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Preview Tara Strong v. Craig Strong - Judgement of Dissolution of Marriage, 5 January 2022

. FL-180 1 ’ n - . „1 ' D . CENTRAL FORCOURTUSEONLY ATTORNEYORPARTYWITHOUTATTORNEY(Name, ernumber,a -- - Lisa Helfend Meyer, Esq. 106105 ‚FÄ LAW CLERKB OFFICE __j Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP < 1o1oo Santa Monica BIvd., Suite 1425 NÜV Ü 9 2021 z LosAngeles, CA90067 ' TELEPHONENO-I (310) 277-9747 FAXNO.(Optional):(310) 277-4847 o E-MAILADDRESS(Optional): |hm@mo|fam|aw_com _.. “"0"”F°R""°’"°” Resmdent- CRA|G STRONG SuperiorCourtofCalifornia x SUPERIORCOURTOFCALIFORNIA,COUNTYOF LOSANGELES CountvorLosAngeles STREETADoREss: 111 North HiIl Street 0 MAILINGAoDREss: 111 North HiIl Street JÄN Ü 5 2022 cITYANDzIPcooe: LosAngeles, CA90012 . A ‚4 _‚ BRANCHNAME: Central hemR. arm,mxecuuveuIncer/LlerkofCourt MARRIAGEORPARTNERSHIPOF B)’ ‚Deputy PETITIONER: TARA STRONG s'“'““"*h Barfllas RESPONDENT: CRA|G STRONG JUDGMENT CASENUMBER: IX DISSOLUTION EI LEGALSEPARATION E] NULLITY 193TFL°8732 D Statusonly D Reservingjurisdiction overtermination ofmarital ordomestic partnershipstatus D Judgmenton reserved issues ‚J 0 5 Datemarital ordomestic partnershipstatusends: 1. D Thisjudgment D contains personalconductrestraining orders D modiflesexisting restraining orders. The restraining ordersarecontained on page(s) oftheattachment. Theyexpireon (date): 2. This proceedingwas heardasfollows: IX Defaultoruncontested IX Bydeclaration underFamilyCodesection2336 D Contested D A reementincourt a. Date: J 0 5 Dept.: Room: Z2 g b. Judicial officer(name).--|:+pne'r NULL! H. mu » EI TemporarvJudge c. D Petitionerpresentin court D Attorney present incourt (name): d. D Respondentpresentin court D Attorney present incourt(name): e. D Claimant presentin court (name): D Attorney presentincourt (name): f. D Other(specifyname): 3. Thecourtacquiredjurisdictionoftherespondenton (date):July 22, 2020 a. D Therespondentwasservedwith process. b. XI The respondentappeared. THE COURTORDERS, GOODCAUSEAPPEARING 4. a. E Judgmentofdissolution isentered. Maritalordomesticpartnershipstatusisterminated andthepartiesarerestoredt0the statusofsingle persons (1) [XI on (specifydate): JAN O 5 2022 (2) D on adateto bedetermiriedon noticed motionofeitherpartyoron stipulation. b. D Judgmentoflegal Separation isentered. c. D JudgmentofnuIIity isentered.The partiesaredeclared to besingle personsonthegroundof(specify): d. D Thisjudgmentwill beentered nuncprotuncasof(date): e. D Judgmenton reserved issues. f. The D petitionefis D respondent's formername is restoredto (specify): g. D Jurisdiction is reserved overall otherissues, and all presentorders remain ineffectexceptas provided below. h. E Thisjudgmentcontains provisionsforchild supportorfamilysupport. Each partymustcompleteandfilewiththecourta ChildSupportCaseRegistryForm(form FL-191)within 10 daysofthedateofthisjudgment. The parentsmustnotifythe (im courtofanychangeinthe informationsubmittedwithin 10daysofthechange, byfiling an updatedform. The Notice ofRightsandResponsibiIities—Health-Care CostsandReimbursementProceduresandInformation Sheeton Changinga ChildSupportOrder(form FL-192) isattached. Pae1of2 In’: "°5'3.‚?;?2."ä?:‘„’„":„“2?"c1’.ä%%äs° JUDGMENT “m'”°°°°'“ääfääß FL-180[Rev.JuIy1‚20121 (Family Law) wwwmurtacagov ‚ FL-180 CASENAME(Lastname‘, firstnam'eofea ): A35NUMBERI In re Marriage ofStrong 193TFL03732 4. i. E Thechildren ofthis marriageordomesticpartnership are: (1) E Name Birthdate Aden Strong August25, 2004 (2) EI Parentageisestablishedforchildren ofthis relationship born priortothe marriageordomesticpartnership j. Child custodyandvisitation (parentingtime) areordered assetforth intheattached (1) E Settlementagreement, stipulationforjudgment, orotherwritten agreementwhich containsthe information required by FamilyCodesection 3048(a). (2) |:| ChildCustodyand visitation OrderAttachment(fonn FL-341). (3) E] StipulationandOrderforCustodyand/orVisitationofChi/dran (form FL-355). (4) Ü Previouslyestablished inanothercase. Case number: Court: k. E Childsupportisordered assetforth intheattached (1) E Settlementagreement, stipulationforjudgment, orotherwritten agreementwhich containsthedeclarations required by Family Codesection4065(a). (2) E] Chi/dSupportlnfonnationandOrderAttachment(form FL-342). . (3) EI StipulationtoEstablishorModifyChildSupportandOrder(form FL-350). (4) E] Previouslyestablished inanothercase. Case number: Court: I. E Spousal, domesticpartner, orfamilysupportisordered: (1) E] Reserved forfuturedeterrnination as relatesto EI petitioner EI respondent - (2) E Jurisdictionterminatedtoorderspousal orpannersupportto E petitioner E respondent (3) E] As setforth intheattached SpousaI‚ Partner, orFamilySupportOrderAttachment(fonn FL-343). (4) E] Assetforth intheattached Settlementagreement, stipulationforjudgment, orotherwritten agreement. (5) E] Other(specify): m. E Propertydivision is orderedassetforth intheattached (1) E Settlementagreement, stipulationforjudgment, orotherwritten agreement. (2) Ü Property OrderAttachmenttoJudgment(form FL-345). (3) E] Other(specify): n. E Attorneyfeesand costsareordered assetforth intheattached (1) E Settlementagreement, stipulationforjudgment, orotherwritten agreement. (2) EI AttomeyFeesandCosts Order(form FL-346). (3) E] Other(specify): o. D Other(specify): Each attachmenttothisjudgment is incorporated intothisjudgment, andthe partiesareorderedtocomplywith each attachmenfs provisions. Jurisdiction is reservedto makeotherorders necessarytocarryoutthisjudgment. Date: JUDICIALOFFlCER 5. Numberofpagesattached: 3g g E] SIGNATUREFOLLOWSLASTATTACHMENT NOTICE Dissolutionorlegalseparationmayautomaticallycanceltherightsofaspouseordomesticpartnerundertheotherspouse'sordomestic partner'swill, trust‚ retirement plan, powerofattomey, pay-on-death bank account, transfer-on-death vehicle registration‚ survivorship rights to any property owned in joint tenancy, and any other similar property interest. lt does not automatically cancel the rights ofa spouse or domesticpanner as beneficiary ofthe otherspouse's or domesticpartnefs life insurance policy. You should reviewthese matters,aswellasanycreditcards, othercreditaccounts, insurancepolicies, retirementplans,andcreditreports,todeterminewhether theyshould bechanged orwhetheryoushouldtake anyotheractions. w Adebtorobligation may beassignedtoone partyas partofthedissolutionofpropertyanddebts, but ifthatpartydoesnotpaythe 7:». debtorobligation, thecreditormaybe abletocollectfrom theotherparty. An earningsassignmentmaybe issuedwithoutadditional proofifchild,famiIy‚ partner, orspousalsupportisordered. Anyparty requiredto paysupportmustpayintereston overdueamountsatthe"legaI rate‚"which iscurrently 10 percent. n; ' ""4" FL-180[Rev.JuIy1,20121 JUDGMENT Page2of2 fi " *" . -‘ * O O äi I ‘ i . i 1 ATTACHMENT T0 FORM FL-180 JUDGMENT OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE 2 PURSUANTT0 RULE 5.4l l OF THE CALIFORNIA RULES OF COURT, Petitioner, TARA 3 STRONG (“Petitioner”), and Respondent, CRAIG STRONG (“Respondent”), personally and through each Party’s respective attorneys ofrecord, Janet Kaplan, Esq. and Darlene S. Wanger, Esq. ofKaplan | 4 Wanger LLP for Petitioner‚ and Lisa Helfend Meyer, Esq., Philip J. Monahan, Esq. and Amy S. Kapner, Esq. ofMeyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP for Respondent, stipulate to this Stipulated Judgment of \ 5 Dissolution ofMarriage (“Stipulated Judgment”): 6 l. PARTIES 7 The Parties subject to and bound by this Stipulated Judgment are Petitioner‚ TARA STRONG 8 (“Petitioner”), and Respondent, CRAIG STRONG (“Respondent”), collectively referred to herein as the i 9 “Parties,” or individually as a “Party.” 55 l0 2. RECITALS AND FINDINGS i H a. Each Party has acknowledged and represented forthemselves, for the otherto 12 rely upon in agreeing to this Stipulated Judgment, and forthe Court to rely upon in approving and * ä 13 signing this Stipulated Judgment, thatthe facts setforth below are true and correct: 2 l4 b. Statistical Facts: a '11 ä 15 (1) Petitioner and Respondent were married on May l4, 2000. ä 16 (2) There is one minorchild ofthe marriage: Aden Strong (“Aden”), born ä 17 August25, 2004, age l6; and one adult child ofthe marriage: Samuel Strong (“Sam”), born February 5, 5 1s 2002, age 19: l9 (3) On July 24, 2019, Petitioner filed a Petition for Dissolution ofMarriage ä 20 in the Superior Courtofthe State ofCalifornia forthe County ofLos Angeles, bearing case number U E 21 l9STFL08732fRespondent filed a Response and Requestfor Dissolution ofMarriage on July l6, 2020. 22 (4) Forthe purposes ofthis Stipulated Judgment and the division ofproperty 23 herein, the Court finds and the Parties acknowledge and_agree to a compromised date ofSeparation of 24 September l, 2019 (“Date ofSeparation”). 25 c. Petitioner and Respondenteach acknowledge thatthe provisions ofEvidence 26 Code, Section 622 provide thatthe recitals in a contract are conclusively presumed to be true as between am 27 the Parties and that each intends all recitals in this Stipulated Judgment, and all representations and 28 warranties contained herein, to be deemed conclusively true. i353 W 1 MARRIAGE0FSTRONG STIPULATEDJUDGMENT fi - r 1 o o 1 1 d. The terms and provisions ofthis Stipulated Judgment supersede any and all oral ‘ 2 and/orwritten agreements between the Parties and/ortheircounsel. 3 e. Notwithstanding any disputed issues, including any disputes as to the nature, 4 extentand characterization ofproperty, in settlementofall issues between the Parties which are the 1 5 subject oftheirmarital dissolution proceeding, the Parties agree t0 the terms set forth in this Stipulated 6 Judgment. 7 f. By entering into this Stipulated Judgment, the Parties intend to resolve all issues 1 8 in this proceeding and to effect a complete and final settlement ofall oftheir respective property rights, 9 all other financial rights and obligations and the waiverofspousal Support, and all interests orclaims 55; 10 between the Parties. Further, this Stipulated Judgment contains provisions which are a compromise of 11 the respective claims ofPetitionerand Respondent. 12 g. Petitionerand Respondent each acknowledge and agree thatthe award, g 13 confirmation and/ortransferofall property pursuant to the terms and provisions ofthis Stipulated g 14 Judgment is being made pursuant to lnternal Revenue Code, Section l04l. ä 15 h. Petitioner and Respondenteach acknowledge that she or he has been advised of ä 16 the provisions set forth in Famil Code, Section 2100, etseq., which specifically require the Parties to ä 17 exchange their Preliminary Declarations ofDisclosure uponthe other Party and either waive or serve S 18 their Final Declarations ofDisclosure upon the other Party, priorto the Parties entering into this 19 Stipulated Judgment. ä 20 (l) Petitioner has complied with the provisions ofCaliforniaFamily Code, H ä 21 Section 2100, etseq. and caused her Preliminary Declaration ofDisclosure to be served upon 22 Respondent on July l7, 2020, and will cause her Final Declaration ofDisclosure to be served upon 23 Respondent before filing ofthis Stipulated Judgment. 24 (2) Respondent has complied with the provisions ofCaliforniaFamily Code, 25 Section 2100, etseq. and caused his Preliminary Declaration ofDisclosure to be served upon Petitioner 26 on July 14, 2020, and will cause his Final Declaration ofDisclosure to be served upon Petitioner before 27 filing ofthis Stipulated Judgment. 23 (3) Each Party represents that she/he has reviewed the other Party’s l3 1 i’ v o o 1 Preliminary Declarations ofDisclosure and otherdocuments exchanged informally and through formal 2 discovery and are satisfied with the disclosures contained therein. Bach Party further represents that 3 she/he has had an adequate opportunity to investigate and request any additional information‚ 4 documentary orotherwise‚ and to make inquiries aboutthe disclosures which were provided. Each 5 Party acknowledges thatthey were given a reasonable opportunity to seek additional disclosures from 6 the other Party. Furthermore‚ each Party also had the opportunity to consultwith her or his independent 7 counsel and/or other financial experts concerningthe disclosures which were provided, or as to whether 3 any additional information was needed to evaluate the other Party’s Preliminary and Final Declarations 9 ofDisclosure. Neither Party requested orexpressed any beliefthat additional information and/or ‚ä 10 additional time was needed by either Party to evaluate the other Party’s Preliminary Declarations of 11 Disclosure. Neither Party has requested thatthe other Party provide any additional information or 12 documentation after having received and reviewed the other Party’s Preliminary Declarations of g 13 Disclosure. Additionally, the Parties’ each acknowledge that both oftheirrespective Preliminary g: 14 Declarations ofDisclosure consisted oftheir written disclosures and otherdocuments exchanged ä 15 between the Parties. Each Party Warrants and represents that neitherwill seek a set aside this Stipulated ä 16 Judgment on the grounds ofincomplete Preliminary Declarations ofDisclosure and/or any claim of ä 17 outdated documents filed in support ofthe Preliminary Declarations ofDisclosure. S 13 i. The Court furtherfinds thatthe Parties have agreed that in negotiating the 19 economic terms ofthis Stipulated Judgment, each Party acknowledges that she or he has been advised E) 20 by heror his own respective counsel ofrecord that she or he has had the opportunity to determine, both ä 21 on a voluntary basis and through formal discovery procedures, all ofthe financial circumstances ofthe 22 other Party, and the income which each is Iikely to derive from the property acquired by each hereunder 23 Each ofthe Parties has warranted and represented that each Party desires a settlement ofall ofthe 24 matters set forth in this Stipulated Judgmentand thateach Party has chosen notto exercise all ofthe 25 formal or informal discovery rights available to her or him, including, without limitation, serving furthe 26 special interrogatories‚ further requests for production ofdocuments, further requests foradmissions, 27 issuing additional subpoenas, and/ortaking the additional depositions ofone another orthird Parties. 1:53 23 j. The Court furtherfinds that each Party knowingly waives heror his rights to i725: 3 ' l ‘ f ' . . r . . D 1 conduct furtherdiscovery, both formal and informal, and to further investigate the financial 2 circumstances ofthe other Party priorto the execution ofthis Stipulated Judgment. The Court further 3 finds that the Parties agree and acknowledge that by entering into a negotiated settlement ofall financial 4 and custodial issues between them, each has knowingly waived herorhis rightto afull evidentiary 5 hearing ortrial on the merits with respectt0 those issues. The Court furtherfinds that each Party agrees 6 and acknowledges that each has been advised by heror his own respective counsel thatthe economic 7 benefits conferred on each by this Stipulated Judgment may be betterorworse than the economic 8 benefits that would be conferred after such a full evidentiary hearing ortrial. Nevertheless, both Parties - 9 have considered the risk oflitigation and the costs thereof, and have decided that it is preferable to settle ä 10 all the issues ratherthanto be subjected to the uncertainties associated with the litigation process. i 11 k. Petitionerand Respondent each acknowledge for herselfor himself, and forthe 12 other to rely upon in agreeing to this Stipulated Judgment, and forthe Courtto rely upon in signing this ä 13 Stipulated Judgment‚ that she or he has entered into this Stipulated Judgment voluntarily and free ofany 14 fraud, duress‚ or other undue influence. ä 15 l. Petitionerand Respondent each acknowledge for himselfor herself, and forthe 16 otherto rely upon in agreeingto this Stipulated Judgment, and forthe Courtto rely upon in signing this ä 17 Stipulated Judgment, thatthere is sufficient mutual consideration for her or him to enter into this E 18 Stipulated Judgment. 19 m. Petitioner and Respondent acknowledge thateach Party has been fully advised a ä 20 all stages ofthis proceeding by counsel ofheror his own choice. Petitioner is currently represented and ä 21 has been advised atall stages ofthis proceeding by Janet Kaplan, Esq. and Darlene S. Wanger, Esq. of 22 Kaplan | Wanger LLP. Respondent is currently represented and has been advised atall stages ofthis 23 proceeding by Lisa Helfend Meyer, Esq., Phillip Monahan, Esq. and Amy S. Kapner, Esq. ofMeyer, 24 Olson‚ Lowy & Meyers, LLP. 25 n. Petitioner and Respondenteach representand warrantto the otherthat she or he 26 is unaware ofany outstanding obligation ofPetitioner and Respondent incurred priorto the date oftheir 27 Separation, otherthan the obligations described in this Stipulated Judgment. 23 o. The Court finds that upon execution ofthis Stipulated Judgment, each Party is I13 MARRIAGE0FSTRONG STIPULATEDJUDGMENT = r 1 o o 1 deemed notified and aware that even though an obligation is to be assigned to orassumed by one Party 2 as partofthe division ofcommunity property, in the event thatsuch Party defaults on the contractor 3 obligation, the creditormay have acause ofaction againstthe otherParty. The defaulting Party shall 4 indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party harmless in the eventthat a creditorclaims, alleges or 1 . . . . . l 5 pleads a cause ofaction agamst the non-defaultmg Party, and the defaultmg Party shall reimburse the l 6 non-defaulting Party forany loss‚ including but not limited to the amount ofthe creditor’s claims and q 7 reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. 8 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: V 9 3. IDENTIFICATION AND DIVISION OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY AND 55; 10 CONFIRMATION OF SEPARATE PROPERTY. ä 11 a. The Court finds that the Parties have agreed upon the division/distribution of 12 property as set forth in this Stipulated Judgment and accept the same as the division oftheir property to E: 13 avoid further litigation and expense and to resolve this proceeding amicably and in a mannereach Party 14 believes is fair. To the extent that any assets subject to division/distribution have not been formally ä 15 appraised by experts retained by eitherofthe Parties, this shall not be a basis for setting aside this ä 15 Stipulated Judgment. In agreeing upon the division/distribution ofproperty set forth herein, the Parties ä 17 have reached certain compromises regarding the approximate orestimated values for some ofthe assets E 18 whether said assets were appraised or not and/or the characterofthe assets. The Parties furtheragree 19 thatthey are waiving any claim to challenge the characterand/or value ofany ofthe assets and shall not ä 20 have any basis to setaside this Stipulated Judgment. ä 21 b. Proert Awarded and/orConfirmedto Petitioner. The following assets are 22 awarded, confirmed and transferred to Petitioner pursuant to this Stipulated Judgment as hersole and 23 separate property, with the right ofimmediate sole possession free and clear ofany claim, right, title or 24 interest ofRespondent. Commencing August I, 2021, Petitioner shall solely assume, pay, defend, 25 indemnify and hold Respondent free and harmless from any and all encumbrances, debts, obligations‚ 26 income, estate, property and capital gain taxes‚ third Party claims and liabilities in connection with these 27 assets including, but not limitedto, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Respondent hereby disclaims 28 and waives all right, title and interest in and to. the followingassets: F}; _ 5 v r t 0 o 1 (1) Automobiles: 2 (a) The leased 2020 Tesla X and any obligations associated 3 therewith. 4 (2) Bank/FinancialAccounts: The following bank and brokerage accounts: 5 (a) Welis Fargo, AccountNo. ending4373; 5 (b) Paypal (INO Petitioner); 7 (c) City National Bank, AccountNo. ending 8352; 3 (d) City National Bank, AccountNo. ending 0742; and 9 ' (e) One-half(1/2) ofthe Merrill Lynch AccountNo. ending 5644, ‚ä 10 held in the name ofboth Petitionerand Respondent, which shall be transferred to Petitioner no more ä 11 than five (5) days after both Parties’ execution ofthis Stipulated Judgment. Each Party Warrants and 12 represents that she and he have not withdrawn ortransferred any monies from Merrill Lynch Account ä 13 No. ending 5644 which has a balance as ofthe date ofthis Stipulated Judgment in the amount of E 14 3921029. Neither Party shall withdraw monies from this account pending transfer ofone-half(I/2) of ä 15 the balance in this accountto Petitioner; 15 (f) One-half(I/2) ofDomari, AccountNo. ending 7696 held in the ä 17 names ofboth Petitionerand Respondent, which shall be transferred to Petitioner no more than five (5) E 18 days after both Parties’ execution ofthis Stipulated Judgment. Each Party warrants and represents that 19 she and he have not withdrawn ortransferred any monies from Domari AccountNo. ending 7696 which 5 20 has a balance as ofthe date ofthis Stipulated Judgment in the amountofS32l‚8l9. Neither Party shall ä 21 withdraw monies from this accountpending transferofone-half(1/2) ofthe balance in this accountto 22 Petitioner; and 23 (g) lfRespondent has any financial accounts in any country and/or 24 territory outside ofthe United States, including butnot limited to an account at Butterfield Bank (he 25 does not believe any such accounts exist), Petitioner is awarded 100% interest in said account(s) in their 25 entirety (regardless ofwhetherthe account is in his name alone or is held with any other individual, 27 entity ortrust forhis benefit). IfRespondent has any accounts in any country and/orterritory outside of 28 the United States, including but not limited to an account at Butterfield Bank, Respondent shall 111 6 MARRIAGE OFSTRONG STIPULATEDJUDGMENT 7 - -- t Q g J 1 forthwith refrain from withdrawing, transferring, or in any way using any funds in said accounts. 2 Respondent shall forthwith sign all forms to facilitate the withdrawal ortransferofthe funds in the 3 account(s), to the extentthey exist, to Petitionerforthwith upon forms being sent (via email is possible) r 4 to Respondent. Respondent shall cooperate in obtaining account Statements from January 1, 2017 to the 5 present, and shall provide said Statements to Petitioner forthwith upon receipt. IfRespondent has any 6 accounts in any country and/orterritory outside ofthe United States, including but not limited to an 7 accountat Butterfield Bank, the Court reservesjurisdiction over same and Petitionershall be permitted 8 to conductdiscovery regarding said accounts. Respondent represents and warrants that he has no such 9 accounts and that he has nottransferred monies outofany accounts in any country and/orterritory ‚g 10 outside ofthe United States since January 1, 2018. The issue offinancial accounts ofRespondent’s . l1 outside ofthe United States, pursuant to this Paragraph, shall be a reserved issue to be determined by 12 I-Ion. Gretchen Tayloras an arbitrator. 1 ä 13 (3) RetirementAccounts, IRAS, Pension Plans andDeferredCompensation: 14 Any and all retirement accounts, IRAs and deferred compensation accounts Standing in Petitioner’s p ä l5 name‚ including, but not limited to: ä 15 (a) Domari IRA, AccountNo. ending 7644; ä 17 (b) Domari Rollover IRA, AccountNo. ending 7656; S 13 (c) Retirement Clearinghouse IRA, AccountNo. ending 0073; 19 (d) One-half(1/2) ofthe community interest in the Pension ä 20 SAG/AFTRA (INO Petitioner), and any and all gains and /or losses thereon, to be divided as of ä 21 September 1, 2019 per Qualified Domestic Relations Order("QDRO"). The Parties shall share equally 22 the cost ofthe QDRO, and shall cooperate to retain Darren Goodman within I5 days ofexecution ofthi 23 Stipulated Judgment; and 1 24 (e) One-half(1/2) ofthe community interest in the Pension ACTRA, 25 AccountNo. ending 7456, and any and all gains and / or losses thereon, to be divided as ofSeptember 26 1, 2019 per Qualified Domestic Relations Order("QDRO"). The Parties shall share equally the costof 27 the QDRO, and shall cooperate to retain Darren Goodman within 15 days ofexecution ofthis Stipulated 28 Judgment. t4: V MARRIAGEOFSTRONG STIPULATEDJUDGMENT l ' " ' C O 5 1 (4) PartnershzpandOtherBusinessInterests: All right, title and interest in l 2 Petitionefis below listed business interests, inclusiveofany and all tangible and intangible assets 1 3 thereof, including, but not limited to, all financial institutionaccounts, patents, inventory, equipment, 4 account receivables, professional goodwill as well as any and all debts, obligations and encumbrances l 5 including but not limited to all tax liabilities. Petitioner shall assume any and all liabilities associated 1 6 with her business interests, including, but not limited to, any tax obligations, and shall indemnify, 1 7 defend and hold Respondentharmless therefrom. 8 (a) First Sight Productions, Inc.; 9 (l) Wells Fargo, AccountNo. ending 3046; 55; 10 (2) Wells Fargo, Account No. ending 4663; 11 (3) City National Bank, AccountNo. ending 1309; 12 (4) City National Bank, AccountNo. ending 6652; ä 13 (5) CityNational Bank, AccountNo. ending 8344; g 14 (6) Chase, Account No. ending 2373; ä 15 (7) American Express, AccountNo. ending 86004; ä 15 (8) Citi Advantage, AccountNo. ending 3816. ä 17 (b) Bunnies with Attitude Productions, LLC; and 5 13 (c) BabaBaby. 19 (5) All residuals and royalties received by Petitioner. 5 20 (6) Any recovery from the loan to Laurie Farrance. ä 21 (7) Entire interest in the Tara Strong Life Insurance Trust, (S5 million 20- 22 year term policy), includingthe right to select beneficiaries. 23 (8) Petitioner is awarded all items in the safe at the 4725 Ledge Avenue 24 Residence. 25 (9) Personal Property at4725 Ledge Avenue‚ Toluca Lake, Califomia: . 25 (a) With the exception ofthe Respondent’s popcorn machine, 27 martini glasses (ifPetitioner is able to locate them), all remaining liquor in the liquorcabinet, baseball 28 cards, personal photographs and memorabilia, the Video machine in the guest house, 3 lockers in the N 8 MARRIAGEOFSTRONG STIPULATEDJUDGMENT

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