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Tarsila do Amaral PDF

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01-04 GUARDA DELANTERA 28/1/09 09:31 Página 2 Fundación Juan March 01-04 GUARDA DELANTERA 28/1/09 09:31 Página 3 Fundación Juan March 01-04 GUARDA DELANTERA 28/1/09 09:31 Página 4 Fundación Juan March Fundación Juan March This catalogue and its Spanish edition are published on the occasion of the exhibition TARSILA DO AMARAL Fundación Juan March, Madrid February 6 – May 3, 2009 Fundación Juan March Fundación Juan March ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Fundación Juan March wishes to express their gratitude to the We would also like to give thanks for the generous support and help following institutions and people that generously granted the loans of Luis Antonio de Almeida Braga; Rosanna Almeida; João Alves de that made this exhibition possible, as well as those who facilitated Queiróz Filho; Aracy Amaral; Tarsilinha do Amaral; Helena do Ama- these loans through their negotiation and administration: Biblioteca ral Galvão Bueno; Thales Estanislau do Amaral Sobrinho; Michele José e Guita Mindlin, São Paulo: José Mindlin and Cristina Antunes; Behar; Evelyn Berg Ioschpe; Jones Bergamín; Jean and Geneviève Centro Cultural São Paulo: Martin Grossmann, Isis Baldini Elias, Ana Boghici; Juan Manuel Bonet; Augusto de Bueno Vidigal; Luciana Roberta Alcântara, Vera M. Porto de Toledo Piza and Roseli Borelli Cavalheiro Fleischner; Joel Coelho de Souza; Flávio and Peter Cohn; Carvalho; Fundação Cultural Ema Gordon Klabin: Celso Lafer and Pedro Conde Filho; Fabio Coutinho; Felippe José Crescenti; Reynal- Paulo de Freitas Costa; Fundação José e Paulina Nemirovsky: Maria do Dabus Abucham; EAO–Emprendimentos Agropecuários e Obras Alice Milliet and Soraya Bataglia; Governo do Estado de São Paulo: S/A, Salvador da Bahia; Sergio, Hecilda and Marta Fadel; Betty Fe- João Sayad; Ana Cristina Carvalho and Alessandra Godano Chidi- ffer; Priscila Freire; Luciana Freire Rangel; Anette Hoffmann; Breno quimo (Palácios do Governo); Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros USP: Krasilchik; Paulo Kuczynski; Alessandra Labate Rosso (Expomus); Ana Lucia Duarte Lanna and Bianca Dettino; Instituto Moreira Sal- Silvia Landa; Fúlvia Leirner; Gerard Loeb; Ana Carmen Longobar- les: Flávio Pinheiro, Sergio Burgi, Odette Vieira and Samuel Titan; di; Roberto Marinho; Leila Martinusso; Simão Mendel Guss; David Museu de Arte Contemporânea USP: Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves, Ricardo Guss; Marcelo Noschese; Luiz Roberto Ortiz Nascimento; Helouise Costa, Paulo Roberto A Barbosa and Ana Maria Hoffmann; Max Perlingeiro; Beatriz Pimenta Camargo; Sérgio Pizoli; Randol- Museu de Arte Brasileira–FAAP, São Paulo: Maria Izabel Branco fo Rocha; Dora Rosset; Adriano Samarone; Roberta Saraiva; Jorge Ribeiro and Laura Rodríguez; Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia: Schwartz; Yazaku Soussumi; Antônio Luiz Teixeira de Barros Júnior; Solange Farkas, Carolina Câmara, Aline Jabar, Joana Flores, Stella and Maura and Ricardo Torre-Simões. Carrozzo and Sandra Regina Jesus; Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro: Gilberto Chateaubriand, Reynaldo Roels Jr. and Claudia Lastly, we would especially like to thank the staff of Base7 for their Calaça; Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo: Felipe Chaimovich, coordination and administration of the loans from Brazil, in parti- Andrés I. M. Hernández and Ana Paula Montes; Museu Nacional de cular Maria Eugênia Saturni, Ricardo Ribenboim, Arnaldo Spindel, Bellas Artes, Rio de Janeiro: Mônica F. Braunschweiger Xexéo, Pe- Sandra Pandeló, Renata Viellas Rödel and Marta Masiero; Banca dro Martins C. Xexéo, Laura Abreu and Jane Ritter; Museus Castro March and Corporación Financiera Alba for their generous support Maya: Vera de Alencar and Glaucia Abreu; Pinacoteca do Estado de of the exhibition in Madrid and the Spanish and English editions of São Paulo: Marcelo Mattos Araujo, Regina Teixeira de Barros, Ma- the catalogue; His Excellency D. José Viegas Filho, Brazil’s Ambas- ria Luiza Moraes and Natasha Barzaghi Geenen; MNCARS, Madrid: sador to Spain, as well as José Luiz Vieira and Joaquim Paiva; Rafael Manuel Borja-Villel, Soledad de Pablo, Victoria Fernández-Layos and López de Andújar, Cintya Floriani and Fabiana Brzeski Alves and Carmen Sánchez García; Museo de América, Madrid: Paz Cabello Cristina Gramacho of the Fundación Cultural Hispano-Brasileña; Carro, Concepción García Sáiz, Ana Verde and Ana Castaño Lloris; José do Nascimento Júnior, Eneida Braga Rocha de Lemos, Márcio Museo de Antropología, Madrid: Pilar Romero de Tejada y Picatos- Rangel, Flávia Mello, Paulo Brum Ferreira and Erlon José Pascoal of te, Javier Rodrigo del Blanco and Isabel Ortega Fernández; Museo the Ministry of Culture IPHAN; Instituto y Fundação Escultor Victor Thyssen–Bornemisza, Madrid: Carmen Thyssen–Bornemisza, Guil- Brecheret; Gênese Andrade and Adriana Astuti; Luis Manuel Gaspar; lermo Solana, Sara Martínez-Sarandeses, Carolina García Carmueja Raúl Antélio; Lourdes Fernández, María Aranguren and Ana Álvarez and Purifi cación Ripio; Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid: Carmen Líter of ARCO; Moacir dos Anjos, responsible for the Brazil Program at Mayayo, María Luisa Cuenca, Sergio Martínez, Amalia Jiménez, An- ARCO’08; José Mª Ballesteros (Decograf) and Marco Estudio Norte, tonio Sánchez Rodríguez, Pilar Pérez Sacristán and Jesús Rodríguez S.L.; Lourdes Rico and her staff of conservators (Celia Martínez and Izquierdo; Biblioteca Valenciana, Valencia: Francisca Cerdá Vara, Victoria de las Heras); Karine Korbier; Anna Lozbeneva of Ingoss- Nuria Soler and Mª Ángeles Martínez; Fundación Ortega y Gasset, trakh Insurance Company, Millennium Broker Management Int’l Madrid: Enriqueta del Olmo and Ascensión Uña; The State Hermi- LLC and Gonzalo Domínguez Barragán of UNIPSA Correduría de tage Museum, Saint Petersburg: Mikhail B. Piotrovsky, Vladimir Ma- Seguros S.A.; Laura Lozano and Ana Tabuenca of SIT Transportes tveev, Anastasia Mikliaeva and Olga Ilmenkova; Musée de Grenoble: Internacionales and Luiz Carlos Santório of Transportes Fink S/A; Guy Tosatto, Isabelle Varloteaux and Katia Blanchard; Centre natio- and Guillermo Nagore for the design and layout of the catalogue. In nal des arts plastiques, Fonds national d’art contemporain, Puteaux: addition to the staff members of the Fundación Juan March’s depart- Richard Lagrange, Claude Allemand-Cosneau and Benedicte Godin; ments, thanks especially go to María Toledo, Aida Capa, Jacqueline and the Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen: Ulf Johannson Dahlarn, Bar- de la Fuente, Daniela Heinze, Deborah L. Roldán, María Zozaya, bara Berlowicz, Inge Schjellerup and Morten Ryhl-Svendsen. Belén Lugo, José Enrique Moreno and Jordi Sanguino. 4 Fundación Juan March

As recounted in the chronology of Tarsila do Amaral's life pre- pared by Regina its territory – or tended to grow vigorously – like its forests – or.
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