lllwtw<HiiuiiM€i^^v^^ -i W 4 e IAHA THE STORY OF BOMBAY'S JAZZ AGE Naresh Fernandes books roli In 1935, a violinist from Minnesota named Leon Abbeybroughtthe first "all negro"'jazz band to Bombay, leaving.^ legacy thatwould last three decades. In a decade, swing would find its way to the streets of India as it influenced Hindi film music - the very soundtrack ofIndian life. The optimism of jazz became an important element in the tunes that echoed the hopes of newly independent India. This book,tells a story of India - and especially ofthe city of Bombay- through the lives ofa menagerie of geniuses, strivers and eccentrics, mamao. both Indian and American, who helped jazz find a home in the sweaty subcontinent.They include the burlyAfrican-American pianist TeddyWeatherford; the Goan trumpet player Frank Fernand, whose epiphanic encounter with Mahatma Gandhi drove him to try to give jazz an Indian voice; Chic Chocolate, who was known as the Louis Armstrong of India; Anthony Gonsalves, who lent his name to one of the most popular Bollywood tunes ever; and many more. TajMahal Foxtrot, at its heart, is a history of h Panties Bombay in swing time. Aoremusicof J< Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from The Archive of Contemporary Music http://archive.org/details/tajmahalfoxtrotsOOfern ?o > IAIJA W ^^ ^WIR' M llli J Jijfcw id"' THE STORY OF BOMBAY'S JAZZ AGE Naresh Fernandes Lustre Press Roli Books All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in anyform orby anymeans without priorpermission ofthe publisher. ISBN: 978-81-7436-759-4 ©Text & Photographs: Naresh Fernandes, 2012 ©Roli Books, 20I2 Published in IndiabyRoli Books M-75, GreaterKailash-II Market NewDelhi 110 048, India. Phone: ++91-II-40682OOO Fax: ++91-II-29217185 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rolibooks.com Editor: Priya Kapoor Design: BonitaVaz-Shimray Pre-press:JyotiDey Production: Shaji Sahadeven Printed andboundbyEIH Press, India. In the late 1930s, the Plantation Quartetdelighted Bombaywith their renditions of Negro spirituals and standards from the US South. ?s* 11?- *3fl rjt?^ .- — "r ~!-^ * * N 'ii s>: TheTaj Ballroom played host to some ofthe earliest ja2 bands to perform in India.