TAOISTM EDITATION MethofdosrC ultivaat Hienagl thy Minda ndB ody Translatecdo mapnidlb eyd THOMAS CLEARY * SHAMBHALA BostoLno ndon & 2000 CO N TE N TS I TranslIanttorro'dsu ction Antholoognyt heC ultivaotfiR oena liza7t ion TreatoinsS ei ttiFnogr gett8i ng I SayinogfTs a oiMsats teDra ny ang Io 6 SecrWerti tingst heoM ne chanisomfNs a turIeI 2 ZhanSga nfenTga'isAj lic hemSye creItI s7 SecrReetc orodfsU nderstantdhieWn agy I 2 3 T R AN SL A TO R' S I NT RO D UC TOIN Taoismo,n eo ft hem osta ncieonftE astetrarnd itioinss , drawiinngc reasaitntg entiinto hne m oderWne stI.n teesrt inT aoismi sn ol ongceorn finetdo f rineglee menatsss o,m e woulpdr efebru,th asb ecompea rt ofn orthmeam le ntlaity ofc onsciionudsi vidaunadcl oss molpiottahni enrkisn m any areaosfc ontemaproylr ife. Parotf t hep opulariTtayo isomif n t heW estm ighbte due tof atchtteh aTtao ismi ss cniteifyiecta lshou manistic ands piritTuaaoli.s hma sa capacfiotsryu btpleer vasbieon causietc anb eu nedrstoaonddp ractiwcietdh tihnef rame workosf o thewro rlrde liiognso,rw ithoaunty r eligious frameowrka ta lTlh. isse lfleasdsa ptabmialyib tewy h yT ao ismh as baebelnte op enerattWee stercnu ltuwrietsh otuhte limitaotfit ohneso logdioccatlr oirnr ee ligiidoeuns tity. Someo ft hes pecialairztoesrd i ginaitnTi anogi tsrta dition, sucah sb are-hmanardt idails ciplaicnuepsu,n cthuerreb,a l medicianned,t hreapuetimca ssgae,a re becoimncirnaegs - 2 TRA N SL A T OR 'S INT R ODU C TIO N inglfamyi liiantr h eWe stT.ao issto cipahli losoapnhdsy t ra tegitch iinnkgh avea lspor ovetdo b eo fg reaitn teesrtt o Westepreno plev airni owuasl kosfl ief.T hesea rea mongt eh dimensioTnaso isomft hahta vea ttracttheead t teonnto if proefssioninam lasn ya reasp-olitaincdam li litaargyr;ic ul turailn,d ustarnidac lo,m merceiadlcu;a tiomnaeld,i caanld, scientific. Meditatiisoo nnee lemeonfTt a oistmh aitn teesrtasb road spectroufpm e oplbee,c autshees tatoefm indi sc entrtaol thew ell-beainndeg f feinccioyf t hew holeo rganiTsamo.i st meditatiisfo onre nahncemeonftb otphh ysiacnadlm ental health,t hestew of acetosf w ell-beairneig n titmeyal re as latteodo nea nothMeord.e rsnc ientuinfdiecr stanodft ihneg mind-byo cdontinucuomn firtmrsa ditiToanoailsb te elsfi aboutth ee fefctosfm entsatla toensp hysiccoanld itainodn s vicvee rsa. Thivso lumper esean tsse leocnt iomfa treiaolnsT aoist meditattioounc,h iunpgo n waid e rantgoep iotcfrs a tdiion alltya keunp b yT aoisftorst hep urposea llo-fua nrdoh uman deveplmoentH.a vingb eenw rittiennC hinat,h eya re couchiendt h ec ustaormyu sgaeso fC hinecsuel tupraer,t icu lartlhyeu nitariaonfti hes lma st milleinnwn hiiucmTh,a o isCto,n fuciaann,d B uddhitseta chianrgecs o mmonyl used togtehefro nr ondogmabtailca nicnhe i gheedru cation. A considearmabolueno tf m aterifarlo mt hist radoint,ii n botchl assaincdau ln iatriapnh aseissc, u rrenatvlayi laibnl e Englitsrha nslaTthieroeni .sn ofi xeds ysmt eoft hougohrt practiincT ea osim,a nd madniyf fermeentth odhsa veb een articuloavettreh de c enturDiiefsf.e rteenmtp erameanntds differteinmteh sa ved ifferreenqtu ireenmtsa,c cordrion g Taoisrte achisnotg h,er epsonsoefst heT aot ot hesev ariyng conditmiuosnetsh emseldviefsft eobr e e ffectTihivsei .st he TRA N SL A T O R ' SI NTR ODUCT IO N 3 mainr easfoontr h pe ublicatoifao v na rieotfy maitaelfrsr om thitsar dititoonr ,e fletcth ee xperieonfcd eifsf erepneto ple andt hereabcyh iegvreea tebra lanacned a dderssa broader spectroufmh umant emperamtehnatnd oesse ctarian dog matics. Besidtersu Tea oitseta chiintgi ssa, v erriendt hel itera turet,he rea rem anyf alosred eetrioraftoerdmo sf s uppos edlTy aoisptr actiWcaer.n ingtso t hiesf fehcatv eb een circulfaotmrea dn yc enrtiueTsh.i iss a nothreera sont hfeo r presentaotfai roann goef t raditimoatnearli aslots h,a tth e publimcay havseo meb asist hfueo nrd erstanadniden vga lu atioonfp articpueloaprl ep roarc tipcueprso rtitnogr erpe senTta osim. The firssetle ctpiroens enhteerdie sa w ork caAlnltehdo l ogoyn t hCeu tlivaotfRi eoianzl atbiy aonnu nknowanu thor knowno nyl by tshtey lCeu ltivaotfRo era liozna.Dt iiscov ereidn m anusrcipfto rma ndp ublisihne d ita ppears 1739, tob ea produocftt heM ingd ynasty Citing (1368-1644). TaoisCto,n fucian,B uadnhddi stte achitnhgesa ,u thoerm phasizbeasl ancdeedv elmoepnto f tnhaet aulrs,o ciaanl,d spiriteulaelem ntosf h umanl iftehr ougmhe ditatoinoa n s wide variteotpyi cosf. Thes eocnds electiisao v ne rfya moumsa nuaoln m edita tioTn,r teiaosnSe i ttFiognregt tbyiS nigm aC hengzhoeftn he Tangd ynasty Thec osmopolciutlatnu orfte h e (618-907). Tangd yansthya so ftebne enc alltehdeg oldeange ofC hi nescei vzialitionT.h eg reats chooolfsE asteBrund dihsm flourisdhueirdn gt he Tadnygns atye,x ertaip nogw erfiunl fluencoen t hes ubsequeevnotl utoifoC no nfuciiasnma nd TaoismT.h iTsr aetiosnSe i ttFionrgg eitst idenaTgrao liys tic, yeti ti sg enealrlpyh raseidn maa nnearc cpetablteo C onfu- 4 T R A N SL A TO R 'S I NT R ODUC TI O N cainsa ndB uddihstIsti. so ftne quoteidnl taewro rkosn t he subjeocfT tao ismte diattion. Thet hirsde lectcionosnis s otfs ayinogfsM a Danyang, a famousT aoiswti zarodft he Sodnygn saty (960-1279). Danyanwgh,o sTea oisnta mem eanCsi nnabSaurn ligwhats, oneo ft heg readti sciopfl eWsa nCgh ongyantgh,ef ounder oft heN ortehrnB rancohfC ompleRteea lyi Ttaoisma,p ow erfnuel oT-aoismto vemenrte vivbiontgch o ntemaptlivaen d sociealle menotfTs a oismT.h e ausstpeirtreu ialiotfty h e NortrhneB rancohfC omplee Rtealyi Ttaoisimsr emineinstc ofC ha,no rZ enB,u ddhiswmh,i cmha nyn eoT-aoissttsu d iedb,u ti ti sa lsaon organic resppornosbel etamons d the hardshoifp ssao cieutnyd efror eigonc cupant.i o Thef ourtshe lectiisto ank efnr oma na ntohlogcya lled SecWrreiitnt ognst hMeeh caniosfNm astr ueT.hi si s coal clteion ofe xcerfportms souersco fT aoisttr aditiinocnl,u ding 163 anceintc alssicwsr,i tinogns m edtiatioann ds piurailta l chemy,a ndt hea dmonitiaonndis n rsutctioofnt sh eg reat luminaorfiT eaosi sstp irityu tahlriotutghhea ges. Thefi ftshe lectiiso dnia s couornst eh em entarle finement reprnetseebdy t hes cieen cosfp itruiaall chemIyti. s a ttrib uted Zthoa ngS anefnga, semimtyhologifciagluo rfet he Mingd ynasttoyw hom,o rt ow hoses chooal g,r eamtan y workosf t higse nraer ea ttirbuteZdh.a ngS anfewngas s up posetdo h aveb eena greaatl cehmisatn di st raidointlaly associwaittethdh efo rm ofe xerckinsoew na sT aijuainq,or Tai CChhiu an. Preesntehde ries a texetn teidtZl haSnagng' fesn Taiji Al cheSmeyc rJu estcas sm .a rtial asrutciahss t sS,h aboolxienr s andZ end uleerasn da rchecrosm,m onlpyr actimceeddi ca toin,t hei netriofornu datioonfT aiC hii sa lstor aidointally associawtietdih netrnla medtiatiporna ctiTchei.sa lchye m TRA N SL AT O R' S INTRO D U CTIO N 5 rooi sb aseodn awareonfte shes connecbteitowne emni nd andb odya,n di tesx ercriasies tehsep hysipcraalc toifcT ea i Chin owq uitpeo puliantr h eW estt,o a g reatlevereo lf t otal fulfeilnltm. The sixtahn dfi nasle leicotni nt hivso luem ist akenf orm SecRreectoo rfUd nsder stantdhWieayn g,a r araen dr emarkable manusrcitp collieocnto ft alkbsy an anonyomusT aoist · knowno nlbyy a d evotinoanmaelT. h iasp peatrobs e a w ork oft hel atQei ngd yntays cleafrollylw oingt ra (1 644-11 9)1, ditiolnianley se tw itha candocrh aracteorfim sotdiecr n tunes. A NT HO LO G Y O N T HE C ULTIVA TOIN O F R E A LZIA TOIN THE W A Y Ifp eoplwea ntt od ot hefi nestth inignt hew orlndo,t hing comparetsol earn.iI nftg hewya ntt ob et heb esotfl earners, nothicnogm parteosl earnitnhge WaMya.s teZrh us aid, "Learniisfn ogsr e ekitnhge Wawyh;a its t heu seo fl earning otherw?i"Es veenp rofesspiroonmaolt iiossn o metheixntgr a neouwsh;a tap ityh aisct o rrupstoem da nyp eoplTeh!e Tao say"sT,o e stablaines mhp eraonrd supeh ti gohf fi TeC hing cia,lo snem ayh avaeg reajte wealn dd rivaet e amo fh orses, butt haitsn ot as gaodovda nacsci anlgm olynt his Way." Taelnti se xploibtyeo dt hearnsd r arerleya chietses n d; virtiusce u ltivbayto ende sealnfd,i th asa definiTthieo n. Wayi su ndefinbeud,tw henu seidti si nexhausTthiebrlee. forseu perpieoorp loen lsyt udtyh e Way: ltohouekpy o n meriatn df amew,ea ltahn ds tatauss ,fl oactlionugdl se,tn tgi 8 T H E CU L T IV A T IO N O F R E A L I ZTAI O N themg oa ndc omew ithobueti nmgo vedb yt hemw hilien thevierr myi dst. Ifs uperpieoorp oleny l studtyh eW ay,i si tb ecautshee y gaisno meb enefYiets?,i ti sW.h ati st habte nefiTth?o se whos tudtyh eW ay studwyh ati si nt hes elTfh.e mindca n beb roadeedn,th eb odyc an bbee nefitseidc;k nceasnsb e cuerd,de atcha n abve odiedN.o benefiatrseg reattehra n the.s e Dop eopwlheo s tudtyh eW ay actuaglaliytn h esbee netfis andp leasuIrfet sh?ed yo ,t hewnh yd op eoploeft hew orld algle ti rritwahteendt hesye e peoplse tuwdhtyoh eW ay, considertihnegme cecnrticosr p honieTsh?e Ching TaoT e say"sW,h ens uperpieoorp lhee aorf t heW ay,t hetyr vaeilt diligeWnhtelnym .e doicrpee ophleea orf t hew ay,t hesye em awar,ey eta rea si fo bliviWohuesn.l esspeero plheea r of the Way,t helya uhg ati to utl oud.W hatt hedy on'lta ugaht couldnb'ett h eW ay." P R I N C I P L E TheW ay iso nea ndo nloyn eO.n thec elestlievaelil ti s calldeeds tionny t;h eh umanl eveilti sc alleesds enntaial ture.t hOepn h enomelneavl eli sc iatl lperdi nciple. Thipsr incicpilrec ultahtreosu ghtohuewt o rladp,p earing ind ailacyt ivitEiveesre.yv ent eavneydr t hinhga sa nautral princiwphliec,ch a nnobte d ispenwsietdhT .h ust heer isa princiwphleer etbyh isn garet haeasyr ei;tc annobtea ltered, onlfyo lleodw. Superipoero ploeb sertvhei ngst eirnm osf p rinpclie righotrw rongg,o odo rb adt,he yd eawli tht hema ccrod inglTyh.i si sc allesde lflessnSeeslsfl.e ssnreesssu lttn s objecriovbijteyc;t irveistuyli tncs l ariCtlya.r irteys ulitn s TH E CUL TIVAT ION OF REA LIZATIO N 9 dealwiinteghv enatcsc uraantcdeo lmyp rehtehnneda ing tuorfet hings. � I uv i�twhg istn hrougehg oty,ho eunr a lnhodav ter ed 'l ariusnec ontraonlydlo cauab nlnayov toi indd ulfegelinign gs. Wheyno iuf!_ cJufleeglei ntghsey,no aur bee isnugb jective. Wheyno aur seu b·eyc�t�ai rvieeg ,11 orWahnetyn.o aur e ignoraanrtme,i xyueopdu acnoudns feydo;au r oen layw are ofy our,ns oeotlfp f rinciple. Whetnh eirpser inctihpeilreseen , e rwghye;en n geyri s maneitsfp,r incihsii pdldeWe hne.tn h eiresen ertghye,r e is fromw;h efnro mi sm aneitsfe,n erighsy i ddPerni.n ciisp le alwabyasl anwcheedr,ee nagesyr i sp artfiroamli ;se ven morpea rtBiaallai.ngs co eo idna lrle sptehcetirssse;o me thitnhgai tsn ogto oidnp artiIafylo iwuta ynt.to c onvert whaitsn ogto oidnp artitaorl eitttuyort nhg eo odnoefs s balaynocmueu ,s etx amyionuer csleolsofen tl hybe r ionfk actiEoxnp.aa nndfd lu fwihlalet m erfgoremst hbea laonfc e princciuptl eoe;fl fi amniwdnh aacttoe m feorsm t hpea rtial itoyff romA.f tael ro ntgi mper,i ncwiipnllalet urraelly maiwnh,i dlees iwrinelasl t urdailsalpyp ear. Thper incoiftp hlee swm oursblteid n vestyiegttah teeyd , cannaolbtlei nvestciogmaptleeTdth eelirsyae .n e ssential poiwnhti,ic shd itsoc ceornnf uisnoin oeon'w snm inWdi.t h discercnommeenst clarity; whiuftlhn ecslsa.r ity comes trut Witthr uthftuhlpenr eisnsc,oi ftp hlweeo sr alrdae p pre hendaendcd e ntpeorieisdase t tained. Tok notwh tahtoe n geo oidbs a laanncydee t tnoro eta ch balatnock en,o w phaelln omaermneia n adn yde nto tto undermsitnadn-dt ihcsio usns fiToonk .n ow mtahteto efr biracnhdd e aitsshe riaonyudes nt o ttor eabliirzceh lessness, cok noiwm permainssew nicyfeetn t o tto r ealtihzeiers e fundanmteanlosl pye ed-tchoinsfu siiso n.