u f If \J SOUTHERN MISS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SPRING 2011 **-**vm-mnmr-ve^ For a list of 100 things to do VISwITHATTIE^pDM M jflLgoi / i -Ej H)tJma- ™S Bl 1 ^ ForcesMu^uAJS*^\ 1 PSPf «-? jfjj . J&/ik/ - * N ****: ew . ^li H • ^\ ftMO-OIllCS SmithsonianTraveling Exhibition V*l* nconjunctionwith Mississippi HumanitiesCouncil vO Historic Train Depot :: April 16 - May 21 Theweekend is approaching and it'syour chanceto enjoya littlefun X » with yourfamilyand friends. Onething is certain ... in Hattiesburg, weekend entertainmentis a sure betand making plans isjusta click away. Atvisithattie.com, explorewhereto Eat, Shop, Stayand Play right atyourfingertips. Hattiesburg ... a great placeforyour *» Dining affordable, family-friendlyweekend getaway! (L)/ay wiinfriends s te#/» <gg»« 4# 866.4 HATTIE•yisilhatiie.com i^5 Southern Miss students and alumni are known for being leaders. They're the first to reach out, get involved, and do their part to make a difference. 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SOUTHERN MISS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • SPRING 2011 Departments 34 BACK TO THE BASICS CongressmanSteven Palazzo, '94, '96, hasmany fondmemories ofSouthern Miss 7 Notes from Home asa child, astudentandasanalumnus. He waschosento representMississippi's 8 News Around Campus Fourth CongressionalDistrictonNovember2, 2010, andgives SouthernMiss credit forpreparinghim onnumerouslevels forhiscareeraftercollege. 14 Calendar of Events 15 Association News 38 "ADVENTURE PHILANTHROPY" 20 From the Archives IN THE MEKONG DELTA OF VIETNAM 24 Foundation News CNN InternationalnewsanchorNatalieAllen, '84, traveled to the MekongDeltaof Vietnamwithseven otherexhibitionists tobuilda playground forunderprivileged 30 The Arts children. While on the exhibition,Allenshot footagewithherpersonalcamera whichwill airon CNN International. 48 Athletic News 51 Eagle Club 42 GOING GREEN 52 Snapshots DavidThompson, 75, RonHickman, '82, andJonathan Boone, '03, have teamed 54 Class Notes up tobuild the firstGreen Certified Home in Hattiesburgforpurchase, located inTimberton'sLakeViewdevelopment. Thishome meetsNationalAssociationof Homebuilders Green Certificationthrough itsNational Green BuildingProgram andisasattractive asanyhouse that can be found in Hattiesburg. 46 MISS "SOUTHERN MISS" HOSPITALITY MarketingmajorandSouthernMissstudentJordanWhittlecurrentlyholdsthe title ofMissHospitality. Duringherreign.Whittle will travel more than 30,000miles promotingMississippi'stourismandeconomic development. An advocate forthe program,Whittleencouragespageantparticipation toall those whoare interested. FRONTCOVER:CONGRESSMANSTEVENPALAZZO,WHOREPRESENTSMISSISSIPPI'S CONGRESSIONALDISTRICT, STANDSINFRONTOFTHECAPITOLINWASHINGTON,DC.PHOTOBY AMOS REFLECTIONSPHOTOGRAPHY Spring 201 1 ALUMNI STAFF EXECUTIVEDIRECTORJERRYDEFATTA'00,'10 ASSOCIATEDIRECTORFOREXTERNALAFFAIRSJENNIFERPAYNE 04 ASSOCIATEDIRECTORFORINTERNALOPERATIONSJOEMORGAN75 ASSISTANTDIRECTORFORCOMMUNICATIONSJENNYBOUDREAUX 08 CALLING FOR MANAGEROFPROGRAMSDAWNSMITH'95 MANAGEROFCONSTITUENTRELATIONSDANEREITER 06, 07, 10 DIRECTOROFTHEM-CLUBANDCOMMUNITYRELATIONSRAYGUY COORDINATOROFINFORMATIONSERVICESMELISSAMCDANIEL ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANTRENETRIGG APPLICATIONS DATAENTRYSPECIALISTJUDYBARNES MAILCLERKEDWARDWALLACE RECEPTIONISTMIKEDANIELS EDITORIALASSISTANTBYRONSMITH CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSVANARNOLD,JOHNCOX78, AMYMARTIN'06,CHESTER"BO"MORGAN71,74, The Alumni Association annually awards a CHARMAINESCHMERMUND'06,BETHTAYLOR, DAVIDTISDALE'90,'01 number of scholarships to incomingfreshmen CONTRIBUTINGPHOTOGRAPHERSJOANNEAMOS/REFLECTIONS THE and current students who are part ofThe PHOTOGRAPHY,CATALYSTFOUNDATION,KELLYDUNN, Legacy, the student Alumni Association. BERTKING77/KINGPHOTOGRAPHY, DANNYRAWLS'69,'80,ROADMONKEY STUDENTALUMNI ASSOCIATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS The Robert D. Pierce, II Legacy Scholars PRESIDENTRANDYPOPE Program has awarded $1,000 one-time PRESIDENT-ELECTALVINWILLIAMS scholarships to incoming freshmen each VICEPRESIDENTDALESHEARER year since 2004, while the Powell and PASTPRESIDENTCURTHEBERT Frances Ogletree Endowed Scholarship, FINANCECOMMITTEECHAIRREEDALLISON the Past Presidents Council Endowed SECRETARY/TREASURERJERRYDEFATTA Scholarship and the Clyde Kennard Memorial Endowed Scholarship are BOARDOF DIRECTORS awarded to current Golden Eagles. BOBBOOTHE,JASONHELTON,TROYJOHNSTON,MIKELUCIUS, To the top1- DORIANSCOn,JUANITASIMSDOTY,JOESTEVENS,GARY CARMICHAEL,JULIEGRESHAM,STEVEHOLIFIELD,SAMJONES, The Mary Loraine Peets Buffett Scholarship NANCYNEW,JASONSANDERSON,MICHELLEVANNORMAN, CORYCURTIS,BYRONJORDAN,MIKEMCMULLAN,AARON is awarded annually to two women from PUCKETT,BRANDTSCHMERSAHL,BILLYSTEWART,DAVIDWILLIAMS Mississippi who select a major from within EX-OFFICIOBOARDMEMBERS:MARTHASAUNDERS, the College of Arts and Letters. The $5,000 BOBPIERCE,RAYMONDVANNORMAN,VICROBERTS, scholarship is renewable up to four years. RICHARDGIANNINI,LACEYBLANKENSHIP The Elmo Lang Memorial Scholarship is Foradvertisinginformation,contactJenniferPaynebyphoneat [email protected]. awarded to an incoming freshman from the state of Mississippi. TheTalon(USPS652-240)ispublishedquarterlyby TheUniversityofSouthernMississippiAlumniAssociation, 118CollegeDrive#5013,Hottiesburg,MS39406-0001 A number of the Association's chapters Activemembershipduesof$35(singlemembership)or$40(couple) includessubscription award scholarships as well. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS HedermanBrothersPrintinginRidgelond,Miss., In addition, children of Alumni andIhestaffoftheSouthernMissAlumniAssociation. Association members may be eligible for PeriodicalpostagepaidatHattiesburg,MS39406-0001 an Out-of-State Tuition Scholarship. andatadditionalmailingoffices (ApprovedJanuary20, 1955) Sendaddresschangesto 118CollegeDrive#5013,Hattiesburg,MS39406-5013 PHONE:601.266.5013 | E-MAIL:[email protected] Applications can be obtained at the Ogletree House, the USM Foundation or WEBSITE: 'SouthernMissAlumni.com Proud Memberof through the Office of Admissions. All applications must be submitted to the Alumni Association no later than March 15 for the upcoming fall semester. For more information, please call the Alumni Association at www.conferenceusa.com 601.266.5013 or visit SouthernMissAlumni.com. AA/E0E/ADAI (notes from home Lookingback,itishardtobelievethatwehavecompleted thecelebrationofthe 100thanniversary ofourbelovedinstitution. ThecelebrationofourCentennialprovidedthe opportunitytopause and reflectonhowfarwehavecomeandtomarvelatthegrowthandprogressthathasledtheinstitution fromitsstatusasa regionalteacherscollege tothepremierresearchinstitutionforthe GulfSouth. There is no doubt that 2010 was abenchmarkyear, one that set the barhigh for the next century at Southern Miss. Among ourmanyaccomplishments were the following: • World-renowned opera star, Renee Fleming,joined the University's Symphony Orchestra on stageJanuary 29, 2010, fora once-in-a-lifetime performance: The Voiceojthe Century concertwhichbegan ouryear-long Centennial Celebration. • SouthernMiss friends and familycame together for the celebration ofthe University's legislative founding on March 30, 2010. The day's festivities included the dedication of the Centennial Gateway, made possible through gifts from the Ed Langton familyand the Gold LeafSociety, a 100th anniversaryconvocation ceremonyand the largest communitypicnic in Universityhistory. • OnApril 10, 2010, more than 500 SouthernMiss students, facultyandstaffcame togetherin Hattiesburg — and onthe GulfCoast to participate inthe firstUniversity-wide dayofservice the BigEvent. • More than 1,500 graduatesparticipated in the largest commencement ceremonyin the institution's history onMay 14, 2010, whichfeatured formerNewYork MayorRudy Giuliani. • In October, SouthernMisswelcomed former Secretary ofState Madeleine Albright to Hattiesburgas part ofthe Lt. Col.John H. Dale, Sr. Distinguished Lecture Series. • Thousands ofSouthern Miss fans, friends and alumni returned to campus in October to partake in the Centennial Homecomingweekend. The success ofour Centennial Celebration would not have been possible without the leadership and support ofcountlessvolunteers. Fromthe members ofthe Centennial SteeringCommittee to the Southern Miss faculty, staffand studentswho provided guidance, to the alumni, fans and friendswho attended the events, it was the collaborative effort that made the celebrationpossible. Our finest hours are alwayswhen we come together as the Southern Miss family, and 2010 was certainlya testamentto those familyties thatbind. BeingpresentforthisexcitingmomentinSouthernMisshistoryhasbeenanexperience that Iwillalways treasure. As GoldenEagles, wehavemuchtobe proud ofandbeingpart ofthe Centennialhasgiven me a greaterappreciationforthose trailblazerswholaid the foundationfortheUniversitythatwe havebecome. As we embark on thenext 100years at Southern Miss, I can confidentlysaythat our future is bright. I look forward tobeinga part ofthe next chapter ofthe Southern Miss story, servingmy fellowalumni and playinga role inthenever-ending quest to take SouthernMiss to the Top! b>< £»~Y\_>— Jennifer D. Payne Associate Director for ExternalAffairs Spring 201 1 NEWS AROUND CAMPUS) President Saunders Honored with Community Hub Award UniversityofSouthernMississippiPresidentMarthaSaunders lovesherhometownofHattiesburg.ThispastNovember, Hattiesburgsaid: thefeelingismutual. Saunders was named the 32nd recipient ofThe Hub Award, which honors outstanding contributions to the community, commitment to excellence and dedication to public service, during a recognition dinner at the Hattiesburg Country Club. Agraduate ofHattiesburgHighSchoolandSouthernM Saunderssaidshe cherishesherchildhoodintheHub City, where sheenjoyedgreattimeswith familyand friendsand inspiredbyteachersandmentorstoachieve greatthings. The origin ofthe Hub Award came in 1979 when Hattiesburg community leaders honored Southern Miss alumnus and former Hattiesburg mayor Bobby Chain, who at that time served as president ofthe board oftrustees nf the State Institutions ofHigher Learning. It was decide* that the award would be made annually to honor other outstanding citizens in the community. A college scholarship is also established in honor of each Hub Award recipient. To date, more than $500,000 in tWjZZH VTml i>raglaggaaflnai scholarship fundshas been raised because ofthis award. Southern Miss Restructures Office of University Communications University ofSouthern will guide the University's social media strategy; Melanie Mississippi President Gardner, whowill continue to manage the institution's Martha Saunders announced marketingefforts; GeoffLoCicero, who will continue to duringthe latterpart of lead the University'sweb services team; Lynn McCarver, 2010 the restructuringof whowill continue to direct the institution's printingand the institution's Office of creative services; BethTaylor, who will continue to serve Communications, including as the University's point person formedia relations and the hiringofJim Coll as Chief information; and SheliaWhite who willcontinue to manage Communications Officer. the communication needs ofSouthern Miss GulfCoast. Amongother "The re-organization ofthe Office ofUniversity communication objectives, Communication gives us a wonderful opportunity to reduce Coll is charged with providing costswhile maximizingthe talent ofourincredible staff," the overall leadership and Saunders said. "I am looking forward to workingcloselywith management ofthe marketing Jim Coll and his Executive Communication Team." JimColl and public relations Coll is a double graduate ofThe University ofSouthern functions ofthe University, includingpublic information, Mississippi, most recentlyearninga master's degree in mass advertisingcampaigns, interaction with members ofthe media, communication in 2006. He hasbeen part ofthe Southern andbranding. MissAlumniAssociation's staffsince October 2004, serving Coll will lead a stafffeaturinga seven-person executive asAssociate Director forExternalAffairs and previously as communication team. Also on the team areJana Bryant, who Assistant Director for Communications. YMM u±± tNEWS AROUND CAMPUS fiiTT { Professor's Dolphin Research Noetic Technologies, Featured in Broadcast of NOVA Southern Miss Share University ofSouthern Mississippipsychologyprofessor Dr. Leadership Award Stan Kuczaj's research on dolphincognition andbehaviorwas featured in an episode ofNOVA, the science televisionshow producedby Public BroadcastingService (PBS) Wednesday, Feb. 9 onMississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB). "HowSmartAre Dolphins?" ispart ofaNOVAseries onanimal intelligence thatwillinclude Kuczaj'sresearchondolphincognition Stan Kucza andcommunication, aswellascorrelationsbetweendolphinand humanbehavior. Kuczaj is directorofthe SouthernMiss Marine Mammal Behaviorand CognitionLaboratory, housedinthe University's College ofEducationandPsychology. Kuczaj and a crew from NOVAspent springbreaklastyearin Roatan, Honduras documentingthe research group's efforts to learnhow two dolphins communicate when theyare simultaneouslyproducingnovelbehaviors. The NOVA crew also KNeolelitiBcooTtehc,hnleoftl,ogviiceesparnedsidDre.ntDoefnimsarWkieetsienngbfuorrg, interviewed Kuczaj atlengthregardinghiswork on dolphin cognition. vice presidentofresearch atThe Universityof Kuczaj and his graduate studentsinthe laboratoryhave conducted more than 20 SouthernMississippi, accepted theJohn I. Rucker Award attheConferenceon HighTechnology. years ofresearch on the popularmarine mammal, whichhas received support from the Office ofNaval Researchandthe U.S. Department ofCommerce. His researchin Noetic Technologies Inc., and The Hondurasbegan five years ago through a study abroad program near Utila, sponsored University ofSouthern Mississippi were by Southern Miss InternationalEducation. recentlyawarded theJohn I. Rucker More recently, his research onthe rebound ofthe mammal's habitat offthe Community Innovation Leadership Mississippi GulfCoast followingHurricane Katrinawas published in MarineMammal Award at the 11th Annual Conference Science, andlast summerhis dolphinresearchwas also featured in a show onJapanese on High Technologyhosted by the public televisioninJuly 2010. Mississippi TechnologyAlliance. The RuckerAward is given in recognition ofleadership for organizations that represent a government, academic and private sectorpartnership. These organizations are recognized for the development ot a strategic innovation-led economic development program focused on technology, research, entrepreneurship and capital formation. Noetic and Southern Miss were honored based upon the unique model ofa private company/academic institution technology transferprocess. "The Noetic/USM partnership continues to develop and promote a process that supports technology development andentrepreneurship that meets our customers" needs." said Les Members orthe Hattiesburg NoondayOptimistClub pre Goff, president and CEO ofNoetic. totheChildren's CenterforCommunication and Developmenton Monday, Jan. Noetic Technologies Inc.. began as an 31. Pictured, from leftto right: JeffEvans, past-presidentofthe local OptimistClub; initiative ofThe University ofSouthern Lori Burgess, speech-language pathologistattheChildren's Center; BreAnn Russell, Mississippi and is geared toward speech-language pathologistattheChildren's CenterandJennifer Ducksworth, marketing and commercialization ofthe presidentofthe local OptimistClub. Universitv's technology. Spring 20' NEWS AROUND CAMPUS^ Vocal Student Home Yates Takes Big Prize on Jonathan Williams 'Wheel of Fortune' Thinking Green Gets Even UniversityofSouthernMississippi vocalstudentElliotYates, amaster's Brighter at Southern Miss studentinvocalperformance,hitthe highestofnotesasthebigwinneron The University ofSouthern Mississippi is growinggreenerwith the namingof thepopularTVgameshow"Wheelof JonathanWilliams as its new ChiefSustainability Officer. Fortune"recently. A Hattiesburgnative, Williams is presently a visitingprofessorin the College of Yates,24,tookhome$48,360in Business. He plans to develop educational programmingto prepare Southern Miss cashandprizes,whichincludedatrip students for opportunities in the emerging "green industries" such as Stion, which toCostaRica.Theshowwastapedin recently announced its planned openingofa plant in the Hattiesburg Industrial NovemberandYateskepttheoutcome Parkmanufacturinghigh-efficiency thin-film solarpanelsbased onstate-of-the-art asecret,althoughhewasunderno materials and device technology. contractualobligationtodoso. Williams, who holds an undergraduate degree in economics from Duke Aftersolving fourpuzzles for University, a law degree from Washington University and an MBA from the $18,360 in the primary portion Leonard Stern School ofBusiness at NewYork University, says he welcomes the ofthe show, Yates won the bonus opportunities to assist Southern Miss is movingbeyond "thinking green" to helping round and $30,000 in cashby Southern Miss graduates develop critical skills to open and operate "green business" successfully guessing, "kayaking." ventures, become employees in existingindustries, and attract new technology Withhisearnings,Yates plans businesses to the Pine Belt. to pay forgraduate school and The pastseveral yearsWilliams has lived andworked in the SanFrancisco area. possibly travel to Europe, one of He is the co-founderofeMerging Careers Institute, which is a trainingprogram to his favorite places due to the rich expose students to 21st centurycareeropportunities through project-based learning historyand music. and college courses. He created learningmoduleswhich incorporate science, finance, AlthoughYates admitshewas legal information and marketing. nervous on the show, he credits Southern Missisone ofthe mostenvironmentallyresponsible highereducation beinga vocal performance major, facilitiesin the United States. It is the onlyMississippi schoolcitedby ThePrinceton alongwith havingmanystage Review's286Green Colleges foritsculture ofsustainability. Southern MissPresident performance experiences, for Dr. MarthaSaundersisone of22 presidentsandchancellorswhosit on theAmerican calminghis nerves. College andUniversityPresident's Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) steeringcommittee which is the governingcommittee forthe national campusgreencommitment. fMffl