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Les diagrammessuivants iliustrent la mAthode. by errata 2 3 ned to 1 lent une pelure, fa^on A 1 32X Tales Tales of Space and Time c St Authoi K^ Tales of Time Space and By H. G. Wells Author of "When the Sleeper Wakes," "The War of the WorUl^** and "The Inviiible Man." Toronfo The Musson Book Co. BIBUOTHECA THE CR THE ST. A STOR' I. 1 II. ' Copyright, 1899, by III. ' DOUBLEDAY & McCLURE CO. IV. 1 v.. r A STOR I. II. III. IV. V. THE M Contents lAGE THE CRYSTAL EGG I THE STAR 37 A STORY OF THE STONE AGE: I. Ugh-Lomi and Uy.a ... 6i II. The Cave Bear 88 III. The First Horsem.an... 109 IV. Uya the Lion 128 c V. The Fight in the Lion's Thicket 145 A STORY OF THE DAYS TO COME : I. The Cure for Love . 167 II. The Vacant Country 198 III. The Ways of the City 231 IV. Underneath 264 V. BiNDON Intervenes 296 THE MAN WHO COULD WORK MIRACLES A Pantoum in Prose 327

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