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Taxonomic Notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia II PDF

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Preview Taxonomic Notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia II

植物研究雑誌 .JJpn. Bot. 74: 25-33 (1999) Taxonomic Notes on Ophiopogon of South Asia 11 Noriyuki TANAKA 。 Department of Education,Sc hool of Liberal Arts,Te ikyo University tsuka359,Ha chioji,To kyo,19 20395JAPAN 帽 (Received on January 7,1 998) The result of at axonomic survey on three species of Ophiopogon (0. gracilipes,O. peliosanthifolius and O. reptans) is reported. Ophiopogon peliosanthifolius was reduced to O. gracilipes. O. gracilipes here circurnscribed occurs in NT hailand and NWLa os. O. gracilipes shows the characteristics ofboth Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes. This fact not only suggests that this species phylogenetically links the two genera,bu t also casts doubt on the appropriateness of our current classification systern which separates the two genera as distinct. O. reptans is newly recorded frorn Myanrnar. Based on the type and sorne other specirnens are vised description of O. reptans including its flowers was given. (Continued frorn 1. Jpn. Bot. 73: 301-313,1 998) Key words: Ophiopogon gracilipes,O phiopogon peliosanthifolius,O phiopogon reptans,ta xonorny (2) Ophiopogon gracilipes and the iden- was not insufficient to reveal the presence of tity of O. peliosanthifolius high coincidence in some basic f10ral features Ophiopogon gracilipes was described by between the two species. For instance,in both Craib (1912) based on the specimens collected species styles were relatively thick and coni- by Kerr (no. 1087) in Chiang Mai,T hailand cal,a nd filaments were coalescent laterally in (Figs. 1,3A ). Meanwhile,O. peliosanthifolius the lower part forming as hort annular tube was described by Rodriguez (1934) based on (Fig. 3). Also in other various characteristics the specimen collected by Thorel [no. 3356A such as those found in rhizomes,ro ots,le aves -'A' was appended hぽeto specify this sheet, and scapes,t he two species coincided well since there is another specimen with the same with each other. Therefore,it seems more collection number which is identified as a appropriate to regard these two species as different species] in Laos (Figs. 2,3 B,3C ). So conspecific. This unified species is represented far these two species have been recognized as by the name of O. gracilipes. distinct species (e.g.,R odriguez 1934),a nd Van Steenis and Geesink (1972) thought there has been no paper suggesting the pres- that O. gracilipes must be classified as a ence of ac lose affinity between them. Peliosanthes. Charoenphol (1974) followed Fortunately 1c ould have an opportunity to their opinion. Jessop (1976) reduced this spe- compare the type specimens of these two spe- cies to as ynonym of Peliosanthes teta An- cies (Figs. 1-3). In the type specimen of O. drews subsp. humilis (Andrews) Jessop. It is peliosanthifolius (Figs. 2,3 B,3C ) only as mall true that this species is fairly like Peliosanthes. amount of f10ral material was available,bu t it Above all,it is an oteworthy fact that the -25 ー 26 植物研究雑誌第74巻第1号 平成11年2月 Fig. 1. Type specimen of Ophiopogon gracilipes (N Thailand,A. F.G. Kerr 1087,B M). filaments of O. gracilipes form an annular cies of Peliosanthes share many similar char- tube by lateral coalescence (Fig. 3),si nce this acters. For instance,th eir pedicels are articu- character has been believed to be unique to lated terminally,st yles are relatively thick and Peliosanthes,a mong the related genera. Fur- conical,fl owers are solitary in axils of bracts ther,O. gracilipes (Figs. 1-3) and many spe- (except P. teta,s. strよleafblades are broad February 1999 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 74 No. 1 27 Fig. 2. Type specimen of Ophiopogon peliosanthifolius (Laos,Th ore13356A,P) . For the collection number of this specimen (Thorel 3356A) see the text. and petiolate,ro ots are fibrous and relatively that the tubular coalescent part of the filaments thick,et c. Though it is evident that there is a in O. gracilipes (Fig. 3) is fairly shorter than close affinity between O. gracilipes and that of Peliosanthes. The low level of the Peliosanthes,w e should not overlook the fact development of this coalescent part in O. 28 植物研究雑誌第74巻第1号 平成11年2月 Fig. 3. Close-ups of flowers of Ophiopogon gracilipes and O. peliosanthifolius. A. At erminal ptofa 紅 raceme of O. gracilipes (Kerr 1087,ty pe,K) ,sh owing strongly reflexed tepals (t),fi laments connated basally (c),th ick conical styles (s),fl owers singly borne in axils of bracts,a nd pedicels without an interstitial articulation. B. Af lower of O. peliosanthifolius (Thore13356A,ty pe,P) ,sh owing the lateral connation offilaments in the lowerpart (c). Some tepals are removed to show stamens and as tyle (s). C. The same flower as B,bu t viewed from the back side to show the thick conical style (s). Scales in mm. gracilipes indicates that this species is still Bot. Gard. Kew 10: 411 (1912); L. Rodr. in close to Ophiopogon. Besides this,th e other Lecornte,Fl. Gener. Indo-Chine 6: 660 (1934); floral characteristics of O. gracilipes do not Steenis & R. Geesink in Blurnea 20: 434 differ so rnarkedly frorn those of Ophiopogon. (1972). [Figs. 1-3] Therefore,in this paper 1住eatthis species Ophiopogon peliosanthifolius L. Rodr. in under Ophiopogon,as both Craib (1912) and Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. Ser. 11. 6: 95 Rodriguez (1934) did. (1934); in Lecornte,F l. Gener. Indo-Chine 6: As o. gracilipes possesses the characteris- 659 (1934). tics ofboth Ophiopogon andPeliosanthes,iti s Peliosanthes teta Andrews subsp. humilis highly likely that this species phylogenetically (Andrews) Jessop in Blurnea 23: 155 (1976), links the two genera. Further,th e presence of p.p.; in Fl. Malesiana ser. 1,9 (1): 229 (1979), this species casts doubt on the appropriateness p.p.,q uoad fig. 16e-g (p. 228). of our current classification systern which sepa- Glabrous perennial herb. Rhizorne short,2 - rates the two genera as distinct. 4 crn long,e rnitting rnany relatively thick Ophiopogon gracilipes Craib in Bull. Roy. fibrous roots often 2-3 rnrn in diarneter. Leaves February 1999 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l74 No. 1 29 1-10,all basal. Leafblades narrowly elliptic to of its flowers,si nce his specirnens were with 目 elliptic,a cute at both ends,1 2-21 crn long, out flowers (these type specirnens are either in 1.5-4.7 crn wide,p apeη. Five longitudinal the fruiting stage or without as cape). Asf ar as veins often sornewhat prorninent on both sides. 1k now,th e flower of true O. reptans has not Petioles 6-25 crn long. Scape erect or slightly been described. In the course of the present declinate in the upper part,wi thout longitudi- survey 1c ould find two flowering specirnens nal wings,10 -15 crnlong,sh orterthanleaves. (Figs. 5,6 B) of which vegetative parts pe ト Inflorescence racernose,5 .5-7.5 crn long. fectly agree with those of the type specirnens Flowers pedicellate,c emuous,s ecund,b ome of O. reptans (Figs. 4,6 A). The result of singly subtended by 2b racts (of which one is observations on both the type and flowering srnaller). Bracts ovate to lanceolate,a cute, specirnens is described below. The two flow- arcuate,sc arious,2 -12 rnrn long,wi th prorni- ering specirnens were collected by R. Kaulback nent rnidrib,ap pearing also on the lower non- (no. 354,i n C,K ) in the northem part of floriferous (sterile) part of the scape. Pedicels Myanrnar (Upper Burrna). The occuenceof 町 slender,jo ined terminally,2. 3-5.5 rnrn long. O. reptans in Myanrnar is an ewr ecord. In this Tepals 6,la nceolate-oblong,2. 8-3.8 rnrnlong、, study 1c ould not confirrn any other locality of 1.6-1.8r nrn wide,wh ite (Kerr 1087,K ,B M) this species,e xcept its type localities in E or pale greenish yellow (Garrett 121,K ), India. Although Hooker (1892) noted that O. reflexed rather strongly frorn the base (strong reptans closely resernbles a Tonkin plant recurvature of the tepals was not confirrned in (Balansa 4155bis),th e latter plant is,as far as the type specirnen of O. peliosanthifolius,si rn- 1h ave exarnined the Balansa' ss pecirnen (K), ply because of the lack of the floral rnaterial in assignable to ad ifferent species,O . chingii full bloorn). Anthers 6,o vate-lanceolate to (the details will be reported in rny later paper). lanceolate,i ntrorse,1 .3-2.1 rnrn long. Fila- Although there have been reports on the occur- rnents short,co nnate laterally in the lower part rence of O. reptans in areas other than Myanrnar forrning as hort annular tube (connate part, and India,s uch as Thailand (Larsen 1961, 0.2-0.5 rnrn in height). Style relatively thick, Charoenphol1974),Vi etnarn(Rodriguez 1934) conical,2 -4 rnrn long. and Hainan Isl. ofS China(Anonyrnous 1977), Distribution: N Thailand and NWLa os. 1ha ve not obtained any supporting evidence of Specimens examined the occuenceof this species in these areas. 町 Thailand. Top of ridge,D oi Din Deng,w atershed But,of course,th is does not rnean to exclude between Chiengmai & Lahan,L ampang Districts,pa le the possibility of the occuenceof O. reptαns greenish yellow (colour no. 228a),Ap r. 19,19 14,fl. , 汀 , in areas other than Myanrnar and India. H.B.G. Garrett 121 (K); Doi Sootep,C hiengmai,ev er- green jungle,22 00九 flswhite,Ap ril 11,1 910,fl. , Ophiopogon reptans Hook.f.,Fl . Brit. Ind. A.F.G. Kerr 1087 (type specimens of O. gracilipes,2 6: 268 (1892). [Figs. 4-6] sheets in K,1 sh eet in BM). Mondo drαCαenoides (Baker) Farwell var. Laos. Pak lai (Pak lay),Av rilI866-1868,fl. ,Th orel , rep.ωtαns(Hook.工)Farw.in Arner. Midl. Nat. 3356A (type of O. peliosanthifolius,P) . 附 紅 7: 42 (1921). [Mondo reptans (Hook.f.) J.N. Mitra, (3) Ophiopogon reptans Flower. Pl. East. India 1 (Monocot.): 42 Ophiopogon reptans was described by (1958),no rn. inval.]. Hooker (1892) based on the specirnens frorn Stern prostrate,ca . 11-41c rn long (2-3 f ,.t Khasi (Khasia) Hills and Garo (Garrow) Hills according to Hooker 1892),2-3 rnrn in diarn- (Figs. 4,6 A),E India. However,H ooker' s eter,w ith distant tufts of leaves arranged at protologue of this species lacks the description 30 植物研究雑誌第74巻第1号 平成11年2月 Fig. 4. Type specimen of Ophiopogon reptans (Garo Hills,E I ndia,C. B. Clarke 43087C, K) in the fruiting stage. intervals of ca. 4-10 cm,ro oting from nodes. serrulate on margins,to 24.5 cm long,c a. Leaves many,l inear,a cute,v aginate at base (1.5-) 2-3 mmw ide. Scapes slender,c om- with broad scarious margins,(3 一)5-veined, planate,n arrowly 2-winged,u sually arcuate February 1999 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 74 No. 1 31 Fig.5. A flowering specimen of Ophiopogon reptans (N Myanmar,R. Kaulback 354, BM). in the lower part,ca . 4-g cm long. Inflores- bracts. Bracts IanceoIate to narrowIy Ianceo 明 cenceracemose. FIowers pediceIIate,ce muous, late,lo ng acuminate to aristate,sc arious,se r- secund,1 -2 in each axiI of af ew fascicled rulate on margins except in the lower part,to 32 植物研究雑誌第74巻第1号 平成11年2月 Fig. 6. Close-ups of the scape of Ophiopogon reptans. A. Af ruiting scape bearing as eed (Garo Hil1s, India,C. B. Clarke 43087C,ty pe,K) . B. At erminal p訂tof af lowering scape (R. Kaulback 354,C) . Scales in mm. ca. 2.7 cml ong. Pedicels incl. the lower stalky fr.,C .B. Clarke 43087 A & 43087C (syntypes of O. part ofthe perianth 1.8-5.5 mmlo ng (1.8-3.5 reptlαns,K) . Myanmar. (Upper Burma) Tara Hks,2 6009'N, mml ong at flowering time) (true pedicels, 9T52'E,1 500f,.trocky soil,wh ite,Au g. 22,1939,fl. ,R. excl. the perianth part; 1.5-2.7 mml ong), Kaulback 354 (C,B M). jointed at or below the middle. Tepals 6,wh ite (Kaulback 354,C ,B M),l anceolate-oblong, 1t hank the curators of BM,C ,K and Pf or 5-5.4 mml ong,1. 6-1.7m mwi de. Anthers 6, the loan of the specimens. lanceolate,f ree,c a. 3m ml ong. Filaments short,0. 5-0.7 mmlo ng. Style slender,at tenu- References ate,4. 5-4.7 mml ong. Sarcotesta bright blue Anonymous. 1977. Ophiopogon repωns. In: Flora Hainanica 4: 110. Science Press,Be ijing. (Clke43087A ,K) . Seeds globular,ca . 4.5- 紅 Charoenphol C. C. 1974. Studies in Thai Liliaceae. Thai 5m mi n diameter (114-1/3 inches in diam., For. Bull. Bot. 8: 88-94. according to Hooker 1892). Larsen K. 1961. Ophiopogon reptans. In: Studies in the Distribution: El ndia and N Myanmar. flora of Thailand. Dansk Bot. Ark. 20: 40. Rodriguez L. 1934. Ophiopog on reptans. In: Lecomte H. Specimens examined et al (eds.),Fl ore Generale de l'Indo-Chine 6: 660 India. Khasia,Nu rtiung,al t. 4-6000 f,.tJ.D. Hooker Masson,Pa ris. s.n. (syntype of O. rep的ns,K);,Garo Hil1s,al .t4000 f,.t wide creeping rooting,be rries bright blue,Fe b. 14,18 86, February 1999 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l74 No. 1 33 田中教之:南アジア産ジャノヒゲ属の分類学的検 討11 ジャノヒゲ属3種 (Ophiopogongracilipes,O . タイ北部とラオス北西部に分布している. peliosanthifolius,O . reptans)についての観察結果を Ophiopogonreptansの名はこれまでしばしば同属 ・ 報告した.Ophiopogon gracilipesとO.peliosanthi- の他種に誤って適用されてきた.また本種の花部 foliusとは同一種であるとの結論を得た.この種の 形態はこれまで知られていなかった.本種を正し 正名はOphiopogongracilipesであり, 0. peliosanthi- く理解する上で,また誤同定を防ぐ意味において foliz川まその異名となる.本種の花柱はやや太めの も,タイプ標本と花を持つ標本に基づく研究が必 円錐状をなし,花糸はその下部において側面で互 要であった.今回Ophiopogon属の多数の標本の中 いに合着する.花糸が側面で合着するという性質 から,本種のタイプ標本(花はない)と極めてよく はPeliosanthes属と共通し,また葉などの形態、も同 一致する花付きの標本を見出すことができた.こ 属とよく似ている.本種をPeliosanthes属の種とし の花付きの標本はミャンマー北部で採集されたも て分類する研究者もいるが花糸の合着した部分 のである.花部形態も含めて本種を改めて記述し の発達程度は比較的低く 蔚その他の花部形態は た.筆者が調べた範囲では 本種はタイプ標本の 概してOphiopogonにより近いことなどから,本種 産地であるインド東部以外ではミャンマー北部が をOphiopogon属の種としてここで、は扱った.本種 唯一の産地である.本種のミャンマーにおける分 はOphiopogonとPeliosanthes両属の性質を合わせ 布の記録は本報告が初めてである.今後ミャン 持つことから,両属を系統的に繋ぐ種である可能 マーやインド以外の地域においても本種が新たに 性が極めて高い.また,本種の存在は,これまでの 見出される可能性は十分ありうる. ように両属の植物群を2属に分類することの妥当 (帝京大学文学部教育学科) 性について疑問を投げかけるものである.本種は

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