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Talon '91 • Volume 65 TheAmerican University•4400 Massachusetts Avenue•Washington, D.C. 20016 It was May 1990 when the returning TALON staff first met to brainstorm ideas for a theme. Since the TALON represents The American University community, the theme had to be something that would encompass not only the TALON, but also AU as a whole. For nearly two months, the editor in chief and staff struggled to find the perfect theme. Ideas such as "Genesis", "A Celebration of Diversity", and miscellaneous song titles bounced around 228 Mary Graydon Center. It is often said among year- book staffers that creating a yearbook is much like having a baby; a theme TALON is its name. Just as one wants to give a child a special name, the TALON feltthe same way aboutits theme, fl Finally, itwas decided upon: '91 - Expanding The Tradition. Why? Webster's Dictionary defines "ex- panding" as expressing, enlarging or developing in detail. m A - 2 f -• ffitfron/ /7 A "tradition" is the hand- Aoa^emia 34 ing down of beliefs and customs by word of mouth or example, or an /Heftv 94 inherited pattern of thought. Since the theme iVcrfa' E^enftf is chosen before the aca- ~\ demic year begins in order to give the book fijy Camffto T34 guidance, the staff had to attempt to predict the fnt&niaffcnaf flair f64 forthcoming year. Over the summer of 1990, sev- ArU eral events took place T72 which indicated that 1990-1991 would be, from (7raaaizaf('c/prf 202 a university standpoint, an expansion oftradition. II With the return of dree/i^f 234 opening convocation, an- other homecoming week, the creation of a pres- t—i Af/ifefic';> 25$ idential search com- mittee, and the subse- Af£<ffrc?&pre6oara/f 293 quent appointment of a new president, The American University re- ffifofae^ 3/6 turned to a traditional approach to academia. Simultaneously, it stepped into the future ^ 2 Talon '91 w& TM /t6cf+f Tfifotp TheTalonneededalogo,atrademark,somethingthatwouldsymbolizethepublica- tionanditsstrength. Atrademarkcouldbedefinedas"adistinctivesignbywhicha personorthingcomestobeknown".Inthepast,theTalonhadnothingtosymbolize itself, nothing thatwould give it instantrecognition. Iftheorganization wastobe treatedlikeanyotherpublicationorbusiness,thenitneededtoactasone.Theadop- tion ofa logo was the first stepin many toachieve that goal. Myquestbeganwithresearch.Afterhoursofsketchingdifferentpositionsofclaws, Ifinallymadeadecision.Thechosenclawwasthatofanattackingeagle, honingin onitsprey. Itwaschosenforitsboldness, itsoverallastheticlook, butmostofall becauseitsymbolizedthestrongreputationoftheTalon,andofTheAmericanUni- versity asa whole. Conversionofthefinaldrawingintothesystemoflinesandintervalsweseeinthe finallogowasnoeasytask.Eachlinehadtobeplacedwithprecision. Muchlikethe Talon staff, every line works in conjunction with, and depends upon all of the others. Noonelinestandsalone. Onelineisjustthat: oneline. Onlytogethercan they form the final trademark. -In Complimentingthethemeitself,theTalonlogoisanexpansionontradition.Itsbold lookrepresentsa promising futureforthe Talon. With thepassingofeach year, it willsymbolizethetraditionswhichhavebeenexpandeduponinthepast, andwill hopefully instill within us the initiative to expand, in the future, those traditions which exist today. -C. Kokinos Copyright1991. Allrightsreserved. LibraryofCongresscardcatalognumber83-643275ISSN0736-9727. ThecopyrightofallphotographsappearinginTalon'91revertbacktothephotographerafterpublication. Vrittenpermission mustbeobtainedfrom the Talon '91 editorin chieftoreproduceanythingotherthan •hotogaphs.Talon'91wasproducedbyastaffoistudentsatTheAmericanUniversity,withoutdirectaffiliation ~>theuniversityadministration. Prelude ^ 5 • "»' •••> ^ 4 Talon '91 with new and excil programs which would eventually become tradi- tions all their own. The TALON staff believed that Expanding The Tradition would reflect upon the year at AU quite well. Considering the events of the past year at the TALON, at The American University, in Washington, D.C., in the United States, and around the world, we had no idea how fitting our theme would be. K Since its inception in TALON 1927, the (or the AUCOLA, as the year- book was titled until 1955) has been a time cap- sule for the previous aca- demic year. This year is no different. However, as AU grows, so does the TALON. We have added new — three sections His- tory, World Events, and International Flair. ^ The History section provides The American University Prelude . with various memories encompassing a 65-year period. It offers insight into the yearbook's past and the times in which it was published, The fl World Events section is a retrospective look at the news that shaped the We world. are perhaps 1f most proud of the addi- tion of the International Flair section, a celebra- tion of the international diversity of our institu- tion. K Also, for the first time, Greeks appear in own their section as a tribute to their growth and presence on campus. TALON Finally, the has changed the names of some of our sections. The Clubs section is now Organizations, and now Sports are Athletics. TALON In design, honed its use ofgraphics, artwork, and typestyles. We have increased our copywriting, adding a ^c 6 Talon '91

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