter 21). Ophiopogon platy- ger M ,.tApr. 23,1 922,日., F. A. McClure 9334 (K); February 2001 Journa1 of Japanese Botany Vol. 76 No. 1 17 phyllus var. plaか'Phyllushas not been re- 8. Anthers connate laterally..… corded from southern Asia. Ophiopogon ・... ・.9)O. kradungensis H gracilipes Craib (Tanaka 1999a) is excluded 8. Anthers free from this key, as it was transferred to 9. Filaments united laterally Peliosanthes (Tanaka 1999d). 10. Filaments united along their entire length...・・..… H Key to the species and infraspecific taxa ・・ ・・..1A)O. cαulescens v caulescens 紅. H H of Ophiopogon of southern Asia (excl. 10. Filaments united approximately halfway China) from the base up .….. The number in front of the name of taxa …1B) o. caulescens var. prolifer coespondsto that in the list of taxa pre- 9. Filaments free or almost free 町 sented after this key. 11. Scarious wings of leaf-sheath usually *: known only from cultivation. transversely rugulate,l eaves fasciculate 日:not recorded from the area here cov- on apical part of stem or rangedcon- 紅 ered. secutively along stem....・・.2)O. chingii H 1. Stem short,wi th or without subterranean 11. Scarious wings of leaf-sheath usually stolons not rugulate,le aves fasciculate on apical 2. Anthers united laterally... .6) o. griffithii part of stem or at intervals on stem 2. Anthers free 12. Leaves less than 4m mw ide,r oots less 3. Leaves with narrowly oblong to nearly than 1.5 mmi n diameter ・… elliptic blades …15) O. reptans 4. Flowers 1-3 in each bracteal axil, 12. Leaves more than 4 mmw ide,r oots perianth lobes 4-7 mml ong,a nthers more than (1ー)1.5m min diameter (usu- 1.9-2.3 mml ong,l eaves usually some- ally developing as prop roots) what thick papery or subcoriaceous... 13. Ovary convex at top (or basal part of ・・ H …..14) O. regnieri style inflated) 4. Flowers often 3-5 each bracteal axil, 14. Leaves narrow,u p to ca.6 mmw ide, perianth lobes 3.5 mml ong,an thers 2.7- chartaceous..... ・. ・..…...・ ・..12)O. pierrei H H 4m ml ong,le aves coriaceous ....・ ・・・.. 14. Leaves wide, up to 28 mm wide, …・16)o. tonkiHneHnsHis coriaceous .…・…...・...17) o. vietnamensis 3. Leaves linear 13. Ovary rather flat at top 5. Leaves 1ess than 3m mw ide …....・ -・ 15. Inflorescence ca.6 cm long (in early …8) o. japoniHcus* stage of flowering),p edicels up to 4.5 5. Leaves more than 3m mw ide mml ong (at anthesis),f lowers 1-3 in 6. Roots thick,u sually up to 4m mi n di- each bracteal axil,l eaves ca. 35-70 on ameter,in florescence usually more than each plant,u p to 1c m wide....・・-… ca. 1/3o f overall scape length …3) o. confeHrtザolius 7. Leaves without white stripes … 15. Inflorescence ca.17 cml ong,p edicels up … ..11A)O. longifolius f. longifolius to 10 mml ong (at anthesis),f lowers 2- ・・ H H 7. Leaves with white stripes .... 6i n each bracteal axil,l eaves ca.36 or …11 B) O. longifolius f. albostriatus (*?) less on each plant,u p to 1.5 cm wide … 6. Roots thin,u sually up to ca.2 mmin di- …10) O. latifolius ameter,i nflorescence usually less than 13. Ovary concave at top ca.1/3o f overall scape length......・・.... 16. Leaves fasciculate only at top of stem H …7) O. intermedius 17. Pedicels articulate in lower part,l eaves 1. Stem elongate up to 22 mmw ide..… ・・...・ ・...・ ・....・ ・.. H H H H H 18 植物研究雑誌第76巻第1号 平成13年2月 ..13A) O. plaかphyllusvar. platyphyllus** 14) O. regnieri Bois ………….Tanaka 1999b 17. Pedicels articulate in upper part,l eaves 15) O. reptans Hook.f. ...・ ・.Tanaka1999a H up to 7m mw ide ....・ -・ 16) O. tonkinensis L.Rodr. ..Tanaka 1999b H ….13B) O. platyphyllus var. hayatae 17) O. vietnamensis N.Tanaka...・… 16. Leaves fasciculate at intervals on stem …….Tanaka 2000d 18. Leaves up to ca.41c m 10ng and 1.9 cm wide,w ith narrowly elliptic to linear 1e xpress my deep gratitude to the direc- blades …...・ ・.....・ ・....4)O. cordylinoides tors and curators of the following herbaria H H 18. Leaves up to ca. 21.5c ml ong and 3.7 cm for access to their material; A,C ,I BSC,K , wide,w ith elliptic to narrowly oblong KUN,L ,P ,P E and TI. 1a lso thank the direc- blades ・... ・.....・ ・・・.5)O. dracaenoides tor of the Botanical Gardens of Indonesia, H H H H Bogor,f or providing some living plants of List of species and infraspecific taxa in Ophiopogon japonicus cultivated there. the above key 1A) Ophiopogon caulescens (Blume) Back- References er var. caulescens... Anonymous. 1977. Ophiopogon platyphyllus. In: …Tanaka 2000e (cf. also Tanaka 2000a) South China Institute of Botany (ed.), Flora 1B) O. caulescens (Blume) Backer var. Hainanica 4: 111. Science Press,B eijing. prolifer (Lindl.) N.Tanaka....... Dai L. K. and Chen S. C. 1978. Ophiopogon …Tanaka 2000e (cf. also Tanaka 2000a) plaη'Phyllus,p .146. O. fooningensis,p .148. In: Wang F. T. and Tang Ts. (eds.),F lora Reipublicae 2) O. chingii F.T.Wang & Ts.Tang.....・・.. H Popularis Sinicae 15. Science Press,Be ijing. …Tanaka 2000b Jessop J. P. 1979. Ophiopogon japonicus. In: Steenis 3) O. confertifolius N.Tanaka...This paper c.G.G.J.van (ed.),Fl ora Malesiana,se r.l,9: 226- 4) O. cordylinoides Prain…Tanaka 2000e 227. Sijthoff & Noordhoff Intemational Pub ,.l Alphen aan den Rりn. 5) O. dracaenoides (Baker) Hook.f. ・・ ・・ H H Koorders S. H. 1911. Ophiopogon japonicus. In: …Tanaka 2000a Exkursionsflora von Java 1 (Monokotyledonen): 6) O. griffithii (Baker) Hook.f.…・…・… 296-297. Gustav Fischer,J ena. …Tanaka 1999c Rodriguez L. 1934. Ophiopogon japonicus (var. 7) O. intermedius D.Don....Tanaka 2000c japonicus). In: Lecomte H. (ed.),Fl ore Generale de 8) O. ;aponicus (Thunb.) Ker Gawl. . l'Indo-Chine 6: 662.島1asson,Paris. … Tanaka N. 1998. Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of This paper South Asia 1. J. Jpn. Bot. 73: 301-313. 9) O. kradungensis M.N.T amura....・・.,.… H 一一一 1999a.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of …Tanaka 1999c South Asia II. J. Jpn. Bot. 74: 25-33. 10) O. latifolius L.Rodr.・….Tanaka2000b 一一一 1999b.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of 11A) O. longifolius Decne. f. longifolius..・… South Asia III. 1. Jpn. Bot. 74: 261-267. …Tanaka 2000d (cf. also Tanaka 1998) 一一一 1999c.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia IV. 1. Jpn. Bot. 74: 321-328. 11 B) O. longifolius Decne. f.αlbostriatus 1999d. Taxonomic notes on Peliosanthes N.Tanaka...….............. (Convallariaceae) 1. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 50: 1 … Tanaka 2000d (cf. also Tanaka 1998) 47-155 (1999). 12) O. pierrei L.Rodr ...・ ・....Tanaka2000a 一一一一2000a.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of H 13A) O. platyphyllus Me & Chun var. South Asia V. 1. Jpn. Bot. 75: 69-79. 町. platyphyllus... ..... . 一一一2000b.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia VL J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 127-136. …This paper (cf. also Tanaka 2000b) 一一一2000c.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of 13B) O. plaηphyllus Me町. & Chun var. South Asia VII. 1. Jpn. Bot. 75: 191-212. hayatae N.Tanaka...・・.. 一一一2000d.Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of H ・….This paper (cf. also Tanaka 2000b) South Asia VIIL J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 265-269. February 2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 76 No. 1 19 一一-2000e. Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of numeriacl list of dried specimens of plants in the South Asia IX. J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 360-367. East lndia Company's Museum,p. 179,n. 5139. Wallich N. 1832. Ophiopogon japonicus. In: A 田中教之:南アジア産ジャノヒゲ属の分類学的検 討X マレ一半島中部(タイ領) から l新種 似するが, O. caulescensの花糸はその全長または Ophiopogon confertifoliusを記載した.本種は,中 下半部において合生し,子房は頂部中央が窪んで 国雲南省東南部の富寧 (Puning)から記載された いるので区別できる.また,O. pierrei (cf. Tanaka O. fooningensisとよく似ているが,後者よりもや 2000a)とも類似するが後者の子房上部は半球状 や壮大で,葉数は多く(個体当たり約百-70枚), に膨れるので異なる.故早田文蔵博士がベトナム 壱は花や著よりも長いか同じ位の長さで,花被は 北部で採集した標本に基づき l新変種 O. 白色である. O. fooningensisでは,葉は個体当た platyphyllus var. hayataeを記載した.花柄の関節 り15-35枚あり,質はややより堅く,をは花や菅 が上部にあり,葉がやや細く 花が少し小さめで よりも短く (花序の下部は除く),花被は淡紫色 あることで v platyphyllusと区別されるが,両 訂. である.また,両種の産地は地理的にかなり隔たっ 変種の変異を今後さらに多くの資料に基づいて検 ている.両種は類似点も多い(茎は支持根を出し, 討することが望まれる.ベトナムでこれまで0. 葉は比較的細く,花柄が短く,その関節が開花時 plaη'phyllusの記録はない. O. japonicusは南部ア において中部以上にあり,子房の頂部が比較的平 ジア地域(中国は除く)において,野生すること 坦で,雄ずいが離生する点など)ので,今後より の確実な証拠は今のところ得ていない. 多くの資料に基づいて両種をさらに比較検討する これまでの本研究で識別された同地域のジャノ ことが望まれる.本種は,同じマレ一半島に産す ヒゲ属17種の検索表を示した. るO.caulescens (cf. Tanaka 2000a,2 000e) とも類 (帝京大学文学部教育学科)

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