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(continued from front flap) “Talk Less, Say More $21.95 USA / $25.95 CAN Communication is the single greatest challenge in is packed with powerful advice to D Attention spans are getting shorter every day. business today. Talk Less, Say More will help you I get your points across and make things Are distracted, impatient people tuning you reach your A-game in interpersonal communication, E giving you more power to change minds and inspire happen in today’s time-pressed world. K out before you can make your point? remarkable results—while talking less. Connie’s forward-thinking, actionable E This book solves the problem. T A L K L E S S communication shortcuts can N , elevate anyone’s game.” —Bruce Carbonari Chairman & CEO, S AY M O R E Talk Less, Say More is a revolutionary guide to T 21st-century communication skills to help you Fortune Brands “Connie Dieken’s three-step strategy is a A be more infl uential and make things happen in smart, practical guide for business leaders and our distracted, attention-defi cit affected world. L others who want to create a high-performance It’s full of specifi c tips and take-aways to ensure K culture. It’s an important, powerful book on that you’re fully heard, clearly understood, and L will ignite positive action in any business or social how to master communication E situation. in the 21st century.” S —Tom Swidarski You’ll achieve more with less. Less wordiness. Less S tune-out. Less frustration. You’ll gain more time. More President & CEO, , positive outcomes. More rewarding relationships. “Thanks to Connie’s communication Diebold S expertise, she makes it easy for anyone Whether you’re a business leader, emerging leader, or 3 to transform from a good communicator A salesperson, you need to persuade others to succeed. Habits to into an excellent one. Her three simple This book will get you there. It will help you cut Y C O N N I E D I E K E N is the country’s foremost through distractions, demands, and information principles are based on real-world experiences Fortune 500 leadership communication coach, an and demonstrate the power of a strong Influence Others and overload to get real results. Emmy® Award–winning former television news M communicator.” anchor, and an inductee of the Radio/Television Author Connie Dieken coaches leaders to communi- Broadcasters Hall of Fame. She is the founder and —David Lingafelter O Make Things cate with purpose. She’ll help you instantly gain more President of onPoint Communication, where she President, power and infl uence while spending less time being has guided thousands of leaders from organizations Moen Incorporated “Connie Dieken is a R tuned out. like Apple, Olympus, and McDonald’s to be more Happen true communication virtuoso and a influential and achieve positive results. E With this book’s fast-paced, no-nonsense style, genuine phenomenon. She is on a mission you’ll discover Connie’s Connect-Convey-Convince® www.TalkLessBook.com to elevate our ability to communicate. Talk methodology. These three powerfully simple habits will Less, Say More should be required reading for help you: Jacket Design: Michael J. Freeland all leaders and emerging leaders. It can instantly Author Photograph: Michele Monet transform the way people respond to you, giving CONNIE (cid:127)(cid:127) CONNECT with anyone to instantly capture their you the power to deliver brief, clear messages undivided attention (cid:127)(cid:127) CONVEY and nail information without overloading that infl uence the world.” DIE K E N or confusing —Robert Johnson (cid:127)(cid:127) CONVINCE anyone to take the action you want and Managing Counsel, feel good about it McDonald’s Corporation (continued on back flap) OVERALL MATTE FINISH E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page1 PraiseforTalkLess,SayMore ‘‘Talk Less, Say More is packed with powerful advice to get your points across and make things happen in today’s time-pressed world. Connie’s forward-thinking, actionable communication shortcutscanelevateanyone’sgame.” —BruceCarbonari,Chairman&CEO, FortuneBrands ‘‘ConnieDiekenisatruecommunicationvirtuosoandagenuine phenomenon. She is on a mission to elevate our ability to communicate. TalkLess Say Moreshould berequired reading for allleadersandemergingleaders.Itcaninstantlytransformtheway peoplerespondtoyou,givingyouthepowertodeliverbrief,clear messagesthatinfluencetheworld. —RobertJohnson,ManagingCounsel, McDonald’sCorporation “ConnieDieken’sthree-stepstrategyisasmart,practicalguidefor businessleadersandotherswhowanttocreateahigh-performance culture. It’s an important, powerful book on how to master communicationinthe21stCentury.” —TomSwidarski,President&CEO, Diebold ‘‘Talk Less, Say More has become an integral part of our sales training program. In today’s manufacturing environment, our sales engineers must be able to quickly gain mind share of our customers,delivertheappropriatemessages,andwinnewbusiness. TalkLess,SayMoreprovidesthecommunicationtoolscriticalfor success.’’ —DanaFritz,Manager,GlobalSalesTraining, RockwellAutomation ‘‘Talk Less, Say More is the answer to become an effective communicator.Connie’sprinciplescanbeemployedimmediately toimprovebothyourpersonalandbusinessinteractions.” ——TerryBauer,CorporateDirectorof SalesExecution,ReinhartFoodService ‘‘Thanks to Connie’s communication expertise, she makes it easy foranyonetotransformfromagoodcommunicatortoanexcellent one. Her three simple principles are based on real-world experi- encesanddemonstratethepowerofastrongcommunicator.’’ ——DavidLingafelter,President, MoenIncorporated E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page2 E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page3 TALK LESS, SAY MORE 3 to Habits and Influence Others Make Things Happen CONNIE DIEKEN John Wiley & Sons, Inc. E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page4 Copyright#2009ConnieDieken.Allrightsreserved. TalkLess,SayMore;Connect,Convey,Convince;onPointCommunication;Communiclutter; MakeThingsHappen;YouLostMeatHello;andCommunicationIntelligenceareregistered 1 servicemarksofonPointCommunication 2006–2007. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinany formorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning,orotherwise, exceptaspermittedunderSection107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,without eitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentofthe appropriateper-copyfeetotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers, MA01923,(978)750-8400,fax(978)646-8600,oronthewebatwww.copyright.com.Requests tothePublisherforpermissionshouldbeaddressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley& Sons,Inc.,111RiverStreet,Hoboken,NJ07030,(201)748-6011,fax(201)748-6008,oronline athttp://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. 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ISBN:978-0-470-50086-6 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10987654321 E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page5 Tothetwomostinfluentialpeopleinmylife, SpencerandAli E1FFIRS 08/20/2009 19:25:57 Page6 E1FTOC 08/20/2009 14:19:41 Page7 Contents Introduction Connect-Convey-Convince1 CONNECTManagingAttention 5 connect 10SignsYouMayBeaWeakConnector 7 CHAPTERONE WhyConnect? 11 CHAPTERTWO StayinTheirMoment 17 CHAPTERTHREE Frontload 29 CHAPTERFOUR GoldilocksCandor 43 ConnectReviewandActionPlan 54 CONVEYManagingInformation 59 convey 10SignsYouMayBeaWeakConveyor 61 CHAPTERFIVE WhyConvey? 65 CHAPTERSIX TheEyesTrumptheEars 71 CHAPTERSEVEN TalkinTriplets 83 CHAPTEREIGHT TellStories 91 ConveyReviewandActionPlan 99 CONVINCEManagingAction 103 convince 10SignsYouMayBeaWeakConvincer 105 CHAPTERNINE WhyConvince? 109 CHAPTERTEN SoundDecisive 115 CHAPTERELEVEN TransferOwnership 127 CHAPTERTWELVE AdjustYourEnergy 137 ConvinceReviewandActionPlan 150 PuttingItAllTogether 155 AbouttheAuthor 159 Acknowledgments 161 Index 165 E1FTOC 08/20/2009 14:19:41 Page8 E1CINTRO 08/19/2009 13:8:35 Page1 connect convince convey Introduction Connect-Convey-Convince1 Face-to-face communication skills are plum- meting in the twenty-first century. What does it take to be an influential communicator in today’s information-overload,attention-deficit,distraction- drivenworld?Doyouhavetomorphintoasuper- human communicator to keep people tuned in to yourideaswhenyou’reface-to-face? No, when it comes to communicating influen- tiallyinourfast-paced,Twitter-happysociety,less Now More is more. Than Ever, You can become a high performance commu- Less Is More nicatorifyousimplygetintothepractice ofusing threehabitsintherightorder.Thissimpleshiftin how you get your points across will create an enormous change in how people respond to you, whether you’re talking to an audience of one or one thousand. Forget the endless communication techniques thatyou’veheardaboutovertheyears.Allofthose 1

Praise for Talk Less, Say More. ''Talk Less, Say More is packed with powerful advice to get your points across and make things happen in today's time-
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