THETAROT AND THE MAGUS OPENING THE KEY TO DIVINATION, MAGICK AND THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL Paul Hughes-Barlow is a practicing Magician and Tarot Reader. He regularly speaks at conferences and events, and has consulted to many journals and websites. He currently resides and practices in Brighton, England A E O N THE TAROT AND THE MAGUS OPENING THE KEY TO DIVINATION, MAGICK AND THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL Paul Hughes-Barlow A E O N First published 2004 by Aeon Books Limited London NW3 0 Paul Hughes-Barlow 2004 The moral right of the author has been asserted AU rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A C.I.P. is available for this book from the British Library llustrations from Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot@re produced by permission of AGM AGMiiller. OAGM AGMiiller / OTO. Extracts from the works of Aleister Crowley by permission of the OTO. ISBN 1 904658 02 4 Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Biddles To Punditt Maharaj Acknowledgements Gerard Encausse, Gliphas Lkvi, McGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley, whose writings hint at many mysteries. On the internet Jess Karlin and George Leake showed me the value of rigorous scholarship on the Tarot, while the email queries from tarot students around the world inspired me to create and develop the Tarot Lessons on Supertarot, the basis of this book. My best inspiration comes from people not obviously associated with Tarot. Punditt’s mysticism, teachings and spiritual help have always been forthcoming. Beryl’s spiritual and inspirational help and faith in my abilities continues down the years, especially during the many dark days. Elayne gave me space and more to write in Houston Texas; the timely trip to New Orleans transformed the magical and spiritual direction of this book. Prosper0 provided mutual encouragement on writing books on Tarot in the various pubs of Kemptown. Last but not least, my Publisher who courageously allowed me to develop the book in ways beyond the original remits. CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE 7 The Fool, The Universe and the Aces The Opening of the Key Spread CHAPTER TWO 15 The Magus, The Aeon, the Twos and the Kings Overview of Reading the Cards CHAPTER THREE 29 The Priestess, The Sun, the Threes and the Queens Pairing the Cards CHAPTER FOUR 43 The Empress, The Moon and the Fours Elemental Dignities CHAPTER FIVE 63 The Emperor, The Star and the Fives Card Counting: Golden Dawn Tarot Sutras CHAPTER SIX 75 The Hierophant, The Tower, the Sixes and the Princes Unaspected Cards CHAPTER SEVEN 85 The Lovers, The Devil and the Sevens Love Relationships CHAPTER EIGHT 105 The Chariot, Temperance (Art)a nd the Eights Performing Readings for the Public CHAPTER NINE 7 17 Justice (Adjustment),D eath and the Nines The Visionary Experiences of the Shaman CHAPTER TEN 137 The Hermit, The Hanged Man, the Tens and the Princesses Sex Magick CHAPTER ELEVEN 151 Fortune, Strength (Lust) The Spirits of the Tarot APPENDIX I 169 Meditations APPENDIX I1 178 The 22 Mercurial Spirits of Liber 231 APPENDIX 111 182 The Qliphot and the Tarot APPENDIX IV 186 Self Initiation and the Neophyte Spread BlBLlOGRAP HY 7 94 Introduction With hindsight it should have been obvious to all but the most shallow and incompetent magician that a book structured upon the Golden Dawn system of Tarot and the number eleven would inevitably result in some kind of magical or spiritual knowledge. However, the fact is that the original ambition was simply to present the Opening of the Key Spread, based upon the author’s Supertarot website, to the general public. As the reader will see, this book is no mere primer on the subject of readng tarot cards. There are many books on tarot decks in which the format is to present a picture of each card, provide a description and then to give the divinatory meanings. The format has changed little since A.E. Wake wrote the accompanying book to the Rider-Waite tarot nearly one hundred years ago. There are also a few books focussing on the many varieties of tarot spreads. This book is neither. The original intention was to study the first stage of the Opening of the Key Spread in which the cards are cut into four piles. The piles are turned over, the top cards analysed and then one of the piles is spread out in a horseshoe to be analysed using the Golden Dawn techniques of Pairing and Counting. I have used this spread professionally for many, many years and promoted the spread on the Supertarot website. I not unnaturally considered myself fairly knowledgeable about this spread and was not expecting any surprises during the writing process. I could not have been more wrong. Since neither I nor the publisher wanted to create a book based upon the distinctly uninspiring formats currently followed, we hit upon the idea of structuring the book around eleven chapters, eleven being Aleister Crowley’s favourite number of magick and 1